"I'm different from Qingtian Xuanji, he's just a coward who can bark, he doesn't dare to kill people easily, he's just stupid, humiliating others, and letting them survive, sooner or later, it will be doomed, I'm different, I'm just my opponent, if there is no cause and effect , I'm too lazy to deal with it."

Zhao Shuangquan hummed, with a look of contempt.

Su Qi could only helplessly smile at the grievances between Qingtian Xuanji and Zhao Shuangquan.

The open and secret struggle between the two geniuses is not a secret in the whole heaven, but fortunately, they are just bickering, competing for strength and winning, and do not count each other's lives, they also cherish each other, neither of them have friends, and they are the ones who have the most contact with each other among their peers. , in the eyes of the saints, this is the best friend.

Su Qi said: "There are more and more news about the Chaos event, all parties in Chaos are building momentum, Tiandao is ready to support you and Qingtian Xuanji, but at present you have no outstanding record, the scope of activities has always been in the Tiandao Alliance, those of your subordinates Even the defeated generals have the honor of looking at the way of heaven."

Zhao Shuangquan was silent.

Su Qi said: "By the way, have you ever heard of Han Huang?"

Zhao Shuangquan's eyes lit up and asked, "Heavenly Court Han Huang?"

"That's right."

"Naturally I have heard that many people say that he has almost sat on the throne of the eternal peak. He is born at ease, his aptitude is unparalleled, and his backing is even more incredible."

"Hehe, you have to call him Uncle Shi, understand?"

"Yes, Uncle Han!"

Zhao Shuangquan scratched his head and said with a smile, because of Su Qi, he has a good impression of Yinmen. In his opinion, Yinmen is a kind and righteous line of Taoism.

This time 17BXW* Zhang Si. Back in the day, Su Qi was calculated to be so dead, that he could only give up any Taoism, except for the hidden door.

Su Qi was even supported by Shenwei Tiansheng as a saint, and Zhao Shuangquan was taken care of by other Yinmen seniors since he was a child. He was able to compete with Qingtian Xuanji, and the hidden door saints contributed a lot.

Su Qi said: "If you want fame, I would like to recommend you to go to Junior Brother Huang's service, and to make a name for himself, it is also considered to take advantage of your Uncle Huang's prestige."

Zhao Shuangquan was silent.

He is arrogant and arrogant. Although he likes the hidden door very much, it does not mean that he feels that he is not as good as the hidden door.

Su Qi said: "If you don't go, Junior Brother Ji will recommend Qingtian Xuanji to go there. Heavenly Court's plate is still too small to help you take off."

In the beginning, Qingtian Xuanji was under the command of Ji Xianji. Later, in order to make Qingtian Xuanji a genius cultivated by Tiandao, he expelled Qingtian Xuanji from his division by himself. At this point, Qingtian Xuanji really belonged to Tiandao.

As soon as he heard that Qingtian Xuanji was going, Zhao Shuangquan immediately said: "Then I will go! I will be a soldier for Uncle Huang!"

Su Qi suddenly smiled, the child could not stand it.

"Your Uncle Huang doesn't necessarily agree."

Su Qi shook his head and smiled. This is the truth. He usually doesn't move around with Han Huang, and no matter how close he is, he has to be unfamiliar.

Zhao Shuangquan grinned, if Han Huang did not agree with him, he would naturally not agree with Qingtian Xuanji.

As long as it doesn't lag behind Qingtian Xuanji!

ignorant of the road.

The four of Taoist Supreme walked in an underground palace. The hall was spacious. The walls on both sides and above were inlaid with countless colored spar, and flames of different sizes were floating, which made the light here bright.

Lao Dan reminded: "Be careful, that guy invited us here, there must be a plot."

Jiang Yi said: "Hmph, so do we."

The four of them walked all the way and came to a lake. The lake was blocked in the center of the hall. The lake surface was thousands of zhang in diameter, sparkling, and all kinds of transparent fish were surging in the water, which was full of vitality.

The four stopped by the lake, and a figure stood across the lake. It was the white-haired figure who brought them to the Wuzhi Dao Realm.

The white-haired figure has grown out of the lower body, like a cow and horse, covered with black hair.

Zhao Xuanyuan exclaimed: "We are here, what do you want to do, just say it directly."

The white-haired figure made a low and hoarse voice: "Become a realm master, help this realm get rid of chaos, and I will help you master the divine power of the Great Dao!"

The four of Dao Zhizun looked at each other.

The white-haired figure continued: "In addition to the divine power of the Great Dao, which belongs to Chaos, other people can also master the divine power of the Great Dao of the Dao of Unknowledgeable Dao. Only I have moved in the Dao world of ignorance, and I can only hold one of them."

Jiang Yi frowned and asked: "Drag us to do chaos with you? Isn't this making us deviant!"

"You all come from the Dao of Heaven. The Dao of Heaven is actually the same as the Dao of Ignorance. The essence is the same as chaos, but they are not compatible. After the Dao of Heaven grows to a certain level, sooner or later, it will be reduced to the same experience as the Dao of ignorance. The reason why Daozu disappeared is that It is for the Tao of Heaven, and the reason why the Tao of Heaven has not been able to develop thousands of years ago is also to be concerned about chaos."

The white-haired figure began to tell the past of the Tao of Heaven to the four of them.

Dao Zhizun glanced at Lao Dan.

Lao Dan's voice transmission said: "It is true, the old man has heard from the teacher that the Dao of Heaven is a chaotic, well-ordered world, but you also understand the situation of the Dao of Heaven, if it is not for the rise of your master, I am afraid..."

Dao Zhizun's face was gloomy.

The white-haired figure said: "To help the ignorant Dao world is also to help the heaven."

Zhao Xuanyuan asked, "Who are you?"

The white-haired figure hesitated for a moment, and said, "I am the first living being in the Dao world of ignorance. You can call me the first god."

First God?

So arrogant!

The four Taoist Supreme thought to themselves.

Jiang Yi asked: "How can I dare to believe you? What if you do anything in the Dao Qi luck divine power of the Dao Dao world of ignorance?"

The first **** replied: "I have no room for calculation. I just want to survive. If you don't believe me, you can let one of them test it first."

The four of Taoist Supreme were silent.

Zhao Xuanyuan looked at Dao Zhizun and said, "Brother, let's make a decision!"

Jiang Yi said: "The mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire, brothers, let's do it together!"

Lao Dan was speechless and couldn't help covering his chest.

It's a dull pain.

Dao Zhizun said solemnly: "Go! If there is no such cause and effect, if we want to achieve Chaos, we have to take the sword and seek great opportunities. Moreover, the development of the Dao of Ignorance is also an ally of the Dao of Heaven, fighting against Chaos together, brother. Don't forget, we are heavenly creatures, not chaotic creatures!"

Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi both laughed, their smiles were extremely firm.

After 100,000 years, Han Jue opened his eyes, and what caught his eye was Han Ling's beautiful face.

Han Jue glared at her and said angrily, "Keep staring at your father, what a formality!"

Han Ling smiled and said, "Father."

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. This smile is obviously coquettish.

Don't say, Han Jue's dissatisfaction dissipated immediately when she acted like a spoiled child.

He said helplessly: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I've already mastered the treasure you gave, let's compare it in the mock trial?" Han Ling said with a smile.

Han Jue raised an eyebrow.

This girl is reversed!

Make a big tyrant. Want to challenge your dad?

Very good, let you experience the despair of your father's enemies!

If you like top-level luck, quietly practice for a thousand years, please collect it: () Top-level luck, quietly practice for a thousand years, the literature update speed is the fastest.

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