Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 103: Cutting the waves with one sword, and breaking through a thousand levels of understandi

"Quick, there's an assassin."

"Surround the Daozitang."

"Deputy Hall Master Chen Shan is dead!"

After a while, a large number of Daozitang members ran in from outside. Seeing the two halves of Chen Shan's body on the ground, they were all silent and looked very ugly.

This was the deputy hall master of Daozitang, and a warrior in the divine power realm, but he was killed in public in Daozitang.

For a moment, everyone looked at the inner room.

Soon, an old man in a gorgeous robe came out of the inner room.

"Meet the hall master!"

Everyone hurriedly saluted.

The old man in the gorgeous robe was the hall master of Daozitang, Chu Qingshan.

Chu Qingshan waved his hand, his face gloomy.

He was in the inner room just now, and actually witnessed Chen Shan being cut into two halves by a knife. He didn't even have time to rescue him.

"Who is this person? He was able to kill Chen Shan with one sword, and that sword was far more powerful than the power of Bai Ding. He must be at least a master of Bai Ding realm."

"Fortunately, the other party seemed to be only here to kill Chen Shan, with a strong purpose, otherwise, I would have died!"

Chu Qingshan was extremely shocked.

He even felt a little fortunate.

Recently, because of the birth of Yunying Mine Mother in Zhanhai City, all kinds of monsters have emerged...

Chu Qingshan hurried to report the situation to the gang leader.

After Lu Changsheng killed Chen Shan, he returned to the house and became the respected and beloved "Doctor Lu" again.

When he came to the clinic, Zhang Xuan ran over immediately, his face full of excitement.

"Doctor, it's really a case of evil being punished. I don't know who Chen Shan offended, and he was killed by someone in the Daozi Hall in public. Even Chen Yan was caught in the crossfire and was beaten to death."

"Now, both brothers Chen Yan and Chen Shan are dead."

Zhang Xuan seemed to have let out a sigh of relief and was very happy.

"Will evil be punished?"

Lu Changsheng just smiled and didn't say anything.

There is no such thing as evil being punished in this world, only provoking someone who shouldn't be provoked!

After a while, someone from the medical hall came and began to clean up Chen Yan's clinic.

The deputy hall master came to Lu Changsheng and said with a smile: "Doctor Lu, you are a celebrity in our medical hall recently. The traceless ointment has spread throughout Zhanhai City, and many people come here to admire your reputation."

"Your merits have accumulated to the level of 'senior doctor'. From today on, you are the senior doctor of my medical hall!"

Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

The biggest difference between senior doctors and ordinary doctors is that the consultation fee is much higher.

The consultation fee of doctors in the medical hall is actually replaced by merit.

That is to say, for the same patient, Lu Changsheng will be able to get more merit in the future.

This is a good thing, and Lu Changsheng will not think that the merits are too much.

After all, his merits have to be used to exchange for a large number of martial arts. Not only is he not rich, but he can even be said to be stretched to the limit.

Time passed quickly.

After killing Chen Shan, Lu Changsheng no longer had any worries.

Moreover, the Four Seas Gang did not seem to continue investigating Chen Shan. After all, Zhanhai City was too chaotic during this period, and all kinds of masters and monsters emerged one after another. The main focus of the Four Seas Gang was still on Yunying Mine Mother.

Lu Changsheng saw a doctor in the morning and went out to sea on the ship of the Ocean Chamber of Commerce in the afternoon.

Sophie specially allocated a ship for Lu Changsheng to use.

In the blink of an eye, another two months passed.

Lu Changsheng sat cross-legged on the deck.

In the distant sea, a huge wave surged from the sea and sky.

"Boom boom".

The huge waves were so huge that even if the ship of the Ocean Chamber of Commerce was big enough, it was still hit by the huge waves, as if it was going to capsize.

The captain shouted with horror on his face: "Mr. Dao, this wave is too terrible. The ship can't bear it. I'm afraid it will sink..."

The captain is very experienced. He said that the ship is likely to sink, and that is definitely not aimless.

It was not the first time that Lu Changsheng encountered huge waves in the sea, but it was the first time that he encountered huge waves that could overturn a large ship.

In front of the might of heaven and earth, what was a mere large ship?


The huge waves hit.

The mast on the deck was actually broken directly.

All the sailors showed despair on their faces.

They might be buried in the belly of fish today.

Lu Changsheng was also soaked all over, and he stood still like a reef despite the huge waves.

There is great terror between life and death.

Similarly, there is also great opportunity between life and death!

Lu Changsheng's sea wave state of mind was actually increasing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

16%, 17%, 18%, 19%...

When Lu Changsheng's sea wave state of mind increased to 20%.


Lu Changsheng's mind roared.

The 20% sea wave state of mind gave Lu Changsheng a new understanding.

Without even thinking, he drew his sword in the vast waves.


The sword was unsheathed.

A round of blood-red sword light seemed insignificant in the huge waves.

However, even this insignificant blood-red sword light faintly sounded the sound of rolling waves.

This sword was not a simple sword of blood and qi.

It was a sword that cut out the artistic conception of waves.

It was like a real wave.

The terrible huge waves were cut in half in an instant under this sword light.


The huge waves retreated.

And fell back into the sea.

Everyone was stunned at the scene in front of them.

"The sword cuts the waves?"

"Can a warrior do this?"

There are actually many warriors among the sailors on the big ship.

They still understand the principle that if you draw a sword to cut the water, the water will flow faster.

However, who would have thought that "Mr. Knife" would cut the huge waves with a single sword.

This terrifying power and means shocked them.

"So this is the real use of the sea wave state of mind..."

Lu Changsheng smiled.

At this moment, he felt happier than being promoted to the Hundred Tripods Realm.

"Sea Wave State of Mind" seemed to open a new door to martial arts for him.

It turned out that martial arts can also achieve such a magical level.

The waves receded, and the sea was calm for a while.

Lu Changsheng's mind also fell into peace.

Many martial arts emerged in his mind.

These martial arts are second-level and third-level martial arts.

They may be perfected at any time.

And Lu Changsheng is now waiting for the martial arts to be perfected.

Because his comprehension is close to 1,000 points.

I don't know how long it has been.


A line of small characters appeared in front of Lu Changsheng.

"The Divine Fist is perfected, and the comprehension is increased by 3".

This is a third-level martial art.

However, the important thing is not what level of martial art it is.

But when the comprehension increases by 3 points, it changes from 998 to 1001 points.

The comprehension points exceed 1,000, and the edge is exposed and unstoppable.

Lu Changsheng saw with his own eyes that the comprehension on the attribute panel has changed from "hidden dragon in the abyss" to "praised by all directions".

This is obviously a qualitative transformation!

At the moment when Lu Changsheng's comprehension changed, many pictures appeared in his mind.

In front of him, it seemed that the nine big characters "Lin Bing Douzhe Jie Zhenxiang Qianxing" appeared.

This is the complete version of the nine-character mantra!

No matter what method Lu Changsheng came up with before, he could not practice it to perfection, but only to a small success.

However, now with the comprehension points exceeding 1,000, the secret method of the nine-character mantra seems to have no secrets anymore.

Small success, great success, and perfection!


The Nine-Character Mantra Secret Technique was perfected! It was perfected in an instant.

"The Nine-Character Mantra Secret Technique is perfected, and the comprehension is increased by 19."

Lu Changsheng opened his eyes wide.

He knew that the Nine-Character Mantra Secret Technique was very powerful.

But he never thought that it could reach the 19th level.

What is the concept of 19th-level martial arts?

So far, Lu Changsheng has never been able to reach the 19th level in any martial arts.

Only the Nine-Character Mantra Secret Technique!

Not only the Nine-Character Mantra Secret Technique, but also the second-level and third-level martial arts that Lu Changsheng exchanged for in the Four Seas Gang before.

Before, he had to think hard about practicing.

But now it is different.

He only needs to practice the second-level martial arts once, and it will be perfected immediately.

"The Nine-Spin Step Technique is perfected, and the comprehension is increased by 2."

"The Falling Leaf Knife is perfected, and the comprehension is increased by 2."

"The Tiger Roar Fist is perfected, and the comprehension is increased by 3."

As long as Lu Changsheng is willing, he can spend a little time and effort, and the second-level and third-level martial arts can be perfected almost instantly.

In just a short moment, Lu Changsheng had practiced all the twenty or thirty second- and third-level martial arts that he had exchanged to perfection, and gained almost seventy points of comprehension.

"Comprehension points exceeded a thousand, which is a qualitative change in comprehension!"

"However, how many points of comprehension should be achieved in the next transformation of comprehension?"

Lu Changsheng was not sure.

However, after his comprehension points exceeded a thousand, his speed of practicing martial arts also greatly increased.

As long as there are enough martial arts, his comprehension will accumulate very quickly.

Lu Changsheng immediately called up the attribute panel to check the current situation.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 1090 (Praise from all directions)

Qi and blood sword casting secret method: Sword casting for 10 months and 6 days.

Sea wave artistic conception: progress 20%

Dry sky treasure secret method: second level

Fish leaping over the dragon gate nine-fold skill: fourth level

Nine-character mantra secret method: perfect

On Lu Changsheng's attribute panel, various strengths have greatly improved.

Moreover, there are some that are not reflected in the attribute panel, such as 20% of the sea wave artistic conception.

Lu Changsheng has already understood the true meaning of the sea wave state of mind.

In the future, no matter whether he uses sword skills, fist skills, palm skills, etc., he does not need to use triple waves at all.

He does not need to rely on the superposition of three palms to burst out twice the power.

He only needs to directly cover the sea wave state of mind, no matter how many punches or swords he throws, he can burst out more than twice the power.

Even with the blessing of the state of mind, it is more than just double.

Before, Lu Changsheng faced the raging waves and cut the waves with one sword!

This kind of magic is not because of his terrible sword skills, but the magical sea wave state of mind.

"Mr. Dao, can we return now?"

The captain asked.

Although "Dao Twelve" cut the waves with one sword, it looks magical.

However, the captain and sailors never want to encounter the raging waves just now again.

The ship was hit by the huge waves and damaged, so it must return to repair it.

Lu Changsheng calculated the time, and the March appointment with Yun Haitang was almost up.


Lu Changsheng waved his hand, and the battered ship began to turn around and headed back to the dock of Zhanhai City.


The Tiannu Sect has been quite lively recently.

The previous Tiannu is about to step down, and many Tiannu candidates are using various means to find a protector, hoping to use the power of the protector to become the new Tiannu.

The reason why the competition is so fierce is that Tiannu has many advantages.

For example, once you become a goddess, you can almost 100% be promoted to the realm of divine power!

This alone is enough for the candidates of goddess to fight for.

There are not many candidates for goddess this time, only eight.

However, there are actually only three people who are truly qualified to compete for the contemporary goddess.

Yun Haitang is naturally not one of them.

In fact, Yun Haitang is considered to be the candidate with the least hope of competing for the goddess.

She does not have a big identity background and no relatives to rely on.

Last time, I don’t know where I got the fire from the Divine Fire Palace, so I reached the limit of refining the internal organs and became a candidate for the goddess.

Otherwise, Yun Haitang would not even be a candidate.

"Junior sister Yun, your guardian hasn’t come yet?"

A candidate for goddess asked.

"Don’t worry, Senior Sister Zheng, my guardian should be on the way."

Yun Haitang said lightly, and her tone was not weak.

She has confidence in Dao Twelve!

Although Dao Twelve has not come yet, she believes that as long as Dao Twelve promises something, he will definitely do it!

"Oh? Sister Yun seems quite confident?"

"In fact, whether it is Sister Yun or us, we are just serving as foils for Sister Zhang, Sister Zhao, and Sister Lu."

"Do you know who the protectors they invited are?"

"All of them are warriors of the Divine Power Realm of the Hundred Ding Realm!"

Sister Zheng's eyes dimmed when she said this.

This is how it is in the Tiannu Sect. You have to rely on your relationship, identity, and background.

On the contrary, your own strength and talent are not too demanding.

This is also the way of survival for the Tiannu Sect.

"Here he comes!"

Yun Haitang stretched his neck and finally saw a black-clothed swordsman slowly walking down the mountain.

It was Dao Twelve!


Many Tiannu candidates saw Dao Twelve.

A strange color flashed in their beautiful eyes.

They obviously didn't know Dao Twelve.

But they could see that Dao Twelve was no ordinary person.

"Whose protector is this person?"

"Not sure."

"It seems to be a strange warrior in the realm of divine power."

Lu Changsheng walked straight behind Yun Haitang.

"Miss Yun, I've been waiting for a long time."

Lu Changsheng said lightly.

"Brother Dao, you're just in time."

Yun Haitang showed a smile on her face.

With Dao Twelve here, she felt relieved.


When Lu Changsheng came behind Yun Haitang, several eyes fell on him.

A swordsman with a cold face said coldly: "This person is a master!"

"What? Yun Haitang can recruit masters?"

The other candidates for the goddess widened their eyes.

They knew Yun Haitang very well.

Without life experience, background, and connections, how could they recruit a master?

The protector is not so easy to recruit, and almost rises and falls with the candidates for the goddess.

What chips can Yun Haitang bring out to make the masters excited?

"Hehe, it's fun only when there are masters."

A burly man holding a sledgehammer said in a muffled voice.

In front of him, no matter what swordsman or swordsman, he would smash them all to death with one hammer!

"Okay, the guardians of the candidates for the goddess are here."

"Let's start now."

The competition for the goddess is very simple, just draw lots and let the guardians fight each other.

Whoever laughs last will be the goddess!

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