The appearance of Han Jue made all the nearby hidden disciples excited, and the mighty murderous intent that enveloped the world seemed to have disappeared.

The divine light of his body became the brightest light in the eyes of everyone, representing hope and victory.

In the hearts of the hidden disciples, Han Jue is invincible.

Since ancient times, how many seemingly irreversible desperations have appeared in front of Han Jue, and they will no longer question Han Jue, but only look forward to it.

"It's good to say it, but don't say it next time. If you have the ability, you can rely on your strength to shoulder your responsibilities!"

Han Jue's voice floated, and Jiang Jue and others bowed their heads in shame.

Han Qing'er hummed, "That's right, one by one, they're not strong enough, and they're swollen and fat. In the end, instead of bothering my father, I might as well escape back to the dojo with me."

Facing her ridicule, everyone was even more ashamed and didn't even dare to respond.

Lao Dan looked at Han Jue and felt very emotional.

At the beginning, I never thought that this person would grow into a transcendent existence that his deity could not even match, and surpassed the entire chaos.

Han Juehong looked into the distance, locked on the supreme evil demon who fought with Zhao Shuangquan and Han Huang.

"You are here."

The Supreme Punishment God appeared beside Han Jue with a low tone.

Han Jue didn't look at him, and said softly, "Take care of your injuries."

The Supreme Punishment God said: "I suspect that this fellow has surpassed the avenue and reached that higher realm. You have to be careful."

Han Jue did not reply.

He didn't take action immediately, but wanted to see the limits of Han Huang and Zhao Shuangquan.

Han Tuo, Han Qinger, and Han Yunjin rushed over.

"Father, hurry up, the second brother can't stand it anymore."

"What are you waiting for?"

In the face of the urging of his children, Han was unmoved.

More and more great powers noticed the appearance of Han Jue. His divine light resisted all prying eyes. Seeing that the Supreme Punishment God Venerable was so respectful, the older generation great powers guessed Han Jue's identity and felt relieved.

The powers of the new generation are curious, who is this person?

at the same time.

Inside the third dojo.

"The ancestor is gone!"

Good and evil are excited, as if he himself was the one who went to the rescue.

The same is true for Jiu Shenxing. They are so excited. In these years, they have often watched Chaos, and they have experienced simulated trials, so they have been looking forward to the ancestors and the most evil Chaos. Who is stronger.

Xing Hongxuan smiled and said, "That guy is miserable."

Jun Xuanqing, Fairy Xixuan, Qingluaner, and Changyueer all nodded with smiles. This time hxjxsm Zhang Si

Han Jue never fights a battle without a chance of winning. As long as he is willing to take action, the battle situation must be overwhelming.

Han Huang frantically mobilized the power of Ning Yuan, but every time he wanted to use his supernatural powers, he was directly dispelled by the evil demon.

"Damn... what kind of magical power is this?"

Han Huang was so angry that his eyes were red.

He couldn't see the attack of the most evil **** at all.

Every time he got up, he felt a terrifying invisible force suddenly hit him.

Not only him, Zhao Shuangquan was also extremely annoyed.

"Damn, this is the power of the ninth brother?"

Zhao Shuangquan was indignant, is this still the power dedicated to him, why is it so difficult to surrender?

He couldn't help guessing, could it be that the ninth brother changed his mind?

The two of them gathered their bodies again and slaughtered the most evil demon. They were dissipated by invisible forces at the moment of moving, and they were wiped out in the alien space.

"Wait for the reptiles, are you still struggling?"

The voice of the most evil demon sounded.

"You don't know the meaning of chaos at all, your existence is just an accident, I will swallow you, just let you return to the original way!"

"But since you are going to fight to the death, then I will let you feel hopeless, unprecedented despair!" Qiang Xie read the sacrifice

The laughter of the most evil chaotic reverberated at the bottom of the chaos, making those practitioners who were recovering both angry and frightened.

The top ten cities were trampled down, and I don't know how many billions of beings died, and they were all practitioners, equivalent to the backbone of chaos.

After this battle, I don't know how long it will take for Chaos to recover.

Han Jue watched for a while, then walked up to the sky step by step, there seemed to be an invisible ladder under his feet.

Seeing that he finally made his move, all the nearby greats breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huang'er, step back."

Just as Han Huang continued to go up, Han Jue's voice stopped him, and he didn't take off again, he turned his head to look, don't be stunned.


He didn't expect his father to come.

Because his father had not dealt with Chaos for almost 200 million years, he also understood that his father must have his own Dao world.

Zhao Shuangquan also heard Han Jue's voice and followed.

Before restoring his original memory, what he worshiped most was the divine power and heavenly sage.

Now that his memory is restored, as the Eighth Chaos, he is very curious about how strong this junior is.

The Ninth Chaos had warned him that among the current creators of Tao, only Han Jue could threaten him.

"Who are you?"

The evil **** looked at Han Jue and asked in a deep voice. A pair of murderous red eyes penetrated the thick fog and landed on Han Jue.

The sky and the earth were turbid, and the eyes of Han Jue, who was far away, collided with the eyes of the most evil demon.

All the creatures looked at Han Jue.

The picture seems to freeze, Han Jue's stature is not tall, compared with the most evil bastard, it is extremely small. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Han Jue paid no attention to the super evil demon, and he was getting closer and closer to the super evil demon.

The Evil Chaos became restless, opened his mouth suddenly, and the violent karma was like a black hurricane, sweeping the entire bottom layer of chaos.

Han Jue marched forward against the violent karma, that karma could not even break his treasure shield.

Those who were healing were not injured either. They were all sheltered by Han Jue's ultimate power, which surprised them greatly.

"Who is he?"

"It seems to be a divine power!"

"Shenwei Tiansheng, is the legendary mythical power who opened the era of Tianjiao?"

"It's so powerful, why haven't I heard of it?"

"Nonsense, you are so powerful, all mortals know you?"

Han Jue seemed to be walking slowly, but in a few steps he came to the most evil bastard.

The hurricane transformed by karma exploded, and the most evil demon saw clearly in front of him, and was so scared that he took a step back. With his figure, this step was hundreds of millions of miles away.

"who are you?"

The most evil demon seemed to be stimulated and roared wildly.


The thick fog in the sky was washed away, and a black beam of light fell from the sky, drowning Han Jue.

In the beam of light, the roar of the demons came one after another, and they gathered together to form a harsh and terrifying noise.

Soon, the roar turned into a howl.

Red rays of light protruded from the middle of the black beam of light, annihilating the black beam of light, and a huge final heavenly seal appeared, growing larger and larger, occupying the entire sky at the bottom of the chaos. control the big lord

Even the most evil **** had to look up.

"This trick..."

Han Huang's eyelids jumped wildly, thinking of the previous mock trial.

Zhao Shuangquan was moved, looking at the boundless End Yuan Tianxi, he was shocked.

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