Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 27 The Secret of the Gao Family!

It was late at night, and Gaojiabao had also become quiet.

The lights were still on in Gao Yucheng's room.

However, there were several more black shadows wearing masks in his room at this moment.

"Gao Yucheng, how is the matter?"

One of the black shadows asked coldly.

Gao Yucheng's face was livid, and he said in a deep voice: "That old man asked me to find Wu Jing, a famous doctor in Nanyang City."

"This Wu Jing is really capable. He actually knew that Gao Yuzhi was poisoned by mixed poison, which almost ruined our plan!"

"However, fortunately, Wu Jing is just a doctor. Although he knew it was a mixed poison, he couldn't detoxify it. This actually helped us a lot."

"I guess the old man is about to make up his mind to use that method. He will never let Gao Yuzhi die."

"Once the old man wants to use that method, it will be our chance..."

Gao Yucheng's eyes flashed a trace of viciousness.

"Don't worry, the poison we prepared cannot be solved by a mere doctor."

"You'd better keep an eye on Gao Zhanhu. Once he makes any movement, you must follow him and find the thing."

Then, the shadows disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Gao Yucheng watched the shadows disappear, and a sneer gradually emerged from the corner of his mouth: "Do you all take me for a fool? Let's see who is the real fool!"

Then, Gao Yucheng opened the door and disappeared into the night.


In the room, Lu Changsheng practiced the Ice Bone Strengthening Skill several times, and then lay down to rest.


Faintly, Lu Changsheng seemed to hear a strange movement.


Lu Changsheng opened his eyes instantly.

He listened attentively, then raised his head and looked at the roof.

Obviously, the movement came from the roof.

Lu Changsheng frowned slightly. It was so late, and there were people walking on the roof in Gaojiabao, obviously not wanting to be discovered by the Gao family.

This time when he came to Gaojiabao, Lu Changsheng also brought a black scarf and night clothes.

He thought about it, immediately changed into night clothes, covered himself with a black scarf, and then quietly slipped out of the room.

Lu Changsheng practiced so many martial arts, among which there were naturally light martial arts.

There was almost no sound while walking.

Lu Changsheng also climbed onto the roof, and he saw several figures, sneaking around, and seemed to be heading towards the castle lord's mansion.

So Lu Changsheng followed.

In the castle lord's mansion, Gao Zhanhu took a deep breath and directly picked up the unconscious Gao Yuzhi.

"Yuzhi, it's almost time, you will wake up soon and recover as before, everything will be soon..."

Gao Zhanhu carried Gao Yuzhi out of the house and came to the ancestral house.

There was a mechanism under the tablet of the ancestral house, and Gao Zhanhu opened the mechanism.

"Boom boom".

The tablets in the ancestral house separated automatically, and a dark entrance was formed on the wall.

Gao Zhanhu walked in quickly.

Not long after Gao Zhanhu entered, Gao Yucheng arrived.

He looked at the entrance, his eyes full of madness and viciousness.

"Old man, you really don't give up, and you want to use that method to save Gao Yuzhi."

"But, I am also your son..."

Gao Yucheng murmured in a low voice, his voice full of hatred.

The next moment, Gao Yucheng also entered the entrance.

The passage was pitch black.

Gao Zhanhu seemed very familiar, and came to an underground hall in the dark.

He lit a candle, and the hall was gradually illuminated.

This is a very large hall.

There are many secret rooms around the hall, and each secret room is filled with many things.

This is the most core and confidential place of Gaojiabao.

Only the castle owners of all generations know it.

Gao Zhanhu put Gao Yuzhi on the stone bed, and then he opened one of the secret rooms.

"Boom boom".

The door of the secret room slowly opened.

There were all kinds of swords, guns, crossbows and even armor inside.

The court did not ban swords and guns, but it explicitly banned armor. Anyone who privately kept armor would be charged with treason!

However, there were a lot of armor in the secret room, and it was no problem to arm hundreds of people.

However, Gao Zhanhu turned a blind eye to these armors and seemed to not care at all.

He pressed on the wall of the secret room.


Suddenly, a secret compartment appeared on the wall.

Gao Zhanhu took out a box from the secret compartment.

He brought the box to Gao Yuzhi's side, and then gently opened the box.


The box was opened, and there was a faint blood-colored bead inside.

The blood-colored bead was only the size of a thumb, with delicate patterns on it, which looked very magical.

Seeing this blood-colored bead, Gao Zhanhu's eyes also had a hint of fanaticism.

"Yuzhi, this is the most precious treasure of the Gao family, the blood exchange bead!"

"As long as you use the blood exchange bead, you can gradually transform yourself, and even the most severe poison can be solved."

"And with your talent, once you use the blood exchange bead, there is a high probability that you can open the gate of life and death, change your marrow and blood, and achieve the realm of divine power! It is because your father hesitated at the beginning and did not use the blood exchange bead on you earlier, otherwise you would have become a divine power realm, how could you be poisoned by the thief?"

"But it's not too late now..."

Gao Zhanhu took a deep breath and was about to use the blood exchange bead on Gao Yuzhi.


At this moment, a figure appeared in the underground hall.


Gao Zhanhu raised his head fiercely, his eyes as sharp as a knife, and instantly fell on the figure not far away.

"Is it you... Yucheng?"

Gao Zhanhu opened his eyes wide, seeming shocked and surprised.

"Dad, it's me."

"As expected, you have the blood exchange bead. The blood exchange bead allows the warrior to exchange blood, which is equivalent to allowing the warrior to step into the realm of divine power with half a foot. But you want to give such a precious treasure to a useless person who is unconscious and on the verge of death?"

"Dad, are you confused?"

Gao Yucheng's expression became ferocious.

"shut up!"

"Tell me, how did you get in?"

"Are you following me?"

"Guizi, only the previous family heads can enter this place. You..."

Gao Zhanhu was furious.

However, as he was talking, he seemed to have thought of something and stopped talking.

Instead, his eyes widened, with a hint of shock in his expression.

Gao Yucheng was very calm, and even smiled slightly and said: "Dad, it seems you have guessed it."

"Yes, I was the one who poisoned my eldest brother. Not only my eldest brother, but also those who were poisoned by me in Gaojiabao."

Gao Zhanhu's chest heaved violently. He gritted his teeth and asked word by word: "Nizi, why? Why do you do this? He is your eldest brother!"


"Hahaha, old man, you know why. My Gao family is from the Five Poison Sect. But when the Five Poison Sect rebelled, it was suppressed by the imperial court and fell apart. Now more than a hundred years have passed. Why are you still clinging to your bullshit ancestor? Are you going to train me?”

"You have been determined to accumulate strength and build weapons and armor all these years. Aren't you just preparing for the rebellion?"

"This is no longer more than a hundred years ago. The Five Poison Sect has disappeared, but you are determined to rebel. Doesn't this cost the lives of everyone in Gaojiabao?"

"I will never let you gamble with the lives of everyone in Gaojiabao! Also, eldest brother is your heart and soul. You have given almost all your efforts and resources to eldest brother. What about me? I am also you son!"

"That's all the above. However, you want to give the blood-transplanting bead to my eldest brother. This should be the only blood-transforming bead left in my Gao family, right? Give it to a person who is about to die, and you won't give it to me either. .Old man, since you are unkind, don’t blame your son for being unfilial!”

Gao Yucheng's body was full of energy and blood.

At the same time, he slowly pulled out the knife in his hand!

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