Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 345: All below the ancestral realm are ants!

"This kind of power..."

Everyone was shocked.

This kind of power was beyond their imagination.

Originally, they laid a "net of heaven and earth" at the intersection of three rivers, which was prepared for Lu Changsheng, to ensure that Lu Changsheng could not escape.

But now, what is the meaning of this so-called "net of heaven and earth"?

It has become a big joke!

With such a great power, what can the so-called net of heaven and earth count for?

Some powerful divine bodies could not help but be shocked.

They looked at each other, with a hint of shock in their eyes.

"This...are you still going to do it?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Action? Are you going to rush up and do it now?"

"Everyone nearby will be killed..."

"The power that Lu Changsheng possesses is no longer at the level of a so-called divine body. It may even be at the level of a national treasure. But how can a person burst out the power of a national treasure? This is not normal!"

"Yes, only the Divine Dynasty possesses national treasures. Without national treasures, how can such a terrifying power burst out? This Lu Changsheng, I'm afraid, has a very complicated origin. He even has a big secret!"

"Even if there is a big secret, what does it matter? With his strength, you're going to capture him?"

Many people are still amazed and watching.

But some people who are thoughtful and cautious have left here quietly.

If they continue to watch, they don't know what will happen.

After all, they are here with bad intentions to deal with "Lu Changsheng".

Even if they don't take action now, they are watching nearby.

Isn't this a serious provocation to Lu Changsheng?

So, it's better to leave quickly and get away with it.

Lu Changsheng doesn't know what these people think.

But it doesn't matter.

These powerful spirits and divine bodies are really not taken seriously by Lu Changsheng now.

He just wants to explore the secrets of the place where the three rivers converge!

Or, he wants to explore the secrets of the Red Dust Immortal.

It is likely to be under this river.


The river almost rolled.

Countless waves rolled, revealing the extremely deep bottom of the river.


Suddenly, the six Red Dust Immortal tombstone fragments in Lu Changsheng's body vibrated.

This is the reaction that only occurs when there are Red Dust Immortal tombstone fragments nearby.

"There are Red Dust Immortal tombstone fragments here..."

Lu Changsheng's heart was shocked.

His eyes looked even deeper into the river.

And his consciousness kept sweeping.

Trying to find some traces of Red Dust Immortal tombstones under the river.

But, nothing was found.


"Wait, there is a vortex there..."

"The water in the vortex is not stopping, and it is even deeper?"

Lu Changsheng grabbed again with his big hand.

He tried to "pull up" the vortex directly.

"Get up!"

But when Lu Changsheng pulled, the vortex didn't move at all.

Abnormal, this is too abnormal.

How could Lu Changsheng not catch such a tiny vortex?

How deep can the vortex be at the bottom of the river?

One zhang or ten zhang?

Or twenty zhang?

Let alone ten zhang or twenty zhang, what if it is a hundred zhang deep at the bottom of the river?

With the power Lu Changsheng showed at this moment, how could he not catch a mere vortex?

But, in fact, Lu Changsheng couldn't catch the vortex.

This vortex seemed heavier than a mountain.


"Get up!"

Lu Changsheng snorted coldly and simply grabbed it with both hands.

This is the strength of both hands, and the aura on his body is also rising step by step, almost reaching the extreme.

This is the power of the true extreme realm.

Calculating that a river can be easily "caught", let alone a vortex?

But, with such earth-shaking power, the vortex still didn't move at all.

At this point, even the dumbest people knew that there was something wrong with this vortex.

"What's going on? This vortex... is not normal!"

"It's so strange, there is such a vortex under the river, what's going on?"

"Looking at Lu Changsheng's appearance, his real purpose seems to be looking for something. Did he come to the intersection of three rivers just to find something?"

"Lu Changsheng is very strange. It is said that Ou Fuchun's treasure is still there. Lu Changsheng did not take Ou Fuchun's treasure, but why did he protect Ou Fuchun?"

Many people were very confused.

They knew very little about Lu Changsheng, and they didn't know Lu Changsheng's true background.

Their eyes were actually on Ou Fuchun from beginning to end.

However, Lu Changsheng ignored other people's comments.

He tried his best and hugged the vortex with both hands from a distance.

Then he shouted.

"Get up!"

The power of the extreme realm of the Venerable Realm exploded.

The river was shaken.

Even a mountain would be lifted by Lu Changsheng at this moment.

But this small vortex was the only one that didn't move at all.

Even if Lu Changsheng used all his strength, the vortex was still a vortex.

It couldn't be shaken at all.


"There seems to be a passage in this vortex?"

Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

He seemed to sense something.

Although the vortex was still a vortex, he couldn't do anything about it.

However, Lu Changsheng didn't gain nothing.

He vaguely seemed to see a passage in the vortex.

Perhaps, through the vortex, he could reach a special place.

Lu Changsheng thought of a possibility.

He couldn't wait to go to the vortex.

However, Lu Changsheng looked at Ou Fuchun and then looked around.

He didn't want to take Ou Fuchun with him.

The vortex was extremely dangerous.

Once he stepped into the vortex, even Lu Changsheng couldn't guarantee his own safety, let alone Ou Fuchun?

If he was not careful, Ou Fuchun might die.

Lu Changsheng didn't want Ou Fuchun to die for the time being.

"Bring the treasure."

Lu Changsheng suddenly said.


"Senior Lu, this..."

Ou Fuchun's face changed slightly.

Before, Lu Changsheng didn't covet the treasure on him.

Is it now that the plan is revealed?

After all, it has come to this point...

"If you don't give the treasure to me, then if I go to the vortex and leave you here, can you still live?"

Lu Changsheng said lightly.

Ou Fuchun's face suddenly changed.

He is not stupid.

He immediately understood Lu Changsheng's explanation.

If he really brought the treasure, even with Lu Changsheng's deterrence, some people would not be able to stop him from taking risks.

The treasure was on him, which was a death warrant!

As for whether to believe Lu Changsheng?

That was completely unnecessary.

If Lu Changsheng wanted his treasure, he could have killed him and taken the treasure a few months ago. Why did he have to wait until now and use such a deceptive trick?

"Thank you, Senior Lu!"

Ou Fuchun took out the treasure and handed it to Lu Changsheng.

Seeing Ou Fuchun take out the treasure, many people's eyes lit up for a while, staring at Lu Changsheng and Ou Fuchun.

"Is that the treasure on Ou Fuchun? According to legend, the treasure inherited by the Ou family has finally appeared..."

"What does Ou Fuchun want to do? He wants to give the treasure to Lu Changsheng? How can he do this?"

"That is the treasure inherited by the Ou family. How can he give it to Lu Changsheng so easily?"

"The treasure is right in front of us. What should we do? Should we take action?"

For a moment, the atmosphere at the intersection of the three rivers was different.

Although no one "jumped out" to take action.

But everyone was staring at it, wishing that someone would take the lead and take action first, and then they would rush forward.

Unfortunately, no one took the lead.

They did not forget how shocking the scene they saw before was.

They did not forget the horror of Lu Changsheng.

Wouldn't it be a way to seek death to take action at this time?

Therefore, even if the treasure inherited by the Ou family was close at hand and in full view of everyone, no one dared to take action.

Lu Changsheng nodded.

He took the inheritance treasure from Ou Fuchun, and then he didn't seem to care too much, and put it on his body.

"After I go in, you stay outside."

After a pause, Lu Changsheng said to the people around him: "If Ou Fuchun dies, I will kill him wherever I go!"

After that, Lu Changsheng took a step forward and instantly came to the vortex under the water.


Then, Lu Changsheng no longer hesitated and stepped into the vortex.

As Lu Changsheng stepped into the vortex under the water, his figure disappeared.

"Boom boom".

At the same time, the river water that was forcibly separated by Lu Changsheng also fell from the void hundreds of feet high.

There was a huge sound, deafening.

After a while, everything returned to calm.

It was still the place where the three rivers met.

It seemed that nothing had happened.

However, many people knew that Lu Changsheng had gone to the vortex under the water.

Some people nearby looked at each other.

"Lu Changsheng left?"

"It seems that he went to the vortex under the water. What is in the vortex under the water that is worth Lu Changsheng's effort?"

"The vortex is so secretive and unusual. Maybe there is a great opportunity. Unfortunately, we have missed it. Now the river water has recovered. Who can dive into the vortex under the river?"

"Even if you can enter the vortex, if you run into Lu Changsheng, it is likely that Lu Changsheng will kill you."

"Let's not worry about the vortex under the river, then this Ou Fuchun can be left behind. Come..."

"Even if Ou Fuchun stayed, what would happen? Didn't you hear what Lu Changsheng said just now? If Ou Fuchun died, Lu Changsheng would chase him to the ends of the earth. Do you think you can beat Lu Changsheng?"

"Yes, Lu Changsheng can't be provoked. If Ou Fuchun still has the inheritance treasure on him, then you can take a risk and try it. At worst, you can escape to the imperial city of the Divine Dynasty and seek the protection of the royal family. But now Ou Fuchun no longer has the inheritance treasure of the Ou family, so what's the point of killing Ou Fuchun?"

Many people looked at each other.

It really doesn't make sense.

They mobilized a large number of troops and laid a net. In the final analysis, the real purpose was the inheritance treasure on Ou Fuchun.

Unfortunately, the inheritance treasure was now taken by Lu Changsheng and entered the vortex at the bottom of the river.

Do they have to chase into the vortex at the bottom of the river?

But do they dare to chase him?

"Then wait..."

"Maybe there will be other changes, for example, Lu Changsheng may die in the whirlpool at the bottom of the river..."

Some people are still unwilling to give up and are waiting silently.

After all, anything can happen and no one can predict.

If Lu Changsheng dies, then their chance will come.

Lu Changsheng doesn't know that many people outside are hoping that he will die soon.

However, if cursing in his heart could kill Lu Changsheng, then Lu Changsheng would have died countless times.

He didn't care about the people outside at all, as long as they didn't hinder him.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng had already stepped into the vortex.


Lu Changsheng felt that his whole body was being squeezed.

The pressure in the vortex channel was too great.

Lu Changsheng felt that ordinary spiritual masters would probably be crushed as soon as they entered the vortex.

Even ordinary divine masters would probably be under great pressure.

It was hard to say whether they could pass through.

But with Lu Changsheng's physical body, it was no problem to pass through the vortex.


Lu Changsheng felt a shock all over his body, and he didn't know where he was teleported to by the vortex channel.

He opened his eyes.

"Huh? This is..."

Lu Changsheng was inexplicably shocked.

He clearly remembered that he came here through the vortex at the bottom of the river.

How could there be no water at the bottom of the river?

But now there is no water here.

Wherever you look, it's like a secret paradise.

He raised his head and found blue sky and white clouds.

Under his feet was solid ground.

How could this be the bottom of the river?

Lu Changsheng quickly realized something was wrong.

"No, this is still deep in the river."

"There is actually a lot of river water outside. The blue sky and white clouds above are not real, they are just illusions... This is an underwater secret palace!"

Lu Changsheng understood.

Underwater secret palace.

It exists completely underwater.

You just need to pass through the vortex to enter here.

Other than that, it is impossible to enter.

And it is very difficult to find this vortex underwater.

If Lu Changsheng had not split the riverbed.

And almost "emptied" the entire river, and almost carpet-searched, how could he find this vortex and enter the underwater secret palace?

Such a secret underwater secret palace is unheard of.

However, this also made Lu Changsheng more excited.

Maybe this is the place he wants to find.


Lu Changsheng felt that the fragments of the Red Dust Immortal Tombstone were vibrating more violently.

He immediately followed the sense of the tombstone fragments.

Soon, Lu Changsheng saw a tomb.

Yes, it was a tomb.

However, there were not one tomb, but two.

In one of the tombs, the tombstone had been destroyed.

Only a small piece of the tombstone remained.

And the appearance was exactly the same as the tombstone fragment on Lu Changsheng's body.

Obviously, they were from the same body!

"Tombstone fragments, found..."

Lu Changsheng suppressed his inner excitement.

He immediately merged the Red Dust Immortal Tombstone fragments on his body with the tombstone fragments in front of the tomb.

Soon, the tombstone fragments were completely fused.

These were the remaining three tombstone fragments.

So far, a complete tombstone has appeared.

Six immortal characters appeared on the tombstone.

Lu Changsheng read the immortal characters that Zhao Shuwen had translated for so long.

He also had a certain understanding of immortal characters.

And these immortal characters were not complicated, and Lu Changsheng happened to recognize them.

The six immortal characters on the tombstone were "Red Dust Immortal Liu Yun Tomb".

Six-character immortal text!

This shows the identity and name of the owner of the tombstone.

Hongchenxian, Liu Yun!

Now, the truth is revealed.

Lu Changsheng finally found the tomb of Hongchenxian.

"Liu Yun... So Hongchenxian is called Liu Yun?"

Lu Changsheng muttered the name in a low voice.

This name is very ordinary.

But the three words "Hongchenxian" make any ordinary name no longer ordinary.

"There is another tomb..."

Lu Changsheng saw another tomb.

This tomb has a tombstone, and the tombstone is not broken.

But there is no text on it.

It is a tombstone without words.

"The tombstone without words... Who is buried in it?"

A strange light flashed in Lu Changsheng's eyes.

In fact, he has many questions in his heart.


That is a great existence above the ancestral realm.

But why did Hongchenxian die again?

And even buried?

Who buried Hongchenxian Liu Yun?

And why is Liu Yun called the Red Dust Immortal?

Lu Changsheng has too many questions.

However, the most urgent thing is that Lu Changsheng wants to know how to forge an immortal body?

There are divine objects to forge a spiritual body.

There are also divine objects to forge a divine body.

So is there also a divine object to forge an immortal body?

If there is a divine object that can forge an immortal body...

For a moment, Lu Changsheng's heartbeat accelerated.

He felt a little nervous.

Since Lu Changsheng came to Kunwu Realm, there have been rumors about divine objects since he knew about them.

Divine objects are divided into spiritual bodies, divine bodies, and immortal bodies.

It's just that the divine objects that can forge immortal bodies are only rumors in the entire Kunwu Realm.

It seems that no one has ever seen a divine object that can forge an immortal body.

Until now, it is even more of a legend, and almost no one believes it.

But Lu Changsheng believes it.

This is also the reason why he is struggling to find the Red Dust Immortal.

Lu Changsheng looked around the tomb.

No clues were found.

He bowed to the tomb of the Red Dust Immortal Liu Yun, then left and walked around the secret house.

Lu Changsheng still remembered the sixteen words passed down by word of mouth in the Ou family.

The confluence of three rivers, the tomb of the immortal! The Red Dust Dojo, the steps to heaven!

The first eight words, the confluence of three rivers, the tomb of the immortal.

This seems to have been confirmed.

There is indeed a tomb of immortals at the confluence of three rivers.

Lu Changsheng is now in front of the tomb of immortals.

Then what about the last eight words?

The mortal world, is it this underwater secret house?

Then what about the steps to heaven?

Lu Changsheng's heart was burning.

Who wouldn't want the steps to heaven?

There are so many ancestors in the sea of ​​​​boundaries, eyeing the Kunwu world, don't they want the secret of the fairyland?

To be able to reach the fairyland.

Whether this step to heaven is to become a mortal immortal or to reach the heaven, it is a great opportunity for countless ancestors in the sea of ​​​​boundaries.

For Lu Changsheng, it is the same.

So, Lu Changsheng searched carefully in the underwater secret house.

However, this underwater secret house looks big, but it is very empty.

Lu Changsheng continued to search, but there was nothing to gain.


Suddenly, a column of water swept towards Lu Changsheng.

It arrived almost instantly, and the speed was very fast.

It looks like a water column, but in fact, its power is terrifying.

Lu Changsheng estimated that it should have the strength of a top divine body.

But Lu Changsheng was not panicked. He stretched out his palm and then grabbed it.


The water column collapsed instantly.

And Lu Changsheng was unharmed.


A cry of surprise sounded.

Lu Changsheng looked in the direction of the sound.

He saw that there was a pond in the water palace.

The pond was very large.

There was actually an old turtle as huge as a millstone lurking in it.

The old turtle just raised its head and stared at Lu Changsheng.

The water column just now was exerted by the old turtle, and it was powerful!

"An old turtle?"

"Can you understand human language?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

However, the old turtle did not say a word.

Lu Changsheng looked at the agility in the old turtle's eyes. Obviously, this old turtle must be wise, and even wise.

Otherwise, how could it have such strength?

This is the water palace of Hongchen Xian, and it is not surprising that there is an old turtle.

So, Lu Changsheng stretched out his palm directly, trying to catch the old turtle in his hand.


The old turtle immediately showed his true body.

Its true body is not just as big as a millstone?

It is expanding wildly.

Ten feet, a hundred feet, a thousand feet...

It is strange.

The old turtle has a thousand-foot body, but the water palace seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

It looks like it can still accommodate the old turtle.

Lu Changsheng immediately understood that this water palace can be big or small, and it is probably a rare treasure or a divine object.

In this case, Lu Changsheng did not care.

He was afraid of destroying the water palace before.

But now it seems that he is still far from destroying the water palace.

This water palace is not so easy to destroy.


The next moment, Lu Changsheng directly merged with the clone.

His aura is rising step by step.

Finally broke the shackles and climbed to the realm of honor.

After ascending to the Venerable Realm, Lu Changsheng immediately noticed the difference.


"Where is the repulsive force of the Kunwu Realm?"

"There is no repulsive force descending from the Kunwu Realm?"

"Could it be that this Water Palace can isolate the repulsive force of the Kunwu Realm?"

Lu Changsheng was slightly startled.

But he was ecstatic in his heart.

If the Water Palace can isolate the Kunwu Realm and isolate the repulsive force, what does this mean? Lu Changsheng knows very well.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng is ready to try again.

So, his clones merged again.

This time, Lu Changsheng merged all the clones.

"Boom boom".

There was a roar in Lu Changsheng's body.

He has reached a certain shackle.

He has ascended to a realm that everyone dreams of.

Ancestral Realm!

At this moment, Lu Changsheng, who has merged all the spiritual and divine clones, has broken the shackles of the Venerable Realm and is comparable to the Ancestral Realm.

When he was lying in the water palace with his ancestral body, Lu Changsheng carefully sensed the water palace and Kunwu Realm again.

As a result, Lu Changsheng was even more delighted.

It was just as he expected.

Kunwu Realm was isolated!

Especially the repulsive force of Kunwu Realm did not descend.

In other words, in the water palace, Lu Changsheng did not have to worry about the repulsive force, and he could use the power of the ancestral realm unscrupulously.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

Lu Changsheng exuded a terrifying aura all over his body.

Three breaths had passed, and Lu Changsheng was still in the water palace, and was not repelled from Kunwu Realm.

This is true!

The repulsive force could not descend on the water palace.

This water palace is really a treasure.

If Lu Changsheng can control this water palace and really encounter a national treasure, then he only needs to use the water palace to trap people in the water palace, and then he can use the power of the ancestral realm unscrupulously to fight against it?

At that time, it is still unknown who will win.

But at least, Lu Changsheng definitely has a big advantage.

After all, the national treasure is an external object after all.

But Lu Changsheng merged his clone, which is the power he controls!


Lu Changsheng no longer held back.

With the power of the ancestral realm, he immediately covered the huge old ghost.

His palm was like the sky and the earth hanging upside down.

He directly suppressed the old turtle in his palm, just like catching an ant.

All those below the ancestral realm are ants!

At this moment, this sentence is fully reflected in Lu Changsheng!

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