Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 29 Blood transfusion beads, one blood transfusion!


Gao Yucheng died like this.

And he died with his eyes open.

He seemed to never think that he would die in the end after all his calculations.

Gao Zhanhu also opened his eyes at this time. He witnessed Gao Yucheng being killed by a mysterious man.

He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole is behind. He understood everything in an instant.

Who would have thought that there was a "oriole" hiding behind after all his calculations?

The person who came was naturally Lu Changsheng.

He followed the five warriors all the way to the underground secret room.

The five warriors were completely unaware.

Lu Changsheng witnessed the whole process of this human tragedy of brother killing brother and son killing father.

Lu Changsheng bent down and picked up the blood exchange bead from Gao Yucheng's hand. On the surface, the bead did not look magical.

However, the reason why he took action was because of this blood exchange bead!

This blood exchange bead seems to help warriors achieve the realm of divine power. Such treasures are hard to come by, so Lu Changsheng is naturally tempted.

Besides, the Gao family is not a good person, just like the five warriors.

Lu Changsheng put away the blood exchange bead, then held the dagger and looked at the five warriors who collapsed on the ground.

The five warriors trembled all over, and felt something was wrong.

"Since you have obtained the blood exchange bead, please raise your hand. We are..."

The five people were about to "report their identities".


Lu Changsheng's figure disappeared in an instant, and then a white light flashed.

The five warriors twitched all over, blood flowed all over the ground, and slowly lost their breath.


The five warriors were killed by Lu Changsheng before they even reported their "identities".

Lu Changsheng didn't want to hear the identities of these five people.

Some people, just kill them, but it would be troublesome to hear their identities.

Lu Changsheng squatted down again and touched the corpse carefully.

This good habit must not be lost.

Unfortunately, the five people didn't bring anything with them.

Lu Changsheng slowly stood up, he turned his head and looked at Gao Zhanhu, now only Gao Zhanhu was left.

"How to use the blood exchange beads?"

Lu Changsheng suddenly asked.

"Your voice..."

Gao Zhanhu heard Lu Changsheng's voice, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, seemed to think of something, his voice was trembling: "It's you..."

Obviously, Gao Zhanhu guessed Lu Changsheng's identity.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I was the one who let the wolf into the house."

"You must have come here just for the blood exchange beads, right?"

"Well, it's okay if you kill those five people. You will only take the blood exchange beads, but not occupy Gaojiabao, which is a blessing in disguise."

"I'll teach you how to use the blood exchange beads. You just need to cut a wound on your body and put the blood exchange beads into the wound. The blood exchange beads will naturally melt slowly and merge with the blood."

"I still have a little son and daughter. I hope you let them go. They don't know anything."

Gao Zhanhu's eyes were filled with a trace of begging.

"I just want the blood exchange beads!"

After a long time, Lu Changsheng spoke.


The next moment, Lu Changsheng's dagger gently crossed Gao Zhanhu's throat.

Lu Changsheng couldn't let Gao Zhanhu go, because Gao Zhanhu had guessed his identity.

But Gao Zhanhu's little son and daughter, he had never seen them, so naturally he wouldn't do anything to them.

Gao Zhanhu covered his throat and soon lost his movement.

Lu Changsheng searched Gao Zhanhu's body for a while, but didn't find anything.

So, he opened the secret rooms one by one.

There were a lot of supplies in the secret room, such as food, ironware, armor, weapons, etc.

Lu Changsheng was not interested in these, he wanted to find martial arts and martial arts.

Unfortunately, there seemed to be no martial arts or martial arts in the secret room.

What Lu Changsheng wanted most was the martial arts of the Divine Power Realm.

Even if he couldn't achieve the Divine Power Realm now, it would be of great benefit to him to understand the Divine Power Realm in advance.

It's a pity that there was no Divine Power Realm martial arts in the secret room, or it was placed in a more secret place, and Lu Changsheng couldn't find it.

After searching for a while without finding it, Lu Changsheng gave up.

He left the underground secret room and closed the door of the secret room.

The secret room was very secret, and only the successive heads of the Gao Family Castle knew about this secret room.

Even if the Gao family found that Gao Zhanhu, Gao Yucheng, and Gao Yuzhi were missing, they should not be able to find them in a short time after searching extensively.

Afterwards, Lu Changsheng returned to the house.

He even heard the breathing of several apprentices and Master Wu Jing in the next room.

The breathing was very steady, and it was obvious that they had entered a deep sleep.

Lu Changsheng was relieved.

He was not in a hurry to sleep, but took out the blood exchange beads from his arms.

The blood exchange beads looked like they were made of unknown materials.

Holding the blood exchange beads, there was a faint icy feeling.

This blood exchange bead is a treasure, and Lu Changsheng did not want to delay, lest the night be long and dreamy.

Lu Changsheng directly took out the dagger and exposed his arm.

He scratched it lightly.


The arm was cut open, and blood immediately flowed.

Lu Changsheng immediately put the blood exchange bead on the wound.

A magical scene happened.

The blood exchange bead that encountered the blood actually "melted" quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It seemed to be integrated into the blood and flowed through the blood vessels throughout the body.

Lu Changsheng closed his eyes, and he was carefully experiencing the effect of the blood exchange beads.

He could faintly feel that there was a cold breath slowly attached to the heart.

"Dong, dong, dong".

With each beat of the heart, the cold breath would be emitted and quickly spread throughout the body.

As this cold breath continued to spread, Lu Changsheng clearly felt that his body seemed to have eliminated impurities bit by bit.

He even circulated his blood a little.


The blood and qi actually began to increase again, which was incredible.

You know, Lu Changsheng's blood and qi have reached the extreme. It stands to reason that it should be impossible to increase it except for the promotion to the realm of divine power.

But the facts are right in front of us.

Lu Changsheng used the blood exchange beads, and the blood and qi that had reached the limit could actually be increased again.

However, Lu Changsheng also vaguely understood the reason.

"To advance to the realm of divine power, one needs to open the gate of life and death, change the marrow and blood, and be reborn."

"However, relying on the blood exchange bead, one can directly 'change blood', which is equivalent to completing the marrow and blood exchange halfway in advance."

"With the blood exchange bead, it is indeed easier to advance to the realm of divine power."

The blood exchange bead in Lu Changsheng's body is indeed a supreme treasure. No wonder so many people are fighting for it.

According to the current speed and efficiency of blood exchange, it will take at least one month for Lu Changsheng to complete the blood exchange completely.

And during this one month, Lu Changsheng's physical fitness will also be comprehensively improved with the blood exchange.

This is another kind of rebirth.

Lu Changsheng tried to practice the "Ice Bone Forging Technique" again.

He found that the efficiency of practicing the Ice Bone Forging Technique was also greatly improved.

There was no ice cubes and no medicinal food, but the efficiency was really improved.

"The most critical point of the blood exchange bead is that it does not seem to affect my ability to continue to exchange blood when I open the gate of life and death in the future."

"That is to say, if I open the gate of life and death in the future and exchange blood, it is actually equivalent to a second blood exchange."

"Every time I exchange blood, my physical fitness will be qualitatively improved. Once I achieve the realm of divine power, due to the second blood exchange, my strength will be far superior to that of my peers!"

Lu Changsheng was very satisfied.

This trip to Gaojiabao has brought me so much!

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