Compared with the past, the frequency of e-mails in these years has been greatly reduced, but the number of appearances of detached existence has greatly increased.

It seems that the creators of Tao have all started to act.

Han Jue thought silently while reading the email.

I don't know what the ninth chaos thinks after he repelled the evil chaos demon.

Whether it is to use the most evil demon to destroy the creator of Taoism, or to take the most evil demon to complete Zhao Shuangquan, it is difficult to achieve now.

However, after the ninth chaos, there must be a calculation, and you will know if you look at it.

After reading the email, Han Jue did not go out, and continued to retreat.

Chaos is in the revival stage, there are still demons roaming, and all forces are re-cultivating the backbone.

The ancient Hongmeng world.

Huang Zuntian curled up in the endless purple air, his soul was wrapped in chains formed by strips of purple characters, unable to move.

A vague figure appeared in front of him, it was Shiyuan Hongmeng.

Shiyuan Hongmeng looked at Huang Zuntian and said, "The most evil chaotic demon has been expelled from Chaos. Guess who did it?"

"Han Huang?"

Huang Zuntian snorted coldly and said, after being suppressed for so long, he has already passed the stage of anger, and now he can communicate with Shiyuan Hongmeng.

What if you don't communicate?

Shiyuan Hongmeng said: "Han Huang's father, God of Power, Heavenly Sage, the most evil demon who suppressed the entire chaos, is powerless in front of Heavenly Sage of Godly Power."

Huang Zuntian was silent.

Shiyuan Hongmeng said: "Fortunately, I am not arrogant. If I go out early, I am afraid that I will die. We should retreat in the ancient Hongmeng world. When we truly surpass the Dao and go out, then I will return your body."

Huang Zuntian smiled and said, "Return my body, or give me a new body?"

"It's all the same, if there is no me, how can you be today, you should repay me."

"But your ambitions are too big, not just to become stronger."

"Hmph, if I am the Demon God of Hongmeng, I naturally have to open up Hongmeng. The premise of opening up Hongmeng is to destroy Chaos, just like Chaos replaces Hongmeng, so at this point, I am the real Demon God of Hongmeng, and Han Huang is nothing but a thief. The famous generation does not have the ambition of the Hongmeng Demon God."

Huang Zuntian was silent again.

He knew that he couldn't convince Shiyuan Hongmeng, this fellow had already been enchanted.

But sometimes it is not unreasonable to think about the words of Shiyuan Hongmeng. Chaos can replace Hongmeng. Why can't Hongmeng counterattack?

Perhaps because he is a chaotic creature, he has a natural sense of distance from Hongmeng.

Shiyuan Hongmeng disappeared, leaving a sentence:

"Shenwei Tiansheng will be my biggest enemy in opening up Hongmeng, and I will cultivate with him as the goal."

Huang Zuntian did not respond when he heard the words, but he was full of disdain in his heart.

No matter how you cultivate, it is impossible to catch up with the master.

"I also have to find a way. Although I was suppressed, the primordial energy here can nourish my soul. Maybe this is also a chance. It is a little bit stronger."

Huang Zuntian thought silently and was excited.

Inside the third dojo.

Dao Zhizun, Jiang Yi, Zhao Xuanyuan, Han Tuo, Yitian, Heiyuji, Yang Tiandong, Murongqi, etc., most of the disciples of the hidden sect gathered here.

With the consent of Han Jue's clone, the other three divine punishments under Han Tuo's command also entered the dojo.

When they came in, they all experienced absolute purification.

Lao Dan, who accompanied Dao Supreme, did not come. Lao Dan was very self-aware, and he also wanted to go back to see the deity.

The third dojo has never been so lively, and the good and evil and the nine gods also appeared to receive the seniors.

The direct disciples did not dare to despise these ten juniors who followed Han Jue's side to cultivate. If they could be seen by Han Jue, they were definitely the arrogances among the arrogances.

"Han Tuo, why do I feel that these ten guys are not inferior to me?"

Yi Tian winked and asked with a smile on his face.

Han Tuo said in disapproval: "When my father gave birth to me, he just proved the Dao. When he gave birth to Han Yunjin, what kind of cultivation was he? Naturally, his aptitude will only be higher than mine."

Most of the descendants of the Han family are from Han Yunjin. Han Jue has five children. Han Tuo, Han Huang, Han Qinger, and Han Ling are all busy cultivating. That is why Han Yunjin doesn't pay much attention to the cultivation base and spreads branches and leaves for the Han family.

When Han Yunjin came back to practice this time, he also wanted to visit his mother Li Yao by the way.

Han Jue and Li Yao are both ascetic people, but they gave birth to such a free and easy son, but it is also amazing.

When a group of direct disciples meet, it is indispensable to reminisce about the past.

After a long time, Jiang Yi suddenly proposed to learn from each other in the mock trial, which attracted the approval of the disciples, so they began to learn from each other.

time flies.

Another thousand years have passed.

Han Jue's good fortune selection has accumulated nine times, but he has no idea of ​​using it.

Ninety million years have passed, and the Nine Gods have all achieved Dao supremacy. There are simulation trials, and their actual combat experience has not fallen behind.

Han Jue checked the email first.

After the direct disciples came back, the circle of friends was much deserted.

In the long years, his friends have been decreasing. In addition to the imminent deadline, some people with low cultivation have forgotten him.

Although Han Jue did not deliberately reach the level of indescribable reputation, the gap in cultivation was too large, and the communication and cause and effect between the two sides were constantly being erased.

After reading the email, Han Jue got up and walked out of the Taoist temple.

The disciples were all cultivating, but they were quiet.

Han Jue began to preach, pulling everyone into a state of enlightenment.

Qiang Ruo Han Tuo and Dao Zhizun were only absent for a moment before being forcibly pulled into a state of enlightenment.

Han Jue's Daoist voice echoed in the dojo, and the disciples of the second dojo and the main dojo could hear it. There were hundreds of millions of disciples in Baiyue Xianchuan.

Five thousand years later, the sermon ends.

Han Jue chatted with the girls in the Taoist temple to relieve their confusion about their practice.

In just a few words, the girls benefited a lot.

Xing Hongxuan said: "Husband, I have been having a dream all this time, and I keep repeating it."

Han Jue asked with a smile, "What dream?"

It is a miracle that they can still dream when they reach their cultivation base.

Xing Hongxuan hesitated.

"Say it." Han Jue urged.

Qing Luan'er, Xuan Qingjun, Fairy Xixuan, Li Yao, Wu Daojian, and Chang Yue'er all looked at her in surprise, wondering what the dream was.

Xing Hongxuan said: "I dreamed that there was another you, repeating your life in the mortal world."

Han Jue raised his eyebrows, UU read www. asked: "More details."

"That is, I saw a young man born in the mortal world, who is also the Yuqing Sect. He experienced the same things as you and continued to grow, but I couldn't see his true face, but his behavior was different from yours. Although it is the same experience, he is more arrogant and stronger than you."

Xing Hongxuan thought hard, trying to recall the details of the dream.

Han Jue asked in his heart, "Who did Xing Hongxuan dream of?"

[This cause and effect cannot be evolved, maybe there is no such cause and effect, maybe the other party has the ultimate treasure]

What the hell?

Are there so many extreme treasures?

Han Jue said, "Show your dream and let us see."


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