Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 375: Changes in the Sea of ​​Boundaries, the Immortal from Heaven Arrives!

There are no fairy treasures in the cave.

There are no fairy spirits.

It is pitch black.

When the cave door was opened, it was pitch black inside.

This kind of darkness, this kind of aura, Lu Changsheng and the man in black are very familiar with it.

"The road to heaven..."

The two looked at each other.

Their eyes were full of shock.

The road to heaven!

There is actually a road to heaven in this cave?

It is simply unbelievable.

Who would have thought?

Such a large cave, even a cave from the ancient times, actually hides a road to heaven.

"Daoyou Lu, this road to heaven is very strange."

"Lin has been to other roads to heaven, and without exception, they are all broken."

"But now this road to heaven is extremely deep, and even has a strong fairy spirit."

"Is this road to heaven not broken?"

The man in black said this, and his voice was trembling.

Not fear, but excitement.

The road to heaven!

Countless practitioners dream of this place, and there are people who sigh for it.

The road to heaven is broken, and the boundary sea and the heaven are forever separated.

No one can enter the heaven anymore.

Even some immortals who were born in the boundary sea cannot go to the heaven.

But if this road to heaven is not broken, it is hard to imagine how crazy it would be if this news leaked out.

"The road to heaven in the entire boundary sea is broken, there is no reason why this road to heaven is not broken."

"Fellow Daoist Lin, we still have to act cautiously."

Lu Changsheng said in a serious tone.

For some reason, Lu Changsheng felt a sense of danger from this road to heaven.

Although this sense of danger does not seem strong.

However, it can cause danger to Lu Changsheng now, which shows that this road to heaven is probably really extraordinary.

Lu Changsheng glanced at the attribute panel.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 41080000 (unparalleled in the ages)

Mortal Immortal Path: 70% (entering the path)

The foundation of the immortal body of all spirits: 64% (not yet perfected)

The foundation of the immortal path of the flesh: 83% (not yet perfected)

The Eye of Annihilation: The strongest ancestral realm level

The Way of Killing: Six turns

The Way of Flesh and Blood: Ten times of growth (ancestral realm)

Comprehension deduction: can consume a lot of comprehension for deduction

He has been analyzing the array for three years, and his comprehension has broken through "four" again.

However, the biggest change is the progress of the Mortal Immortal Path.

It was 60% before, and now it is 70%, which means that analyzing a fairyland-level array directly improves the progress of the Mortal Immortal Path by 10%.

Such an improvement is already a large increase.

During the three years, Lu Changsheng's strength did not improve at all.

But the improvement of the progress of the Mortal Immortal Path still gave Lu Changsheng a little confidence.

No matter what he faces.

As long as the Red Dust Immortal's ability to analyze is still there, then Lu Changsheng will have confidence.

Especially facing this unfamiliar road to heaven.

Who knows what will appear on the road to heaven?

After thinking about it, Lu Changsheng decided to be cautious.

Anyway, he and the man in black have already agreed to distribute treasures.

No matter what treasures are found, they will be divided equally.

If Lu Changsheng gives up exploring this road to heaven, he will definitely not be willing.

Lu Changsheng will not give up, but he has a clone.

He can use the clone to explore.

"Friend Lin, Lu wants to use his clone to step into the cave and explore this road to heaven. Even if there is danger on the road to heaven, at most one clone will be lost. Otherwise, Lu's clone will go in and explore it first?"

Lu Changsheng said.

The man in black certainly knew that the road to heaven might be dangerous.

However, he was not so confident that Lu Changsheng would go to the road to heaven alone.

After all, there are dangers on the road to heaven, but there is a greater possibility of opportunity.

If he didn't go, and Lu Changsheng got the chance alone, he would lose a lot.

Thinking of this, the man in black gritted his teeth and said, "No need, I will go in with the clone of fellow Daoist Lu."

The man in black said firmly.


Lu Changsheng didn't persuade him much.

Then, he separated a ball of flesh and blood and formed a clone.

This made the man in black very envious.

But he didn't have such means, and he didn't even have a clone.

"Let's go."

Lu Changsheng's clone and the man in black stepped directly into the road to heaven.


The two entered the road to heaven.

As soon as they entered, they felt something different.

The rich fairy spirit filled the road to heaven.

"Is this... the fairy spirit?"

The man in black was shocked.

The fairy spirit.

Lu Changsheng looked solemn.

He was so familiar with the fairy spirit.

Such a rich fairy spirit is simply unheard of.

Lu Changsheng has never seen such a rich fairy spirit.

Even the fairy spirit in the fairy treasure can't compare.

If he practices in this environment, Lu Changsheng estimates that his Wanling Immortal Body will be greatly improved without swallowing fairy spirits.

Even, it may take thousands or tens of thousands of years to be completely perfect.

Don't think this time is long.

But that is only through meditation and practice to improve the progress of Wanling Immortal Body.

This is already an environment that can be encountered but not sought.

If it is in the boundary sea, there is no fairy spirit at all.

Let alone thousands of years.

Even if it takes longer, if he cultivates until the end, the immortal body of Wanling will not be improved at all.

Of course, this is just Lu Changsheng's idea.

Why is the immortal spirit so strong here?

Is it stable?

Can it support him to cultivate for thousands of years?

These are all questions.

The two continued to move forward.

One day, two days, three days...

This road to heaven seems very long.

After about seven or eight days, the two stopped.

They have reached the end.

"This is..."

Both of them opened their mouths wide, with shock on their faces.

What did they see?

At the end of the road to heaven, there is a huge portal.

However, this portal seems to be very unstable.

It often collapses.

But it will slowly recover.

From the portal, a trace of immortal spirit continues to escape.

Lu Changsheng and the man in black looked at each other.

Both of them were shocked.

"Daoyou Lu, could the place where the immortal spirit can be released be the legendary... Heaven?"

The voice of the man in black was trembling.


This is the place that countless ancestral realms and countless forces in the sea of ​​boundaries dream of.

Heaven is not just a name.

It is not just a place.

It is the hope of all practitioners in the sea of ​​boundaries!

Even Lu Changsheng, who has always been calm, can no longer remain calm at this moment.

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "The road to heaven has been completely cut off a long time ago, but why is this road to heaven still intact? There may be a problem here, we have to be careful."

"What's more, it may not be the heaven that can release the immortal spirit, but it may be some immortal spirit object..."

Lu Changsheng said his guess.

But Lu Changsheng was also very clear.

What kind of immortal spirit object can continuously release so much immortal spirit?

And, if the opposite side is really the heaven.

According to the records in ancient books, only cultivators who have entered the fairyland can pass the Heavenly Road and then ascend to the heaven.

If you are below the fairyland, if you try to step into the Heavenly Road and enter the heaven, you will die!

So, can you give it a try?

Lu Changsheng and the man in black thought of the same thing.

The man in black couldn't try it.

Once he touched it, if something went wrong, he would regret it.

But Lu Changsheng was different.

He had a clone, so he could give it a try.

So, Lu Changsheng took a deep breath and immediately split out a weaker flesh and blood clone.

Anyway, as long as Lu Changsheng had flesh and blood, he could split out as many clones as he wanted.

So, this flesh and blood clone walked straight to the door at the end of the Heavenly Road.

Soon, the clone was close to the door.

The clone didn't hesitate, and stretched out his hand directly, and stretched it towards the door.


The hand of Lu Changsheng's clone turned into powder in an instant.

Suddenly, both of them were excited.

Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood clone no longer hesitated and rammed the door hard.

This was to step into the door completely.


A roar.

The door shook violently.

However, Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood clone had already sunk into the door.

But that was all.

Through sensing, Lu Changsheng was very clear.

His flesh and blood clone, the moment he entered the door, had turned into dust without even seeing anything.

However, it was not that there was no gain at all.

Lu Changsheng's clone at least sensed a little.

Immortal spirit!

Immortal spirit that was so rich that it was unimaginable!

At least it was a hundred, a thousand, or even ten thousand times richer than the immortal spirit in the current road to heaven.

There seemed to be only one place with such a rich immortal spirit.


The end of the road to heaven could only be heaven!


The man in black was excited.

How could he not be excited?

He actually found a way to the heaven?

This way to the heaven actually has nothing.

There is only this portal.

But what does this portal mean?

It means that once they become a fairyland, they can ascend to the heaven.

Once they ascend to the heaven, it means unlimited potential and hope.


"Fellow Daoist Lin, I remember that in the way to the heaven, it is actually possible for the ancestral realm to enter the heaven through the way to the heaven. I wonder if that's the case?"

Lu Changsheng suddenly spoke.

The man in black was slightly startled, but still nodded and said: "Yes, there is such a record in the ancient books. Through the way to the heaven, some lucky ancestors may also be able to ascend to the heaven through the way to the heaven, but the possibility is too small, very small."

"And, Daoist Fellow also saw just now that below the fairyland, those who try to enter the portal of the way to the heaven will die if they touch it."

"Unless someone can resist the terrifying strangling power in the ancestral realm, there may be a glimmer of hope to enter the heaven..."

Lu Changsheng heard this, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

This seems to make sense.

Resist the force of strangulation?

Actually, it is not impossible.

If the physical body is naturally strong to an unimaginable degree.

Then is it possible to enter the heaven?

Are the "lucky ancestral realms" mentioned in those ancient books the ones that have various causes and conditions to resist the stranglehold of the heavenly passage and thus enter the heavenly realm?


Just as Lu Changsheng was guessing the entrance to the heavenly realm of the road to heaven.

Suddenly, the entrance to the heavenly realm shook.

A terrifying fairy spirit gushed out.

It was like a tide of fairy spirit, sweeping out in a mighty manner.

Moreover, a terrifying aura emanated from the portal, and just a slight feeling of it would make people feel terrified.


That was the aura of the fairyland!

"Could it be that the fairyland masters came to the boundary sea?"

"But even in the ancient times, it was difficult for the fairyland masters to come to the boundary sea. How could it be..."

The man in black was extremely frightened.

But the next moment, a palm from the depths of the portal directly grabbed Lu Changsheng's clone and the man in black.

Moreover, the man in black and Lu Changsheng's clones seemed to be "fixed" and could not move at all.


Lu Changsheng did not hesitate, and his clone exploded instantly.


Lu Changsheng's clone exploded and turned into powder completely.

As for the man in black, Lu Changsheng could not care too much.

At this moment, outside the Taigu Cave Mansion.

Lu Changsheng's face suddenly changed.


Lu Changsheng almost did not hesitate at all, and immediately urged the water palace to move away from the Taigu Cave Mansion.

His clone was not far away from him.

Therefore, everything that the clone saw, Lu Changsheng's original body saw clearly.

Originally, the road to heaven was not cut off, and Lu Changsheng was still very excited.

This means that it is not necessary to achieve the fairyland, maybe the ancestral realm can enter the heaven.

Although it is necessary to resist the terrifying strangling force.

But Lu Changsheng feels that it is not completely hopeless.

After all, Lu Changsheng's physical immortal way makes his physical body very powerful.

With some more preparation, maybe he could resist the strangulation.

However, when a hand stretched out from the huge portal and easily grabbed his clone and the man in black, Lu Changsheng no longer had such thoughts.


The portal at the end of the Heavenly Road is really dangerous!

That terrifying aura is definitely a fairyland.

Moreover, he attacked them directly.

It was like crushing an ant.

Everyone knew that the person coming was not kind.

Wouldn't it be very dangerous for Lu Changsheng to continue staying here?

Therefore, Lu Changsheng left immediately without any hesitation.


As soon as Lu Changsheng left, a hand stretched out from the Heavenly Road.

The nearby boundary sea was shaking violently.

Unfortunately, the boundary sea was empty.


"You ran away pretty fast."

"Nothing, just a lower realm ancestral realm."

"This lower realm ascension road to heaven has finally been repaired. Maybe I'm the first one to come to this lower realm. I have to hurry up..."

The strange voice disappeared again.

The huge palm also disappeared.

The boundary sea returned to calm, as if nothing had ever happened.


"I'm back..."

After almost a year, Lu Changsheng finally returned to the Sky City.

Everything in the Sky City was normal.

Nothing had changed.

However, Lu Changsheng was in doubt.

He had a vague premonition that something big would happen.

A road to heaven that was not completely broken.

In addition, the road to heaven and the passage to heaven were opened, and even a terrifying strong man in the heaven took action and was suspected to have come to the boundary sea.

With all these things, how could Lu Changsheng not know that something big was going to happen in the boundary sea.

"First, let's find out what happened in the ancient times?"

Lu Changsheng's heart tightened.

He immediately asked people to collect ancient books from the ancient times.

After all, it was from the ancient times that the immortal realm masters came to the boundary sea from the heaven.

It was even in the ancient times that the immortal realm masters came to the boundary sea and spread the method of cultivation.

But later, the road to heaven was cut off for unknown reasons, and many information was slowly lost.

The ancient books of the ancient times had to be collected, but the news in the boundary sea also had to be inquired.

Lu Changsheng also ordered people to pay close attention to the news in the boundary sea.

In particular, the news of the three major forces and the secret alliance needed to be paid close attention.

The ancient books that Lu Changsheng found in the Sky City were found quickly.

There are many ancient books.

However, there are very few that specifically mention the ancient times.

Even if they are mentioned, they are not detailed.

However, from many ancient books, Lu Changsheng did summarize some experience.

In the ancient times, so many immortal realm masters came to the boundary sea, seemingly to compete for something.

In the boundary sea, it seems that there is something that makes countless immortal realm masters crazy.

Is it a treasure?

Or some kind of inheritance?

Lu Changsheng is not sure.

There is no record in the ancient books, this is just Lu Changsheng's speculation.

Originally, there were many immortal realm masters competing for it in the ancient times.

But for some unknown reason, the road to heaven was cut off.

Then the immortal realm masters never appeared again.

So far, the boundary sea has entered the "immortal extinction" era.

There are no immortal realms.

Of course, Lu Changsheng also knows that it is not that there are no immortals in the boundary sea.

It is just that the immortal realm is too rare.

At least Lu Changsheng knows that there are two immortal realms, the Red Dust Immortal and the Giant Spirit Ancestor.

The corpse of Kui Niu is from the ancient times, so it doesn't count.

Now the fairyland appears in the road to heaven.

Lu Changsheng doesn't think that the other party will not make any movement.

Once there is movement, there will be news at that time.

Lu Changsheng will not take the initiative to investigate.

He can just wait quietly.

Time passed day by day.

The boundary sea seemed to be still very calm.

But Lu Changsheng felt that this was the calm before the storm.

Three months later.

The boundary sea finally made a move.

First, the four major forces of the Ascension League, the Strongest Holy Hall, the Heavenly Realm Association and the Secret Alliance publicly announced their submission to the fairyland powerhouse, Huilong Shangxian.

Then they issued a call in the name of the four major forces.

All the strongest ancestors in the boundary sea must obey the orders of Huilong Shangxian and go to the four major forces to obey orders.

Otherwise, Huilong Shangxian will hunt down those strongest ancestors.

As soon as this news came out, it instantly shook the entire boundary sea.

Fairyland powerhouse!

Another fairyland powerhouse was born in the boundary sea.

Moreover, it is said that he descended from the heaven.

Many people were shocked and delighted.

Because of various rumors, Huilong Shangxian came to Jiehai from the road to heaven.

Doesn't that mean that there is a road to heaven that has not been cut off?

Can the cultivators of Jiehai also have the opportunity to ascend to heaven?

However, why are all the strongest ancestors summoned?

But the specific reason is unclear.

Perhaps, only Huilong Shangxian knows.

Lu Changsheng also got this news.

"Huilong Shangxian..."

Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

The fairyland power that can now appear publicly, and is so high-profile, is still from the heaven.

There seems to be only one.

I'm afraid it came from the road to heaven in the ancient cave.

With the appearance of Huilong Shangxian, it soon attracted a large number of ancestors.

Many ancestors rushed to the four major forces.

After all, a fairyland power, and a fairyland power that came down from the heaven.

Just a little mention, for the ancestors, it is of supreme use.

Who doesn't want to see the mighty powers of the fairyland?

What if, by one stroke, they ascended to heaven?

But Lu Changsheng had no intention of taking the initiative to go.

Huilong Shangxian was too dangerous.

With Huilong Shangxian's style of doing things.

If he really went, it would be difficult to leave.

In fact, there were many people who thought the same as Lu Changsheng.

Most of them were the strongest ancestors.

Each of the strongest ancestors was very cautious.

Even when facing the fairyland, they could remain calm.

After all, they only needed to take one step further, and they would become mighty powers of the fairyland.

Naturally, there was no need to be so anxious.

However, the strongest ancestors were not anxious, but Huilong Shangxian took action.

It was only three months before the four major forces announced it.

Three months later, Huilong Shangxian killed the strongest ancestor, the Three Saints, in the name of not obeying orders.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​​​the world shook.

Countless people looked at it sideways.

The strongest ancestor fell!

And he was killed by the immortal of the heavenly realm.

For a moment, the originally warm atmosphere of the entire sea of ​​boundaries was instantly frozen.

Many people came back to their senses.

It turned out that the immortals of the heavenly realm did not come to the sea of ​​boundaries to "send warmth".

The immortals of the heavenly realm can kill people!

Even the strongest ancestors can be killed at will.

In the Sky City, in the City Lord's Mansion.

When Lu Changsheng heard the news, his heart trembled.

"Sure enough, the immortal Huilong came to the sea of ​​boundaries from the heavenly realm. I am afraid that he has bad intentions."

"If he can kill the Three Saints, he can kill me."

"It seems that I can't stay in the sky city..."

Lu Changsheng's heart trembled.

Although he has many clones.

However, there is only one main body.

If the main body is killed by the immortal Huilong, although Lu Changsheng can also "resurrect" from other clones.

However, his treasures of the main body will be gone.

Even the immortal path of the flesh and the immortal body of all spirits will be destroyed together.

Maybe only one immortal path of the mortal world will be left.

This is also the advantage of the immortal path of the mortal world.

Even if it is a clone, the Red Dust Immortal Path will not be affected in any way.

Lu Changsheng had planned to run the Sky City in the way of the Qingtian Patriarch and slowly accumulate the fragments of the Great Dao.

Now it seems that it is not possible.

He cannot be exposed to the eyes of Huilong Shangxian.

That is too dangerous.

Therefore, the Sky City must be closed.

So, Lu Changsheng directly notified the major forces and chambers of commerce in the Sky City.

Those who are willing to stay in the Sky City will stay in the Sky City.

But in that case, they will automatically become the forces of the Xianwu Palace and become people under Lu Changsheng's command, and must obey Lu Changsheng's orders.

As for those who are unwilling, they must leave the Sky City.

Moreover, the Sky City must also be closed.

This news immediately caused an uproar.

However, Lu Changsheng was still able to calm the situation in the Sky City.

For a time, almost 90% of the people left the Sky City.

There are still some left who are willing to obey Lu Changsheng and join Lu Changsheng's command.

Lu Changsheng did not refuse.

So, Lu Changsheng took the Sky City into his body and quickly headed towards the Xianwu Palace.

A few months later, Lu Changsheng returned to the Xianwu Palace.

Everything was normal.

But Lu Changsheng would not stay in the Xianwu Palace.

The situation this time was very serious.

Huilong Shangxian was coming with great momentum.

If the other party killed the Three Saints, they will continue to kill.

Huilong Shangxian will kill any of the strongest ancestors who dare not obey his orders.

As for joining Huilong Shangxian and obeying his orders, Lu Changsheng does not think this is a good choice.

Who knows what Huilong Shangxian wants to do?

If you join Huilong Shangxian now, you will put your life and death in the hands of Huilong Shangxian.

Lu Changsheng will not do this unless it is absolutely necessary.

Back to Xianwu Palace, Lu Changsheng also told the people of Xianwu Palace about his decision.

He will leave Xianwu Palace.

People in Xianwu Palace can leave with him.

He has the Water Palace and the Sky City, which can accommodate many people.

If you don't want to leave, stay in Xianwu Palace.

But there is a certain danger.

If Huilong Shangxian investigates Lu Changsheng, he is very likely to rush to Xianwu Palace.

It is hard to say how Huilong Shangxian will deal with Xianwu Palace at that time.

In the end, the Ju Ding Patriarch, Po Wang Patriarch, and the three martial ancestors were all willing to follow Lu Changsheng.

On the contrary, some Mahayana were willing to stay in Xianwu Palace.

Lu Changsheng did not force it.

He directly led these people into the Water Palace, and then left Xianwu Palace and disappeared.

"Where can I go now?"

Lu Changsheng "wandered" aimlessly in the sea of ​​boundaries.

This time, he was really "wandering".

And he was wandering in the sea of ​​boundaries.

"How about going to Kunwu Realm?"

Lu Changsheng thought of a place, Kunwu Realm.

This Kunwu Realm was blocked by the strongest ancestral realms.

There is a road to heaven in Kunwu Realm.

And it is vaguely related to the ancient times.

It seems that Kunwu Realm involves many secrets.

So, Lu Changsheng hurried and headed towards Kunwu Realm.

But before arriving at Kunwu Realm, just halfway, Lu Changsheng actually met many ancestral realms.

Looking at the posture of these ancestral realms, they actually looked like they were running away.

It seemed as if there was something terrifying behind him.

He just ran forward desperately.

Lu Changsheng thought about it and immediately stopped an ancestor.


Lu Changsheng stopped an ancestor and asked directly: "May I ask fellow Taoist, you are in such a hurry, what happened?"

The ancestor was about to get angry.

But when he felt the aura of the strongest ancestor on Lu Changsheng, his anger subsided.

Then he hurriedly said: "Fellow Taoist, you should run away quickly, something big happened in Kunwu Realm."

"The originally broken road to heaven in Kunwu Realm suddenly recovered, and then several heavenly immortals appeared from the road to heaven, and they have set off a monstrous killing in Kunwu Realm. They even rushed out of Kunwu Realm and killed some cultivators around. Anyone who disobeyed their orders will be killed without mercy."

"I am also lucky, so I escaped."

Lu Changsheng was shocked.

"You are not mistaken, a few celestial immortals?"

"There is no doubt about this, there are really a few celestial immortals..."

Lu Changsheng was silent after hearing this.

But his heart was extremely shocked.

He knew that the situation had really changed.

If it continues like this, I am afraid that the world of Jiehai will be in chaos.

No, in fact, the world of Jiehai is already in chaos now.

From the first celestial immortal to Jiehai.

To now, several celestial immortals have come to Jiehai.

So in the future, will there be more celestial immortals descending to Jiehai?

This made Lu Changsheng feel vaguely familiar.

This scene seemed familiar.

Isn't it the same in the ancient times in those ancient books?

One after another, celestial immortals descended, and then fought in Jiehai, setting off a monstrous killing!

Didn't the corpse of Kui Niu die in the fight between the celestial immortals in the ancient times?

In the end, the corpse was a bargain for Lu Changsheng.

However, the chaos of the ancient times reappeared, and it might be a catastrophe for the entire world sea.

"Why did these heavenly immortals come to the world sea?"

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

Unfortunately, Lu Changsheng couldn't contact those heavenly immortals.

Lu Changsheng didn't know their purpose.

"Let's go!"

Lu Changsheng didn't want to stay here either.

What if the heavenly immortals in Kunwu world came to kill us?

We still have to leave quickly.

First protect ourselves, and then slowly figure out the real purpose of those heavenly immortals coming!

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