Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 36 Lu Changsheng appears, Ghost Face dies!

On the ice, Liu Hongluan's steps were heavy. She had exhausted all her strength after carrying Long Fei on her back for such a long distance.

With a "plop", Liu Hongluan fell down.

Even Long Fei fell hard to the ice.

Liu Hongluan immediately panicked and hugged Long Fei's head: "Brother Fei, are you okay? We have reached the iceberg deep in Wushan Mountain. Hero Lu may be here. Wake up..."

However, no matter how Liu Hongluan shouted, Long Fei showed no sign of waking up.

Moreover, Long Fei's whole body was cold and his face was as pale as paper.

Although he is not dead yet, if he delays any longer, Long Fei will be close to death.

On the ice, the figure of "Ghost Face" appeared.

He didn't seem to be in a hurry, but walked towards Liu Hongluan step by step.

He glanced around and saw snowflakes still falling in the sky. He stretched out his hand, and pieces of cold snowflakes fell into his palm.

"Ghost Face" let out a long sigh and said: "You guys fled all the way to the depths of Wushan Mountain. You must have thought that there is someone here who can save you, right?"

"Where is he?"

Liu Hongluan gritted her teeth and hugged Long Fei's head tightly, trying to keep Long Fei as warm as possible.

But she didn't speak, she just stared at the "ghost face" fiercely.

"Don't speak?"

"It doesn't matter! We are already here, and you can't run away. If there is no one you are looking for here, then I won't leave you here."

"Ghost Face" continued to move forward step by step.

Hidden weapons appeared in his hands, and he could kill Liu Hongluan and Long Fei with just a flick.

Ten steps, nine steps, eight steps, seven steps, six steps, five steps...

At this moment, "Ghost Face" was only five steps away from Liu Hongluan and Long Fei.

Suddenly, "Ghost Face" stopped, as if he was waiting for something.

The wind was still blowing loudly.

There were also patches of snowflakes floating in the sky.

Liu Hongluan began to feel cold, and even trembled all over.

After a long time, "Ghost Face" sighed quietly: "It seems that there is really no one here."

"You went through all the trouble to escape here, and no one came to save you."

"In that case, I will send you on your way!"

The next moment, "Ghost Face" raised the hidden weapon in his hand.

Liu Hongluan hugged Long Fei tightly, waiting for death to come.


The wind was still howling.

However, Liu Hongluan waited for a long time but did not wait for death to come.

She opened her eyes and looked at the "ghost face".

"Ghost Face" still stood there, still holding the hidden weapon in his hand.

But the hidden weapon in his hand was pointed in another direction.

Even "Ghost Face" looked beyond Liu Hongluan and Long Fei's figures and looked behind them.

Liu Hongluan turned around sharply.

Suddenly, her whole body started to tremble.

This time the shivers were not because of the cold, but because of the excitement!

She saw a familiar figure walking towards her step by step.

"Master Lu..."

Liu Hongluan was very excited. She carried Long Fei on her back and fled into the depths of Wushan Mountain. Wasn't it just to find Lu Changsheng?

Lu Changsheng naturally saw Liu Hongluan and Long Fei.

Moreover, Long Fei looked very bad.

However, his eyes were focused on "Ghost Face".

"Did you hurt Long Fei?"

"Yes, I was the one injured."

"You injured Long Fei but didn't kill him because you were looking for me?"

"Ghost Face" nodded and said, "If you killed Shen Lun, then I am indeed looking for you."

Lu Changsheng stopped talking. He was indeed the one who killed Shen Lun.

At this time, Liu Hongluan reminded: "Master Lu, he is 'Ghost Face', the person behind Shen Lun. Fei Ge once said that below the realm of divine power, 'Ghost Face' is one of the top warriors, you must be careful ”

Lu Changsheng nodded, but his face remained calm, and he said calmly: "It seems that Long Fei thinks highly of you."

"Long Fei is also a character. If I hadn't taken action personally, there would really be nothing that could be done to him below the level of divine power."

"That idiot Shen Lun, although his strength is not very good, the injured Long Fei will definitely not be able to kill him. If you can kill him, your strength is pretty good."

The "Ghost Face" gaze seemed to be looking down at Lu Changsheng from a high position.

Lu Changsheng slowly took hold of the dagger in his hand, and he said calmly word by word: "I once killed one of the top warriors below the realm of divine power."

"I don't know, are you stronger than him?"

"Ghost Face" raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Not just any cat or dog can claim to be the top warrior below the realm of divine power."


Lu Changsheng suddenly smiled: "By the way, he also has a name in the world. He seems to be called the 'King of Drag Swords'. Do you know him?"

"What, the 'King of Drag Swords' Li Ji?"

"Ghost Face"'s expression changed instantly.

It even seemed ridiculous to him.

How could Li Ji, the Sword King, be killed by an unknown warrior in front of him?

However, just when his expression changed drastically and he hesitated in his heart, Zhang Lu became vivid.

This is the opportunity he has been waiting for!

It takes all one's strength to fight a lion against a rabbit, let alone face a top Zang-refining warrior like "Ghost Face"?

"call out!"

The dagger in Lu Changsheng's hand was instantly drawn out.

The perfect instant killing technique has almost become Lu Changsheng's instinct.

At the moment when the dagger was unsheathed, Lu Changsheng also crossed several feet and appeared in front of "Ghost Face" in an instant.

At this moment, "Ghost Face" had only one feeling.

That was danger!

Very dangerous!

Lu Changsheng's figure was so fast that he couldn't even see it clearly.

He had a sense of alarm in his heart.

Almost without thinking, "Ghost Face" raised his hand and a large number of hidden weapons flew out instantly.

"Ghost Face" is good at using hidden weapons.

And the hidden weapons are almost always accurate, hitting wherever they are pointed, and never miss.

At this moment, "Ghost Face"'s hidden weapons were overwhelming, like a big net, covering Lu Changsheng.

This dense hidden weapon was almost indiscriminate attack, and it was almost impossible to dodge.

However, Lu Changsheng didn't even think about it, he raised the dagger in his hand directly.

"Shua shua shua".

Lu Changsheng's dagger actually danced into a group of sword flowers.

And they were so dense that they looked like a curtain of light, allowing all the hidden weapons to fly.

"Ding ding ding ding ding".

The hidden weapons hit the sword flower, but they couldn't penetrate Lu Changsheng's dagger at all.

The hidden weapons were knocked to the ground one after another.

However, "Ghost Face" moved.

At the moment when he threw out a bunch of hidden weapons, "Ghost Face" did not retreat but advanced, holding a dagger in his hand.

Under the cover of snowflakes, it seemed to be silent and arrived in front of Lu Changsheng in the blink of an eye.


The dagger stabbed out.


"Ghost Face"'s sword was very fast, much faster than Shen Lun's sword at the beginning.

People in the world only knew that "Ghost Face"'s hidden weapons were superb, and once he used hidden weapons, he almost never missed.

However, almost no one knew that "Ghost Face"'s sword was the most terrifying.

His sword would never be unsheathed unless it was a matter of life and death.

Anyone who had seen him draw his sword was almost dead.

The short sword was already an inch in front of Lu Changsheng.

In this situation, except for warriors above the Divine Power Realm, no one could stop it.

Lu Changsheng was the same, he couldn't stop it either.

Even though Lu Changsheng had changed his blood once and even cultivated jade bones.

His physical fitness was greatly improved, and he was almost "reborn".

But, after all, he was not in the Divine Power Realm.

His body was still flesh and blood, and his body couldn't stop the sword and the weapon.

At this moment, Liu Hongluan opened her mouth wide, with a trace of horror on her face.

"Ghost Face" also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Everything is over!

No matter who it is, when his sword is unsheathed, the other party will definitely die!

However, the expression on Lu Changsheng's face did not change from beginning to end.

Even, "Ghost Face" seemed to see a hint of mockery in Lu Changsheng's eyes.

But, Lu Changsheng was about to die, how dare he mock him?

What qualifications did Lu Changsheng have to mock him?

The next moment, "Ghost Face" knew the reason.


A flash of white light disappeared.

Lu Changsheng was still standing there, as if he had just swayed a little.

However, the short sword that "Ghost Face" had stabbed an inch in front of Lu Changsheng stopped.

This short distance of one inch was like a natural moat, and "Ghost Face" could never cross it.

"This is not a sword technique..."

"Ghost Face" spoke, his voice a little hoarse.

"It only needs to be able to kill people, what does it matter whether it is a sword technique or not?"

Lu Changsheng's left hand, I don't know when, actually grasped a dagger.

The white light just now was the reflection of the dagger in his hand.

At this moment, there were drops of blood on the dagger, dripping to the ground.

With a "thump".

"Ghost Face" fell to the ground.

On his neck, I don't know when, a thin blood mark appeared.

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