Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years

Chapter 963: 00,000 avenue saints, peerless battle

A Dao deity came to Our Lady of Order and said, "My Lady, be careful, there are traitors already, don't call any more."

The Holy Mother of Order did not answer, and talked with the great powers from the future, and the Dao deities did not say much, for fear of affecting morale.

Yi Tian came to Han Tuo and said with emotion: "It seems that Shenwei Tiansheng still has a great influence on his descendants. Does this mean that it is difficult to kill him this time?"

Han Tuo's face sank.

Han Huang didn't know what he was thinking.

Jiang Jueshi said: "Not necessarily, it may be the fall. If future generations want to cover up this past, they will naturally beautify the master."

Yi Tian thinks it makes sense.

At the same time, the chaotic theocracy is still evolving into a figure, and the weakest is the saint of the avenue.

As there are more and more saints of the Great Dao, the powerhouses from the future also realize that the enemy this time is very strong, and it is not enough for so many powers to join forces.

For a time, the void under the divine power of Chaos fell into silence.

The new future powerhouse felt the dignified atmosphere, and did not dare to ask, and could only ask the past self.

Soon, the number of Dao Saints here exceeded 20,000, and they were still growing.

Thirty thousand!

forty thousand!

fifty thousand!

When this number was reached, the avenue saints present were no longer excited, only nervousness remained in their hearts.

How strong is the enemy that the 50,000 avenue saints can't match?

There must be massive casualties!

No one dared to disturb the Virgin of Order, who believed that the Virgin of Order had a number. .

The Virgin of Order did not stop, which means that it is not enough.

Time goes on.

In the future, Jiang Jueshi came to Jiang Jueshi's side, and the two communicated through voice transmission, and Jiang Jueshi's face changed slightly.

Jiang Jueshi turned his head to look at the future Jiang Jueshi, and found that his future self was a little different.

He couldn't say what was different.

Han Huang stared at Jiang Peishi in the future, his eyes extremely cold.

In the future, Jiang Jueshi smiled slightly towards Han Huang.

Yi Tian suddenly asked, "Why is your future only you?"

Han Huang has three in the future, and Han Tuo has ten in the future.

Jiang Peishi was stunned, not knowing what to say.

Jiang Jueshi in the future smiled and said, "He has many futures, but they are all isolated from me."


Han Tuo, Han Huang, Yi Tian and the other God Punishment standing nearby were all stunned.

What means is this?

In the future, Jiang Jueshi said with a smile: "Okay, let's see the situation, there will be a good show next."

Yi Tian stared at him and asked in a low voice, "You wouldn't be a traitor too, would you?"

Jiang Peishi shook his head and laughed in the future.

Jiang Peishi's deity frowned and fell into deep thought.

In the early realm, Han Jue's clone is still waiting.

"Our Lady of Order can really bear it."

Han Jue murmured to himself that the number of saints on the Great Dao has exceeded 100,000, of which the Great Dao Supreme has reached thousands, and the Holy Mother of Order is still calling.


The trick is wrong.

If Han Jue had seen it in his previous life, the enemies were all underestimating the protagonist before they met with annihilation. Counting Han Jue's past enemies, every one of them had a backer. He was never underestimated, but he was not overestimated enough.

The reason why the overestimation is not enough is that Han Jue is too low-key.

Han Jue is not in a hurry.

Anyway, he has already evolved the outcome of this battle in advance, and he is a stable group.

Inside the third dojo.

Han Jue began to simulate the trial, and the challenge object was the ancient gods. When he fought the ancient gods before, he had quietly copied the data.

a few days later.

Han Jue is very confident.

Our Lady of Order, keep shaking!

Below a million, I despise you!

Ten years later.

The Chaos Divine Power Skynet was finally closed, and the Holy Mother of Order turned to look at the countless powerful figures around, and the breaths gathered together, which was extremely vast.

The Holy Mother of Order said: "Everyone, we are about to face an unprecedented powerful enemy. He is too powerful, and he can be regarded as the first person in the past, but I don't know if it will be counted in the future. I don't want you to come and encounter unexpected events, so Gather enough power, strong enough to suppress him!"

"No, it is enough to suppress any powerful enemy!"

Her words were very light, but blood surged in the chests of the more than one million avenue saints present.

Looking up, this kind of grand occasion will hardly happen again!

"The avenue gods lead the way, go to the realm of Absolute Beginning, kill the gods and gods, and kill the chaos in the future!"

The Virgin of Order waved her hand, and the voice fell, and the millions of avenue saints broke out with a terrifying momentum, led by the current avenue gods, and flew to the realm of the beginning.

"Shenwei Tiansheng, I didn't expect to face this legend today."

"The era I live in also has the legend of divine power and heavenly sage. It is truly invincible."

"It's okay, so many great powers join forces, not to mention a divine mighty saint, a hundred will have to die!"

"Hahaha, this battle will definitely rewrite history!"

"Maybe this is history, but we didn't know it."

How terrifying the aura of the Saint of the Million avenues, alarmed the entire chaos.

More and more practitioners are rushing to the realm of Absolute Beginning, and their cultivation base is at least a free saint. No matter how low the cultivation base is, they will not dare to go. Even if they hate Shenwei Tiansheng, they will not blindly die.

How fast they are, with the help of so many Great Dao Supreme, they came to the realm of Absolute Beginning in less than half a column of incense time and surrounded the entire Realm of Absolute Beginning. UU Reading

Han Jue slowly got up, and a statue of the devil appeared from the top of his head. All of them were magnificent and gathered together, and the realm of the early days could not accommodate them.

Han Jue looked up and saw many acquaintances.

Both sons are there, as well as apprentices.

It is worth mentioning that the three of Dao Zhizun have disappeared. These three guys are obviously Dao saints, and they are full of hatred for him, but they have never come to him to seek revenge.

Presumably beaten somewhere.

It must be a place of great ominousness that can make Dao saints beaten and trapped.

Han Jue just thought about it casually, and his attention had to be in front of him.

"Shenwei Tiansheng, let's capture it!"

An avenue deity shouted angrily, and the murderous aura of millions of avenue saints erupted, locking on Han Jue.

This void shattered in an instant, and the layers were like mirrors, and in an instant only the original void remained.

The realm of the beginning is also crushed!

A peerless war is about to break out!

Han Jue despised the sage of the avenue of millions, and secretly said: "I miss you shaking a million, you really shake it!"

It has to be said that the Virgin of Order is still very capable.

Unfortunately, not enough!

"It's useless to talk too much, come and die!"

Han Jue said domineeringly, the three thousand chaotic demons were successfully condensed, standing back to back behind Han Jue, roaring in all directions, shaking the entire primordial void.


A Dao Supreme in a golden battle armor took the lead, holding a halberd radiating divine light and attacking Han Jue. As soon as he moved, tens of thousands of great powers immediately followed.

Hundreds of thousands of saints of the Great Dao all used their magical powers to seal the void to prevent Han Jue from escaping.

All kinds of domineering and subtle magical powers attacked Han Jue. In an instant, Han Jue saw countless illusions, as if the reincarnation of the world was fleeting.

Bug carving tricks!

Han Jue's red eyes burst out with brilliance, directly dispelling countless illusions.

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