"Come to the blank area, I will take you to a place."

Zun Shi Tian looked at Han Jue for a while and said.

Han Jue asked cautiously, "Where to go?"

"You'll know when you come!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Shi Tian Boundless Great Destruction Venerable forcibly broke the dream.

Han Jue opened his eyes and asked in his heart, "Is there any danger in going to Shi Tian Boundless Great Destroyer?"

[Need to deduct 2 trillion years of life, whether to continue]



Han Jue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, since it was not a calculation.

In fact, he is not afraid. Even if he is trapped, he still has a way to escape. His transcendence rules have already been scattered into countless parts, and even if he dies, he can be resurrected at any time.

In a sense, the creator of Tao is immortal.

Han Jue immediately set off for the blank area.

Soon, he was wrapped in the power of Shi Tian Boundless Great Destruction Venerable, he did not resist and let Shi Tian Boundless Great Destruction Venerable take him away.

Han Jue's eyes flashed before he came to a mysterious dark space.

His will swept away and found that this space was boundless, larger than the entire chaos, without any vitality, absolutely nothingness.

One after another, the vast imposing manner descended, and it was the great **** of Shi Tian's immeasurable annihilation, chaotic ignorance, no form and formless transcendence.

This is……

Han Jue was secretly curious that he should not be besieging him. After all, killing him like this would not kill him at all, and the creator of Dao would not be so stupid.

Chaos was ignorant and said, "Fellow Daoist Han, you are really an ascetic practitioner. You will ignore me when we ask you for a dream."

Han Jue said: "Because I didn't want to offend you, so I didn't worry and concentrated on my cultivation."

The Great God of Invisibility and Formless Transcendence said: "Recently, there have been many waves of chaos, and there are even more demons. We gathered for this reason. Now all the avenues have merged with chaos. If chaos changes, we will all be affected."

That's what happened.

Han Jue frowned and said, "I also noticed it before. I thought it was an omen of the great calamity, so I didn't care. Could it be another reason?"

Chaos ignorant told their guesses, and Han Jue's face became ugly.

"How can this be good..."

Han Jue was in trouble, as if thinking of some kind of desperate situation, his face became more and more gloomy.

Invisible and invisible detachment from the great **** said: "Now, we must join hands and prepare early, just to protect our Dao world."

Shi Tian Boundless Great Destroyer looked at Han Jue and said, "Although your Great Dao Realm is not close to Chaos yet, it will be a matter of time, so let's join forces and discuss it here, so that the existence will not be noticed."

Han Jue asked in his heart: "Does the ninth chaos really know this world?"

[Need to deduct one billion billion years of life, whether to continue]


【I don't know】

That's good!

Han Jue looked at the three Taoist creators and asked, "How to prepare?"

Chaos ignorant said: "We create clones, spread Taoism, and improve the strength of each avenue in order to resist the chaos demons."

That's it?

Han Jue frowned.

"We can't directly intervene in Chaos. If we do that, he will be alarmed. The number of Chaos Demons is increasing. Only by protecting our sentient beings can we prepare for the next step." Chaos said ignorantly.

Han Jue had to nod in agreement.

Shi Tian Boundless Great Destruction Venerable said: "If you have something to do in the future, come here by yourself, this space has been opened for you, and you can't spread it."

Han Jue said, "I know what to measure."

The creators of Tao chatted for a few more words and then left.

Han Jue returned to the third dojo and began to think.

Just now, the creators of Taoism mentioned the Dark Lord, and they all suspected the Yin-Yang Wushou Sishen God, the most mysterious creator of Taoism.

Han Jue was thinking about how to use the Dark Lord to act next.

His goal is only one, to delay the progress of the ninth chaos, so that he can be the first to become the creator of the Tao.

He will not help the creators to overthrow the ninth chaos, because he does not like the creators.

How to act has to consider balance.

At this time, Han Zongdao, the head of the nine gods, woke up, and he asked softly: "The ancestor, may there be something to worry about, I am willing to solve the problem for the ancestor."

As soon as this remark came out, the other descendants woke up one after another, as did good and evil.

Han Jue smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's just that more and more demons appear in Chaos, which can't be counted, but it can't be a threat to Chaos for the time being, you should cultivate well, if you want to serve me, you must at least reach The avenue is supreme.”

The road is supreme!

Jiu Shenxing's complexion changed dramatically, as did good and evil.

The supreme perfection of the Dao is equivalent to the culmination of cultivation, and it is necessary to cultivate to the end to act for the first ancestor.

This is too scary!

Before they came, they were all mortals, and when they thought about how long they would be in retreat in the future, they panicked.

Han Jue saw through their thoughts, but there was no comfort. This kind of thing must be endured.

At this time, a voice came from outside the door: This time Zhang Si

"Master, my disciples come to see you."

Su Qi!

He first entered Baiyue Xianchuan, found Han Jue's clone, and then was sent to the third dojo.

For Su Qi, Han Jue loves him very much, so his avatar is also very fond of him. He didn't ask him anything, and let him come directly.

Of course, the ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ clone had already detected Su Qi before the teleportation, and there was no other power or trace on his body.

Han Jue said, "Come in."

The door of the Taoist temple opened, and Su Qi stepped in immediately.

The former Broom Star is already one of the most lofty saints in the Heavenly Dao, with an extraordinary bearing and does not look like a disaster star at all.

Nine Gods, Good and Evil all looked at Su Qi with curiosity in their eyes.

Su Qi was stunned when he saw them, but he didn't expect that there were so many people in the Taoist temple.

Su Qi came to Han Jue and knelt down and saluted, with a respectful attitude.

Han Jue smiled and asked, "What's the matter?"

Su Qi looked around.

"But it doesn't matter. They are all my descendants. If they can't get out for hundreds of millions of years, don't worry about being known by them." Han Jue said with a smile.

Jiu Shenxing showed a bitter smile, Su Qi could not laugh or cry, hundreds of millions of years, how boring?

Su Qi took a deep breath and said, "Master, I don't want to stay in Heaven anymore, I want to come back to practice and serve you. If you have a task for me, that's fine. It's too easy to live in Heaven, so easy that I've already been taken care of. Many younger generations surpassed."

The strongest people in the Dao of Heaven are also Dao saints, and those who have reached the supremacy of Dao, such as Zhao Shuangquan, Qingtian Xuanji, Qin Ling, etc., left the Dao of Heaven and opened up forces outside alone. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

Today's Heavenly Dao has reached its limit, and neither strength nor power can grow.

Han Jue looked at Su Qi and said, "Then you should stay and practice here."

As soon as the voice fell, the space in the Taoist temple suddenly became larger, containing twelve of them, and it seemed extremely empty.

Su Qi quickly thanked him. control the big lord

Han Jue began to preach for them, and by the way, he tested Su Qi's current understanding of Taoism to see if his understanding was rigid.

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