Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years

Chapter 936: Xiaoyao Xian, vertical and horizontal chaos

"Shenwei Tiansheng is already the strongest in Chaos. If you want to surpass him, if there is no great opportunity, it is absolutely impossible."

That mysterious voice entered Qingtian Xuanji's ears again.

Qingtian Xuanji seemed to sense something, and looked back suddenly, only to see a figure walking from the horizon, with lotus flowers under his feet, walking in a leisurely manner.

This figure is formed like the wind, it is difficult to see the true face, and it is mysterious and unpredictable.

"Who are you? Sign up!"

Qingtian Xuanji shouted in a deep voice, his heart was burning with anger.

This person must be trying to instigate his relationship with Shenwei Tiansheng.

He wanted to be on par with the gods and gods, just to chase, not to hate. .

He is a saint of heaven, how can heaven and earth destroy each other?

"I am the Xiaoyao Xian who traveled through the chaos, looking for the great good fortune in the chaos. Your aptitude is already the highest in the chaos, even more outstanding than the divine mighty saint, but unfortunately, there are only seven kinds of great good fortune in the chaos. , if you can't get one of them, you can't surpass the divine power and heavenly saint after all."

Feng Ying laughed softly, his tone was ethereal and incomprehensible.

Qingtian Xuanji frowned and asked, "Which seven?"

Happy fairy?

He hadn't heard of it at all.

But the other party's words aroused his interest.

"In the Supreme Dao of Three Thousand avenues, there are seven supreme rules. The divine power of the previous chaos and chaos is one of the seven supreme rules. It is also known as the divine power of the avenues of luck. The ancient gods forcibly swallowed the supreme rules, which could have been with Shenweitian. The Holy One competes against each other, but it suffers from the backlash of the supreme rules, and finally ends up being doomed."

Xiaoyao Xian said leisurely, listening to Qingtian's mysterious mystery.

This man is definitely not easy!

Definitely better than me!

If it is difficult to escape, it is better to learn more about Chaos from his mouth.

Qingtian Xuanji thought silently in his heart, and then followed Xiaoyaoxian's words and asked.


The decisive battle between Shenwei Tiansheng and ancient desolate spirits has caused a long-lasting heated discussion in Chaos.

One hundred thousand years later, all beings in chaos are still discussing this battle, but this battle has become a myth, and younger practitioners listen to this myth and step into the path of cultivation.

Inside the Taoist Temple.

Han Jue opened his eyes, until the God Venerable of Punishment had not yet succeeded in enslaving, he had to release a million arrogance ahead of time and throw it directly into the thirty-third layer of the sky.

The appearance of a million arrogance naturally caused a great movement.

Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, Jiang Yi, Han Yu, Qin Ling and others were among them.

They looked at each other, a little stunned.

Their wills have always been in chaos. I don't know what happened in these years. They seem to have had a dream.

At this moment, a lot of powerful breaths flew from the chaotic cities around Tiandao.

"It's really them, Shenwei Tiansheng didn't lie to us!"

"I want to come to these 100,000 years, Shenwei Tiansheng is eliminating the hidden diseases in their bodies."

"Indeed, the ancient desolate gods are extremely vicious, and they must have left behind."

"We'd better be cautious and ask questions later."

"My son, you are still alive!"

For a time, this void became lively.

The saints of Tiandao also came to greet Han Yu and others.

Knowing that the ancient gods were dead, Dao Zhizun and others were extremely excited.

"Hahahaha, as expected of my master!"

Zhao Xuanyuan laughed loudly, attracting a look of awe and gratitude. It turned out that this was a disciple of Shenwei Tiansheng.

In any case, Shenwei Tiansheng is the savior of millions of Tianjiao present, and his prestige is unmatched in Chaos.

If nothing else, in the past 100,000 years, the way of heaven has been worshipped by many heaven and earth, and now there are more than a thousand affiliated heaven and earth, surpassing the Sanqing Holy Realm in one fell swoop.

More and more forces began to curry favor with the way of heaven, and they would show their favor no matter how bad it was. Instead, the Sanqing Sacred Realm was isolated.

Han Jue simply glanced at the situation outside the Dao of Heaven. With the Holy Sword of Fool, he couldn't go wrong for the time being. In the current chaos, no one dared to provoke the Dao of Heaven, unless he believed that he was stronger than the God of Ancient Desolation.

Han Jue continued to practice and waited for the enslavement of the God of Punishment to succeed.

This is 300,000 years.

[Successful enslavement in Hongmeng Tian Prison]

[The Supreme Punishment God has a favorable impression on you, and the current favorable impression is full stars]

Han Jue opened his eyes and looked at the God of Punishment next to him.

After the enslavement was successful, the Supreme Punishment God Venerable also regained consciousness.

It is worthy of the existence of the Supreme Dao, and it took 400,000 years to enslave it successfully.

The Supreme Punishment God stood up, knelt down in front of Han Jue, and said, "Meet the master."

The head of the dignified **** knelt in front of Han Jue like this, with a serious expression and a respectful tone.

"From today, you will continue to be the head of your gods and act according to your previous plan. As for the relationship between you and me, you must not tell anyone, understand?"

Han Jue said indifferently, seeing the respectful appearance of the Supreme Punishment God Venerable, he was rather boring.

Invincible loneliness, he has felt.

The Supreme Punishment God Zun immediately responded.

Han Jue warned him a few more words and waved him out.

He called up his email to check, and over the years, the circle of friends has been very harmonious, and there have been no large-scale attacks.

Han Jue was very pleased.

After reading the email, Han Jue came to the third dojo and called Han Qinger and Han Huang.

After the two entered the observation, they knelt down in front of Han Jue and were very excited.

Han Jue said with a smile: "You are all grown up, and if you want to go out in the future, your father will not stop you any more."

With the Supreme Punishment God standing on it, the children should not be in danger.


"Father, are you enlightened?"

The two asked in unison. The second sentence was said by Han Qinger, which made Han Jue speechless.

How did you speak?

Han Qing'er knew that she made a hurriedly said, "I mean why did you figure it out?"

Han Huang laughed and said: "In addition to the ancient gods, who else is our father's opponent in Chaos today?"

Han Jue glared at him and said, "Walking in chaos, don't be arrogant, let alone underestimate any cultivator, understand?"


The two answered in unison.

On the same day, the two said goodbye to their mothers and were sent out of the dojo by Han Jue.

They first found Jiang Peishi and Liu Bei, and prepared to leave.

Jiang Peishi looked at his junior brother and junior sister, and smiled kindly: "Where do you want to go in the future? Actually, Chaos is not much fun."

Han Huang smiled and said, "I have to find Evil Heaven Emperor first. I promised him that once I go to Chaos, I will find him first."

Han Qinger shrugged and spread her hands: "I will definitely follow my second brother, otherwise what if I get bullied?"

As long as Han Huang's cultivation base doesn't touch the Supreme Dao, he will hardly get hurt.

But the Dao is supreme For Chaos, few people know, including most Dao saints, do not know the existence of this realm, only know that there is a sky outside the sky.

"Brother Jiang, let's go together."

Han Huang smiled and said: "Your aptitude is very strong, I have seen many Daoist saints, and even the five great gods, they are not as good as you, why keep shutting up about this, you and I join forces to create chaos, except for my father in today's chaos , who can be your opponent and me? My father said that the chaos event will be held, and then you and I will compete in the chaos event. "

"The eternal peak can only be between you and me!"

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