Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 165: Mind scale 100! Lu Changsheng opens his mind and advances

Chapter 165: The Mind Scale is 100! Lu Changsheng opens his brain and ascends to the God's Hidden Realm!


Lu Changsheng seemed to be in a turbulent river.

Moreover, the river was turbulent, and Lu Changsheng's clothes were all wet.

However, he seemed to be standing on a huge rock in the river, and the river could not shake the rock.

Lu Changsheng knew that Sun Ming did it on purpose.

This is also the advantage of the domain.

In the domain, although the domain is solid, it can change the situation in the domain at will.

Lu Changsheng immediately sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Langtao, I need a hundred-foot wave!"

Lu Changsheng said loudly.

"Okay, the wave is coming!"

As Sun Ming's voice fell.

Suddenly, the whole ancient river surged.

It seemed to roll up waves after waves.

The waves were rolling, better than the waves Lu Changsheng saw.

Lu Changsheng no longer hesitated, and immediately took a pill of enlightenment, and fell into enlightenment.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

After Lu Changsheng fell into enlightenment, inspiration burst out, and he was in the ancient river field that turned from virtual to real, but there was no effect.

"It's... incredible."

"This boy's innate understanding is really amazing..."

Sun Ming tried his best to maintain the ancient river field that turned from virtual to real.

Fortunately, he didn't need to use much mental power.

Because his ancient river field was nurtured in his brain, it was not difficult for him to release it.

However, seeing a "top genius" like Lu Changsheng comprehend the field with his own eyes still shocked Sun Ming.

This is a top genius!

Even a demon!

Just swallowing a pill of enlightenment and practicing with the help of his field that turned from virtual to real.

As a result, he can clearly comprehend the sea wave field.

And the improvement in a few steps is very fast.

Sun Ming also comprehended the field at the beginning.

But it was very difficult.

Even his promotion to the God's Treasure was very lucky, as his domain was not that powerful at that time.

Time passed day by day.

This time he was in the Ancient Domain Tianzong, so there would be no accidents.

In the blink of an eye, six days passed.

It was the seventh day.

It was also the time when Lu Changsheng swallowed the thirteenth Enlightenment Pill.


Finally, Lu Changsheng's sea wave domain rolled violently.

Seeing this scene, Sun Ming's heart moved.

"Transformation! This should be the transformation of the domain to perfection."

Sun Ming was amazed.

Sun Ming naturally knew the transformation of the domain to perfection.

After he became the God's Treasure, he put the ancient river domain in his brain to nurture it.

It took a long time to nurture it before the ancient river domain was perfect, and then it turned from virtual to real.

But nurturing the domain in the brain and nurturing it to perfection seems to be almost different from relying on oneself to cultivate the domain to perfection.

Finally, the sea wave domain completed the transformation.


Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

A gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

"Thank you, Elder Sun."

Lu Changsheng bowed respectfully.

Although it was a deal with Sun Ming, Sun Ming did help him a lot.

Sun Ming did not dare to be arrogant and exclaimed: "In seven days, thirteen enlightenment pills, the sea wave field has been fully realized. This efficiency... is simply incredible!"

However, Sun Ming did not know that Lu Changsheng had completed all five fields, otherwise he would be even more impressed.

"Elder Sun, you are too kind."

"The three-year agreement, I will remember it in my heart. After three years, I will do my best to find something that can increase Elder Sun's lifespan."

"Disciple, take your leave."

Lu Changsheng said goodbye to Sun Ming.

He immediately called up the attribute panel.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 4570 (Praised by all)

Heart Sword Mantra: Progress 86% (Heart Sword)

Wave Domain: Perfect (Not Transformed)

Storm Domain: Perfect (Not Transformed)

Perception Domain: Perfect (Not Transformed)

Starry Sky Domain: Perfect (Not Transformed)

Waterfall Domain: Perfect (Not Transformed)

Looking at the series of "perfections" on the attribute panel, Lu Changsheng couldn't help but smile.

All five domains are perfect.

Lu Changsheng's previous plan has been completed.

Now it depends on whether his mind scale can reach 100.

So, Lu Changsheng didn't even go back to the yard, and went directly to the Mind Monument.

When Lu Changsheng came to the Transmission Hall, he saw that there were still crowds of people in front of the Mind Monument.

There were simply too many.

"Brother Lu is here."

"Brother Lu, are you here to test the power of the mind?"

"Quickly make way, Brother Lu is here."

"Quickly make way."

The disciples in the Transmission Hall saw Lu Changsheng coming and immediately became lively.

It must be said that Lu Changsheng now has a very high prestige among the disciples of the Ancient Domain Tianzong.

Especially the disciples of the Shenggang Realm.

They have actually received "favors" from Lu Changsheng.

After all, Lu Changsheng is a "pathfinder" of martial arts, giving them, the not-so-outstanding Shenggang Realm warriors, a hope.

Although this hope is actually difficult, it is still hope after all.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng is respected by the disciples of the Ancient Domain Tianzong.

"Thank you."

Lu Changsheng saw that many disciples really made way.

He also smiled and greeted the disciples.

Then he walked step by step to the Monument of the Heart.

This time, Lu Changsheng was no longer able to keep his mind calm as before.

Lu Changsheng has perfected all five realms.

According to his plan, the power of the mind should be able to reach one hundred scales.

However, Lu Changsheng is not sure now whether there is a hundred mark.

"Let's get started."

Lu Changsheng took a deep breath, and then released his spiritual power, covering the spiritual monument.


The monument of the soul shook violently.

At the same time, the monument of the soul actually released a dazzling golden light.

Yes, the golden light is no longer white light.

The disciples who were familiar with the situation of the Soul Monument were instantly in an uproar.

"What, golden light?"

"There is only one possibility for the spiritual monument to release golden light. The spiritual scale reaches one hundred... This is unbelievable!"

"It's incredible, it's incredible. How high was Senior Brother Lu's mental scale last time? It seemed to be seventy-eight. Now it has suddenly reached a hundred scales?"

When the golden light on the Soul Monument dissipated, countless eyes immediately focused on the Soul Monument.

Sure enough, at the top of the monument of the soul, the big "hundred scale" shines brightly.

The golden glow is very eye-catching and can be seen at a glance.

At this moment, the entire Chuan Gong Hall was completely shaken.

"One hundred! It's really a hundred marks!"

"Senior Brother Lu has reached a spiritual level of 100 and is about to be promoted to the Divine Treasure?"

"It's unbelievable...our Ancient Territory Heavenly Sect is going to give birth to another true successor?"

"Once Senior Brother Lu is promoted to Divine Treasure, he will definitely not be an ordinary True Inheriter. Don't forget, how many fields has Senior Brother Lu mastered?"

Countless eyes were focused on Lu Changsheng.

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Lu, you got what you wanted."

All the disciples congratulated Lu Changsheng in unison.

This is indeed a great joy.

From Shengang to Shenzang, there seems to be only one word difference.

But in fact it is completely different!

Some people even say that Shenzang is the first step in martial arts!

Only by opening your mind and stepping into the divine treasure can you truly open the door to martial arts!

Lu Changsheng took a deep breath to calm down his agitated mind.

He handed over to the many disciples and quickly walked out of the transfer hall.

"On the monument of the soul, my spiritual scale reaches one hundred. However, this does not mean that my spiritual scale is only one hundred, but because the tablet of the soul can only test to one hundred."

"As for more than one hundred, it is not necessary for Shenzang realm warriors. Once the brain is opened, the power of the soul will naturally increase, and it does not mean much."

If each field can increase fifteen psychic points, then Lu Changsheng estimates that his psychic power will be almost one hundred and eight points.

Whether it's one hundred or one hundred and eight scales, it's actually the same.

It is guaranteed to be 100% able to open the brain.

As for how to open your brain...

Lu Changsheng has long been familiar with it.

To open your brain and advance to the divine realm, you need an absolutely quiet place.

Lu Changsheng thought for a while and then walked straight to the practice room.

Guyu Tianzong has a special training room.

The retreat area is absolutely quiet.

No one will come to disturb you.

Lu Changsheng came to the practice room and asked for a spacious quiet room.

He sat cross-legged in the quiet room, with various images constantly emerging in his mind.

From being an apprentice at Miaoshou Garden, I am now standing in front of the gate of Jinzang.

It seemed like he could push the door open with just a slight push.

Even Lu Changsheng can't help but have mood swings.

"Once your brain is opened, you will no longer be a mortal!"

Lu Changsheng thought of something.

Whether he admits it or not.

Once the brain is opened, it is actually completely different from ordinary people.

After all, once the brain is opened, the shackles of life span can be broken.

It is equivalent to the Qi Refining Immortal Master of the Immortal Way.

There is an essential difference from ordinary people!

Martial arts emerge from the ordinary.

But in the same way, martial arts can also be extraordinary!

And being extraordinary starts from opening your brain!

Lu Changsheng closed his eyes.

He concentrated all his psychic powers.

Strangely enough, Lu Changsheng had used his spiritual power many times before.

However, this has never happened.

When he concentrated in his mind, he could clearly "sense" it as if there was a "door" in his mind.

Opening this "door" can open up the brain.

"No wonder the power of the mind must reach a hundred levels before it can open the brain."

"It turns out that only when the mind scale reaches 100 can the location of the brain be sensed."

Lu Changsheng finally understood why everyone was trying so hard to improve their spiritual power.

Even if the power of the mind has ninety-nine scales, if it does not reach one hundred scales in one day, it will not be able to open the brain in one day.

Because there is no way to see where the brain is.

Lu Changsheng has "seen" the location of the brain domain.

Then, he mobilized the power of his mind and rushed towards the "door" in his mind.


The power of the mind instantly opened the "door"

Lu Changsheng felt that his eyes suddenly became brighter.

His consciousness has entered a dark space.

It's empty here, nothing.


Lu Changsheng had a thought in his mind.

Suddenly, there was light in the dark space, illuminating everything.





"The sea..."

Lu Changsheng started various attempts in his mind.

Almost having a blast.

After trying it, Lu Changsheng was almost certain.

In the realm of the mind, he is omnipotent!

Yes, it is omnipotent.

As long as he thinks about it, what he wants will appear in his mind.

Even if it’s just one person.

For example, if he fantasizes about a person, it will appear in his mind...

Of course, all that is illusion.

The brain domain is equivalent to one's own spiritual space.

And what are the characteristics of the mind?

That is of course almost omnipotent.

Even though the scale of the universe is vast, it is just an idea in the mind.

However, Lu Changsheng measured the space in his brain.

Just one mile.

This basically belongs to the layer of people who have just been promoted to Shenzang.

It's "standard".

Basically, every Kamizo has only one mile of brain space when he is first promoted.

In the future, as time goes by, the more areas of the brain are nourished, the brain will continue to expand.

All the strength of a Shenzang warrior lies in the area of ​​the brain.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng no longer hesitated.

He began to put the realm into his brain to warm it up.

"Perception field!"

Lu Changsheng put the field of perception into the brain.


Suddenly, his brain was turned upside down and expanded rapidly.

It actually reached two miles.

Lu Changsheng thought thoughtfully. It seems that if you put a field in your brain, you can expand the brain space by one mile.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng put the storm realm, wave realm, starry sky realm, and waterfall realm into his mind.

There are a total of five fields, which continuously expand Lu Changsheng's brain.

Two miles, three miles, four miles, five miles, six miles!

Eventually, all five areas were put into the brain.

Lu Changsheng's brain is now a space six miles in diameter.

"A brain space six miles in diameter..."

Lu Changsheng still doesn't know the role of brain space.

I don’t even know what the benefits are of expanding the brain space.

However, he soon realized the benefits of expanding his brain space.

Lu Changsheng felt that his spiritual power was skyrocketing.

Not only the power of the soul, but more importantly, the mental power is also skyrocketing.

As his mental power skyrocketed, Lu Changsheng's heart sword became more powerful.

"I wonder if the Heart Sword can be put into the brain to warm it up?"

A thought flashed through Lu Changsheng's mind.

This idea is indeed bold.

However, Lu Changsheng thought about it and decided to give it a try.

So, with a thought in his mind, he "moved" the sword of his heart to his brain.


Lu Changsheng's brain was slightly shaken.

This is normal.

Anything that can be moved into the brain will cause the brain to vibrate slightly.

Lu Changsheng was a little surprised.

The Heart Sword can actually move into the brain.

"Wait a minute, I feel that the Heart Sword seems to be improving rapidly..."

Lu Changsheng's heart moved and he immediately looked at Xinjian.

The original progress of Heart Sword was 86%, which is already very high.

However, now that the Heart Sword has "moved" into the brain, with the blessing of the brain's mysterious power, it has begun to improve rapidly.

88%, 90%, 92%, 95%, 98%...


The brain was shaken again.

In a short period of time, the progress of Heart Sword has soared to 100%.

This also means that the Heart Sword has begun to transform!

Lu Changsheng's Heart Sword comes from the Heart Sword Sect.

Then, he integrated the secret method of the Nine-Character Mantra.

Therefore, although the current Heart Sword has undergone some changes, it is still essentially not much different from the Heart Sword Sect's Heart Sword.

The Heart Sword can still transform.

Sure enough, the inner sword in Lu Changsheng's mind began to transform.

The Heart Sword, which originally looked white, gradually began to turn into a "jade color".

And it's that crystal clear jade color.

It looks very delicate and beautiful.

However, Lu Changsheng knew very well what kind of terrifying power was contained in this heart sword.

As the Heart Sword transformed, Lu Changsheng was surprised to find that his brain space actually began to expand again.

It started from the previous six miles and quickly expanded to seven miles.

"Seven miles of brain space!"

Lu Changsheng was shocked.

He knew very well that the brain space could not be expanded just by wanting to expand it.

Many things have moved beyond the brain space.

Even if it can be moved into the brain space, it is impossible to expand the brain space.

Once the brain space expands, it means that the thing is closely related to the brain and complements each other.

Just like the domain and the brain, they complement each other.

Could it be that this Heart Sword is the same?

"Could it be that the Heart Sword can also turn from virtual to real?"

Lu Changsheng had an incredible idea.

Afterwards, he quietly waited for the transformation of the Heart Sword.

The transformation of the Heart Sword took a total of an hour.

Finally, an hour later, Xinjian completely transformed.

From the white heart sword before, it has become the jade heart sword now.

"This is……"

Lu Changsheng sensed the Jade Heart Sword for a moment.

Suddenly, his soul was blessed and he immediately understood the function of the Jade Heart Sword.

"The Jade Heart Sword can also turn from virtual to real!"

"And, compared to the white heart sword, it not only increases the power of mental power, but also can break all illusions after it turns from virtual to real!"

"No illusion can confuse me who has the jade heart sword."

A gleam of brilliance flashed in Lu Changsheng's eyes.

Break illusions!

This ability is actually very strong and very practical.

This is the ancient domain.

In addition to warriors, there are also demons and Qigong practitioners.

Those demons are not only physical strength, but also not only demonization.

Some demons also have some incredible abilities.

For example, confusion, illusion, change, etc.

The same is true for Qigong practitioners.

Immortal Qigong practitioners also have some spells that target the spirit, and the most common one is illusion.

There are so many kinds of illusions that can even be mistaken for the real.

The power of the illusion array based on illusion is even more terrifying.

It can even make a mortal city live in an illusion array without knowing it.

Not to mention that the Heart Sword is also powerful against mental attacks.

At that time, it can even shake the spirit of the powerful Shenzang!

"By the way, I wonder what changes will happen when the perception field changes from virtual to real?"

Lu Changsheng is very curious about the perception field.

This is an auxiliary field.

He is now perfect. After moving into the brain, he doesn't even need to be nurtured. He can directly change from virtual to real.

As long as the field is perfect, after moving into the brain, it can rely on the brain to change from virtual to real.

"Try it."

Lu Changsheng's mind moved.

Suddenly, the perception field was released and filled the entire training room.

"Change to real!"

Lu Changsheng shouted softly.

The perception field quickly transformed.

From virtual to real!

Moreover, it is different from the previous Lu Changsheng's use of the power of the mind to force the change from virtual to real.

Now the change from virtual to real is supported by the brain.

And the power in the brain is endless.

Theoretically, the larger the brain space, the stronger the power of the brain.

Lu Changsheng's current brain space is a full seven miles in diameter!

With such a huge brain space, it is very simple and effortless to support a mere perception field from virtual to real.

This perception field seems to be no different from before.

However, Lu Changsheng sensed it in his brain.

Soon, he got some information about the perception field.

In the brain, Lu Changsheng is omnipotent.

For Lu Changsheng, there is no secret in the brain field.

Lu Changsheng naturally also understands the ability of the perception field.

"After the perception field is transformed from virtual to real, it can not only still perceive everything in the outside world, but also block the perception of others."

"As long as you stand in the perception field and do not force your way into the perception field, no one can spy on the situation in the perception field."

Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

This is also very practical.

As for the other fields, Lu Changsheng also tried them one by one.

They are all offensive fields, so their power is naturally very strong.

Especially the fusion field, once it is transformed from virtual to real, it is very scary.

This time, Lu Changsheng's fusion field no longer has shortcomings.

The huge brain space is enough to support Lu Changsheng's battle for a long time.

"Shen Zang..."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

He has now become Shen Zang.

He now deeply understands the feeling of being an ant under Shen Zang.

It's not that Shen Zang is arrogant, but it's a fact.

Moreover, once the brain is opened, the mysterious power belonging to the brain is still improving Lu Changsheng's body bit by bit.

To be precise, it is to increase life span.

Shen Zang increases life by 100 years!

For the young Lu Changsheng, it doesn't matter whether he increases his life by 100 years or 50 years.

"From Sheng Gang to Shen Zang, it's like a carp leaping over the dragon gate."

"This is the sublimation of life and the transformation of life."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

He is still quietly experiencing the mystery of Shen Zang.

He knows very well that after today, he is no longer an ordinary person.

But the lofty Shen Zang!

Lu Changsheng got up and left the practice room.

After Shenzang, Lu Changsheng didn't know how to practice.

This is the secret of every sect!

Only the true disciples can know it.

Therefore, the skills above Shenzang cannot be taught without the true teaching!

Even if it is an elder, after being promoted to Shenzang, it needs the confirmation of the sect before the skills can be taught.

Lu Changsheng went directly to the inner gate steward hall.

He had to be promoted to a true disciple first, and then he was qualified to go to the skill hall to select martial arts and learn about the situation above Shenzang.

Soon, Lu Changsheng came to the inner gate steward hall.

There were many inner disciples coming and going here.

In fact, Lu Changsheng had not come to the inner gate for a long time.

But as soon as he appeared, he was discovered by the inner disciples.

"It's Senior Brother Lu."

"Senior Brother Lu has finally returned to the inner gate."

"For such a long time, Senior Brother Lu has hardly been to the inner gate."

"However, Senior Brother Lu looks like he is going to the Steward's Hall. But what could the Steward's Hall have to do?"

"Wait, some news came just now that Senior Brother Lu's spiritual scale has reached 100, could it be..."

Many disciples are very confused.

The status of the Steward's Hall is not too high.

Usually, they only take care of some trivial matters of the inner gate.

Few disciples take the initiative to find the Steward's Hall.

Some disciples had a bold idea in their minds.

One hundred soul scales!

This was shocking enough.

However, what was shocking was not the soul scale, but the meaning behind the one hundred soul scales.

That meant that Lu Changsheng could open his brain at any time and ascend to the God's Treasure!

And now, Lu Changsheng came to the Deacon's Hall.

Only the Deacon's Hall could register the identities of the disciples and handle the procedures for the promotion to the True Transmission.

Lu Changsheng went directly to the elders of the Deacon's Hall.

"Elder, the disciple Lu Changsheng has been promoted to the God's Treasure, and I have come to handle the procedures for the True Transmission disciple!"

Lu Changsheng bowed slightly.

As soon as the words fell, the elders of the Deacon's Hall were slightly startled.

Even the entire inner gate Deacon's Hall was instantly quiet.

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