Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 258 Lu Changsheng caught the bullet with his bare hands, his body was not afraid of guns,

"Master, your home phone number."

Sister Xiang came to Lu Changsheng and whispered.

Lu Changsheng nodded and picked up the phone to answer.

"Lu Yuan, go home tonight, there are some things."

The mother on the other end of the phone said.

"Okay, I'll go home tonight."

Lu Changsheng nodded in agreement.

In his memory, there were only his parents and a sister at home.

Both parents were university professors and were high-level intellectuals.

Since he replaced "Lu Yuan", he had no communication with his parents and family.

But family is not something that can be easily abandoned.

Besides, there is no need to abandon it at all.

See what his parents want him to go back for?

Although his parents strictly forbade him to practice martial arts before.

But now, he has created his own extreme martial arts style, and his momentum has risen, and his parents can no longer stop him.

Lu Yuan took a shower in the extreme martial arts hall, then left the martial arts hall and got into the car that Sister Xiang had prepared long ago.

Now Sister Xiang has become Lu Changsheng's right-hand man.

All matters of life were arranged properly.

Senior Sister Xiang also accompanied Lu Changsheng and became his assistant in life and work.

"Master, several new extreme martial arts halls have been opened this month, but not in Pan City, but in the surrounding areas..."

Senior Sister Xiang reported to Lu Changsheng one by one in the car.

Lu Changsheng closed his eyes and dozed off, not paying much attention to Senior Sister Xiang's report.

He never cared about the business operation of the martial arts hall.

He left it to Senior Sister Xiang, Fei Qianliu and others.

Just as Lu Changsheng closed his eyes and listened to Senior Sister Xiang's report.

Suddenly, Lu Changsheng opened his eyes abruptly, and his expression changed instantly.

He suddenly felt a hint of crisis in his heart.

With Lu Changsheng's consciousness, this induction would never be wrong.

"Lower your head!"

Lu Changsheng pressed Senior Sister Xiang's ear and head abruptly.

At the same time, the glass of the car was instantly pierced.


One bullet after another pierced the car glass and headed straight for Lu Changsheng.

In fact, these bullets had been sensed by Lu Changsheng's consciousness.

But now Lu Changsheng was not his real body.

Even though his body had just grown for the second time, his reaction speed was not as fast as the bullets.

Therefore, he could only watch the bullets hit his head fiercely,


Bullets with terrifying kinetic energy are almost the nemesis of all warriors.

However, now there are a total of three bullets, all hitting Lu Changsheng's body.

Two bullets fell on the head.

One bullet fell on the neck.

These three bullets collided fiercely with Lu Changsheng's skin.

But Lu Changsheng's skin has become extremely tough after the second growth.

It couldn't even be penetrated by bullets.

The kinetic energy of the bullet disappeared, and then it bounced off and fell on the car.

It seemed slow, but it was actually just a moment.

Senior Sister Xiang and the driver were stunned.

What did they see?


Lu Yuan could actually resist bullets with his body?

This... is incredible.

Even though I know that Lu Yuan is very strong and the Extreme Martial Arts Style is very strong.

However, witnessing this scene with my own eyes still makes people feel extremely shocked.

"Bullet... bullet!"

"Someone used a gun to kill the sect leader?"

Senior Sister Xiang came back to her senses immediately.

However, Lu Changsheng reacted faster.

"Stay here."

Lu Changsheng jumped straight.


He rushed out of the car.

In his perception, there were actually two gunmen.

And one on the left and one on the right.

One was on the third floor on the left, and the other was on the fourth floor on the right.

"The target is not dead, the mission failed."


The two gunmen moved very quickly.

Seeing that they failed to kill Lu Changsheng, they immediately evacuated.

They were organized and premeditated, and the retreat route had been planned long ago.

Even if they were discovered by Lu Yuan, it would be impossible to catch them.

However, they underestimated Lu Yuan.

To be more precise, they underestimated the "second growth" Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan almost didn't hesitate at all, striding forward with big steps, running madly towards the third floor on the left.

Moreover, he kicked his feet and leaped up.


The ground seemed to shake violently.

There was a loud noise.

At the same time, Lu Changsheng's body flew into the air, jumped directly to the third floor, and crashed into the window on the third floor.


The window was smashed.

But a gunman in the room was stunned.

Almost without thinking, he fired.

"Bang bang bang bang bang".

Several bullets in a row.

The gunman almost poured out all the bullets.

Moreover, the gunman had been strictly trained and his shooting skills were very accurate.

Almost every shot hit Lu Changsheng.

However, Lu Changsheng did not even frown and let the bullets hit him.

These bullets fell on Lu Changsheng, but they could not penetrate Lu Changsheng's skin at all, and were bounced off and fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the gunman widened his eyes, as if he couldn't believe it.

Flesh blocking bullets?

This is simply... unbelievable!

But this is the truth.

And it happened right in front of him.

Since the birth of firearms, the whole world has changed.

What Dan Jin, Gang Jin, what warriors, martial arts masters, have lost any advantage in front of firearms.

Even if it is Gang Jin.

One bullet will do the trick.

If that doesn't work, use two or three bullets.

Grandmaster Gang Jin was shot to death by more than one or two people.

However, now there is someone who can resist bullets with flesh and blood?

This was beyond the shooter's expectations.


Lu Changsheng knocked out the gunman with one palm.

The shooter cannot die now.

He wants to know who hired the gunman to kill him?

Moreover, this is just a shooter.

There is also a second gunman on the right.

The other party took advantage of this time and left the fourth floor.

He planned a route and fled to the street, and got a car ready to drive away.


Lu Changsheng snorted coldly.

Naturally, he would not let anyone who wanted to kill him escape so easily.

So, Lu Changsheng held the unconscious gunman in his left hand and jumped directly from the third floor to the ground.

Moreover, his perception instantly locked onto the gunman driving the car.


Lu Changsheng jumped out and covered a distance of more than ten meters in an instant.

And, running wildly all the way.


The gunman saw Lu Changsheng in the rearview mirror.

Her expression changed greatly.

He immediately stepped on the accelerator and pushed it all the way down.

The speed of the car suddenly surged.

Lu Changsheng was too lazy to stage a car chase here.

He then grabbed the tire of a car and gave it a hard squeeze.


The tire was forced off by Lu Changsheng.

Moreover, Lu Changsheng swung at the gunman's vehicle.


Suddenly, the tires burst through the air, roaring and hitting the gunman's running vehicle.


The gunman looked at the tires getting closer and closer in the rearview mirror, with a look of horror on his face.

However, the tire still fell down and hit the vehicle heavily.

The vehicle suddenly lost control, fell instantly, rolled several times, and finally hit a street light and stopped.

He took off the tire from Lu Changsheng and threw it away hard.

Then the killer's vehicle was hit by a tire, lost control and hit a street light.

The time in between is short.

However, this scene was witnessed by many people.

After all, this is the street, and there are too many people seeing it.

They all opened their mouths and widened their eyes, as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Is this a movie?"

"No, it's not a movie, it's real...people in it were hurt."

"Isn't that person Lu Yuan, the founder of the Extreme Martial Arts style? He simply broke off the tires and overturned a car?"

"Ah...gun, it's a gun..."

Many people exclaimed.


Among the overturned cars, the woman actually pulled out a gun.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng was bending over and stretched out his head to look at the woman in the car.

"Bang bang bang."

The woman fired.

And madly poured bullets into Lu Changsheng's face.

The people around him were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

Lu Yuan's face suddenly blossomed?

If you are hit by a bullet, you will definitely die!

However, a shocking scene occurred.

Those bullets were unable to penetrate the skin on Lu Yuan's face.

Not even a mark was left.

Instead, the bullets were bounced away and fell to the ground.


The woman opened her mouth wide and even forgot to pull the trigger again.

However, even pulling the trigger is of no use.

Because she has no bullets.

Lu Changsheng grabbed the woman directly and lifted her out of the car.

Women are lucky.

The vehicle rolled over several times, and she was only scratched on her feet, but she did not suffer any other injuries.

However, she is also unfortunate.

Because, she was caught by Lu Yuan.


Lu Changsheng conveniently threw the gunman he was holding in his other hand to the ground.

Two gunmen, a man and a woman, assassinated Lu Yuan from the left and right.

"Tell me, who are you? Who asked you to kill me?"

Lu Changsheng said calmly.

However, the two of them remained silent without saying a word.

"I heard that dead soldiers or killers will commit suicide after failing their mission. If you use poison or other means, just commit suicide as soon as possible. I will not stop you."

"But if you don't want to commit suicide, do you think you can bear the pain and torture you will endure? Do you want to give it a try first?"

Lu Changsheng directly mentioned the female killer, took one of her fingers and broke it hard.


The finger was broken off by Lu Changsheng.


The woman screamed.

"I said it, we all said it."

At this time, another killer spoke.

He gritted his teeth and said: "We are bounty killers. Based on the bounty on the underground dark web, we have taken over the task of assassinating you."

"In the underground dark web, the bounty for your assassination is very high. It has reached tens of millions and is even rising rapidly."

Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

Let the two people log into the underground dark web.

Lu Changsheng took a closer look and saw that it was indeed the bounty killer.

Moreover, he also saw that the amount of the bounty on him on the underground dark web was still rising.

The bounty on this underground dark web is not a bounty placed by one person. If there is a bounty target, other people are allowed to increase the bounty anonymously.

That is to say, the tens of millions of bounties accumulated by Lu Changsheng were not paid by one person, but by countless people who kept increasing the bounties anonymously.

In this mode, the bounties of the underground dark web seem to be very high.

Sister Xiang also came over at this time. She took a look at the underground dark web on the computer, and then said in a deep voice: "Master, the underground dark web has existed for a long time. No one knows who created it, and it cannot be closed."

"Any bounty mission above cannot be closed, and it is impossible to find out who bounties."

Lu Changsheng understood.

He probably guessed that the people who bountyed him were mostly related to countless circles.

Even, his bounty could be as high as tens of millions, and most of them were bounties from the martial arts circle.

"Heh, interesting."

"It seems that I have offended a lot of people, and even made them want to bounty me on the dark web."

"Go, use various methods to contact the dark web. If you continue to bounty me, I will uproot the dark web!"

Lu Changsheng ordered without question.

"Yes, Master."

Sister Xiang immediately went down to make arrangements.

She had seen clearly before that Lu Yuan was no longer afraid of bullets.

The body resisting bullets was not a joke, but a reality.

Lu Yuan was getting more and more powerful now, and even Senior Sister Xiang was in awe.

"We have said what we should say, give us a quick death..."

The killer closed his eyes.

He knew that people like them would basically die if they failed in their mission and were caught.

The reason why Bu Fu Yu resisted to the end was that he didn't want to be tortured too much.

"As you wish."

Lu Changsheng picked up the bullet he had caught with his bare hands before.

"Swish, swish."

Two bullets flew into the heads of the two men quickly.

Suddenly, the two men tilted their heads and fell into a pool of blood, no longer alive.

"Call the police to collect the bodies."

Lu Changsheng ordered coldly.

He was acting in self-defense, and the two men were professional killers.

It would be a waste of death if they died.

Lu Changsheng and Senior Sister Xiang changed another car.

Continue to rush home.

This matter has nothing to do with the family.

The killer has been lying in ambush outside, staring at Lu Yuan.

Sister Xiang saw that Lu Changsheng looked calm, and she couldn't help asking: "Master, are you... really okay?"

Sister Xiang really felt it was too horrifying.

Flesh resists bullets.

Every time I see it, I am shocked.

Lu Changsheng didn't say anything, but took out the killer's pistol.

He shot directly at his palm.


The bullet was fired instantly.

Lu Changsheng clenched his palm and caught the bullet in his hand.

Then, he spread his palm.

In the palm, there was a shell.

Sister Xiang's heart moved.

Catch the bullet with bare hands!

This is more terrifying and more intuitive than the body resisting bullets.

She no longer has any doubts this time.

Lu Yuan is really not afraid of bullets.

"Sister Xiang, don't you believe that you can break the limit of the human body?"

"Then, I'll tell you now. The reason why I can catch bullets with my bare hands and even bullets can't penetrate my body is because I have broken the limit of the human body and entered the second growth of the human body!"

Lu Changsheng said to Sister Xiang.


"Master, you have entered the second growth?"

Sister Xiang was shocked.

Lu Yuan created the Extreme Martial Arts Flow, which clearly stated it.

When the primary growth reaches the limit, it must break the limit and enter the second growth.

Once it reaches the second growth, it can gradually develop the terrifying power hidden in the human body.

Possessing all kinds of incredible characteristics.

And now, Lu Yuan has entered the second growth.

Not to mention other characteristics, just not afraid of bullets and guns, that's very terrifying.

It has completely surpassed the martial arts of practicing strength.

After all, even if the martial arts of practicing strength reaches the highest level, it can't resist bullets from guns.

Sister Xiang was very excited.

Second growth, Lu Yuan actually achieved it.

This also proves that the theory of the Extreme Martial Arts Flow is correct.

And, it can continue to go on according to the theory!

This undoubtedly gave Xiang a reassurance.

Who wouldn't want to grow twice or even three times if they could keep going?

That represents unlimited potential!

The vehicle soon arrived at the residential area where Lu Yuan's family lived.

Lu Changsheng walked up alone.

"Knock, knock."

Lu Changsheng knocked on the door.

Soon, the door opened.

Lu Yuan's parents were in the room.


Lu Changsheng saw that in addition to Lu Yuan's parents, there were three other strangers.

"Lu Yuan, you're back."

"Sit down quickly, these three are all leaders of our school..."

So, the parents introduced the identities of the three people to Lu Changsheng one by one.

The three are all leaders of Lu Yuan's parents' school.

In fact, they are also Lu Changsheng's leaders.

After all, "Lu Yuan" is still a junior student now.

That's registered.

It's just because Lu Yuan was injured, so he applied for a temporary leave of absence.

He can go back to college at any time.

"Lu Yuan, you are really young and promising."

"You have created your own extreme martial arts style at such a young age, and it is very popular in Pan City."

"There are even students in our school who have formed an extreme martial arts club."

"We are here this time to invite you to go back to school to give a speech, and also to go through the admission procedures again. After all, you are still a junior at the school."

The leader's tone is very kind.

Lu Changsheng frowned slightly and said, "It's okay to give a speech at the school, but to go through the admission procedures, I'm afraid I don't have the energy to continue enrolling now..."

"No, the purpose of going through the admission procedures is actually to make it more convenient for Student Lu. As long as the admission procedures are completed, next year, the school will be able to directly issue a diploma to Student Lu. After all, Student Lu is an outstanding alumnus of our school."

Lu Changsheng understood.

The admission procedures are not for him to continue going back to school, but are just a formality.

How could the school stick to the situation for a person with a bright future like Lu Yuan?

go to school?


Graduation certificates will be issued directly at that time.

From now on, the school can promote that Lu Yuan came from their university.

After chatting for a while, the school leaders left.

Lu Yuan and his parents were the only three people left in the house.

Both parents are university professors and senior intellectuals.

They were very opposed to Lu Yuan's martial arts training before.

But who would have thought that a warrior would come out of such a high-level intellectual family.

He is even the founder of Extreme Martial Arts.

This was beyond their expectations.

By now, it was impossible to stop it.

Even if they don't know much about martial artists, look at the streets and alleys of Iwa City. Where is there no ultimate martial arts gym?

On TV and on the Internet, there are widespread discussions about extreme martial arts and Lu Yuan.

To put it simply, they also know that Lu Yuan is now promising.

It was far more promising than the route they planned for Lu Yuan.

"Lu Yuan, we have nothing to do with your affairs."

"But we hope that since you have decided to take the path of martial arts, you must stick to it. On the Internet, you are very controversial, but no matter how controversial it is, you have to persist..."

The parents "preached" again.

Lu Changsheng was not impatient, but listened quietly.

In the Holy Land, Lu Changsheng failed to experience the warmth of family.

But here, the family finally has warmth.

The next day, Lu Changsheng returned to the Extreme Martial Arts Gym.

Senior Sister Xiang immediately came to report: "Faction leader, I have contacted the underground dark network through some private channels and given a warning to the dark network. However, the dark network ignored the warning from the Extreme Martial Arts Hall and refused to remove the warning to you. 's reward."

Lu Changsheng nodded.

This darknet will definitely be uprooted in the future.

But now, there is no way.

After all, he couldn't find anyone on the dark web.

Lu Changsheng took some powerful supplements, but his secondary growth progress was still very slow.

At this rate, it may not be possible to grow three times in two years.

If you are unable to grow three times, you will not be able to embark on the extraordinary journey, let alone condense your martial arts.

Lu Changsheng knew that the energy he needed was too huge.

Primary growth and secondary growth cannot be compared at all.

One is still within the limits of human beings, and the other has broken through the limits.

The energy required is naturally extraordinary.


"The way humans obtain energy is basically through food."

"In the Holy Land, even warriors can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and use it as energy."

"In this world, how difficult is it to find the treasures of heaven and earth? We must find a way to obtain more intuitive energy."

Lu Changsheng raised his head and glanced at the sky.

In the sky, there is the sun and stars.

But, so what?

He also wanted to directly absorb the energy of the sun and absorb the energy of the stars.

But trying to directly absorb the energy of the sun and stars with the current body is tantamount to wishful thinking.

"The most intuitive and easiest energy for humans to obtain..."

Lu Changsheng kept thinking in his mind.

"Electric energy!"

Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

Yes, he thought of an energy.


Humans can use wind power to generate electricity, hydropower to generate electricity, coal to generate electricity, and solar energy to generate electricity.

In short, electrical energy is the largest and most intuitive energy that humans can obtain.

So, can Lu Changsheng use electrical energy to stimulate his body's improvement?

In other words, Lu Changsheng wanted to obtain energy directly from electrical energy.

This sounds like fantasy.

But Lu Changsheng has the consciousness of the Earth Saint, and from a high position, he doesn't think this is a fantasy.

As long as it is energy, it can be utilized.

If it is a one-time growth, it has not exceeded the limit of the human body.

Then the human body cannot withstand electrical energy no matter what.

It is even more impossible to utilize and absorb electrical energy.

But Lu Changsheng was different.

He is now on his second growth.

The body's toughness is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

He could give it a try.

"Sister Xiang, prepare a spacious and empty house for me."

"The circuit must be set up. It is best to have voltage regulators of various specifications. I want to use it to practice."

He nodded to Senior Sister and went down to do it immediately.

In about a few hours, Senior Sister Xiang had it done.

"Faction leader, there is a factory for sale. I bought it directly in the name of Extreme Martial Arts Hall."

"There are specially built circuits and voltage regulators of various specifications in the factory. Do you want to take a look?"

Lu Changsheng nodded: "Okay, let's go and have a look right away."

So, the group immediately went to the factory.

Soon, Lu Changsheng arrived at the factory.

There were no workers in the factory, all of them were dismissed.

Only a few workers who repaired the circuit were left.

Senior Sister Xiang was very careful and reliable.

Lu Changsheng was very satisfied.

He said directly: "Let everyone else go out and turn on the circuit."

"Yes, Sect Master."

Lu Changsheng was alone in the factory and turned on the 220-volt circuit.

He picked up a wire and printed it directly on himself.


Lu Changsheng felt his whole body trembling.

However, his consciousness could control every inch of flesh and blood in his body.

Therefore, he quickly controlled his body and frantically absorbed the electrical energy in his body.

That is, this body has grown twice, and its defense is really terrifying.

Even with a voltage of 220 volts, it cannot completely kill Lu Changsheng.

It can only hurt Lu Changsheng.

But relying on Lu Changsheng's consciousness, he could still let his body "swallow" electricity directly.

In this way, Lu Changsheng stayed in the factory for three days.

For three days, he "swallowed" the circuit every day.

Until three days later, Lu Changsheng checked the attribute panel.

Host: Lu Yuan

Extreme martial arts flow: secondary growth (2%)

"It really works, the progress has increased by 1%, and it has only been three days."

"Three days 1%, one month is 10%, ten months can reach the limit of 100%, and there is a chance to achieve three growths."

Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

Ten months to achieve three growths.

This speed is actually quite fast.

Of course, this depends on electricity!

Even if the electricity is increased, such as higher voltage.

Maybe Lu Changsheng's progress can be faster.

Of course, only Lu Changsheng can "practice" directly with electricity.

Even if others have achieved secondary growth, but without Lu Changsheng's huge consciousness, they must be cautious when practicing martial arts with electricity.

It is absolutely impossible to practice at the speed of Lu Changsheng.

But this is not important.

It is normal that the cultivation speed is not that fast.

The important thing is that Lu Changsheng has found a way for ordinary people to continue to cultivate.

The path of secondary growth cultivation depends on electricity!

"Sister Xiang, tell them that there is nothing particularly important, don't disturb me."

Lu Changsheng decided to practice in the factory with the help of electricity.

Strive to reach 100% progress as soon as possible, and even break the limit again and step into the third growth!

Sister Xiang naturally obeyed the order.

Time passed day by day.

In a blink of an eye, another three months passed.

One day, Sister Xiang hurried to Lu Changsheng's side.

"Master, there is something I need to report to you."

Sister Xiang said respectfully.

"What is it?"

Lu Changsheng did not stop.

He still printed the wire in his hand directly on himself.

A crackling electric light flashed on the surface of Lu Changsheng's body, causing Sister Xiang's expression to twitch slightly.

This situation is not the first time she has seen it, but it still feels a little "creepy".

To this day, she even felt that Lu Yuan was no longer a "human".

Who can directly connect electricity to himself?

"Sect leader, those martial artists have a wide network of contacts and are mobilizing their contacts recently. It is said that they have persuaded the high-level officials of the kingdom to ban our extreme martial arts!"

"Although the order has not been officially issued, this news has been leaked through various channels."

"So I dare not neglect it and report to the sect leader immediately."

Report to the senior sister respectfully.

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