The final Yuan Shenyu can condense the light blades of the seven great gods, sweeping all the creatures in the sight!

This magical power is what Han Jue thought by borrowing from the Seven Supreme Rules.

The magical effect of the final yuan Shenyan has to be verified by actual combat.

He began to simulate the trial, against the gods of the nine descendants.

In a short period of time, he used the final spirit to kill the gods of nine descendants.

However, this does not reflect the power of supernatural powers. After all, his own cultivation base has surpassed the gods of the nine descendants. He can use other supernatural powers to kill the gods of nine descendants in seconds.

Han Jue challenged 100 gods of nine descendants in one breath, thereby showing the power of the final spirit.

After a stick of incense, Han Jue opened his eyes.

"It's alright, compared to the end of the Yuan Tianxi, the end of the Yuan Shenyan can better show the destructive power of the end of the Yuan Demon God."

Han Jue thought like this, the Ultimate Heaven Seal is almost omnipotent, capable of attacking and defending, controllable and sealable, but it cannot show the strongest destructive power of the ultimate power. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

It is enough to use the final essence of God, but there is no other magical effect of the final essence of God.

The Shenwei Datian Palm can also destroy everything, but it is not flexible enough, and the final Yuan Shenyan is different. The seven gods continue to exist, destroying the enemy all the time!

In the face of Ningyuan Shenyan, the powerful gods of nine descendants can only passively defend.

End Yuan Shenyan can penetrate the power of all rules, all formations, and contains the ultimate destructive power!

If there is no Ninth Chaos, Han Jue can directly destroy Chaos by relying on End Yuan Shenyan.

That's right, his ultimate power can already damage the basic order of chaotic space!

After dozens of simulated trials, Han Jue's ultimate spirit has reached its peak and is fully integrated.

Really want to find a hearty opponent!

It's a pity that the ninth chaos appeared in the dream, otherwise Han Jue would have to copy it.

He was looking forward to the power of the creator of Taoism.

"Father, I've become stronger again. According to what you said, my army of one million emperors will be in great formation, and their strength will increase by leaps and bounds. Let's learn from each other!"

Han Ling said suddenly, interrupting Han Jue's thoughts.

Han Jue nodded with a smile.

To deal with her daughter, she naturally couldn't use the final soul, and in that case, the girl's Dao heart would definitely be broken.

As before, Han Jue stood still, Han Ling could not break the defense, and could only be defeated.

Han Ling stared at the robe on Han Jue's body and said, "Father, what level are the magic weapons on your body?"

She could feel that Han Jue really didn't make a move, and with just one magic weapon, he took all the damage from the millions of imperial soldiers.

Han Jue smiled and said, "Secret."

For the daughter, it has to be kept secret.

What if one day I leaked it?

Han Ling pouted, sighed, and asked, "Father, how many powers are there like you in the chaos, and how many are stronger than you?"

Han Jue said: "Well, to reach my level of cultivation, most of them are in retreat and cultivation in their respective fields. Anyway, I am definitely not the strongest. I work hard to cultivate, but also to become the strongest as soon as possible."

Han Ling's face became serious, and his eyes became more determined.

"Father, I will cultivate well. With you, you will become the strongest, and I will become the second strongest!" Han Ling said seriously.

Han Jue asked with a smile but not a smile: "Oh? Is it only the second strongest? You don't want to surpass me?"

Han Ling smiled and said, "Beyond you, you must be thinking about it, but you can't talk about it every day."

This is normal.

Han Jue couldn't help laughing.

Unless they pass through Hongmeng Heavenly Prison, Han Jue's sons and daughters naturally want to surpass him.

Comparing heart to heart, if Han Jue has a strong father, no matter how much he respects and likes him, he wants to surpass him.

Any strong person wants to be the strongest.

This is also Han Jue's children and grandchildren, even if they have Han Jue's protection, they still have to go out to life and death. They are not peaceful masters, and they all want to become stronger, even the strongest.

Han Jue's gaze softened towards Han Ling, and he began to preach for his daughter.

Although Han Ling accompanies Han Jue to practice, Han Jue rarely preaches for her, mainly because of her excellent aptitude and almost no bottleneck in her practice.

In the blue sky, there are countless swords hanging upside down, all kinds and magnificent.

There is a small pavilion in the sky, standing above the clouds.

Lao Tzu is sitting in the pavilion, and there are pieces of sapphire jade on the table, he is studying.

At this moment, a light and shadow appeared beside him and sat down with him.

Lao Tzu did not turn his head, turned a blind eye, and continued to stare at the fragments on the table.

"There is indeed a side of the Great Dao Realm hidden under the bottom layer of chaos. It does not need to be small, but it is suppressed by the rules of Chaos. The entire Dao Realm is divided into two, and the power of Chaos turns into the earth, spreading over the entire Dao Realm."

Guangying said, his voice was vicissitudes, as if he was lamenting the years and the avenue.

Lao Tzu couldn't help but glanced at him and asked, "What do you mean?"

Guangying said: "This is an opportunity."

Lao Tzu was silent.

"Your Dao world has been hidden, but how long can it be hidden? When you hit a higher realm, it will definitely be exposed, and then it will be a disaster. If you can join forces with other Dao world masters, there may be a chance of life. "Light and Shadow continued.

Lao Tzu looked at him and asked, "Teacher, where is your Dao world?"


There is only one person who can be called a teacher by Laozi, Daozu!

Light and shadow are Daozu!

Daozu replied, "My Dao world is the Dao of Heaven."

Lao Tzu chuckled lightly and said no more.

"Make a plan early, Chaos has been moving a lot recently, and that existence is not very patient. For him, he can resurrect all beings, destroy all beings, and re-create Chaos. What he wants is to be arbitrary, UU Reading www.uukanshu .com becomes the master of power and realm." Daozu disappeared after leaving these words.

Lao Tzu raised his right hand and held it slightly, and the sapphire fragments on the table condensed together to form a sword.

"Sorry, teacher, whether you are calculating or caring, I don't need it anymore. My Dao world will be turned into a sword, tearing apart this chaos and slashing the three thousand Dao."

"There is always an alternation of old and new, Chaos replaces Hongmeng, Heaven can replace Chaos, and Heaven is not the end."

In the mysterious realm, the Evil Heaven Emperor bent down and saluted, and in front of him was a vaguely splendid figure, the one who was detached from the Tao, the great **** of detachment without form and form.

"I don't know what the seniors are looking for me?"

Xie Tiandi asked, without looking up.

He was full of vigilance. This time S*HucAn Zhang Si

In the past, it was him who took the initiative to find the Great God of Wuxiang and Wuxiang, and this was the first time he was actively summoned.

The great **** of invisible and invisible detachment has always used the mantra of not sticking to cause and effect. This time I took the initiative to find him, and there must be something.

This old man is not honest.

"Evil Heavenly Emperor, what are your plans for your future? Heaven is not the right way, you should already understand." The voice of Wuxiang, the invisible detachment of the great god, was indistinct, and his tone was even more dull. control the big lord

Xie Tiandi frowned and said, "I don't know either, maybe that's it."

In fact, he has been confused for a long time. The development of the Heavenly Court is a bottleneck period, and it is strong enough. If he continues to attack the big forces, it is easy to offend the big forces, cause chaos at the domain level, and provoke sanctions from the Dao spirits.

Unlike Han Huang, Zhao Shuangquan, Qingtian Xuanji and other arrogances, Xie Tiandi has not pursued his cultivation for a long time. His current mentality is just to get along. If he can collect more arrogances, it will be fun.

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