Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 100: Concentrating on making a secret ointment that leaves no marks, his name as a miracle d


A wound was cut on the back of Lu Changsheng's hand by a knife.

But there was no bleeding.

Under Lu Changsheng's conscious control, the wound not only did not bleed, but it was also healing rapidly, and the skin and flesh on the back of his hand also grew together rapidly, indistinguishable from each other.

Finally, the wound on the back of his hand disappeared without a trace, and there was no trace of the previous wound.

"The flesh itself has a certain healing ability."

"But warriors who are not in the realm of divine power cannot use consciousness to control the active growth and healing of the flesh, so scars will be left."

"But if there is a drug that stimulates the rapid growth and healing of flesh, wouldn't it be possible to achieve the goal of not leaving scars?"

Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up, and he thought of a way.

It is theoretically feasible.

Even Lu Changsheng has many kinds of drugs in his mind, but he needs to test them one by one.

So, in the following days, Lu Changsheng was busy testing various drugs.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

"It's done!"

On this day, Lu Changsheng showed a smile on his face.

On the table in front of him, there appeared a green ointment that looked like jelly.

It seemed to be made from many kinds of herbs ground up.

Lu Changsheng called it "traceless ointment".

Traceless ointment is made from twenty-one kinds of herbs, which can make people's flesh and blood grow quickly.

Of course, it only targets the skin.

It has a certain recovery effect on flesh and blood, but the effect is not great.

After all, if there is a drug that can make flesh and blood heal quickly, it can be called a "magic drug".

The traceless ointment was finally successfully developed, and Lu Changsheng immediately called Lu Yang and Zhang Xuan.

During this period, although Lu Changsheng's main energy was on developing the traceless ointment, he did not forget to teach the two martial arts.

Of course, they were all superficial martial arts of the blood-strengthening realm.

Both of them have a talent for martial arts, and have already sensed the blood and qi, and are slowly strengthening the blood and qi.

"Lu Yang, Zhang Xuan, from today on, you will promote it throughout the Sihai Gang, saying that I can heal injuries without leaving scars."

"Heal injuries without leaving scars?"

The two were slightly startled.

During this period, Lu Changsheng has been very busy, and the two did not know what he was busy with.

Now it seems that he should be studying how to treat injuries without leaving scars.

"Don't worry, doctor, we will definitely promote it well."

So the two went out to promote it quickly.

After a while, a patient came in.

This was a man who was stabbed, and there was a long scar on the back of his hand and arm.

However, it had been bandaged and applied with medicine.

"Doctor Lu, I heard that you can treat injuries without leaving scars?"

The man asked.

"Yes, do you want to try it?"

"Try, of course! This injury is actually nothing, but leaving such a long scar is really ugly."

The man agreed.

So Lu Changsheng directly unwrapped the bandage on the other person's arm, cleaned it carefully, and reapplied the "traceless ointment".

Suddenly, a cool feeling acted on the arm.

"This is just a skin injury, it can recover quickly, and the effect will be seen in a few days."

Lu Changsheng said.

"Then thank you, Doctor Lu."

The man was skeptical.

Then more people came in one after another, all for the purpose of leaving no scars.

There were quite a lot of people this time, and everyone was thinking of giving it a try.

So after a few days, many people found that the wounds were gone, and there was really no scar left.

For a time, Lu Changsheng became famous!

As the number of patients increased, Lu Changsheng also gained more and more credit.

One day, a person with a special identity came to Lu Changsheng's clinic.

It was a young woman in black, with a delicate face, but a very cold expression.

Lu Changsheng glanced at the woman and asked calmly: "Where is the injury?"

The woman had actually been observing Lu Changsheng since she entered the clinic.

She was silent for a while and said: "It's not very convenient here."

Lu Changsheng also understood after hearing this.

However, there was another room in the clinic.

Lu Changsheng took the woman to the inner room.

The woman hesitated for a moment, but slowly undressed.

There were many scars on the woman's abdomen, back, etc.

Although they had healed, the scars looked very hideous and terrifying.

The woman had good skin and a delicate appearance.

From the outside, you can't tell that the woman has so many scars on her body.

"Doctor Lu, is there any way to remove these scars on my body?"

The woman asked.

Lu Changsheng thought for a moment and replied, "Of course there is a way, but I'm afraid I need to cut the skin and apply the traceless ointment again, so that the scars on your body can be removed."

"However, this will be very painful, do you need Ma Fei San?"

A trace of expectation flashed in the woman's eyes, she gritted her teeth and said, "No need for Ma Fei San, come on."

After that, she closed her eyes.

Lu Changsheng did not hesitate, and immediately picked up a sharp knife and began to slowly cut the skin along the scars on the woman's body.

There were many scars on the woman's body. After cutting them one by one, the woman was sweating all over her head, but she still gritted her teeth and persisted, which showed her strong will.

Lu Changsheng worked for about an hour before applying the traceless ointment on the woman.

"Okay, in a few days, your wounds will heal and there should be no scars."

Lu Changsheng said.

The woman opened her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

She put on her clothes and bowed deeply to Lu Changsheng.

"My name is Xu Ling. I may bother Doctor Lu again in the future. Please forgive me, Doctor Lu!"

"However, if Doctor Lu needs anything, you can also ask someone to find me."

After Xu Ling finished speaking, he turned around and left the clinic.

Lu Changsheng thought that this Xu Ling might not be simple and should have a certain status in the Sihai Gang.

So, he called Zhang Xuan to ask.

"Zhang Xuan, the woman just now called herself Xu Ling, do you know her?"

Zhang Xuan was slightly startled and said: "Xu Ling? Could it be Xu Ling, the deputy leader of the Dark Hall? Doctor Lu, her identity is not simple, even a little complicated. You'd better not have too much contact with Xu Ling."

"What do you mean?"

"In addition to being the deputy leader of the Dark Hall, Xu Ling is also the daughter of the previous gang leader. The current gang leader was not the successor designated by the previous gang leader, but relied on some means to get to the top. Therefore, the gang leader seems to love Xu Ling on the surface, but in fact, he often makes things difficult for her."

Lu Changsheng understood.

As the daughter of the previous gang leader, Xu Ling is more or less a threat to the current gang leader.

After all, the previous gang leader still has many connections.

As long as Xu Ling is still there, the connections of the previous gang leader will fall on Xu Ling.

In this way, the current gang leader will naturally be wary of her.

If anyone gets close to Xu Ling, I'm afraid they will be suspected by the current gang leader.

It's no wonder that Xu Ling, a woman, was transferred to the Dark Hall.

This Dark Hall is not a good place to go. It specializes in undercover, assassination to obtain intelligence, or secretly deal with some opponents of the Four Seas Gang.

They do some very private work and are very jealous.

However, Lu Changsheng doesn't care.

He is just a doctor, and Xu Ling is just his patient. The two don't have much relationship.

A few days later, Xu Ling came.

This time, Xu Ling was injured, and the injury was on the thigh, bleeding, and looked very scary.

However, they were all skin injuries, no bones were injured, and it was not serious.

However, a few days later, Xu Ling came again.

This is the third time!

However, this time Xu Ling was injured on the face.

Lu Changsheng couldn't help asking: "Is the Dark Hall so dangerous?"

According to the frequency of Xu Ling's injuries, who can withstand it if he is injured every two or three days?

It is estimated that he is lucky to survive for half a year.

Xu Ling glanced at Lu Changsheng. She pondered for a while and then said, "I want to earn merits so as to exchange for blood exchange pills."

"Doctor Lu, I have also heard about your story. You have offended Chen Yan, and Chen Yan's elder brother is Chen Shan. These two brothers are not generous people. You have to be careful."

"If I am not mistaken, Doctor Lu should also be a martial artist who refines internal organs. If you have enough merits, you can try to exchange for a blood exchange pill, which can directly exchange blood once. Such pills are hard to come by."

After saying that, Xu Ling left.

"Blood exchange pill? It can directly exchange blood once..."

Lu Changsheng seemed to understand why so many people were injured recently.

I am afraid that they are all trying to earn merits and exchange merits for blood exchange pills.

However, Lu Changsheng is already a martial artist in the realm of divine power and no longer needs blood exchange pills.

He is very interested in blood exchange pills.

Lu Changsheng had taken blood exchange beads before, but blood exchange beads are not blood exchange pills. There is an essential difference between the two. Blood exchange pills can be refined, but blood exchange beads themselves are a kind of rare item.

"Zhang Xuan, during this period of time, you can inquire about the blood exchange pills of the Sihai Gang."

"Okay, doctor."

Zhang Xuan is smart, and it is quite useful to use it to inquire about some information.

The next day, Zhang Xuan found out the news.

"Doctor, the Sihai Gang does have some blood exchange pills recently. I heard that the Sihai Gang spent a lot of money to ask the immortal master to refine them."

"So, recently, all the warriors in the Sihai Gang who are in the refining state have tried their best to earn merits, with the purpose of exchanging a blood exchange pill."

Lu Changsheng raised his head fiercely.

"Wait, you said immortal master? What immortal master?"

"Doctor Lu, don't you know? It is said that more than ten years ago, an immortal master came to Zhanhai City, named Shangyuan Immortal Master, and established a Taoist temple called Shangyuan Taoist Temple, which is located in the north city."

"Shangyuan Immortal Master is good at refining pills. Many high-quality pills in Zhanhai City are made by Shangyuan Immortal Master."

These things seem to be common knowledge in Zhanhai City.

However, Lu Changsheng is not from Zhanhai City, so he naturally doesn't know.

Even if Lu Changsheng came to Zhanhai City last time, he was to feel the artistic conception of the waves. He didn't stay in Zhanhai City for a long time, so he didn't know about "Shangyuan Immortal Master".

"Refining pills..."

Lu Changsheng is very interested in refining pills.

"I will take a day off tomorrow and won't see patients."

Lu Changsheng made a decision.

The next day, Lu Changsheng left the Sihai Gang early.

He went directly to Shangyuan Taoist Temple in the north of the city.

Sure enough, Lu Changsheng saw the very impressive Shangyuan Taoist Temple.

However, Lu Changsheng saw a long line outside the Taoist temple. After asking around, he found out that these people were all here to see the Immortal Master Shangyuan.

But the Immortal Master Shangyuan would not see anyone.

The Immortal Master Shangyuan would only see someone if he had something that the Immortal Master Shangyuan needed.

The Immortal Master Shangyuan would publish all the things that the Immortal Master needed, but the names of these things were very unfamiliar.

However, these things were painted with patterns in the Shangyuan Taoist Temple to facilitate people's identification.

As long as you have these things, you can see the Immortal Master.

It's a pity that Lu Changsheng doesn't have any of these things.

"Go back."

Lu Changsheng immediately turned around and returned to the Sihai Gang.

"Immortal Master... I wonder if he is the kind of Immortal Master I imagined?"

Lu Changsheng pondered.

With the word "immortal", Lu Changsheng's memories of two lives naturally had many associations.

However, he had to go and see him in person, or even ask in person to understand.

But now he didn't have what the Shangyuan Immortal Master needed, and the other party didn't see him at all.

Let alone Lu Changsheng, even the leader of the Sihai Gang, as long as he didn't have what the Shangyuan Immortal Master needed, the other party would not see him at all.

Moreover, the Sihai Gang, such a behemoth, did not dare to offend the Shangyuan Immortal Master, which shows that the Shangyuan Immortal Master is not as simple as it seems.

Otherwise, how could a force like the Sihai Gang be polite to the Shangyuan Immortal Master?

The Sihai Gang was so polite, only if they were so strong that they couldn't afford to offend the Sihai Gang, and therefore they didn't dare to be presumptuous to the Shangyuan Immortal Master.

Lu Changsheng originally thought about whether to break into the Shangyuan Dojo at night as "Knife Twelve" to check it out.

But after thinking about it, he decided not to take the risk.

There are quite a few warriors in the Divine Power Realm in the Sihai Gang, and none of them dare to offend the Shangyuan Dojo.

If Lu Changsheng rashly broke into the Shangyuan Dojo, who knows what would happen?

"No hurry, let's learn more about the Shangyuan Immortal Master and the Shangyuan Dojo first."

Lu Changsheng made up his mind.

A few days later, Xu Ling came again.

This time, although Xu Ling was also injured, he was full of vigor and looked very happy.

"Master Xu, did you get the blood exchange pill?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

"I'm lucky this time. I got a blood exchange pill."

"By the way, Chen Shan also got a blood exchange pill. And with Chen Shan's accumulation, he is very likely to use the opportunity of a blood exchange to advance to the divine power realm!"

"But don't worry, Doctor Lu, I will also try to impact the divine power realm this time. If I reach the divine power realm, I will definitely protect Doctor Lu and make Chen Shan dare not mess around."

Xu Ling said solemnly.

It seems that Lu Changsheng is just an ordinary doctor, but it is different for Xu Ling.

Lu Changsheng cured the scars on Xu Ling's body and almost untied Xu Ling's heart knot. For a woman, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a favor to rebirth.

Xu Ling is naturally very grateful to Lu Changsheng.

"Then Lu thanked Master Xu."

Xu Ling left the clinic with satisfaction.

"Chen Shan?"

Lu Changsheng shook his head. He didn't care whether Chen Shan reached the divine power realm or not.

If Chen Shan has become a divine power and really wants to control him, then Lu Changsheng doesn't mind letting "Knife Twelve" come back and kill Chen Shan.

It's a small matter!

Time flies, and another month has passed.

Lu Changsheng's reputation as a "miracle doctor" has gradually spread.

In fact, Lu Changsheng only gained great fame with the "traceless ointment".

Then he was called a "miracle doctor".

Even some dignitaries in Zhanhai City thought of various ways to come to the Sihai Gang and let Lu Changsheng treat his illnesses.

And his master Wu Jing, who has been practicing medicine for a lifetime and saved countless lives, is only called a "famous doctor".

The traceless ointment is really not worth mentioning compared to Wu Jing, who has saved countless lives.

But now, Lu Changsheng has become a "miracle doctor".

However, this also makes it much easier for Lu Changsheng to gain credit.

In just over two months, Lu Changsheng has already gained enough credit.

"The credits I deducted for killing Chen Yan's apprentice last time have been paid off, and there are even a lot left. I can go and exchange them for some martial arts first."

One of the purposes of Lu Changsheng joining the Four Seas Gang was to exchange martial arts.

So, Lu Changsheng went straight to the martial arts building of the Four Seas Gang.

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