Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 24: Seeking Medical Treatment at Home

Early the next morning, Lu Changsheng asked for leave from his master Wu Jing, and then went to the medicine shop selling Bazhen Buxue San.

The doctor in the medicine shop was very friendly when he saw Lu Changsheng.

After all, Lu Changsheng was a real big customer during this period.

Lu Changsheng didn't hesitate and asked directly: "Is there any medicinal diet for strengthening bones?"

"Medical diet for strengthening bones?"

"This is really available. The ancient recipe passed down by my ancestors is called Jiubao Que Gu San, which is very effective. It's this price..."

Lu Changsheng said calmly: "As long as the effect is good, the price is not a problem. However, I need to try the effect of Jiubao Que Gu San first."

"That's easy to say, wait a moment, I will prepare a medicinal diet first."

The doctor quickly got busy.

It doesn't take long to prepare a medicinal diet. About a quarter of an hour later, the doctor came to Lu Changsheng with a bowl of medicinal diet.

"This is Jiubao Que Gu San."

Lu Changsheng didn't hesitate and drank the medicinal diet directly.

Afterwards, Lu Changsheng circulated his qi and blood and began to practice the cold ice bone strengthening skill.

He could clearly feel that as the Ice Bone Tempering Technique was running, a warm current quickly penetrated into the bones.

It even made the bones of the whole body feel slightly hot.

In this case, the efficiency of the Ice Bone Tempering Technique was greatly improved.

"The effect of the Nine Treasures Bone Tempering Powder is indeed good."

"Tell me, how much silver do you want?"

Lu Changsheng was very satisfied with the Nine Treasures Bone Tempering Powder.

"This Nine Treasures Bone Tempering Powder uses nine very precious and rare medicinal materials, and they are all aged, so it is not easy to prepare."

"Fifty taels of silver for a set of medicinal food, which can be eaten for three days..."

After the doctor finished speaking, he found that Lu Changsheng was very calm.

After a long time, Lu Changsheng closed his eyes.

He said word by word: "Deer antler, Codonopsis, Atractylodes, Chuanqi..."

Every time Lu Changsheng read out a name, the doctor's face turned paler.

Because these names are some of the medicinal materials in the Nine Treasures Bone Tempering Powder.

Lu Changsheng is a real pharmacist.

He just drank a mouthful of Nine Treasures Bone Tempering Powder and already knew what medicinal materials were in it.

It's just that the proportions are not easy to grasp, so he can't prepare it himself.

Some of these medicinal materials are indeed very precious.

But when added together, a set of fifty taels of silver is simply taking advantage of him.


Lu Changsheng opened his eyes instantly.

At the same time, a white light flashed in his hand, and the dagger neatly cut off a corner of the table.

Even the doctor didn't see Lu Changsheng's movements clearly.


The doctor's voice was trembling, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Lu Changsheng slowly said: "You can make money, but I don't like people who are too greedy."

"Say it again, how much silver is Nine Treasures Bone Tempering Powder?"

The doctor's face was pale, and he also felt a little regretful in his heart.

During this period, he met such a big customer as Lu Changsheng, and never bargained, and was very generous.

He seemed to be bewitched just now, and he was so bold that he dared to deceive Lu Changsheng.

You know, Lu Changsheng is a warrior!

Dare to deceive a warrior, the consequences...

Thinking of this, the doctor's heart trembled, and then he said cautiously: "Twenty taels of silver for a set of Nine Treasures Bone Tempering Powder, what do you think?"

Lu Changsheng weighed it a little, and this price was more fair.

"Just give me fifty sets of Nine Treasures Bone Tempering Powder."

Lu Changsheng directly slapped the silver note of one thousand taels on the table, which made the doctor happy.

"Please wait."

Lu Changsheng waited for two hours before the other party prepared fifty sets of Nine Treasures Bone Tempering Powder.

So many Bone Tempering Powders are enough for Lu Changsheng to use for a long time.


Lu Changsheng took the Nine Treasures Bone Tempering Powder and returned to Miaoshou Garden.

After putting away the Nine Treasures Bone Tempering Powder, Lu Changsheng came to the medicine shop where Wu Jing was.

He had asked for leave and could come back in the afternoon.

But seeing that it was still early, he came back again.

When Wu Jing saw Lu Changsheng, a smile appeared on his stiff face.

Because of Mr. Wen's matter, Wu Jing was in a bad mood recently and often lost his temper.

Those apprentices were trembling with fear every day, fearing that they would be scolded by Wu Jing.

Only when facing Lu Changsheng did Wu Jing finally smile.

"Changsheng, come here quickly. There is a patient here, you come and take his pulse and see what's wrong with him?"

Wu Jing pointed at the patient in front of him.

"Let me do it?"

Lu Changsheng was a little surprised.

He originally thought that the master might take another year or two before letting him start treating patients, but he didn't expect to give him the opportunity now.

The patient was a fifty-year-old man. Seeing Lu Changsheng taking his pulse, he was not angry, but asked Lu Changsheng not to be nervous.

Obviously, even the patient saw that Wu Jing valued Lu Changsheng.

Just as Lu Changsheng was about to take his pulse, a group of warriors suddenly broke in from outside.

These warriors were all big and strong, with fierce momentum. As soon as they came in, they set their eyes on Wu Jing.

But they didn't say anything, but waited until a white-faced scholar-like man walked slowly outside.

This young man who looked like a scholar didn't seem to be very strong, but Lu Changsheng could vaguely feel the strong blood in his body.

When the young man saw Wu Jing, he bowed slightly and said, "I guess this is Doctor Wu Jing? My name is Gao Yucheng, and I am from Gaojiabao outside the city."

"Please, Doctor Wu Jing, save my brother and the people in Gaojiabao!"

Wu Jing didn't like this group of domineering people.

But when he heard about saving people, he felt compassion.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Wu Jing asked.

"Doctor Wu, recently people in Gaojiabao have been suffering from strange diseases and have been in a coma."

"We invited doctors, but they didn't know what the disease was."

"My brother is dying, and there are many clansmen in Gaojiabao who are also in danger. I heard that Doctor Wu is a great doctor, so I specially asked Doctor Wu to move to Gaojiabao for treatment."

"If you can cure the strange disease, we in Gaojiabao are willing to pay a hundred gold for treatment!"

Everyone in the medicine shop was shocked when they heard this.

A hundred gold for treatment!

It means one hundred taels of gold.

This is definitely a big deal.

Even if Wu Jing is a famous doctor, he has never received such expensive treatment fees.

"Can't you send someone to take a look?"

Wu Jing was a little doubtful.

"Doctor Wu, those people have strange diseases and are weak. If they are tired from traveling, they may die on the way, so we have to trouble you to go there in person."

"However, we have prepared a comfortable carriage, and we will definitely not let you get too tired."

The other party was very sincere.

And Lu Changsheng had also heard of Gaojiabao, which seemed to be a powerful family outside the city with strong power.

Wu Jing thought about it and finally agreed.

"Okay, you wait for a moment, I will make some arrangements first."

Wu Jing turned around and said to Lu Changsheng: "Changsheng, this time you will go to Gaojiabao with me."

"Take a few apprentices with you, take the medicine box and set off."

Wu Jing now regards Lu Changsheng as his successor, and will take him wherever he goes.

"Strange diseases" like Gaojiabao are rare cases. It is also good for improving medical skills to see and experience them with your own eyes.

Lu Changsheng thought for a moment and responded, "Master, I want to go back and pack up first."

"Go quickly and come back quickly."

So, Lu Changsheng returned to Miaoshou Garden.

It was unknown how long it would take to go to Gaojiabao this time, so he had to bring some Jiubao Bone Tempering Powder.

But there was no need to bring too much, just a few sets should be enough.

Then, Lu Changsheng also brought a dagger, just in case.

After everything was ready, Lu Changsheng returned to the pharmacy.

"Okay, Master, we can set off."

Gao Yucheng then dodged and said respectfully, "Doctor Wu, please."

Lu Changsheng supported his master and got into the carriage prepared by Gaojiabao.

Soon, the carriage slowly drove away, and the group rushed out of the city.

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