Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 117 Dao Twelve is surrounded, the Four Thousand Ding Realms!

"Huh? There is a team of Beilu people eight miles northeast. There are four people in total, three of whom are in the divine power realm. Wait, there is one more person who is refining zang?"

"No, according to the habits of the Beilu people, why would they bring a burden of the Zang Refining Realm? It must be a disguise to restrain their aura. That Zang Refining Realm warrior is most likely a powerful warrior on the divine power list. This team cannot touch it. ”

"There is also a team of Beilu people in the southwest. There is a warrior who ranks ninety-ninth on the divine power list. Ninety-ninth, such a coincidence? Compared to me, who is sixty-first, the ranking is too low, but who knows Are there any warriors in disguise who want to use low-ranking warriors to make me lower my guard?"

Lu Changsheng shook his head.

He stood there, and his sense of wind could constantly sense the situation within a radius of several miles.

Those Beilu people are becoming more and more cunning.

It’s really no use at all.

He even started to disguise and hide, just to attract the "Sword Twelve" to show up.

However, Lu Changsheng was not fooled.

Perhaps, if you often walk by the river, your shoes won’t get wet.

One day, Lu Changsheng will definitely encounter the hidden powerful Beilu people.

However, being able to postpone this process continuously is victory.

"Let me take a look at this team. It seems that I don't even recognize them. They are indeed warriors in the divine power realm. There should be no warriors on the divine power list."

"But let's take another look. You can keep following to see what's going on."

Lu Changsheng also thought of some ways.

For example, if he spots a team, he will always follow it.

Anyway, he can detect a distance of several miles and follow him from a distance without the other party knowing at all.

As long as he follows you long enough, no matter how much the other party hides or disguises, there will be times when the truth is revealed.

Even if I followed him for several hours, I still couldn't reveal the truth.

Then Lu Changsheng would decide that there was nothing wrong with the other party and he could take action.

Although this does not guarantee 100% safety.

However, most of the crises have been eliminated.

"Well, I have been following you for two hours, and the opponent has made three attacks. Basically, there is no problem. He is indeed an ordinary warrior in the divine power realm. You can take action now!"

The next moment, Lu Changsheng no longer hesitated.


When Lu Changsheng rushed toward the team with all his strength, someone in the team sensed it and immediately changed their expressions.

"It's Dao Twelve, who is ranked 61st on the power list! He specializes in hunting down some weak teams. This time he is coming for us. Run away!"

"Damn Dao Twelve, it's just a ghost. It appears from time to time. Once it appears, the team will be unlucky. This time it's our turn."

"We are all so cautious. We only take action once every three days, but we can still touch the Twelve Knives?"

However, they were fast, and Lu Changsheng was even faster.

I saw that the void seemed to darken all of a sudden.

The vaguely surrounding vast grassland suddenly turned into the vast starry sky.

The divine power realm warriors in the team knew that this was the opponent's artistic conception.

"The artistic conception of the starry sky waterfall...we can't escape."

"Dao Twelve, you are really despicable and shameless. You specifically attack weaklings like us. If you have the ability, why don't you find other teams? So many of our teams are looking for you."

"Yes, Dao Twelve is a coward. He doesn't dare to find strong people, so he only dares to attack us weak ones."

The three people knew they couldn't escape, so they just yelled.

However, Lu Changsheng didn't care.


After he kills hundreds of divine power realm warriors, will it matter whether he is a coward or not?

As for not daring to go after a strong person, Lu Changsheng was out of his mind to go after a strong person.

Should we go directly to Tianxin?

That's stupid!

To die.

Lu Changsheng is not stupid, and he will not die.

He is a hunter and just needs to keep hunting down his prey.


Lu Changsheng drew his sword out of its sheath.

A flash of bloody sword light instantly cut through the void.

Then the sword light split into three and fell on the three Beilu warriors.


The three Beibei people screamed, and their bodies were cut into two pieces.


The body fell to the ground.

Lu Changsheng stepped forward and "cut off" the heads of the three people with ease.

"Huh? Someone actually discovered it..."

Lu Changsheng had a slight reaction.

A few miles away, there was a team of Beilu people. They seemed to have sensed something at this moment and were rushing here at full speed.

Lu Changsheng didn't know how the other party sensed the situation here.

Maybe if there are more warriors, there will always be some warriors who have some magical means and may be able to sense the situation here.

There are strong men on the divine power list in the opponent's team. Of course, Lu Changsheng will not wait here to confront the opponent head-on.

"The mission has been accomplished today."


The next moment, Lu Changsheng made a decisive decision, immediately raised his head and quickly returned to Beiling City.

Shortly after Lu Changsheng left, a team of Beibei people also arrived.

They glanced at the three bodies on the ground.

Examine the body for cause of death.

"They are all killed with one sword, and the sword skills are fast and accurate!"

"With such wounds, such sword skills, and the aura we sensed before, there is no doubt that it must be the Dao Twelve of the Big Fish Dynasty."

"It's this Dao Twelve again, we're late."

"Dao Twelve is so elusive that he can avoid all of our teams by narrow margins every time. How on earth did he do it?"

"Just a little bit short. With the current bounty on Dao Twelve, if we kill him, we won't even have to fight in the Northern Territory battlefield for a few years..."

The team felt a little pity.

Now "Dao Twelve" has almost angered the heavens and the people.

The Northern Barbarians have offered the highest bounty, nothing else.

Yes, the highest.

Even Song Wuqing's bounty is far less than Dao Twelve's.

Many Northern Barbarians hope to meet Dao Twelve, kill Dao Twelve, and get the bounty, so that they don't have to fight in the Northern Territory battlefield for a few years.

It can be seen that Dao Twelve's bounty is unimaginably high.

Unfortunately, so far, many people have said that they were almost able to find Dao Twelve.

But every time it was just a little bit short.

"Dao Twelve is not that easy to catch. He should have some special sensing method that can sense us in advance."

"Forget it, if we can't find Dao Twelve, then we will honestly find other warriors to fight."

So, the team left quickly.


Lu Changsheng has arrived outside Beiling City.

"That team didn't catch up."

Lu Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

He directly carried three heads and entered Beiling City.

"Mr. Dao."

"It's Dao Twelve."

"Mr. Dao, you killed three more Beilu people."

"Is this the 130th or 140th?"

"I heard that the Beilu people were so angry that they tried every possible way, but they just couldn't do anything to Mr. Dao."

"Yes, Mr. Dao's bounty from the Beilu people is higher than Song Wuqing's."

"I'm so envious, Mr. Dao got a few hundred small merits again..."

Entering Beiling City, almost everyone knows Dao Twelve, and even greets Dao Twelve.

After all, anyone who carries a few heads of Beilu people's divine power realm warriors every day will definitely attract attention.

What's more, this situation has been going on for more than a month.

Lu Changsheng, the warrior ranked 61st on the Divine Power List, has received more attention than the warriors ranked in the top three on the Divine Power List.

Soon, Lu Changsheng successfully handed over the head and obtained several hundred small merits.

"There is news, important news."

"The fat butcher, who ranks 75th on the Northern Barbarians' Divine Power List, publicly challenged Dao Twelve to a duel."

"The fat butcher is willing to use a marrow-enhancing pill as a prize for the battle. If Dao Twelve wins, he can get a marrow-enhancing pill!"

"Even, both sides can send experts to ensure the safety of both sides."

Someone got the news from the Northern Barbarians.

For a moment, everyone was in an uproar!


Everyone's eyes were focused on "Dao Twelve".

Marrow-enhancing pill!

This is a pill as famous as the Divine Power Pill and the Hundred Cauldrons Pill.

Even more precious.

Because once you take this pill, you can increase your bone marrow.

Bone marrow is a hematopoietic organ, the root of qi and blood, and the root of the body.

Such a precious pill was used by the fat butcher as a prize, and Lu Changsheng was the first one who didn't believe it.

If Fat Man Tu really had such a pill, wouldn't he use it himself?

He even took it out as a prize, unless Fat Man Tu was crazy.

But Fat Man Tu couldn't be crazy, so there was only one possibility.


This was a trap for "Knife Twelve".

In other words, they wanted to take advantage of Knife Twelve's greed and tempt Knife Twelve to be tempted.

As long as Knife Twelve agreed, the Northern Barbarians would probably have a way to kill Knife Twelve.

"The Northern Barbarians really spent a lot of money to deal with me. They were even willing to take out the marrow-enhancing pill."

"Moreover, they took great pains to select the fat butcher, a warrior who had a grudge against me but ranked below me, so as to lower my vigilance and make me feel that I could defeat the fat butcher and agree."

"It's a pity that they underestimated me. I want the marrow-enhancing pill, so I have to exchange it with merits. It's just 10,000 small merits. A warrior in the divine power realm has at least 100 small merits. Killing dozens or at most 100 Northern Barbarians in the divine power realm can get 10,000 small merits. Why take the risk?"

"So, I won't go!"

Lu Changsheng glanced at everyone.

He knew that some of these people must have secretly communicated with the Northern Barbarians.

But it doesn't matter.

He just expressed an attitude.

Let the Northern Barbarians stop tossing, just clean their necks and wait for his "harvest" day after day.

Afterwards, Lu Changsheng left.

Only a group of stunned warriors were left.

"Did Dao Twelve refuse?"

"It's really Mr. Dao's style, to make the Northern Barbarians furious, hahaha."

"The Northern Barbarians have no way to deal with Mr. Dao, no matter coercion, inducement, or even disguise and hiding, they can't do anything to Mr. Dao."

"The Northern Barbarians are really anxious this time."

"Is Mr. Dao a little too stable? Fat Man Tu's ranking is not as good as Mr. Dao's, and it's another marrow-enhancing pill, which saves several years of hard training..."

Some warriors still don't quite understand.

Marrow-enhancing pills like this are not easy to obtain.

Why did Dao Twelve refuse so straightforwardly?

Even, he looked like he was not moved at all.


Many people looked at each other.

There are always stupid people who will be moved.

It's a pity that the person who is moved is not "Dao Twelve".

Time passed day by day.

Lu Changsheng was still cautious and "harvested" in the battlefield of the Northern Territory.

The Northern Barbarians seemed to have given up.

They did not expect "Knife Twelve" to fight.

So, they gave up looking for Knife Twelve and focused on other warriors of the Dayu Dynasty.

The offensive became more fierce.

It seemed that they wanted to make up for the losses of "Knife Twelve" from other places.

So, from the middle of the month, the intensity of the battlefield in the Northern Territory suddenly increased.

The number of casualties increased by several percent every day.

Lu Changsheng was still as cautious as ever.

He had been observing a team of Northern Barbarians for more than two hours.

This was a team of four people.

It didn't look like there was anything special about it. It could only be regarded as an ordinary Divine Power Realm warrior.

Maybe he had the strength of the Hundred Ding Realm, but he certainly didn't have the strength to enter the Divine Power List.

"Yes, it's you!"

Lu Changsheng selected the target.

Or rather, he selected the "prey".

So, Lu Changsheng did not hesitate and rushed towards the other side with all his strength.

The Northern Barbarians' team had a total of four Divine Power Realm warriors, and they looked cautious and observed their surroundings.

But, suddenly, it seemed that the sky suddenly "darkened".

The surrounding grasslands also seemed to have suddenly turned into a dark starry sky.

A three thousand foot waterfall instantly fell from the starry sky, running through the entire starry sky.

Suddenly, the four people were shocked.

"He's coming!"

"Dao Twelve, the artistic conception of starry sky waterfall!"

"Hahaha, finally Dao Twelve is here!"

The four people saw this scene, not surprised but happy.

Dao Twelve, they are too familiar with it.

Even if they have never met, the Northern Barbarians know Dao Twelve's characteristics very well.


Lu Changsheng suddenly felt something was wrong.

These four people behaved very abnormally.

Logically speaking, after seeing him, shouldn't these four people struggle to escape?

Even if they knew they couldn't escape, they couldn't have such an ecstatic expression.

But now, the four people seemed extremely excited, as if they had been "looking forward" to Dao Twelve.

However, at this point, Lu Changsheng couldn't stop.


Lu Changsheng drew his sword out of its sheath in an instant.

A blood-red light instantly covered the four Northern Barbarian warriors.

"Hahaha, Dao Twelve, you have come to this day?"

"Do it!"

The four Northern Barbarian masters suddenly released their blood and qi.


Suddenly, the blood and qi of the four people surged.

At the same time, the terrifying momentum of the four people soared into the sky.

It was not just ordinary momentum, but mixed with artistic conception!

Yes, it was artistic conception!

Moreover, the momentum was very terrifying, and the momentum of each warrior was far beyond the Hundred Tripod Realm.

This is the Thousand Tripod Realm!

The four warriors are four Thousand Tripod Realm masters.

"Four Thousand Tripod Realm masters... and artistic conception."

"Such strength can basically be ranked among the top 50 of the Divine Power List."

"Moreover, these four people are not on the Divine Power List. They should be some of the more mysterious warriors among the Northern Barbarians."

"The Northern Barbarians really think highly of Dao..."

At this moment, Lu Changsheng understood.

How can you not get your shoes wet if you often walk by the river?

This time, Lu Changsheng encountered trouble.

The other party hid very well.

In fact, he almost never made a move, and there was no name on the God Power List, and there was almost no information or intelligence.

Moreover, the other party had only revealed a little bit of strength, so Lu Changsheng was still caught even though he was so cautious.

In fact, Lu Changsheng was not surprised by the current situation.

He had been "harvesting" in the battlefield of the Northern Territory.

It was impossible not to encounter an accident.


Lu Changsheng's sword lights were broken one after another.

He failed this time.

He failed to kill any Northern Barbarian warrior.

He was even surrounded and the situation was precarious.

"You can let the four of us hide for so many days just to kill you, a mere Hundred Ding Realm warrior, you are proud enough!"

"Today, our four Thousand Ding Realms are dispatched, Dao Twelve, you can't escape no matter how you have the means!"

The blood of the four people was even connected, and the terrifying pressure was shrouded on Lu Changsheng.

It was like four mountains, suppressing Lu Changsheng bit by bit.

This was the first time that Lu Changsheng faced such a huge pressure.

Even though he met Zhao Kun at the beginning, Zhao Kun did not go all out.

But now, these four warriors of the Thousand Cauldron Realm went all out, and even had murderous intent.

"Are you sure to win?"

A strange light flashed in Lu Changsheng's eyes.


The next moment, Lu Changsheng burst out with all his strength.

In the dark starry sky, it seemed that there was not only a three thousand foot waterfall, but also waves of mighty and surging waves sweeping in.

The big waves hit the blood in the void.

Every time they hit, it seemed to shake the blood.

The artistic conception of the sea waves!

The artistic conception of the starry sky waterfall!

In addition, Lu Changsheng burst out with all his strength, the three changes of the dragon.

Lu Changsheng slashed with a knife.

This knife went all out, surpassing the terrifying power of the three thousand cauldrons, and fell on the blood curtain in front of him that covered the sky.

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