Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 260: Guns and cannons do not hurt him at all! Lu Changsheng's decisive battle of the ce

Chapter 260: Guns and cannons can not hurt him at all! Lu Changsheng fights the king of the century!

"Is he going to die now?"

"If he can't be killed even by bullets, is he still a human? But the power of cannonballs is much greater than that of bullets, and no flesh and blood can stop cannonballs."

"Yes, even those large beasts, even if they can stop some bullets, can never stop cannonballs."

Many guards were staring at Lu Changsheng's figure.

Now is the age of guns and cannons.

Guns can't kill some things, but cannonballs can definitely kill them.

The destructive power of the two is very different.

The people of the Long family were also staring at the huge fireball.

Rocket launchers were used, which was almost the strongest weapon they could use for the time being.

If rocket launchers can't kill him, then other weapons will be the same.

The huge fireball hit by the rocket began to shrink gradually and finally disappeared slowly.

However, they vaguely saw a figure, still standing straight in the same place.

"Bang bang bang".

It was like the sound of a heart beating.

However, the sound of this heart beating was too loud.

Even many people couldn't help but beat along with it.

"I... what's wrong with me/"

"What's going on?"

"My heart is beating too fast. If I can't keep up, I'll die..."

Many people felt very uncomfortable.

They covered their chests tightly.

"Rockets? The power is good. Unfortunately, it's still a little short and didn't kill me."

Lu Changsheng walked out of the smoke step by step.

His clothes were already tattered.

His whole body was like smoke, and he looked very "funny".

However, no one could laugh now.

Instead, they were extremely shocked and fell to the ground in pain.

They covered their chests tightly and stared at Lu Yuan in disbelief.

"You... you're not dead? Impossible, how could you not be dead? That's a rocket launcher..."

The people of the Long family and the guards looked at Lu Yuan in disbelief.

Even as Lu Yuan approached step by step, they kept retreating.

Even though the guards still had guns and rocket launchers in their hands, they didn't dare to do anything.

Deep in their hearts, they felt a sense of fear.

That strange heart "beating sound" seemed to come from Lu Changsheng's body.

Moreover, the heartbeat seemed to be getting faster and faster.

Dozens of guards screamed and covered their chests and fell to the ground.

The people of the Long family were the same. They fell to the ground one after another, and their expressions were distorted because of pain.

Lu Changsheng looked at the people lying on the ground and wailed on the ground.

He stretched out his hand to cover the position of his heart in his chest.

"Too weak."

"I just mobilized my heartbeat to cause resonance in your hearts, and then you couldn't stand it."

"See? This is the gap between extreme martial arts and ordinary people."

Lu Changsheng has now grown three times, and he has entered the realm of transcendence.

The so-called transcendence naturally has some extraordinary means.

Now, this kind of heartbeat resonance is just a very superficial way of transcendence.

Using the sound of Lu Changsheng's own heartbeat, he can cause the resonance of other people's heartbeats.

Then, Lu Changsheng can speed up the heartbeat of other people and make other hearts beat faster.

It seems that there is no danger.

However, Lu Changsheng's physical fitness has grown three times, and he has become a "non-human" body. How can other ordinary people compare?

Therefore, just a little faster heartbeat, these ordinary people can't bear it.

If Lu Changsheng is willing, he doesn't even have to do anything, and all these people will die!

"Spare my life."

"Lu Yuan, our Long family is willing to stop the Yulong Kingdom from abolishing the Extreme Martial Arts Hall."

"Give our Long family a chance..."

The head of the Long family is an old man with a cane.

He also covered his chest tightly at this moment, with a painful look on his face.

However, his mind is very clear.

The head of the Long family knows very well that under the current situation, if the Long family does not beg for mercy, then the Long family will be completely finished.

At that time, no matter how great the identity and status are, it will be meaningless.

All of them were killed by Lu Yuan. Even if the Yulong Kingdom finally destroyed Lu Yuan, what would be the point?

Therefore, the head of the Long family decisively begged for mercy.

"Beg for mercy?"

Lu Changsheng smiled.

At this time, Senior Sister Xiang and others also hurried over.

Seeing the scene in front of them, they were all stunned.

The Long family manor in front of them seemed to have been through a fierce war.

There were potholes everywhere.

Even the entire manor was in a mess.

As if it had been bombed.

And Lu Yuan was all black, with only some clothes and cloth hanging on his body, which looked extremely funny.

Senior Sister Xiang immediately gave clothes to Lu Yuan to put on.

Lu Yuan was not polite and put on the clothes directly.

He walked directly into the living room of the Long family step by step.

Soon, the people on the ground found that the strange heartbeat sound disappeared.

Their hearts no longer hurt.

So, one by one, they quickly climbed up.

But the guards were very vigilant and helped the people of the Long family to get up.

The head of the Long family, leaning on a cane, pushed away the person from the Long family who was supporting him.

"Everyone from the Long family, come in. The guards are waiting outside. No one is allowed to enter without permission."

"Yes, Mr. Long."

So, the guards stood outside the door.

The Long family followed the head of the family into the living room.

In the living room, Lu Changsheng sat at the head of the family.

In front of him stood a group of Long family members.

These Long family members lowered their heads and dared not look directly at Lu Changsheng.

But most of them were very angry with Lu Yuan, but they were also very afraid, and they did not dare to show it now.

After all, the feeling of being only one road away from death just now was really terrible.

The head of the Long family also stood in front of Lu Changsheng and said respectfully: "Lu Yuan, isn't your purpose to stop the Yulong Kingdom from banning the Extreme Martial Arts School? My Long family will do our best to support the Extreme Martial Arts School!"

The head of the Long family was very sensible and directly stated the Long family's promise.

Of course, they had to bow their heads under the eaves.

They could only compromise temporarily.

Lu Changsheng nodded and looked at the head of the Long family, as if he could see through everything.

"The Long family is very sensible. I will give you one chance."

"As for giving this chance, whether you want to compromise temporarily and hold me back, or think of a way to deal with me in the future, it doesn't matter."

"But remember, you only have one chance!"

"I will stay in Yudu for a while, I hope you won't let me down..."

After that, Lu Changsheng took Senior Sister Xiang and others and left the Long family manor.

When Lu Changsheng and others completely disappeared, the people of the Long family immediately started talking.

Everyone was extremely angry.

"Grandpa, Lu Yuan is absolutely unforgivable. Let's mobilize our manpower and go and destroy Lu Yuan now!"

"No one can deal with our Long family like this."

"Lu Yuan must die!"

The children of the Long family have never been threatened like this before.

What's more, it was a threat from a warrior.

"Shut up!"

The head of the Long family shouted fiercely.

Instantly, the whole hall was silent.

The head of the Long family swept his majestic eyes and said coldly: "Who of you will lead people to kill Lu Yuan?"

"Stand up!"

"Tell me, who of you is sure to kill Lu Yuan?"

"You should have heard what Lu Yuan said just now. Even if we want to retaliate, we only have one chance. If we don't kill the snake, we will suffer from it. If we can't kill Lu Yuan, the entire Long family will die."

"Do you dare to take a gamble? With a warrior, bet on our entire Long family to take a gamble?"

The words of the head of the Long family made everyone in the Long family bow their heads.

Yes, they only have one chance.

If Lu Yuan cannot be killed, then Lu Yuan will definitely destroy the entire Long family.

Unless it is absolutely necessary and without perfect preparation, will the Long family dare to take a gamble?

"Grandpa, what should we do now?"

Someone asked.


"The prosperity of the Long family for hundreds of years is not based on bravery and fighting, nor on risking one's life, but on endurance!"

"When encountering major events, especially those related to the life and death of the entire family, you have to endure! As long as you can survive, the family can continue."

"Besides, how much hatred do we have with Lu Yuan? None, it's just that group of people in the martial arts circle gave us some benefits. Now these benefits can be abandoned."

"Remember, if you are not absolutely sure, you must never provoke Lu Yuan. If you want to take action, you must be sure to completely destroy him!"

The children of the Long family all nodded.

As for if they are not sure of destroying Lu Yuan, they can only endure.

Especially when they think of the pain in their hearts just now, they feel even more sympathetic.

Lu Yuan wants to destroy the entire Long family, and it is not an empty talk.

"Okay, what should we do next? I don't need to tell you, right?"

"Go and tell all the big families that we must clearly support the Extreme Martial Arts."

"Besides, this is not a bad thing. Lu Yuan is invulnerable to swords and guns, and even rockets can't kill him. Maybe the Extreme Martial Arts School's claim that it can prolong people's lives may be true..."

Everyone was shocked.

Yes, the Extreme Martial Arts School can prolong life.

Although it was just a one-sided statement from the Extreme Martial Arts School.

But Lu Yuan is invulnerable to swords and guns, and even rockets can't kill him.

What else can be more convincing than Lu Yuan?

The Long family's affairs were covered up by the Long family.

Despite such a big commotion, many families in Yudu had some intelligence.

But the information they received was fragmentary.

It was only known that Lu Yuan went to the Long family in person, and then the Long family changed their minds and chose to clearly support the Extreme Martial Arts.

This time, the situation in Yudu changed drastically.

Originally, they decided to ban the Extreme Martial Arts School.

Now they have to start a new tug-of-war and struggle again.

Time passed day by day.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

"Master, the Long family just called and invited you to the Long family. They said there is something very important that needs to be discussed with you."

Senior Sister Xiang stood in front of Lu Changsheng and reported respectfully.

Since the last time Lu Changsheng fought in the Long family, Senior Sister Xiang looked at Lu Changsheng as if she was looking at a god.

There was only awe in her heart!

"It seems that the Long family has news."

"Let's go to the Long family."

Lu Changsheng said with a smile.

But Sister Xiang hesitated to speak. She couldn't help but said with some worry: "Master, the Long family is very powerful. In recent days, the Long family has strengthened the Long family's security force. I'm afraid that they have no good intentions in inviting you to come this time. Please be cautious."

Lu Changsheng smiled: "You mean, the Long family wants to kill me?"

Sister Xiang did not comment.

But she obviously had this worry.

"Sister Xiang, there may be no one in this world who understands what the three growths mean better than me."

"Three growths mean extraordinary power!"

"Whether it is weapons or other means mastered by ordinary people, there is no threat to those who step into the extraordinary realm."

"What's more, the Long family is a family that has been passed down for hundreds of years. They know how to survive and will not gamble with the entire Long family."

"So, don't worry."

Lu Changsheng was not worried about the Long family at all.

So, Lu Changsheng left the hotel directly and took a car to the Long family manor again.

The Long family guards obviously knew Lu Yuan.

After seeing Lu Yuan coming, they did not dare to neglect him at all and let him go immediately.

The vehicle slowly drove into the Long Family Manor.

Lu Changsheng took a look at the manor.

It seemed that the number of guards had indeed increased a lot.

However, since he entered the manor, the guards had not released any hostility.

They did not even dare to monitor Lu Yuan and his party.

It was obvious that the Long family was really scared.

Without absolute certainty, the Long family would never dare to attack Lu Yuan.

"Mr. Lu, you are finally here."

The head of the Long family was still the vigorous old man.

Moreover, the other party was flushed, and there was no sign that he was almost killed by Lu Changsheng a few days ago.

This calmness of mind has surpassed many people.

Lu Changsheng was not polite and sat directly on the sofa, asking coldly: "Tell me, what is the result of banning the extreme martial arts flow?"

The head of the Long family took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "The people in the martial arts circle do have a wide network of contacts and have convinced many people. Even if my Long family clearly supports the extreme martial arts flow, our Long family can't withstand the various confrontations in these three days."

"Especially the Zhao family, the Zhang family and the Li family, the extreme martial arts flow must be banned. These three families represent the nobles and some people in the parliament. They are very powerful. They are also deeply entangled with the martial arts circle."

"If we can make these three families change their attitudes, even if these three families are neutral, then our Long family will naturally be able to suppress the group of people in the martial arts circle and allow the extreme martial arts flow to spread freely."

"This time the three major families took the initiative to send out the news and wanted to meet Mr. Lu. Mr. Lu, what do you think?"

Lu Changsheng understood.

The head of the Long family can't handle the three major families.

This is to let Lu Changsheng handle it.

After all, if Lu Changsheng can "convince" the Long family, then he can certainly "convince" the other three families.

Lu Changsheng looked at the head of the Long family with a smile.

"Tell me, what do the three major families rely on?"

"With the power of your Long family, it is impossible that you don't know what the three major families rely on."

"Think it through first."

Although Lu Changsheng's tone was calm, it made the head of the Long family feel a chill in his heart.

He did not dare to hide it, and replied in a low voice: "Mr. Lu, according to our Long family's intelligence, this time the three major families have invited the strongest existence in the martial arts circle, the legendary King of the Century - Hongchuan!"

"This Hongchuan, although he is over 70 years old today, it is said that the King of the Century is indestructible, his whole body is flawless, and he can always maintain his peak combat power. Even in his 70s, his combat power has not decreased at all."

"So... the three major families should be showing their cards, and they don't want to argue endlessly with my Long family. Instead, they want to directly decide the outcome with martial arts!"

A gleam of brilliance flashed in Lu Changsheng's eyes: "King of the Century, Hongchuan?"

He had never heard of the King of the Century.

But just by hearing this title, we know that Hongchuan should be the top existence in the entire martial arts circle.

No one can be better than Hongchuan.

"Okay, let's decide the outcome by martial arts!"

"Grandpa Long, please go to the three major families with me and Lu to meet this king of the century."

Lu Changsheng stood up.

The head of the Long family did not hesitate.

At this time, he must go to the three major families with Lu Changsheng.

After all, it is now clear that Lu Changsheng's "backer" is the Long family.

The Long family has been completely tied to Lu Changsheng, and it is impossible for the Long family not to show up.

So, the head of the Long family sent a convoy and rushed to the place agreed by the three major families with Lu Changsheng.

The place agreed by the three major families and the Long family is the Zhao family manor.

The Zhao family manor is outside the city.

Lu Changsheng was thoughtful.

Going outside the city, is this to avoid Yudu and better deploy some manpower?

Even, simply deploy the army?

There is such a possibility.

The three big families are so powerful that it is normal to mobilize the army.

Even if the three big families don't know that Lu Changsheng can resist the rocket launcher, they have investigated that Lu Changsheng is not afraid of guns and bullets.

It is also very likely to make adequate preparations.

However, isn't this a good thing for Lu Changsheng?

Solve the problem at one time to avoid involving all parties and wasting time.

So, the Long family convoy drove for an hour and finally arrived at the Zhao family manor.

"Hey, what a big battle!"

Lu Changsheng sneered.

There are indeed troops.

There are even quite a few of them.

Moreover, there are heavy weapons!

It seems that the three major families are indeed very cautious.

Even heavy weapons have been mobilized.

This is a fear of Lu Huan!

The head of the Long family was startled and said cautiously: "Mr. Lu, if you don't want to go to the Zhao family manor, we can turn around and leave now."

The Long family is tied to Lu Yuan.

Although the Long family also hopes that Lu Yuan will die, they can't say it clearly.

If Lu Yuan is unhappy, the Long family will definitely be in trouble.

"No, solve it all at once to avoid trouble."

"Continue to the Zhao family manor."

Lu Changsheng waved his hand, seemingly unconcerned.

So, the convoy drove smoothly into the Zhao family manor.

Lu Changsheng and the head of the Long family got off the car.

The people of the three major families have been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Long, Master Lu, please come in."

The other party didn't say much nonsense.

Lu Changsheng also walked in front and walked straight into the spacious living room.


When Lu Changsheng stepped into the living room.

Suddenly, he immediately felt a terrible breath.

It was an old man.

His hair and beard were all white.

However, the whole person looked very strong.

The breath he exuded was like a terrifying beast, which made people shudder.

Even if the other party was related to the three major families.

But it seemed that no one from the three major families dared to approach him.

"The King of the Century, Hongchuan!"

Lu Changsheng spoke slowly, word by word.

He knew that the other party must be the King of the Century, Hongchuan.

Otherwise, there would not be such a terrifying breath.

This was the only person Lu Changsheng had seen in this world with such a strong breath and physique.

"You are very strong."

Hongchuan spoke.

"I have seen your extreme martial arts in the video."

"To be honest, I don't understand it. I have practiced martial arts for a lifetime, and even reached the level of seeing gods, but I know that human power is limited, and people are people, and they cannot break the limit."

"You claim that the extreme martial arts can break the limit, then let me see if you can really break the limit?"

Hongchuan stood up suddenly.

As soon as he stood up, he was like a lion, showing his sharp edge.

The whole hall suddenly became silent, and you could hear a pin drop.


Lu Changsheng suddenly spoke.


"You don't dare?"

Hong Chuan frowned.

Lu Changsheng's eyes moved away from Hong Chuan and swept across the people of the three major families in the hall.

Finally, they fell on the three middle-aged men.

They were probably the representatives of the three major families.

"Let me make it clear first. Your three major families invite Hong Chuan to fight with Lu."

"What if Lu wins, what if Hong Chuan wins?"

The three men looked at each other.

Finally, a middle-aged man said: "If Mr. Lu wins, the entire Yulong Kingdom will allow the extreme martial arts flow to spread, and the Yulong Kingdom official will no longer have any obstacles to the extreme martial arts flow."

"If Mr. Hong wins, Mr. Lu will be expelled from the Yulong Kingdom, and he will never step into the Yulong Kingdom again in this life. At the same time, the extreme martial arts will be completely banned."

Lu Changsheng nodded.

In fact, I'm afraid these people still have something to say.

If Lu Changsheng loses, it's not just as simple as being expelled from the Yulong Kingdom.

I'm afraid he will die!

After all, the three major families put up such a big battle, just to let Lu Changsheng and Hongchuan have a fair fight?


Today, only one of Lu Changsheng and Hongchuan can survive!

If you lose, you will die!


Lu Changsheng nodded.

"Go outside, don't tear down the manor."

Hongchuan said lightly.

So, Hongchuan walked out on his own.

Lu Changsheng nodded immediately.

He didn't really care where the battle was.

So, the two went to the grassland outside the manor.

This manor is very large.

On the grassland, Lu Changsheng and Hongchuan were separated by more than ten meters, quietly confronting each other.

Hong Chuan said word by word in a deep voice: "I started practicing martial arts at the age of eight, entered the dark energy at the age of eleven, became the transformation energy at the age of fifteen, embraced the elixir at the age of twenty, practiced the Gang energy at the age of thirty, saw the indestructible god at the age of forty-three, and defeated all the masters in the world at the age of forty-five, becoming the king of the century!"

"After becoming the king of the century, I didn't fight with anyone for thirty years. At the age of twenty, I devoted myself to improving my physique and studying martial arts, and finally created the 36 styles of thunder fist."

"Later, I simplified it, and the 36 styles of thunder fist became the three styles of thunder fist."

"This three styles of thunder fist is not a simple martial arts move, but a triple seal. Each level can seal my physical strength for up to ten years."

"I can't break the limit of my physical body, but I believe that my strongest attack will be able to break the limit for a short time."

"So, there is no need to test each other between you and me. Use your strongest attack and decide the outcome with one move."

Hong Chuan is very proud.

He even said the "trump card".

But this is not stupidity, but confidence.

When you reach the realm of the King of the Century, any tricks are actually meaningless.

The only thing left is to overwhelm others with force!

Lu Changsheng nodded.

If it is true as Hong Chuan said, then this Hong Chuan is really a talent.

"Break the limit" in this way.

Of course, whether the limit can be broken or not, Lu Changsheng still has to see it himself.

"As you wish, I will use my strongest strength to deliver the strongest blow!"

Lu Changsheng also spoke.

The other party is the king of the century, and he will also respect him.


Hong Chuan reached out and slapped his body violently.

He yelled: "Thunder Fist, fire!"


As Hong Chuan shouted, a terrifying aura actually erupted from his body.

The momentum was even more terrifying than before.

This is the power of the physical body!

Moreover, Hongchuan had accumulated ten years of strength.

I don't know how Hong Chuan was able to seal the power of his physical body for ten years.

Then, there was a second seal.

"Thunder Fist Second Style."

As soon as the second form of Thunder Fist came out, Lu Changsheng vaguely felt that there seemed to be another change in Hong Chuan.

It was as if Hong Chuan's 'energy' suddenly burst out in madness.

"Three Forms of Thunder Fist."

As the three moves of Thunder Fist were performed, the third seal was released.

Behind Hongchuan, a huge human face vaguely formed.

You can't see it with the naked eye, but you can "feel it", which is very magical.

"Thunder Fist One Style seals the spirit!"

"The second form of Thunder Fist seals Jin! And Jin is similar to the vitality of the human body."

"Three styles of Thunder Fist, what is sealed is God!"

"Hongchuan has accumulated a total of thirty years of energy and energy, and all of them have been released."

"And to release it in this way, it's incredible."

"Thirty years of accumulation, once released, completely broke the limit..."

Lu Changsheng was indeed surprised.

Hongchuan actually temporarily broke the limit in this way.

Only one hit though.

But it does push the limits.

It has to be said that among the tens of billions of people in this world, there are still some amazingly talented people.

The third form of Thunder Fist releases three layers of seals.

Thirty years of energy and energy have blessed Hongchuan.

Suddenly, Hong Chuan turned out to be a smart little old man about 1.7 meters tall.

However, Hong Chuan's body now quickly expanded to about two meters like a balloon.

Muscles all over his body were stiff.

There is also a terrifying momentum behind it.

At this time, Hong Chuan's look could make people extremely frightened.

Not to mention fighting with it.

"Come and fight!"

Hongchuan's voice was like muffled thunder.

The whole person jumped forward fiercely.

He crossed the distance of more than ten meters in just a few steps and arrived in front of Lu Changsheng.

Hong Chuan punched out with all his strength.

Thirty years of vigor and vitality, coupled with the terrifying power of the King of the Century.

This punch was simply irresistible.

However, Lu Changsheng also respected Hong Chuan.

He directly manifested his strongest state!

"Extreme three transformations!"

Lu Changsheng finished speaking.


In an instant, Lu Changsheng's body expanded.

From about 1.8 meters, it instantly expanded to three meters.

Like a little giant, he looked down at Hongchuan.

Lu Changsheng doesn't have that much terrifying aura.

The only thing he has is power, pure power.

Even, break the limit and step into extraordinary power!




Lu Changsheng directly swung his hands round, like a huge millstone, speaking every word, his words rolled like thunder.

Hongchuan raised his head, as if it was getting dark.

In his sight, it seemed that there was only that huge palm, falling mightily.

"I see... the path beyond the limit."

"It turns out that there really is a way beyond the limit..."

"That's... extraordinary..."

Hongchuan smiled.

He showed a knowing smile.

Lu Changsheng did not hesitate at all, and fell with a palm, just like the sky falling, covering Hong Chuan's body.


With one palm fall, Hong Chuan's huge body instantly turned into a puddle of flesh!

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