Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 271 The world is full of suffering, all living beings are suffering! Great compassion, blood

Chapter 271 The world is full of suffering, and all living beings are suffering! Great compassion, the ancestor of flesh and blood!

Time passed little by little.

One day, two days, three days...

Lu Changsheng observed the real demon flesh and blood in his body every day.

"Eat it, eat more, eat as much as you can."

"If it's not enough, I can grow more flesh and blood."

Lu Changsheng even began to swallow a lot of tonics.

Anyway, the Gao family has a lot of silver.

You can buy all kinds of tonics.

Lu Changsheng eats these tonics as meals every day.

In addition, his "Extreme Martial Arts" can absorb all the nutrients of these tonics.

Therefore, no matter how much flesh and blood Lu Changsheng loses, he can quickly replenish it.

After a while, Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood were in a stalemate with the real demon flesh and blood.

This is simply a rare spectacle.

Lu Changsheng is just an ordinary warrior.

Being "parasitized" by the flesh and blood of the real demon, it has been several days, but it has not been "sucked dry" by the flesh and blood of the real demon.

Instead, it is getting healthier and healthier.

Even its body has grown bigger.

This is because it has eaten too much and supplemented too much, and it has gained weight...

However, in this delicate stalemate, the flesh and blood of the real demon finally couldn't bear it.

It was "fed" crazily by Lu Changsheng.

But this real demon flesh and blood is only a little bit.

Even if the "quality" is very high.

But compared with the endless flesh and blood of Lu Changsheng, the gap in "quantity" is really too far.

In the end, Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood defeated the real demon flesh and blood.

Of course, it didn't kill the real demon flesh and blood.

It can't be killed at all.

It's not that the real demon flesh and blood disappeared.

The real demon flesh and blood did not disappear, but completely merged with Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood.

Completely realized "you have me, I have you".

It really turned into Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood also possessed some characteristics of "monsters".

Of course, this was only a slight characteristic of "monsters".

Lu Changsheng's main body was still mainly his own flesh and blood.

This bit of real demon flesh and blood would hardly bring any enhancement to Lu Changsheng's flesh.

However, the characteristics of "monsters" allowed Lu Changsheng to break the natural barrier between humans and demons.

It made it very likely that Lu Changsheng had the ability to "kill" demons!

As we all know, only demons can kill demons.

And now, Lu Changsheng, relying on the fusion of real demon flesh and blood, also possessed this characteristic.

Of course, this was just Lu Changsheng's speculation.

He had to try it himself to know the specifics.

So, Lu Changsheng came directly to the real demon Ah Hu.


Lu Changsheng punched Ah Hu's head.

If it were in the past, Ah Hu would recover quickly.

Unfortunately, this time it was different.

Lu Changsheng was urging the power of the flesh and blood that had fused with the real demon flesh and blood in his body.

Therefore, he seemed to have broken a certain shackle.

Or, he broke a certain boundary.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...


The body of the real demon Ah Hu was very quiet.

The next moment, the body of the real demon Ah Hu disappeared quickly.

It was like "decomposition", completely turned into ashes, and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Lu Changsheng knew that only the body of a truly dead real demon would be completely dissipated between heaven and earth like now, without even a trace left.

"Did it work?"

"I can finally kill the demon..."

Lu Changsheng was shocked.

Ah Hu is dead!

That was a real demon!

But now, he was killed by Lu Changsheng with one punch.

He can never be resurrected, he is completely dead.

Only demons can kill demons.

Lu Changsheng seemed to have broken this iron rule.

Because, he is not a demon.

Although Lu Changsheng has the flesh and blood of a demon.

But he is not a demon.

Instead, his own flesh and blood, combined with the flesh and blood of the monster, evolved into a very unique existence.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng also understood the direction of his extreme martial arts practice.

Or, the direction of entering the extraordinary realm.

"Blood and flesh fusion."

"I must reshape my body based on the special flesh and blood formed by the fusion of the real monster flesh and blood in my body and my flesh and blood."

"At that time, I will naturally be able to enter the extraordinary realm!"

Lu Changsheng's heart was completely clear.

So, he simply started to take tonics with all his strength in the manor, and then completely replaced his flesh and blood with flesh and blood that could kill monsters bit by bit.

This is a long process.

After three months.

Lu Changsheng's body roared.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng was blessed.

He broke through!

He broke through to the third growth.

Moreover, he successfully entered the extraordinary realm.

Once he entered the extraordinary realm, Lu Changsheng's body has now completely transformed.

It is completely different from before.

He is the flesh and blood between humans and monsters.

Lu Changsheng called up the attribute panel.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Extreme Martial Arts: Three Growths (1%)

As expected, Lu Changsheng's body has already entered the extraordinary realm.

"Once the Extreme Martial Arts enters the extraordinary realm, it means that, in theory, I can promote martial arts in this world, so that this world can condense martial arts!"

"But condensing martial arts requires large-scale promotion."

"Can my Extreme Martial Arts be promoted on a large scale now?"

Lu Changsheng fell into deep thought.

Even if ordinary people cultivate to the limit of secondary growth.

Can they fight against the flesh and blood of the real demon?

In fact, it is impossible.

The flesh and blood of the real demon contains a kind of crazy will.

It is enough to corrode anyone.

Except Lu Changsheng.

After all, Lu Changsheng's consciousness is the consciousness of the earth saint.

How can a mere real demon corrode it?

But if Lu Changsheng's extreme martial arts can't work, and only he cultivates to the extraordinary realm, what's the point?

If it can't be promoted and can't be cultivated by all living beings, then it will never be able to condense martial arts.

"Since the flesh and blood of the real demon contains the real will, it is difficult for ordinary people to bear it, so what about my flesh and blood?"

"My flesh and blood is a new kind of flesh and blood, which only contains a little of my will. But I can control this will. If my flesh and blood are integrated with ordinary people, then ordinary people may also be able to break the limit..."

Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

This method may work.

But I have to find someone to try it.

"Gao Ping..."

Lu Changsheng called Gao Ping.

Gao Ping is his personal servant.

He basically has the power of life and death, and is considered his most trusted confidant.

"Gaoping, this young master will give you a chance."

Gao Ping felt bitter when he heard Lu Changsheng's words.

He almost cried and said, "Young master, I know that you are studying real monsters."

"That would really cost lives."

"But I am your man, and you can do whatever you want."

"But, I still hope you will be gentler, I am afraid of pain..."

Gao Ping did not refuse.

He knew that he had no choice but to agree.

The servant's life had long been Gao Wen's.

"Don't worry, it won't be too painful, and it will be quick..."

Lu Changsheng thought about it, and it was still "very gentle" after all.

After all, he didn't want to kill Gao Ping.

Therefore, he would be careful and careful.

He even dared not use his own flesh and blood.

Instead, he used a little bit of his own blood.

That is, blood.

It's not even blood essence.

It is just the ordinary blood flowing in the blood vessels.

This should not have much destructive power.

But it also contains the characteristics of Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood.

It is basically the same as flesh and blood.

It is just that the destructive power is much smaller and the safety is greatly improved.

"Open your mouth."

Lu Changsheng directly dripped a drop of blood into Gao Ping's mouth.


Gao Ping screamed.

Then, he trembled violently.

"It hurts."

"It hurts so much!"

"Master, I am really in pain."

"Am I going to die..."

Gao Ping fell directly to the ground, twitching violently.

Judging from his expression, it must be really painful.

Lu Changsheng frowned.

Is his one drop of blood so powerful?

However, Gao Ping is not dead yet.

It's just very painful.

Lu Changsheng's consciousness enveloped Gao Ping and carefully checked the situation in Gao Ping's body.


"My one drop of blood is actually constantly devouring Gao Ping's flesh and blood."

Soon, Gao Ping was devoured and his whole body became skin and bones.

But Gao Ping still didn't die.

Soon, Lu Changsheng found that although his drop of blood had swallowed up a lot of flesh and blood, it began to split.

One drop, two drops, three drops...

Brand new blood appeared in Gao Ping's body.

Moreover, the newly appeared blood was exactly the same as the drop of blood Lu Changsheng gave Gao Ping.

It was just "diluted" countless times.

But the essence was the same.

"My drop of blood is making Gao Ping transform his blood."

"No, in fact, the flesh and blood are also transforming."

"It takes time to slowly transform into a brand new physique."

Lu Changsheng continued to observe.

One day, two days, three days...

After three days, Gao Ping, who had fainted, suddenly woke up.


Gao Ping opened his eyes suddenly.

"Master, I'm not dead?"

Gao Ping was slightly startled when he saw Lu Changsheng.

"How do you feel now?"

Lu Changsheng looked at Gao Ping with a strange expression.

"I... I feel like I have infinite power."

Gao Ping punched the ground.


A big hole appeared on the ground.

It was hit by Gao Ping.

"This is a complete transformation."

Lu Changsheng carefully studied Gao Ping's body again.

At this moment, Gao Ping's body strength should be at a high level in the first growth.

Moreover, it is essentially the same as Lu Changsheng's body.

Even Lu Changsheng can suppress Gao Ping.

It is the kind of suppression that is like the soul.

It makes Gao Ping have no thoughts of resistance.

Moreover, Gao Ping's body strength is greater, and his recovery ability is slightly enhanced.

In addition, he will still be injured and die.

It seems that he is still far from the real monster.

However, Gao Ping has the same ability as Lu Changsheng.

That is the ability to kill monsters!

Moreover, Gao Ping is only growing once.

He can also practice extreme martial arts to improve himself, and improve himself to the second growth, and even the third growth, and step into the extraordinary.

Even Gao Ping himself can use blood to transform some animals.

If he can transform animals, he can transform people.

Lu Changsheng studied it for a while, but he was a little surprised.

It can be transformed with blood.

Infinite strength and amazing resilience.

Moreover, it can also suppress generations of transformed people.

Why are these abilities so familiar?

This is very similar to the "blood clan" in Lu Changsheng's memory from his previous life.

But he is not afraid of the sun.

Life seems to have limits and cannot survive forever.

"Good guy, I unknowingly and accidentally created a special life, a vampire?"

Lu Changsheng felt a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, human flesh and blood merged with demon flesh, and the "blood clan" was finally born.

And Lu Changsheng is the well-deserved "ancestor of the blood clan".

"Although vampires can only rely on blood or flesh to transform."

"But as long as the number of transformations is large enough, every vampire can practice extreme martial arts. As long as the number is large enough, and even all humans are transformed into vampires, can my extreme martial arts style be promoted?"

Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

He seems to have thought of a "Broadway to Heaven".

As long as he keeps transforming vampires.

Not only can it fight against real demons, but it can also promote extreme martial arts.

When the time comes, won't it be easy for this world to condense martial arts?

However, Lu Changsheng also knows how difficult it is to "transform" all human beings.

And it also takes a long time.

But Lu Changsheng still has at least nine years left.

There is still plenty of time.

"To transform humans into vampires, we can't do it forcefully. Instead, we should let other people see the huge benefits and let humans beg for transformation."

"It seems that we need to design it carefully."

Lu Changsheng's eyes flashed and he began to plan carefully.

"It's done."

After a month, Lu Changsheng finally set up the "power" framework.

"From today on, we have to act in the name of the Temple of Flesh."

"And I have created my own martial arts of flesh and blood, so I am the ancestor of flesh and blood. Gao Ping, you are the protector of the flesh and blood temple!"

Lu Changsheng finally figured out how to promote flesh and blood martial arts.

Also knows how to develop blood descendants.

Now Lu Changsheng has officially decided to call his self-created martial arts the flesh and blood martial arts.

After all, there are still some differences from extreme martial arts. In the beginning, this martial arts was created by devouring the flesh and blood of real demons.

So, Lu Changsheng called up the attribute panel.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Title: Ancestor of Flesh and Blood

Flesh and Blood Martial Arts: Three Growths (11%)

After Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood martial arts breakthrough reached three levels of growth, the progress increased from 1% to 11% in one month.

Almost a 10% increase in one month.

This kind of progress is not very fast.

In almost ten months, four growths can be achieved.

Four times of growth is equivalent to Daoji.

At this speed, Lu Changsheng still felt slow.

"I have to find a better supplement."

"It's best to find the real demon."

"Perhaps I can try to devour the flesh and blood of the real demon. It may make my martial arts of flesh and blood improve by leaps and bounds..."

There was a glint in Lu Changsheng's eyes.

If the real demon's flesh and blood can really help him improve his flesh and blood martial arts.

Then he doesn't mind becoming a true demon hunter, a true demon nemesis, a true demon devourer, etc.

Gao Ping feels very good now.

Ever since he was transformed into a blood descendant, he has become even more devoted to Lu Changsheng.

"Master, how should we promote flesh and blood martial arts next?"

Gao Ping asked.

"Of course it's to recruit people."

"Since the Flesh Temple has been established, it naturally needs members."

"Now that the real demon is in power, the people are living in dire straits. The imperial court is too ignorant and is gradually unable to stop the real demon's offensive. Then it is time for my flesh and blood temple to rise!"

"Start with the ordinary people at the lowest level, especially the old, weak, sick and disabled. Once transformed into blood descendants, all the body's ailments will disappear. This alone is enough for countless people to join my flesh and blood temple and believe in flesh and blood. The temple."

"Enter my flesh and blood martial arts, get rid of the pain, and enjoy eternal bliss! Gao Ping, you can use this as your slogan to win over people."

"Remember, for the time being, we should develop at the lowest level in various villages and cities. We should keep a low profile for the time being and don't make any noise."

Lu Changsheng warned them one by one.

"Yes, Master."

Gao Ping turned around immediately.

There was also a hint of excitement in his eyes.

He had a vague feeling that the "Flesh and Blood Temple" founded by the young master would be very amazing.

He is helping the young master do something big!

Thinking of this, Gao Ping became even more excited.

"You can't waver now, hold on steady. After all, it's only three times of growth. It's worthy of stepping into the extraordinary realm. It can only be compared to the great demon in this world."

"It's better to accumulate strength first and act in a low-key manner."

Lu Changsheng is a very pragmatic person.

Even though I am poor now.

He and Gao Ping were the only two people in the Flesh and Blood Temple.

But it doesn't matter.

The Temple of Flesh is a seed.

As time goes by, the Temple of Flesh will surely grow and develop.

In the end, it snowballed out of control.

A thatched house at the east end of Niujia Village.

Niu Dashan was too sick to get off the ground.

He has three children, the eldest is only eight years old, and the youngest is only three years old, and they are now waiting to be fed.

But now there was nothing he could do.

My wife died of illness last year.

He also fell ill this year and had no money for medicine.

Besides, even if you take medicine, it is probably a waste of money.

His disease cannot be cured at all.

"Dad, I'm hungry."

The third child had a long runny nose and touched his stomach, his tears dried up.

"Let's go to the aunt next door..."

Niu Dashan said.

"Aunt said she doesn't have brown rice anymore..."

The third child grabbed Niu Dashan's calloused hand and cried loudly with hunger.

Niu Dashan knew that the neighbor next door really had no other choice.

He couldn't even go to the fields now.

The food at home had long been gone.

For a moment, Niu Dashan was filled with grief.

"It doesn't matter if I die, but my three children can't die, they're still so young..."

Niu Dashan cried until his tears dried up.

He tried to get up despite his illness.

With a "thump", Niu Dashan fell to the ground again.

He almost lost half his life.


Just then, he heard the door being pushed open.

And then, a stranger walked into the house and came to him.

"Are you Niu Dashan?"

The man asked.

Niu Dashan reluctantly raised his head and looked at the stranger.

The other person's clothes were very clean and tidy.

And he was covering his nose, obviously disgusted by the stench in the house.

Judging from the other person's clothes, he should be a respectable family.

But why would a respectable family look for him?

Are they going to buy his children?

When he thought of this, Niu Dashan said, "Yes, I am Niu Dashan."

"Your Excellency wants to buy children?"

"One boy and two girls. You don't need to pay. Just give them something to eat..."

Niu Dashan kowtowed hurriedly.

Now he just wants the three children to survive.

Even if they are slaves or maids, it's okay.

In this world, what is slavery?

The important thing is to survive!

Gao Ping sighed.

He was also born in a poor family.

At the beginning, it was similar to Niu Dashan's family.

Niu Dashan's family was even more difficult than his.

Fortunately, he was sold to the Gao family and became the young master's servant.

Otherwise, he might have starved to death by now.

So, Gao Ping squatted down and said softly: "I'm not here to buy your baby."

"I'm here to treat your illness."

"Treat your illness?"

Niu Dashan was slightly stunned, then shook his head and said bitterly: "I don't have money to treat my illness..."

"No money."

"Just you agree to join the Flesh and Blood Temple."

"Promise, I agree to join the Flesh and Blood Temple, as long as you can cure my illness, anything is fine..."

How could Niu Dashan not agree?

At his point, being able to survive is the greatest gift.

As long as he survives, no matter how hard or tired he is, he can at least raise three children.

"Okay, open your mouth..."

Gao Ping directly cut his finger with a dagger and squeezed a drop of blood into Niu Dashan's mouth.


Niu Dashan immediately rolled on the ground in pain.

"Hold it, it will only hurt a little at the beginning. As long as you hold on, your illness will be cured."

"Remember, after you recover from your illness, come to Gao's manor outside the city to hold your entry ceremony..."

After speaking, Gao Ping stood up.

He touched his body again, found some dry food and threw it to Niu Dashan's three children.

Then, Gao Ping turned and left.

His trip was not just to convert Niu Dashan.

There were many people like Niu Dashan waiting for him to convert.

It was not until dark that Niu Dashan woke up slowly.

"Dad, you're awake."

"This is the cake given by the person who came today. My brother and sister and I didn't finish it, so we saved it for Dad."

The eldest was eight years old and was very sensible.

She took out a piece of cake and handed it to Niu Dashan.

"Am I... cured?"

Niu Dashan woke up slowly.

It was a very strange feeling.

Although the pain before was unforgettable to him.

But now it doesn't hurt.

It even seems that there is endless energy all over the body.

And the spirit is also very good.

However, he was indeed hungry.

So, he didn't care about much and immediately swallowed the cake voraciously.

"My disease is really cured..."

Niu Dashan cried with joy.

After recovering from the illness, the Niu family had hope.

The next day, Niu Dashan got out of bed and started working.

He first borrowed some food from his neighbors to maintain his livelihood during this period.

Then he went into the mountains to hunt.

After all, Niujia Village relies on the mountains for food.

Almost every man in every household is a hunter.

Niu Dashan used to be a good hunter, but because of his illness, he could no longer hunt.

But now, Niu Dashan went into the mountains again.

Then, Niu Dashan actually killed a lot of prey.

There was even a blind bear!

This time, the whole Niujia Village was in an uproar.

"Dashan, you are amazing."

"I didn't expect Dashan to be so amazing after recovering from the illness that he could even hunt a blind bear."

"I remember last year, three hunters in our village encountered a blind bear, two died and one was injured. The injured one was eventually disabled. I didn't expect that such a powerful blind bear was killed by Niu Dashan alone."

Many people praised Niu Dashan.

Niu Dashan sold bear skin and bear paws, and his family became well-off.

Niu Dashan knew very well who changed his fate.

It was the man who gave him a drop of blood.

"One should never forget his roots."

"I promised to join the Flesh and Blood Temple after I recover from my illness."

"It seems to be in Gao's manor. Let's go check it out tomorrow morning."

Niu Dashan wanted to thank his benefactor now.

There are many people like Niu Dashan.

There are too many to count.

They are all dying or suffering from long-term illness. Gao Ping used a drop of blood to "transform" them into blood descendants.

So they are full of energy and changed their fate.

At this moment, in Gao's manor, Gao Ping was reporting to Lu Changsheng.

"Master, the Flesh and Blood Temple has been established for three months, and the number of transformed blood descendants has reached 1,823."

"The number of people who have joined the Flesh and Blood Temple is currently 1,822."

"Only one person clearly stated that he would not join the Flesh and Blood Temple."

At this point, Gao Ping lowered his head.

"Gaoping is incompetent. Please punish me, Master."

He was talking about the person who went back on his word and clearly stated that he would not join the Flesh and Blood Temple.

"You got the benefits of the Flesh and Blood Temple, but you don't want to join? How can there be such a good thing in this world?"

Lu Changsheng did not comment.

He slowly stood up, came to Gao Ping, and said coldly: "Let's go and meet that person."

"Since I can give it to them, I can also take it back!"

Lu Changsheng was ready to meet that person in person.

In fact, such things will definitely happen in the future.

And there will be many.

Lu Changsheng will not deal with it every time.

This is the first case, and Lu Changsheng took action personally.

So, the two left the manor and came directly to Gushan City.

"Master, that man was originally a beggar in Gushan City."

"It seems that he was once a young man named Zhang Ziyuan. His family fell into poverty, and he fled to our Gushan City and became a beggar."

"Later, he was about to die of illness, and I gave him a drop of blood, turning him into a blood descendant."

"As a result, after he recovered from his illness, he also noticed the abnormality of his body, and actually went to the casino to work as a thug, and hooked up with Chen Lao Da, the boss of Kaiyuan Casino."

"Now he lives a very comfortable life and has won the trust of Chen Lao Da. It is precisely because of this that Zhang Ziyuan is now happy and unwilling to join our Flesh and Blood Temple."

Gao Ping introduced all the situations of the "flip-flopping" people one by one.

"Some people easily forget their roots."

"Gao Ping, he joined the casino and joined Chen Lao Da, not just to eat and drink for free."

"He is very smart, and he also relies on Chen Lao Da's power to make us afraid to deal with him."

Lu Changsheng smiled.

Gao Ping is good at everything, loyal enough, and meticulous in doing things.

Just a little not so smart.

Many things need to be explained by Lu Changsheng.

It is far worse than Senior Sister Xiang in the last secret world.

It seems that he has to find a smarter person to help him manage the Flesh and Blood Temple in the future.

Otherwise, relying on Gao Ping, Lu Changsheng will be exhausted and can't do anything.

The two walked directly into the Kaiyuan Casino.

As soon as they entered, Boss Chen got the news and rushed over immediately.

"It turned out to be Master Gao, I'm sorry."

"Why, Master Gao also wants to play a few games?"

Boss Chen is not a rough man.

Instead, he looks more like a scholar.

It is said that Boss Chen has also studied.

But now he has opened a casino.

Boss Chen looked at Lu Changsheng with shining eyes.

What he cares about is the identity of "Gao Wen".

"Gao Wen" is the only son of the Gao family and has a huge fortune.

If Gao Wen wants to gamble, then Boss Chen will be rich.

After all, nine out of ten gamblings are frauds.

Once you start gambling, there is no turning back.

No matter how much wealth you have, you will lose it all.

Lu Changsheng shook his head and said, "Boss Chen, I am not here to gamble this time, but for him!"

Following Lu Changsheng's gaze, Boss Chen also saw a figure.

"Master Gao, when did Zhang Ziyuan offend you?"

Boss Chen asked.

"He didn't offend me. It's just that he has something that belongs to me. Today, I am here to take back my things."

After that, Lu Changsheng walked towards Zhang Ziyuan step by step.

For some reason, Zhang Ziyuan felt hairy in his heart.

He was afraid.

He was afraid.

Especially when he saw Gao Ping.

He felt a little guilty.

Not long ago, he was still a beggar.

But now, he has become Boss Chen's capable subordinate, eating and drinking well, and he is so happy.

However, Zhang Ziyuan knows why all this is happening.

"Boss, save me..."

Zhang Ziyuan was extremely frightened and asked Boss Chen for help.

But Boss Chen was indifferent.

Gao Wen is not an ordinary person.

The Gao family is not easy to mess with.

Lu Changsheng walked to Zhang Ziyuan step by step and said calmly: "Zhang Ziyuan, it seems that you also know that you have my things on you."

"Since you go back on your word, I have to take back my things."

After that, Lu Changsheng stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhang Ziyuan.


Zhang Ziyuan suddenly screamed.

The whole person bent his body and fell to the ground, as if he was in great pain.


The next moment, Zhang Ziyuan's body actually "exploded".

Only a drop of bright red blood fell into Lu Changsheng's hand.


The whole casino suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

The people in the casino were terrified.

What did they see?

"Gao Wen" actually made Zhang Ziyuan "explode".

The body was blown into a pool of mud.

Can a human do this?


Only a monster can do this!

Could it be that the eldest son of the Gao family is actually a monster?

Hiding so deeply!

For a moment, anyone with a little bit of brains seemed to feel that a "conspiracy" was enveloping them.

Perhaps there is a shocking secret in it.

But the more secret it is, the less people will know it.

Now they know it.

So what will be the end?

I'm afraid there is only one end.



Finally, someone immediately ran away.

The entire casino immediately fell into chaos.

Seeing this scene, Lu Changsheng seemed to have expected it.


"The world is a sea of ​​suffering, and all living beings are suffering. Only my flesh and blood can enjoy eternal bliss!"

"Everyone, it's better to enter my flesh and blood temple, escape from the sea of ​​suffering, and ascend to bliss together!"

Lu Changsheng's expression was very calm, but there was a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he waved his hand.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish".

Suddenly, it seemed as if the sky was full of blood rain, flying straight towards everyone in the casino.

Gao Ping's mouth twitched.

Is this what the young master always said about keeping a low profile?

In the end, is it so "low-key"?

Soon, everyone in the casino fell to the ground and twitched with screams.

No one escaped.

They were all transformed by Lu Changsheng's "flesh and blood" to help them "escape from the sea of ​​suffering."

"Spare my life, Young Master Gao, spare my life."

Boss Chen immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

He was not immediately transformed by Lu Changsheng.

He is still conscious now.

Gao Ping said coldly: "Young Master is the Flesh and Blood Ancestor of the Flesh and Blood Temple!"

Lu Changsheng said indifferently: "Boss Chen, I have always been kind to others. You are a casino man, and you have a lot of karma. I am afraid it will be difficult to end well. Especially you, you may have a bloody disaster recently, which is very difficult to resolve."

Boss Chen gritted his teeth and kowtowed immediately, saying: "Merciful Flesh and Blood Ancestor, please save my life."

"Okay, I will give you three drops of ancestor blood, so that you can resolve the disaster, so that you can escape from the sea of ​​suffering and enjoy bliss forever!"

Lu Changsheng waved his hand, and three drops of blood instantly sank into Boss Chen's body.

The reason for "special treatment" for Boss Chen is that Lu Changsheng saw Boss Chen's ability.

This Boss Chen started from scratch and earned such a large family business.

He should be more suitable than Gao Ping to assist him in controlling the Flesh and Blood Temple!

So Lu Changsheng naturally had to treat him differently and gave Boss Chen three drops of blood.


Boss Chen also screamed and twitched on the ground.

Three drops of the ancestor's blood naturally brought many benefits.

But at the same time, the pain was also doubled.

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