Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 163 Who is he? The first divine power in the ancient domain, counterattacks the divine treas

Chapter 163 Who is he? The first Sheng Gang in the ancient domain, who defeated Shen Zang and dominated the generation of Lu Changsheng!

Lu Changsheng took a look.

"No one is allowed to approach within ten feet!"

Lu Changsheng's voice echoed in Wolf Cry Gorge.

Even though the wind in Wolf Cry Gorge was very loud, his voice was still clear and echoed in everyone's ears.

All these Sheng Gang Realm warriors looked dignified.

Even the warriors who were closest to him immediately retreated and made way for a stone staircase.

They left the stone staircase empty, but they dared not stay on it.

If they got within ten feet of Lu Changsheng, they would be in big trouble.

Even Shen Zang was killed by Lu Changsheng, let alone these Sheng Gang Realm warriors?

Then, Lu Changsheng took out a enlightenment pill and swallowed it directly into his mouth.

As soon as the enlightenment pill entered his mouth, a cold feeling immediately enveloped his mind.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng fell into enlightenment.

Ten feet around him, there is also a perception field covering.

Once anyone steps in, Lu Changsheng will be awakened.

Moreover, Lu Changsheng's current position is in the strong wind of Wolf Cry Gorge.

The perception field can naturally perceive the strong wind clearly, and will not affect Lu Changsheng's perception of the storm field.

One day, two days, three days...

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

Lu Changsheng has taken six enlightenment pills, and the effect is very good.

Even Lu Changsheng thinks that maybe twelve enlightenment pills may not be needed.

Maybe eleven enlightenment pills can comprehend the storm field to perfection.

At the beginning, there were many warriors paying attention to Lu Changsheng.

However, as time went by.

Lu Changsheng, like other warriors, sat cross-legged on the stone steps, motionlessly comprehending the field.

There is not much difference from other warriors comprehending the field.

Gradually, no one paid attention.

On the contrary, more and more warriors in Wolf Cry Gorge are trying to comprehend the field related to wind.

Moreover, Lu Changsheng was too famous.

No one dared to approach him.

Not long after Lu Changsheng took the seventh enlightenment pill, an eagle with a black body and feathers like steel knives suddenly appeared in the sky.

This eagle was very large, probably more than ten times the size of an ordinary eagle!

Spreading its wings, it actually circled over Wolf Crying Gorge.


Suddenly, the eagle seemed to have discovered something.

It suddenly dived and pounced directly towards Wolf Crying Gorge below.

It was nothing in the sky.

However, when it came to Wolf Crying Gorge, its huge size shocked everyone.

"Ah... what is this?"

"Such a big eagle, could it be a demon?"

"It's not a demon, it hasn't been transformed, but it obviously has intelligence, and it can grow to this size, it should be a spirit beast."

"Spirit beast?"

There were many warriors in Wolf Crying Gorge, and they were all in doubt at this moment.

Demons and spirit beasts are completely two different things, the difference is too big.

Demons are bloodthirsty and murderous, but they can also practice to become stronger and compete with human warriors and immortal masters.

Spiritual beasts are basically unable to practice.

Whether they are strong or not is actually determined at the moment of birth.

To put it simply, spiritual beasts are ordinary animals that have undergone tremendous changes in their physical bodies and minds after being baptized by a large amount of spiritual power, but they are still not comparable to humans and demons.

"Evil beast, how dare you hurt people?"

Some warriors in the Shengang realm were also angry and attacked.


The sword light cut through the void and slashed fiercely on the eagle.

However, the sword light collapsed in an instant.

It couldn't even break the eagle's defense.

"What? What kind of spiritual beast is this? Even Xu Zhen's sword can't break the defense?"

"Xu Zhen has condensed a layer of superior Shengang, two layers of ordinary Shengang, and a forty-fold increase in his physical body. One sword can burst out the power of 40,000 tripods. How can he not hurt a spiritual beast?"

"This spiritual beast may not be simple."

Many people were shocked.

However, Xu Zhen's sword seemed to have angered the eagle.

The huge eagle aimed directly at Xu Zhen and swooped down suddenly.

With its wings spread, the eagle was very fast and arrived in front of Xu Zhen in almost the blink of an eye.

Xu Zhen's face changed instantly.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish".

Xu Zhen slashed out several sword lights in succession.

Each sword light could burst out the power of forty tripods.

However, when it fell on the eagle, it only stirred up a faint white light.

At this time, everyone saw it clearly.

"Magic weapon? There is a magic weapon on the spirit beast?"

"It seems to be a defensive magic weapon, specially refined for spirit beasts. This is most likely a spirit beast with a master."

"Could it be the spirit beast of a fairy master?"

When they thought that it might involve the "fairy master", many Shengang Realm warriors stayed away from the eagle.

Although the ancient domain is jointly dominated by the immortal sect and the martial arts sect.

The immortal way and the martial way are advancing in parallel, and they seem to be on par with each other.

However, when it comes to individuals, the status of the immortal masters is actually higher than that of Shenzang.

After all, the immortal masters have too many means.

They can refine weapons, make pills, practice spells, and make talismans.

They can also arrange formations.

There are so many means.

It is difficult to tell the strength of an immortal master from the surface.

Moreover, once an immortal master fights with Shenzang, the immortal master basically has the upper hand.

Even if Shenzang has the upper hand, it is difficult to kill an immortal master.

Therefore, when encountering a spirit beast that might be related to the Immortal Master, everyone did not want to cause trouble and avoided it.

However, Xu Zhen could not avoid it.

He slashed the eagle with several sword lights, but they were all blocked by the magic weapon and could not hurt the eagle at all.

Instead, the eagle pounced on him and grabbed him fiercely with its sharp claws.


A large piece of flesh and blood was torn off Xu Zhen's body by the eagle's sharp claws.

Although his life was not in danger, he looked very miserable.


Xu Zhen screamed.

He immediately ran away and did not dare to entangle with the eagle again.

The eagle seemed very proud.

It continued to hover over the Wolf Crying Gorge and made a light sound, as if it was proud.

The spirit beast has wisdom, but it is not very wise.

It is equivalent to the wisdom of a child.

The eagle spirit beast in front of him was obviously teasing these warriors in the Wolf Crying Gorge.

"This spirit beast is too abominable."

"Whose spirit beast is it? He doesn't take good care of it."

"With this eagle here, I'm afraid we can't feel it."

"It's really abominable. This spirit beast has a defensive magic weapon, and ordinary attacks can't hurt it at all."

Although many warriors were indignant.

But they couldn't do anything to this eagle.

However, the eagle circled over Wolf Crying Gorge for a while, but found that there was actually a person on the stone steps of Wolf Crying Gorge, who didn't seem to be afraid of it.

The eagle couldn't stand it!

It was like a naughty bear child, who loved to tease these human warriors the most.

So, the eagle swooped down again and headed straight for a figure halfway up the mountain in Wolf Crying Gorge.

Now there is only one person left on the stone steps of the entire Wolf Crying Gorge, that is Lu Changsheng.

Although Wolf Crying Gorge was disturbed by the eagle, making a lot of noise.

But Lu Changsheng fell into enlightenment and had no perception of the outside world.

No one entered his perception field, so naturally Lu Changsheng could not be awakened.

Seeing the eagle rushing towards Lu Changsheng, some warriors' faces changed slightly.

"Is that Lu Changsheng?"

"Lu Changsheng fell into enlightenment, he won't be in danger, right?"

"He can come to Wolf Cry Gorge to comprehend the field, and he is alone, how can he not be prepared?"

"But that beast is really not easy to mess with..."

Many warriors are more relieved about Lu Changsheng, the first divine power who can defeat the divine treasure.

And in fact, it is true.

Lu Changsheng's perception field covers a range of ten feet around his body.

When the eagle rushed down and rushed into the perception field, Lu Changsheng woke up immediately.


Lu Changsheng opened his eyes instantly.

"Evil beast!"

A sharp light flashed in Lu Changsheng's eyes.


The next moment, Lu Changsheng drew his sword.

The blood-colored sword light penetrated the void, and the power of more than 100,000 tripods burst out instantly.

At such a close distance, Lu Changsheng's knife instantly slashed the eagle.


A dazzling white light flashed across the eagle's body.

Magical weapon!

This is a magic weapon to protect the body.

As long as the protection of the magic weapon is not broken, no matter how strong the force is, it can't hurt the eagle at all.

"With a magic weapon to protect the body, this is a spiritual beast!"

Lu Changsheng also understood it.

Spiritual beasts have owners!

Generally, only immortal masters, or even Taoist masters, will raise spiritual beasts.

However, this knife did not break the magic weapon.

However, the power of the 100,000 tripods was too strong, and the eagle's huge body was directly stopped.

However, the eagle seemed to be angered.

It spread its huge wings, and each feather was like a sharp sword, and it actually rushed towards Lu Changsheng again.

"The beast is looking for death!"

A sharp light flashed in Lu Changsheng's eyes.


Lu Changsheng shouted.

The invisible heart sword instantly slashed out and sank into the eagle's body.

Suddenly, the eagle let out a shrill cry.

It frantically flapped its wings, trying to fly up again.

However, Lu Changsheng continued to slash out the Heart Sword.

One after another, the Heart Sword slashed into the eagle's spirit.

The eagle did have a magic weapon on it, which could resist many attacks.

However, the magic weapon could not resist the spiritual secrets.

Lu Changsheng's Heart Sword Mantra, that is a terrible secret that can make the peak warriors of the Shenggang Realm difficult to resist, let alone a mere spirit beast?

Finally, more than a dozen consecutive spiritual secrets were immersed in the eagle's body.

The eagle's spirit was actually annihilated by the slash.


The eagle fell from the sky to the foot of the mountain, and there was no breath on its body.


This eagle spirit beast actually died just like that.

There were no wounds on its body.

The warriors around looked at each other.

"Spirit beast, just died like that?"

"It didn't even have any injuries, it should be the spiritual secret technique. It is rumored that Lu Changsheng still has the terrible spiritual secret technique?"

"Generally, a warrior in the Shenggang realm should be able to withstand the spiritual secret technique, at most it will be a mental shock, and it will be in excruciating pain. However, a simple spiritual secret technique cannot kill a warrior in the Shenggang realm. But spirit beasts are different. They have strong bodies but weak spirits, and they may not be able to withstand the impact of spiritual secret techniques."

"It's bad. The spirit beast has an owner. Now that the spirit beast is dead, how can the owner behind it let it go?"

"The owner of the spirit beast is at least a Qi-refining immortal master, and may even be a foundation-building Taoist master! Lu Changsheng has the Ancient Domain Tianzong as his backer, so he is not afraid, but we don't have such a strong backer. If the immortal master is angry, we will be in trouble."

"Let's go, let's go quickly, this excitement is not good at all, and we may lose our lives..."

The warriors in Wolf Cry Gorge all changed their faces, and they didn't dare to stay any longer, and left one after another.

After all, this involves the immortal master.

If you don't pay attention, you may be killed directly by the angry immortal master.

However, it was too late for these warriors to leave.

Three figures came running from a distance.

These three people were dressed in Taoist robes, and they were disciples of the immortal family at first glance.

However, they should not be immortal masters, but Taoist children.


"The fairy eagle is dead? None of you can leave!"

"Tell me, who killed the fairy eagle?"

"The fairy eagle is the favorite spiritual beast of Zilong Daojun!"

When the three Taoist children saw the corpse of the eagle spiritual beast on the ground, their hearts "smashed" and their faces changed instantly.

Something big happened!

The fairy eagle, the favorite spiritual beast of Zilong Daojun, is dead?

The three Taoist children are responsible for the safety of Zilong Daojun. They were originally taking the fairy eagle out to take a walk as usual.

In the end, it died?

Once Zilong Daojun knew about it, the three of them would be guilty of a great sin.

Seeing the three Taoist children blocking the way of everyone and even bringing up "Zilong Daojun", for a moment, many warriors in Wolf Crying Gorge couldn't help but be shocked.

Zilong Daojun!

This is Daojun!

Moreover, this is not an ordinary Daojun.

Zilong Daojun is the Daojun of the Xianling Sect and the master of Zilong Peak. His identity is extraordinary.

After all, the Xianling Sect is a major sect of the immortal way, not inferior to the Ancient Domain Tianzong.

"Three Taoist children, the death of the spirit beast has nothing to do with us."

"Yes, it really has nothing to do with us. It was the spirit beast that was causing trouble before, and we couldn't do anything about it."

"Please get out of the way, Taoist children."

These warriors now want to leave this place of trouble. .

"It has nothing to do with you, why did the spirit beast die?"

The Taoist child stared at everyone fiercely, his eyes constantly sweeping back and forth over these warriors.

He wanted to find the real "murderer".

All the warriors were silent.

They really knew who killed the spirit beast, but did they dare to speak?

Lu Changsheng was on the stone steps, looking at them.

Do they dare to say that it was Lu Changsheng who killed it?

Zilong Daojun is indeed scary.

But after all, Zilong Daojun didn't come, and now the most terrifying thing for them is Lu Changsheng!

The three Taoist children were not stupid either. Seeing that many warriors kept silent, they swept their eyes.

Finally realized that something was wrong.

There are many stone steps in the whole Wolf Crying Gorge, and they also know that many warriors occupy the stone steps to comprehend the field.

However, the stone steps are now empty.

There is only one person still on the stone steps.

So many warriors have left, and only one person is still on the stone steps, which looks very abrupt.

So, the Taoist boy asked loudly: "Do you know who killed the fairy eagle?"

Lu Changsheng's eyes also looked at the three Taoist boys.

Lu Changsheng knows some common sense about Taoist boys.

The immortal system is very different from the martial arts system, and talent is very important.

The so-called talent is actually the spiritual root.

Those without spiritual roots cannot enter the immortal way at all.

And Taoist boys are basically those with spiritual roots.

If ordinary people are detected with spiritual roots, except for the heavenly spiritual roots, other spiritual roots will have a process of reshaping the Tao body.

The Tao body is to adapt to the immortal system and adapt to spiritual power.

There is another name for the heavenly spiritual root, called the natural Tao body.

Therefore, those with heavenly spiritual roots can practice at any time, absorb the spiritual power between heaven and earth, and transform it into their own magic power.

However, there are too few natural spiritual roots.

Most of them are ordinary spiritual roots.

And ordinary spiritual roots need to use various precious natural materials and treasures to reshape the Dao body, so that they can absorb spiritual power to practice and become a Qi-refining immortal master.

The process of reshaping the Dao body is called "Thousand Days of Dao Building".

Under normal circumstances, it takes about three years, that is, "Thousand Days".

Of course, this time is an approximate time and is not fixed.

The length of time is related to the various natural materials and treasures selected.

And those immortal Dao system practitioners during the "Thousand Days of Dao Building" period are actually called "Dao Tong".

Any Dao Tong is almost certain to become a Qi-refining immortal master.

This is fundamentally different from the Shengang Realm warriors.

It is extremely difficult for Shengang Realm warriors to be promoted to Shenzang.

But once there are spiritual roots and the natural materials and treasures "Thousand Days of Dao Building", they can become Qi-refining immortal masters.

Just wait for three years.

After Lu Changsheng learned about this, he also understood why there are so few immortal masters in the Northern Territory.

First, the spiritual power is reduced, and all kinds of natural treasures will also be reduced or even disappear.

Where can we find natural treasures for "building the Dao for a thousand days"?

Therefore, there are still many people in the Northern Territory who cannot become immortal masters even if they have spiritual roots.

Only a very few lucky people who find some relics of immortal masters' caves can "build the Dao for a thousand days" and become immortal masters of Qi refining.

Each of these Taoist children will definitely be immortal masters in the future, and their status is naturally very high.

Facing the warriors of the Shengang realm, the Taoist children all have a high-handed "looking down" attitude.

But Lu Changsheng is not afraid.

"I killed that beast."

"It disturbed my practice and wasted my enlightenment pill. It's not worth it to let this beast die!"

Lu Changsheng said coldly.

"Did you kill it?"

"How dare you! This is the fairy eagle of Zilong Daojun. You dare to kill it?"

"The fairy eagle has never been malicious. It was just playing with you. How dare you kill it?"

The three Taoist children were furious.

However, the three were not stupid.

They were just Taoist children. They didn't have any magic power in their bodies.

If they really wanted to take action, they could only use some special magic tools or talismans.

Some special magic tools or talismans do not need magic power to activate, but only need spiritual consciousness to activate, and consume a lot of spirit stones.

Some are similar to formations.

This kind of magic tool is also very powerful, but it is too wasteful.

And it is too expensive.

After a battle, they will lose everything.

Therefore, the Taoist children generally don't take action unless they have to.

The three Taoist children's eyes rolled around, scanning the many warriors in Wolf Cry Gorge one by one, and then said in a deep voice: "The fairy eagle of Taoist Purple Dragon is dead. Once Taoist knows, he will be furious. You are all in Wolf Cry Gorge, and you are inseparable from the death of the fairy eagle."

"However, now you have a chance to make up for your mistakes. As long as you capture or kill this person, the death of the fairy eagle can only be attributed to this person, and has nothing to do with you."

"So, you should know what to choose."

The Taoist children stood there triumphantly after they finished speaking.

They were even ready to enjoy a fight between the warriors.

However, when the three Taoist children finished speaking, they "pointed out" a way out for many warriors.

What was the result?


No warrior responded.


The entire Wolf Cry Gorge was very quiet.

Only the sound of the howling wind remained.

The expressions on the faces of the three Taoist children gradually solidified.

They even saw the mockery in the eyes of these warriors.

A group of warriors in the Shenggang realm who will never be promoted to the Shenzang in their lifetime dare to mock them, who are destined to be the high and mighty Qi-refining immortal masters in the future?

Are these people crazy?

"If you don't take action, you will die when the Taoist Lord is furious!"

The Taoist boy said sternly.

At this time, a warrior in the Shenggang realm shook his head gently and said slowly: "I'm afraid you have made a wrong idea. Let us take action? It's impossible!"

"Don't talk about us. Even if you meet any warrior in the ancient domain, I'm afraid they won't take action."

The Taoist boy frowned: "What do you mean?"

The Taoist boy also realized that something was wrong.

"Do you know who he is?"

The Taoist boy shook his head.

They usually don't pay attention to warriors, how can they know that a warrior in the Shenggang realm knows a warrior?

The warrior took a deep breath.

He looked at Lu Changsheng, with a trace of awe, and said word by word: "He is Lu Changsheng!"

The name "Lu Changsheng" made the three Taoist boys look confused.

"Who is Lu Changsheng?"

The Taoist boy had indeed never heard of "Lu Changsheng".

"You don't know him?"

The warrior's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Lu Changsheng is the true descendant of the Northern Territory Tianzong! The pioneer of martial arts, the first Shenggang in the ancient domain, the Lu Changsheng who defeated the gods and dominated the generation!"

Lu Changsheng's "title" or "title" seemed a bit long.

The three Taoist boys were slightly stunned.

This title, this title, looks extraordinary.

But, when did such a powerful Shenggang realm warrior appear in the ancient domain?

"Wait, a mere Sheng Gang, but the title is so fancy, it's a bit too much."

"We know the Northern Territory Tianzong, it's actually the Ancient Territory Tianzong. Although it's one of the martial arts sects, we haven't heard of any earth-shattering Sheng Gang disciples."

"What about the Ancient Territory's No. 1 Sheng Gang, who defeated the Shen Zang and dominated the generation."

"Even if we are not warriors, we know that it is almost impossible for a Sheng Gang to defeat the Shen Zang. It has never happened that a Sheng Gang warrior successfully defeated the Shen Zang."

"This Lu Changsheng is so powerful, isn't he famous throughout the Ancient Territory? Why haven't we heard of it?"

"You don't think that our Xianling Sect is out of touch with the news, and we are all ignorant, right?"

The three Taoist children sneered.

It seems that they have already known the purpose of these warriors' "bragging".

Don't they just don't want to fight?

To avoid possible danger.

After all, Lu Changsheng should have some status and strength.

If they really fight, there will inevitably be casualties.

They didn't want to take risks.

"Humph, since you won't do it, we'll have to do it ourselves."

"Just a divine power, a spiritual stone, and a sword talisman will do!"

The Taoist boy had already made up his mind.

The fairy eagle was dead, and they must give an explanation to Taoist Zilong.

If they couldn't find the "murderer", they would be punished.

Although they would have to do it, the cost was a bit high.

They might lose all the wealth they had accumulated over the years.

But now they had to do it!


The Taoist boy crushed a spiritual stone.

At the same time, the Taoist boy took out a sword talisman and immersed his mind into the sword talisman.


The sword technique vibrated violently, absorbing all the spiritual power of the spiritual stone, and then it was urged by the Taoist boy with his mind.


The sword symbol turned into a sharp "flying sword" and instantly shot towards Lu Changsheng.

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