Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 279 Lu Changsheng descends upon the demon kingdom and breaks into the Flower Spirit Palace.

Chapter 279 Lu Changsheng comes to the kingdom of demons, breaks into the Flower Spirit Palace, and the ancient demon Tao Zun appears!

"Martial arts has been condensed, and the next step is to wait quietly for the arrival of the ten-year period."

"When the time comes, you will be able to project the power of your true body, thereby breaking the martial arts and obtaining fragments of the martial arts."

"As for now, it's very difficult to break the martial arts..."

Lu Changsheng shook his head.

Martial arts are improving every moment.

How terrifying is the martial arts that condenses the will of all living beings?

Not an absolute force and difficult to break.

Lu Changsheng called up the properties panel to check the current situation.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Title: Ancestor of Flesh and Blood

Flesh and Blood Martial Arts: Five Growths (66%)

Thanks to some demonic plants obtained intermittently over the years, and Lu Changsheng's hard work in practicing flesh and blood martial arts.

The progress of his five growths of flesh and blood martial arts has reached 66%.

However, it is still a little short of being able to break through to six times of growth.

"The Kingdom of Demons has intensified its attack on blood descendants in recent years. It has become increasingly difficult for vampires to obtain demon plants, and the number of demon plants passed down from the Demon Kingdom has become even less..."

Lu Changsheng really wanted to go to the demon kingdom.

But he still held back.

Wait a little longer.

It's only been six years, and he still has four years left.

Wait a few more years and see how things go.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng continued to stay in Jingdu.

One year, two years, three years...

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

In the past three years, the entire human race has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Basically, within the territory of the human race, the demon race has no room to survive.

Even the monsters that sneak into the human territory are basically unable to penetrate.

Once discovered, those demon clans will only die.

After all, the human race has changed too much now.

Basically, more than 80% of people have been transformed into blood descendants.

When encountering monsters, you are no longer helpless to fight back.

Moreover, blood descendants that grew up four times also appeared like mushrooms after a rain.

There are many blood descendants who have grown up four times, almost like demon kings.

Enough to ensure the safety of the human race.

And the martial arts condensed in this world have already reached the upper limit of six times of growth.

It's a pity that Lu Changsheng himself has not reached the sixth level of growth.

"Nine years..."

"There is only one year left, and my current progress in flesh and blood martial arts has reached 95%, and I am still 5% short of reaching the sixth growth rate..."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

On his attribute panel, 95% progress has been going on for several months.

Unfortunately, he still found nothing.

Not even a single demon plant has emerged from the demon kingdom.

Obviously, it is no longer possible to rely on those blood descendants to obtain demon plants from the demon kingdom.

If Lu Changsheng practiced step by step for another year, he might not be able to break through to the sixth level of growth.

But what does it matter?

Lu Changsheng wanted to obtain martial arts fragments.

Now the martial arts has been condensed.

Then, Lu Changsheng only needs to wait quietly for ten years.

When the time comes, it will be easy for Lu Changsheng's true body to break the martial arts and obtain the martial arts fragments by projecting the power of his true body.

However, Lu Changsheng wanted to spend this year safely, but the demon clan seemed not to allow it.

"Lord Ancestor, something has happened in the demon kingdom."

"Currently, the demon clan in the demon kingdom, with the joint efforts of more than a dozen ancient demons, issued an order to eradicate the blood descendants."

"The entire demon kingdom fell into a bloody storm, and countless blood descendants were slaughtered."

"Once the demon clan slaughters the blood descendants in the demon kingdom, they will definitely attack our human race!"

"Please ask the ancestor to make a decision."

Emperor Jingchao came to Lu Changsheng to report.

"Chen Ping."

"How did you receive the news?"

Lu Changsheng did not blindly listen to Emperor Jing Chao's words.

He called Chen Ping again for questioning.

"Forefather, the news the emperor said is true."

"Currently, the blood descendants in the Demon Kingdom are suffering heavy casualties."

"I'm afraid it won't take long before all the blood descendants of the Demon Kingdom will be killed."

Lu Changsheng frowned slightly: "Normally, those ancient demons in the Kingdom of Demons do not interfere with each other and do not obey anyone. Why have they suddenly joined forces now?"

"Even if the blood descendants are developing rapidly in the kingdom of demons, they should not make the ancient demons feel threatened."

Lu Changsheng looked confused.

Chen Ping was hesitant. He hesitated to speak, but finally said: "Ancestor, based on some information we have obtained, we have made some speculations."

"It's possible that the supreme demon ancestor among the demon clan gave the order, so those ancient demons united."

Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly: "Demon Ancestor?"

If it was really the Demon Ancestor, it would be troublesome.

Demon Ancestor is comparable to Nai Ying or Martial Saint.

If the Demon Ancestor knew that the source of the blood descendants was Lu Changsheng, then the Demon Ancestor would attack Lu Changsheng directly. How should he resist?

Lu Changsheng was silent for a while.

He knew that once the Demon Ancestor attacked him, he couldn't stop him!

Lu Changsheng now has two options.

The first way is to wait in Jingdu.

Or, put it off as long as possible.

It would be best to delay arrival until the ten-year mark, which is only one year anyway.

Once the ten-year period is up, what does the mere demon ancestor mean?

But, will Demon Ancestor give Lu Changsheng one year?

Once the Demon Ancestor takes action.

Lu Changsheng can be killed in one day or one hour.

At that time, all of Lu Changsheng's efforts over the years will be wasted.

Then, there is one last way, that is to take the initiative.

While the Demon Ancestor has not yet made a public appearance.

Or when he has not yet thought of killing Lu Changsheng, the "blood and flesh ancestor", Lu Changsheng will take the initiative to go to the Demon Kingdom.

And snatch the demon plants as soon as possible.

As long as there are enough demon plants.

Lu Changsheng has practiced for a month now, and there is hope that he can break through to the sixth growth.

Once he reaches the realm of the sixth growth, even if the Demon Ancestor attacks Lu Changsheng, Lu Changsheng will not be afraid.

However, once he goes to the Demon Kingdom, he may still face the Demon Ancestor.

"How much do you know about the Demon Ancestor?"

Lu Changsheng glanced at Chen Ping and the emperor.

The emperor shook his head.

The Demon Ancestor is almost a legend, how could he know any specific information?

Chen Ping, on the other hand, hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke: "Ancestor, I did get some rumors, but they are not accurate news."

"It is said that the Demon Ancestor has been sleeping all the time, so he has not appeared for thousands of years."

"But I don't know what happened recently, the Demon Ancestor has awakened. But the Demon Ancestor has not fully awakened, and it will take some time to fully awaken."

"This is also why the ancient monsters did not immediately attack the human dynasty, but first cleaned up the Demon Kingdom. In fact, they are preparing for the awakening of the Demon Ancestor."

When Lu Changsheng heard this, a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

These news are not accurate news.

They are just inferred by Chen Ping based on some words, gossip, or even some legends from the Demon Kingdom.

They are not necessarily accurate.

But this gave Lu Changsheng a reminder.

What if the Demon Ancestor is really slowly awakening?

Then now is the best time for Lu Changsheng to act.

He can create a time difference.

As long as the Demon Ancestor does not take action, those ancient monsters can't do anything to him.

Just give him a month to snatch enough demon plants.

Then in a month, Lu Changsheng will be able to break through.

Even if the demon ancestor wakes up, he can't do anything to him.

Of course there are risks.

What if the demon ancestor wakes up in advance?

Or, what if Lu Changsheng goes to the demon kingdom and stimulates the demon ancestor?

But no matter what, where there is risk, there is opportunity.

Moreover, if he stays in Jingdu for a year, there is a high possibility that the demon ancestor will take action.

When the time comes, when the demon ancestor takes action, Lu Changsheng will not even have the power to resist.

"The fate still has to be in his own hands!"

Lu Changsheng didn't think about it for a long time, he had already made a decision in his heart.

Can't sit and wait for death.

You can only go to the demon kingdom to fight!

Do it when you think of it.

Lu Changsheng asked Chen Ping to pull the specific location of the demon land in the demon kingdom.

This is not a problem for Chen Ping.

After all, there are so many blood descendants in the demon kingdom.

Chen Ping knows all the information, no matter how secret it is.

Then Lu Changsheng explained it to Chen Ping in detail.

Afterwards, Lu Changsheng quietly left Jingdu and headed straight for the Kingdom of Monsters!

In the Kingdom of Monsters, the number of human beings is now a little less.

The reason is very simple. The Kingdom of Monsters has begun to kill the blood descendants.

As for the fact that there are too many blood descendants?

This is not a problem for monsters at all.

No matter how many people are killed, there will be no psychological burden for monsters.

Because no matter how much they kill, they can't kill all the people.

At best, they will wait for a few more years, and ordinary people will naturally "grow up" again, and then be harvested by the real monsters.

The real monsters have never worried about the number of ordinary people.

Therefore, the blood descendants in the Kingdom of Monsters are in a very miserable situation.

At this moment, the blood descendant Liu Feng is hiding from the search of the real monsters everywhere.

Liu Feng is gifted, and he has just grown once after being transformed into a blood descendant.

Later, in just one or two years, he broke through to three growths and entered the extraordinary realm.

Even if he practices step by step, it is not impossible to grow four or even five times in the future.

After Liu Feng grew three times, he killed a group of ordinary real monsters that had killed his family, including a big monster!

Later, Liu Feng wandered around the world, assassinating real monsters everywhere in the Monster Kingdom.

However, in recent times, the entire Monster Kingdom has been killing blood descendants, and Liu Feng's situation is also very difficult.

But he still didn't die.

Liu Feng has joined the Flesh and Blood Temple.

And received a task from the Flesh and Blood Temple.

That is to keep an eye on the monster land.

Then slowly wait for the opportunity.

There will be a "big man" coming to the Monster Kingdom, and then lead the way to the monster land for that "big man".

Therefore, in recent times, Liu Feng has been lurking in the Monster Kingdom, quietly waiting.

He is very much looking forward to the "big man" in the Flesh and Blood Temple.

In Liu Feng's view, the Flesh and Blood Temple is simply his savior, the savior of everyone.

If there was no Flesh and Blood Temple, who knows how many people would become food for the demons.

Moreover, they had no power to resist.

But now it is different.

Although the human race has also suffered heavy casualties.

But at least they have the power to resist.

The demons have also paid a lot of price.

Liu Feng waited day by day.

Suddenly, a strong consciousness swept across his hiding place.

"Demon King?"

Liu Feng's expression changed drastically.

It's the Demon King!

His whereabouts were discovered by the Demon King.

"Hey, there is actually a fish that slipped through the net here."

"A blood descendant who grew up three times, tsk tsk, I caught him and turned him in. It's another great achievement!"

This demon king with horns on his head has a sinister smile on his face.

Liu Feng was almost ready to run without thinking.

However, the Demon King had already made preparations.

This is a strange bird that can fly and is as fast as lightning.

With a "whoosh" sound, the Demon King caught up with Liu Feng.

Liu Feng simply couldn't escape.

Seeing that he could not escape, Liu Feng was not afraid.

His eyes were filled with hatred.

"If you want to catch me, you will die too!"

Liu Feng was about to explode all the flesh and blood in his body.

Used to "devour" the demon king's flesh and blood.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"How dare you be so rampant as a mere demon king?"

As the words fell.

Everyone suddenly raised their heads.

Suddenly, they saw it seemed like it was getting dark.

Darkness fell in all directions.

No, it's not dark.

But above the head, everyone can see a huge palm.

This palm was unprecedentedly huge, almost covering the sky.

Covered the entire sky.


"Who is this?"

"This kind of terrifying pressure...ancient demon?"

The demon king was shocked.

Feeling its terrifying aura, a look of fear and despair appeared on his face.

Ancient demon!

This is a palm comparable to that of an ancient demon!

How can he stop him as a mere demon king?

But, when did such a powerful vampire exist?

Unheard of!

In the kingdom of demons, the strongest blood descendant can only grow four times.

That's just the demon king level.

But now, just by looking at this palm, you can already understand that this is definitely not some fourth growth, definitely not something comparable to the Demon King.

But the ancient demon who is above all demons!


The huge palm fell.

Among the demons within a few miles, there were originally about dozens of big demons, plus a demon king.

Now, under this palm, they are all turned into flesh!

Moreover, even though it turned into flesh, a large amount of flesh and blood separated from under the giant palm, covering all the real demon flesh and blood.

Suddenly, the flesh and blood of the real demon was being devoured.

In the blink of an eye, he completely lost his breath.

Dozens of real demons, plus a demon king, died completely like this.

With one palm, dozens of real demons were wiped out!

This scene fell into Liu Feng's eyes, and he was amazed.

But he reacted quickly.

"It's...who is the Lord from the Temple of Flesh and Blood?"

Liu Feng just knew that the visitor was a "big shot" from the Temple of Flesh and Blood.

But Liu Feng didn't know which big shot it was.

However, someone with such terrifying means and strength must have a high status in the Temple of Flesh.


A figure appeared in front of Liu Feng after a few rises and falls.

Liu Feng was shocked when he saw this figure.

There was even more ecstasy in my heart.

He couldn't even believe his eyes. ,

This figure is too familiar.

It is extremely familiar to every blood descendant.

Coupled with the "closeness" feeling deep in the body at this moment.

Never wrong.


Created the Temple of Flesh.

The source of all blood descendants in the world, the ancestor of flesh and blood!

"Liu Feng, the blood descendant, pays homage to the ancestor!"

Liu Feng knelt on the ground respectfully, his voice trembling slightly with excitement.


The ancestor of flesh and blood actually came to the kingdom of demons in person.

And the "big man" he wants to receive is the ancestor of flesh and blood!

"Are you Liu Feng, a blood descendant?"

"very nice."

Lu Changsheng nodded.

He saw the situation clearly.

Liu Feng faced a demon king with no chance of winning, but he still planned to die together.

Even if you die, you must fight hard.

"Ancestor, I really didn't expect you to come to the Kingdom of Demons in person."

"This country of monsters is very dangerous!"

Liu Feng took a deep breath to calm down his excitement, and couldn't help but remind him.

"It doesn't matter."

"Even the ancient demon can't do anything to me."

"I came to the kingdom of demons for the sake of demon planting."

"Do you know about demon soil? Especially the demon soil that has the most demon plants."

Lu Changsheng did not beat around the bush and asked directly.

"Demon soil?"

Liu Feng replied: "Ancestor, I know where the Demonic Land is. I know the specific location. I have even sneaked into the Demonic Land."

"If there is a place in the Demonic Land where the most demonic plants are cultivated, it should be the Flower Spirit Hall."

"The Flower Spirit Palace is managed by the Flower Demon King and belongs to the Ancient Demon Taoist Lord!"

"The ancient demon Tao Zun is sitting in the Hualing Palace. Once there is any movement from the demon plant, Tao Zun will know immediately."

"So, if the ancestor wants to seize the demon plant in Hualing Palace, he may not be able to avoid Tao Zun."

Liu Feng also told all the information he knew without any reservation.

"Is the ancient demon Taoist Lord?"

Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was also weighing it in his mind.

The ancient demon Taoist Lord is comparable to the growth of five times.

However, Lu Changsheng was not afraid.

With his strength, he is not invincible at the same level, but he is close to it.

However, he was still very afraid of the Demon Ancestor.

"Liu Feng, do you know some information about the Demon Ancestor?"

"Has the Demon Ancestor awakened or appeared?"

Lu Changsheng asked with a solemn expression.

"Demon Ancestor?"

Liu Feng shook his head. He really didn't know much about the Demon Ancestor.

At least, nothing was heard.

"Are there really a large number of demonic plants in the Flower Spirit Palace?"

Lu Changsheng confirmed again.

"Yes, there are many demonic plants."

"Not only are there a large number of demonic plants stored in the Hualing Palace, but there are also many demonic plants growing in the demonic soil within the jurisdiction of the Hualing Palace, but many of the demonic plants are not mature yet."

Liu Feng said with certainty.

After hearing this, Lu Changsheng thought for a moment and no longer hesitated.

"Let's go to the Flower Spirit Palace!"

Lu Changsheng made a decision.

He decided to "grab a handful."

As long as he grabs enough demon plants, it only takes him a month to push the flesh and blood martial arts to 100% progress in the fifth growth, thus breaking through to the sixth growth.

Once he reaches six times of growth, Lu Changsheng has almost reached the upper limit of this world.

That is, a level comparable to the Demon Ancestor.

When the time comes, no one can do anything to him.

Of course, Lu Changsheng will also be very cautious.

Once a demon ancestor appears, run away as soon as possible and then "hide" completely.

Regardless of whether it helps or not, it’s always a good idea to be cautious.

Liu Feng was also very excited.

If the "ancestor" takes action, it must be extraordinary.

It was his honor to be able to lead the way for the "ancestor".

He even knew that the "ancestor" was going to do something big.

There is also the possibility of fighting against the ancient demon Tao Zun.

This is something Liu Feng usually doesn't even dare to think about.

But now, the "Ancestor" needs him.

Therefore, Liu Feng led the way with great care.

He even spoke in detail about some of his knowledge of Hualing Palace.

Soon, the two quietly approached the Hualing Palace.

Just approaching the Flower Spirit Hall, Lu Changsheng could already smell the fragrance of various flowers.

These aromas made Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood tremble.

Obviously, his flesh and blood also desperately longed for these demonic plants.

Most of the demonic plants in the Flower Spirit Hall are various demonic flowers, otherwise they would not be named "Flower Spirit".

But again, Hualing Hall is very well protected.

Lu Changsheng looked from a distance and saw many monsters, densely packed and protecting the Hualing Palace in the middle.

Trying to enter the Hualing Palace quietly is tantamount to wishful thinking.

If outsiders want to enter the Hualing Palace, there is only one way.

That's a hard break!

Otherwise, there is no way to enter at all.

However, if you force your way in, it won’t take too long.

If anything happens, it will be troublesome.

"A quick victory?"

"Liu Feng, please leave first and stay far away."

"I am going to force my way into the Hualing Palace, and you may not be able to escape by then."

Lu Changsheng said to Liu Feng.

"Yes, ancestor."

Liu Feng didn't hesitate, he turned and left.

Of course, he didn't go too far.

Instead, it came ten miles away.

This location is safer.

And we can also see the battle between the "Ancestor" and the "Ancient Demon Taoist Lord".

Such a battle was no small matter, and he couldn't help but watch it.

Lu Changsheng saw Liu Feng walking away and waited for half an hour.

Finally, he set off.


Lu Changsheng took one step forward.

Appear directly in the void.

And the terrifying aura of "five growths" swept out from his body.

At the same time, a huge palm that covered the sky and the sun grabbed directly towards the Hualing Palace.

The palms fell mightily.

This sudden turn of events caused the expressions of all the real demons in Hualing Palace to change greatly.

"Then...what is that?"

"An enemy attack is an enemy attack!"

"There is no demonic aura, could it be those blood descendants?"

"How brave! Those blood descendants actually dared to attack the Flower Spirit Palace, but their momentum far surpasses that of the Demon King, right?"

"This is a blow comparable to that of an ancient demon!"

Many demons looked at the huge palm in the void and immediately made assumptions.

In fact, I guessed it all right.

Not a demon, but a blood descendant!

It’s just that it is the source of blood, the ancestor of flesh and blood!


Hualingdian was instantly smashed to pieces by a huge palm.

At the same time, the lumps of Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood wrapped up one demonic plant after another in the Flower Spirit Palace, and quickly returned to Lu Changsheng's body.

But not enough, not enough.

In particular, Lu Changsheng also saw a large number of demonic plants in the demonic soil in the distance.

Almost without thinking, he immediately stretched out a huge palm and grabbed the demon soil in the distance.


Suddenly, a huge roar echoed in the void.

Immediately afterwards, an ancient demon with an extremely huge body lay across the void.

Ancient Demon Taoist Lord!

Lu Changsheng's movements just now finally alerted the Ancient Demon Taoist Lord!

The other party opened his mouth wide and sucked hard at Lu Changsheng's huge palm.

Rumor has it that the ancient demon Tao Zun swallows everything.

Its belly is the most terrifying method.

Once swallowed into its belly, it will definitely die!

Sure enough, Lu Changsheng's huge palm was sucked directly into the mouth of the ancient demon Taoist Lord.

The palm shattered and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Lu Changsheng was slightly surprised.

His palm could crush the demon god Li Zong.

The ancient demon Tao Zun in front of him was obviously stronger than Li Zong.

It was indeed extraordinary that he could sit in the Flower Spirit Hall.

But so what?

"You want to swallow me, then as you wish, let's see how much you can swallow?"

Lu Changsheng may not have many other means.

But as for flesh and blood, he can have as much as he wants.

He usually stores flesh and blood when he has nothing to do.

It has been a few years now, how much flesh and blood has he stored?

Maybe even Lu Changsheng himself is not very clear.


So, Lu Changsheng waved his hand directly.

Gathering one flesh and blood hand after another, they went towards the ancient demon Tao Zun.

One, two, three, four, five...

The stomach of the ancient demon Tao Zun was like a bottomless pit. No matter how much flesh and blood Lu Changsheng released, it swallowed it all in one gulp, and there has been no change so far.

However, after the ancient demon Tao swallowed ten palms, it finally felt something was wrong.

The stomach of the ancient demon Tao Zun can swallow and digest everything.

Even if other ancient demons were really swallowed by it, they would definitely die.

Therefore, no ancient demon dared to enter the stomach of the ancient demon Tao Zun.

They all tried their best to avoid being swallowed by the ancient demon Tao Zun.

But Lu Changsheng was different.

What was swallowed was a mass of flesh and blood.

His flesh and blood were not ordinary flesh and blood. Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood could also swallow other flesh and blood, including the flesh and blood of demons.

Perhaps one or two palms of flesh and blood were not enough to swallow the flesh and blood of the ancient demon Tao Zun.

But eight or ten palms of flesh and blood were different.

In the stomach of the ancient demon Tao Zun.

At this moment, countless flesh and blood were wriggling.

If you look closely, you can see that it is a large mass of flesh and blood, which is madly devouring the flesh and blood of the ancient demon Tao Zun.

But similarly, the flesh and blood of the ancient demon Tao Zun was in its stomach, and its devouring power was so terrifying that it could suppress Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood.

It was also devouring.

Therefore, the two kinds of flesh and blood were devouring each other.

But when they devoured each other, they were actually destroying each other.

However, Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood were more than that.

Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen...

One after another, flesh and blood palms were swallowed into the stomach of the ancient demon Tao Zun.

The ancient demon Tao Zun finally felt the pressure.

It felt that it had reached its limit.

It really couldn't swallow anymore.

If it swallowed again, it might not be able to "digest" it.

However, now it was not a question of whether it swallowed or not.

It had to swallow.

If it didn't swallow, it would be slapped to death by Lu Changsheng's huge palm.

The ancient demon Tao Zun was already in a dilemma.

It might never have dreamed that Lu Changsheng had so much flesh and blood?

This was simply beyond its cognition.

Even the most powerful ancient demon could not have so much flesh and blood.

As Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood accumulated more and more in the stomach of the ancient demon Taozun.

The situation has gradually reversed.

The flesh and blood of the ancient demon Taozun began to be devoured, and the flesh and blood became less and less, while Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood became more and more.

As one grew stronger and the other weaker, finally, at a certain moment.


The ancient demon Taozun screamed.

Its stomach broke open.

A lot of flesh and blood that were completely different from it suddenly grew out of it.

And these flesh and blood quickly covered its whole body.

Now it is not the ancient demon Taozun who devours Lu Changsheng.

Instead, Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood is devouring the ancient demon Taozun!

ps: Recommend a friend's new work "The Evil Demons from Outer Space Invade, Fortunately I am an Evil God" If you are interested, you can go and have a look

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