Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 326 The Ninth Princess of the Royal Family! Lu Changsheng Arrives, the Reincarnation Divine

Chapter 326 The Ninth Princess of the Imperial Family! Lu Changsheng comes to the door, and the Reincarnation Body shows its power!

Lu Changsheng summoned Zhao Shuying.

"Zhao Shuying, do you remember how to cultivate the innate water spirit body?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

"Of course I remember."

"However, if you want to cultivate the innate water spirit body, you need to use the Tianhe Heavy Water Pearl just to cast the foundation of the water spirit body. If you don't have the heavy water in the Tianhe Heavy Water Pearl, it will be very difficult to lay the foundation for the innate water spirit body. The requirements for comprehension are too high..."

"Mr. Lu, do you want to cultivate the innate water spirit body?"

Zhao Shuying looked at Lu Changsheng with a puzzled look on her face.

After all, it was Lu Changsheng who took the initiative to give her the Tianhe Heavy Water Pearl last time.

He said that he "looked down on" the innate water spirit body.

Why do you want to cultivate it now?

"It doesn't matter. Lu just wants to give it a try and try to see if he can cultivate the innate water spirit body and prepare for cultivating other spirit bodies in the future."

Lu Changsheng said lightly.

Lu Changsheng naturally wouldn't tell the real reason.

"Okay, I'll tell Mr. Lu the secret formula of the innate water spirit body."

So, Zhao Shuying immediately said it again.

These water spirit bodies, whether it's the body or the body, are actually a kind of physical practice.

It can directly achieve the realm of honor, the realm of ancestors, or even the realm of immortals.

Each one can be practiced by oneself.

Even if there is no divine object, it can be done.

But without a divine object, practice will be a hundred or a thousand times more difficult.

Spending huge energy to practice is not worth the loss.

After Zhao Shuying said the innate water spirit body, Lu Changsheng closed his eyes, motionless, and didn't even ask any questions.

Zhao Shuying was a little confused.

"Mr. Lu, is there anything else you don't understand? I can explain it in detail..."

Zhao Shuying couldn't help asking.

Lu Changsheng listened to it once and stopped listening.

He didn't even have any questions.

Did he completely understand it after just one time?

Zhao Shuying didn't believe anything he said.

"That's enough."

"I'm going to continue my retreat, so I won't keep you here."

Lu Changsheng closed his eyes again.

Zhao Shuying now understood everything.

It turns out that he really understood it in one go.

This understanding...

Zhao Shuying couldn't imagine it.

She could only comfort herself by saying that gods and people have their own magical powers.

In fact, Lu Changsheng did understand it in one go.

It's just an innate water spirit body.

Isn't one time enough for him to understand?

After all, Lu Changsheng's understanding is unparalleled in the ages.

He didn't know if there was anyone in the whole world who could compare with Lu Changsheng's understanding.

But even if there was, there were probably only a handful of them.

However, understanding is understanding, and cultivation is cultivation.

For this innate water spirit body, Lu Changsheng must use a lot of water just to lay the foundation.

Water of the five elements.

And if he practiced step by step, even with Lu Changsheng's understanding, it would take at least ten years to get started!

This is just getting started.

Ten years.

If it is a divine object.

It will take a few hours, or even one hour to get started.

Look at how long it took Zhao Shuying to get started?

"Ten years... too long."

"But it also proves one thing, even if there is no divine object, as long as you know the method of the spirit body, you can still practice and even get started. It just takes a lot of time."

Lu Changsheng compared it carefully.

In fact, this is already very good.

Ten years is equivalent to a divine object at the level of a spirit body.

Of course, if it is someone else, it may take a hundred years or even a thousand years to get started.

Only Lu Changsheng, who has an unprecedented understanding, can have such a terrifying understanding.

This is Lu Changsheng's advantage.

So, Lu Changsheng split another clone.

This clone is only at the level of a martial saint, but it is enough to practice the innate water spirit body.

Lu Changsheng let this clone practice slowly.

But Lu Changsheng knew that the most important thing is the divine object.

As long as there is a divine object, both the spirit body and the body can make rapid progress.

But how rare are divine objects in the world?

If there is really a place with many divine objects, it is the royal family of the Dagan Dynasty.

But thinking about it, Lu Changsheng still shook his head.

I really want to go to the royal family of the Dagan Dynasty to grab a handful.

But the national divine objects are too terrifying, so I'd better wait for a while.

When there is a way to deal with the national divine objects in the future, or when the national divine objects of the royal family of the Dagan Dynasty are damaged, I will go to the royal family of the Dagan Dynasty.

As for now.

Let's continue to look for divine objects and practice the reincarnation body.

Lu Changsheng's reincarnation body requires a lot of dead air.

The dead air in the reincarnation bead has been consumed.

Lu Changsheng thought of the dead land.

There is still a lot of dead air left there.

So, his clone went directly to the dead land.

Every day, he practiced the reincarnation body in the dead land with the help of a lot of dead air.

However, as time went on, even the dead air in the dead land could not withstand the absorption of Lu Changsheng's reincarnation body. After just a few days, the dead air in the dead land had been consumed.

Without the dead air, the dead land will be the same as other places.

Weeds will grow in the future, and life will exist.

However, in just a few days, the dead air of the dead land was absorbed.

And the progress of Lu Changsheng's reincarnation body is still only 1%, not improved at all.

It shows how difficult it is to practice the reincarnation body.

Lu Changsheng thought of the reincarnation river.

If he could enter the reincarnation river.

There is an inexhaustible supply of death energy there.

At that time, the reincarnation body will surely improve rapidly.

It can even be perfected without the divine object.

But if the reincarnation body is not perfect, how can it enter the reincarnation river?

Even the entrance cannot be found.

So, this is a dead cycle.

Finally, it returns to the starting point, the divine object!

Lu Changsheng still needs the divine object!

One day, Zhao Shuying hurried over and reported to Lu Changsheng.

"Mr. Lu, a big man has come to Liangcheng recently. It is said that she is the ninth princess of the Dagan Dynasty!"

"This ninth princess is not simple. She is the princess who officially joined the fight for the throne."

"It is said that there is something big going on when she came to Liangcheng this time..."

Hearing Zhao Shuying's words, Lu Changsheng opened his eyes, his eyes slightly surprised.

"Strive for the throne?"

A princess can actually strive for the throne?

However, Zhao Shuying quickly explained in detail.

It turns out that the Dagan Dynasty does not have a legitimate eldest son inheritance system, but needs to strive for the throne.

Every prince or princess can decide whether to participate in the battle for the throne after turning fourteen.

If they do not participate, their titles will be removed and they will be arranged to work in some departments of the court.

In the Divine Dynasty, many departments are actually of royal blood.

Of course, it also requires many tests, which is not so easy.

And there is no need to worry about disrupting the court order, after all, this is a world with divine objects and extraordinary powers.

Without the title of prince or princess, these royal children will not be able to pose any threat to the throne at all.

But if they are willing to fight for the throne, they will join the battle for the throne.

The battle for the throne is very cruel.

In the end, there is only one winner.

And the losers will be exiled and can only spend their lives silently in a bitter and cold place.

Therefore, many princes and princesses weigh the pros and cons, and most of them will not participate in the battle for the throne.

But there are still some princes and princesses who will participate in the battle for the throne.

The Ninth Princess is a member of the royal family who participated in the battle for the throne.

Moreover, there are currently as many as thirteen princes and princesses participating in the battle for the throne!

To win the throne, one needs to win over ministers, obtain divine objects, and refine divine objects. It requires all aspects.

In the end, the royal elders led by the emperor finally discussed and decided.

"Win the throne..."

Lu Changsheng's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance.

He already had some ideas in his mind.

Lu Changsheng needed a large number of divine objects.

But how many divine objects could Zhao Shuying get by relying on her alone?

After such a long time, Zhao Shuying did not bring him a second divine object.

Well, if the reincarnation beads are counted, there are actually two.

But the reincarnation beads have little to do with Zhao Shuying.

Not to mention that Lu Changsheng wanted dozens or even hundreds of divine objects.

Zhao Shuying could not help Lu Changsheng get so many divine objects.

To get so many divine objects in a short time.

There is only one place that can do it.

The royal family!

The royal family of the Dagan Divine Dynasty!

But Lu Changsheng did not know what the attitude of the royal family of the Dagan Divine Dynasty towards the "gods" was.

But it didn't matter.

Lu Changsheng did not intend to let his original body contact the royal family of the Dagan Dynasty.

His clone, that is, the clone of the Reincarnation Body, is now comparable to the ultimate strong.

Even because of the "death energy", the combat power of the Reincarnation Body is quite high.

It can be comparable to the extreme from the beginning.

Letting the clone of the Reincarnation Body contact the royal family of the Dagan Dynasty should not be a big problem.

After all, the clone of the Reincarnation Body is the breath of the Reincarnation Pearl.

It is the breath of the divine object.

Lu Changsheng's Reincarnation Body clone can be regarded as a lucky person who has obtained the divine object.

And there are many such lucky people in the entire Dagan Dynasty.

Many were directly "recruited".

Lu Changsheng also wanted to be "recruited".

But he didn't want to be recruited casually.

Instead, he wanted to participate in the "succession".

Following a prince or princess, there will be a chance to contact the core of the Dagan Dynasty and obtain a large number of divine objects.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng thought he could give it a try.

As for the original body, it still had to be hidden.

If the Great Divine Dynasty uses the national treasure, his body will be destroyed.

If his body is destroyed, it will not be easy for Lu Changsheng to recover.

"Zhao Shuying, let's meet the Ninth Princess."

Lu Changsheng has already made a decision in his heart.

Zhao Shuying was slightly startled: "Mr. Lu, do you want to participate in the fight for the throne?"

"This is too dangerous, please think twice, Mr. Lu."

"If the fight for the throne fails, the princes and princesses may be exiled, but those of us who help the fight for the throne will surely die!"

Even though Zhao Shuying is a person in the martial arts world, she knows how cruel the fight for the throne is.

Obviously, there are many people in the martial arts world who have participated in the fight for the throne.

The result is very cruel.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, few people in the martial arts world dare to participate in the fight for the throne.

Zhao Shuying does not want to participate in the fight for the throne.

That's why she persuaded Lu Changsheng.

But Lu Changsheng has made up his mind. Facing Zhao Shuying's persuasion, Lu Changsheng is unmoved and still insists on his own opinion.

After all, Zhao Shuying never knows his goal.

How can you get a lot of divine objects without participating in the fight for the throne?

Liangcheng Governor's Mansion.

At this moment, the governor of Xiazhou is welcoming the Ninth Princess with a large group of officials.

How dare they neglect the princess who can participate in the fight for the throne?

However, they dare not take sides.

They are just welcoming the Ninth Princess.

They will never participate in the fight for the throne.

The governor asked cautiously: "Your Highness Princess Nine, why did you come to Xiazhou?"

The Princess Nine is a noble woman.

Although she is beautiful, the officials present are trembling with fear, and no one dares to covet the princess's beauty.

What a joke.

This is the princess who is participating in the fight for the throne.

If she participates now, it will most likely be a dead end.

After all, the situation is gradually becoming clear.

The Princess Nine is at a disadvantage in the fight for the throne.

She doesn't even have much chance at all.

Otherwise, the Princess Nine would not have traveled thousands of miles away from the capital to Liangcheng, Xiazhou.

"What if I came to recruit the governor?"

The Princess Nine said with a smile.

"This... this... I dare not interfere in the fight for the throne, please forgive me, Princess!"

The governor was immediately frightened and trembled all over, and knelt on the ground.

What a joke?

The Princess Nine actually wants to recruit him?

In this situation, if you still join the Nine Princesses' camp, wouldn't that mean you are too lucky?

"Am I so unworthy of the governor's eyes?"

"I dare not."

As for the other officials, they dared not even breathe a word.

Didn't you see that even the governor was so frightened, let alone them?

Even if the Nine Princesses are at a disadvantage in the fight for the throne.

She will most likely be exiled in the future.

But now she is still the high and mighty Nine Princesses.

Who dares to offend her?

Now we can only pray that the Nine Princesses will leave quickly, leave Liangcheng, and leave Xiazhou.

Otherwise, these Xiazhou officials will have a hard time.

"Okay, I was just joking with the governor just now."

"I came to Liangcheng this time for only one thing."

"That is the death place!"

"The governor, find someone to lead the way, I'm going to the death place!"

The Nine Princesses said directly.

"Death place?"

The governor was slightly startled.

However, he was also a smart man and reacted immediately.

Divine object!

It must be a divine object!

Otherwise, how could the Ninth Princess come from afar?

Moreover, most likely the Ninth Princess has important clues that can confirm that there is a divine object in the dead land.

Otherwise, how could she go straight to the dead land?

But over the years, I don’t know how many people have explored the dead land.

Including those gods who often go to the dead land to explore.

However, there is no discovery.

How could the Ninth Princess find out that there is a divine object in the dead land?

But the governor did not dare to ask, and other officials did not dare to ask.

So, they found someone and took the Ninth Princess to the dead land.

Soon, the Ninth Princess and others arrived at the dead land.

However, when she saw the dead land in front of her, the Ninth Princess’ face sank instantly.


The death energy is gone!

The clues obtained by the Ninth Princess are that there is a divine object called the Samsara Pearl in the dead land.

That can cultivate the reincarnation divine body.

The Samsara Pearl contains a terrifying death energy, so it can create a dead land within a radius of dozens of miles here.

But now there is no death energy.

There is even a faint vitality in the dead land.

How can this be called a death place?

Something must have happened.

Most likely, the divine object, the reincarnation bead, was taken away.

Otherwise, the death energy in the death place could not have disappeared.

"Look for it!"

The Ninth Princess's face darkened.

Suddenly, several masters rushed out from behind her.

They were agile and powerful.

They should have refined divine objects before.

Each one was as good as a land saint.

Soon, several people seemed to have mastered the method of the death place portal and opened a portal.

As a result, they entered the portal.

It was empty inside.

The reincarnation bead had indeed disappeared.

"Who took the reincarnation bead?"

The Ninth Princess's face darkened slightly.

The reincarnation bead was very useful to her!

In the end, it was gone just like that?


"Start with the governor!"

The Ninth Princess said coldly with murderous intent in her eyes.

Then, the group returned directly to the governor's mansion.


The Ninth Princess broke the tea set.

The ground was covered with broken pieces.

The governor was trembling with fear.

Most likely, he went to the dead land and was furious.

The governor secretly complained in his heart.

"Tell me, who took the sacred object from the dead land?"

The Ninth Princess stared at the governor and asked coldly.

"What? There are really sacred objects in the dead land?"

"Your Highness, I really don't know who took the sacred object from the dead land. I didn't even know there were sacred objects in the dead land."

"Please be clear, Your Highness!"

The governor bowed to the ground.

Just as the Ninth Princess wanted to say something, suddenly, a strange voice came in.

"Your Highness, the person who took the sacred object from the dead land is Lu."

This sentence was clearly heard by the Ninth Princess.

The Ninth Princess was shocked.

He raised his head suddenly and looked outside the governor's mansion.

There was no one outside, but the voice was so clearly heard in her ears.


The Ninth Princess shouted softly.

Suddenly, the guards behind her who had refined the sacred objects became nervous one by one and protected the Ninth Princess in the middle.


"Your Highness, there are two people outside, claiming to meet you."

"Those two people are very impressive, and are waiting outside now."

An official came to report.

"There are two people outside?"

The ninth princess narrowed her eyes slightly.

With her intelligence, she guessed it immediately.

The voice just now was probably from one of the two people outside.

Isn't the purpose to "show off one's skills"?

And now, the other party's purpose has indeed been achieved.

This "skill" did attract the attention of the Ninth Princess.

"Let them in."

"Yes, Your Highness."

So, the official immediately withdrew, came to the outside of the Governor's Mansion, and brought the two people in.

These two people are naturally Lu Changsheng and Zhao Shuying.

Lu Changsheng saw the Ninth Princess at a glance.

Everything in the Governor's Mansion just now, for Lu Changsheng, there is no secret at all.

He is the top extreme realm of the boundary sea.

With a glance of consciousness, what secrets can the Governor's Mansion have?

Although the divine dynasties in the Kunwu Realm have various divine objects and many means.

But in terms of mysterious means, they are still not as good as the means of the extreme realm strongmen in the boundary sea.

"Lu Changsheng, Zhao Shuying, meet Your Highness."

The two also bowed slightly to the Ninth Princess.

That's all.

Want Lu Changsheng to perform a great ceremony?

That's impossible.

Besides the Ancestor Realm, who else could make Lu Changsheng perform a great ceremony?

Not even the Supreme Martial Arts Master could do it!

Seeing Lu Changsheng and the other person being so arrogant and rude, the people brought by the Ninth Princess immediately shouted: "How dare you! How dare you be powerless when you see the princess?"

This person should have also refined the divine object.

The terrifying momentum swept directly towards Lu Changsheng and Zhao Shuying.

Lu Changsheng smiled slightly.

He just stood quietly with his hands behind his back, allowing the other party's momentum to sweep over him.


The next moment, the other party felt a roar in his head.

The whole person felt extremely palpitating.

In his eyes, Lu Changsheng seemed to have turned into an endless purgatory in an instant, and the terrifying death energy was overwhelming.


The man screamed.

He felt extremely scared in his heart.

However, others could clearly see that Lu Changsheng and the other person actually did nothing.

As a result, the guards of the Ninth Princess screamed on their own.

The difference was immediately determined.

"Dead air!"

"Have you refined the reincarnation bead?"

The Ninth Princess stared at Lu Changsheng and said word by word.

She had received news about the reincarnation bead before, so she rushed to Xiazhou without stopping.

As a result, the reincarnation bead disappeared?

Now it seems that the person in front of him must have obtained the reincarnation bead, refined it, and laid the foundation for the reincarnation divine body.

The reincarnation divine body, that is a divine body.

Once the foundation is laid, it will far exceed those spiritual bodies and divine objects.

Every move has great power, and can even compete with those "divine people from outside the sky".

This is why the Ninth Princess rushed to Liangcheng in a hurry.

She did not do this to refine the reincarnation bead.

After all, the Ninth Princess is a member of the royal family and has already refined the divine object.

But with a reincarnation bead and a divine body, she can recruit many masters, and even many powerful forces, to increase her weight in the fight for the throne.

This is her real purpose.

It's a pity that the reincarnation bead was refined by the person in front of her.

Well, there is only one way now.

"What's your name?"

"Lu Changsheng."

"I wonder why Mr. Lu came to see me?"

"It's very simple. Isn't the Ninth Princess going to fight for the throne? I am willing to help the Ninth Princess!"

The conversation between the two was very direct.

Lu Changsheng did not hide his intention.

"Help me fight for the throne?"

The Ninth Princess narrowed her eyes slightly.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the possibility of her fighting for the throne was already very low.

Perhaps, now only she has not given up.

Will others take the initiative to follow her?

That's impossible!

Unless, the other party wants something that only she can give.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

The Ninth Princess spoke slowly.

The other party couldn't have helped her for no reason.

There must be something to ask for.

Lu Changsheng glanced at the people in the room.

The Ninth Princess immediately understood.

"You all go out first."

"Your Highness, this person..."

"Go out!"

Someone else wanted to remind the Ninth Princess that Lu Changsheng was very dangerous.

But the Ninth Princess had made up her mind.

So, everyone left the room.

Lu Changsheng also asked Zhao Shuying to leave.

Only Lu Changsheng was left in the room.

"Your Highness, what I want is nothing more than a divine object."

"Whether it is a divine object at the spiritual level or a divine object at the divine level, I want them all!"

"That's the only request. If Your Highness can agree, I will do my best to help Your Highness!"

Lu Changsheng directly stated his request.

"Divine object..."

"Your appetite is not small. One reincarnation bead is not enough to satisfy you, but you continue to ask for divine objects?"

"However, one person can basically only practice one kind of skills and refine one kind of divine object..."

The Ninth Princess stared at Lu Changsheng closely.

"Lu has his own use."

Of course, Lu Changsheng would not say this clearly.

The clone is his biggest secret in Kunwu Realm.

In fact, even Zhao Shuying could not see that it was Lu Changsheng's clone who accompanied her this time.

Lu Changsheng's original body had long been hidden in the dark.

"You know, I'm in a difficult situation now. If I follow you now, it would be like seeking my own death. Do you want to follow me?"

The Ninth Princess said generously.

Her current situation is no secret.

After all, the situation of the succession is actually very clear to many people.

There is no need to hide it.

Lu Changsheng didn't care at all, but took a deep look at the Ninth Princess and said slowly: "Of course, Lu knows the current situation of the Ninth Princess, but it is precisely because of this that Lu's coming here will be valued by Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"Besides, if Lu can turn the tide and help Her Royal Highness the Princess gain an advantage in the succession, I believe Her Royal Highness the Princess will not be stingy and will try her best to meet Lu's needs for the divine object."

"I wonder if Her Royal Highness the Princess agrees?"

Lu Changsheng's eyes fell on the face of the Ninth Princess.

Now it depends on the courage of the Ninth Princess.

Use the divine object to exchange for a helper.

Maybe she can really struggle again on the road to succession.

The Ninth Princess knows very well what is more important.

"Mr. Lu, then I will leave it to Mr. Lu!"

The Ninth Princess showed a smile on her face.

It's done!

How could the Ninth Princess not agree to the service of such a great helper like Lu Changsheng?

After all, Lu Changsheng refined the reincarnation beads and built the foundation of the divine body.

Even if there is a divine object at the level of the divine body, it is actually very difficult to build the foundation of the divine body.

Otherwise, with the foundation of the Dagan Divine Dynasty, wouldn’t the foundation of the divine body be everywhere?

But in fact, those who can rival the divine body foundation of the "divine man from outer space" are still very rare.

The Ninth Princess is a person with a big vision.

She knows that talents are rare.

Especially talents like Lu Changsheng.

Not to mention that he can help her turn the tables, but now he can follow the Ninth Princess, which is a huge help to the Ninth Princess's camp.

Thinking of this, the Ninth Princess said directly: "Mr. Lu, I am very happy that you came this time. It can be regarded as solving my urgent need. This divine object at the level of the spiritual body will be given to Mr. Lu."

The Ninth Princess waved her hand.

A jade-colored light instantly flew in front of Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng directly stretched out his hand and grabbed the jade-colored light in his hand.

This is a beautiful jade.

There is a warm feeling in the hand.

However, Lu Changsheng can clearly feel the breath of the divine object.

There is a faint sense of vitality inside, as if there is a kind of vitality.

"Divine object?"

"Yes, this is a divine object of the innate wood spirit body. The divine objects of the five elements spirit body are the most common and the most numerous among the divine objects in the Kunwu world. But no matter how many there are, it is still a divine object."

Lu Changsheng nodded.

The Ninth Princess is really generous.

She gave a divine object directly.

Moreover, if there is a divine object, Lu Changsheng may be able to enter the innate wood spirit body in a few hours.

Instead of taking ten years to enter the innate water spirit body without the help of a divine object.

"Thank you, Princess!"

Lu Changsheng also expressed his gratitude.

The Ninth Princess is so generous, and Lu Changsheng has not made any contribution to the Ninth Princess, but he has obtained a divine object.

It seems that he chose the Ninth Princess, and it is right.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

In Xiazhou, far away from the capital of gods, there will definitely be nothing wrong.

However, once he entered the Divine Capital.

Then Lu Changsheng would face many pressures.

Even the Ninth Princess was nothing in the Divine Capital.

Now it was just a little sweetness.

"Mr. Lu, you need a lot of dead energy to cultivate the reincarnation body, right?"

"When we return to the Divine Capital, I will find a way to get you a lot of dead energy to help you practice."

"However, my situation is not good now, and I can't stay in Xiazhou for long. If Mr. Lu has anything to explain, please explain it as soon as possible. I must return to the Divine Capital as soon as possible."

"Lu understands."

So, Lu Changsheng turned and left.

Looking at Lu Changsheng's back, a gleam of brilliance flashed in the eyes of the Ninth Princess.

She knew very well that Lu Changsheng was an ambitious person, even a very ambitious person.

But as long as he could help her overcome difficulties, or even win the throne, then no matter how ambitious Lu Changsheng was, what did it matter?

She could satisfy all of them!

But if she failed to win the throne, she would be doomed!

The Ninth Princess has a clear mind like a mirror, and she knows clearly what is more important.

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