Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 386 The power of the True Immortal is so great!

After ten years of work, Lu Changsheng finally understood the mystery of physical immortality.

However, this truth is quite shocking.

Even Lu Changsheng had never thought about it before.

After Lu Changsheng analyzed the fourteen immortal arts for ten years, he finally analyzed the mystery of physical immortality, which is also the essence of these immortal arts.

In fact, the essence of immortality is not to temper the physical body and give it immortality.

Immortal characteristics are not born from the physical body, but there are some special things among the external objects that are practiced in conjunction with the immortal arts.

Lu Changsheng called it an immortal substance.

"Immortal matter... This is the foundation of the immortality of the physical body!"

"Those immortal skills only allow the immortal material to be completely integrated with the physical body, and finally give the physical body the characteristics of immortality..."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

This is the foundation of immortal power!

But, is immortality wrong?

I'm afraid that's true.

The function of immortal power has always been to integrate with the physical body.

Some are coincidences.

But for some immortal arts, I am afraid that the person who created the immortal arts, like Lu Changsheng, completely understood the essence of the immortal arts, so he was able to create them.

Ordinary immortal arts similar to the Nine Heavens Breathing Earth Immortal Immortal Arts.

I’m afraid I really don’t know the nature of physical immortality.

Just by constantly pondering through "experience", you can eventually create immortal skills.

But the efficiency of this kind of immortal power is probably very low.

After all, even the person who created the immortal power doesn't know what it is. What kind of good immortal power can he create?

Even being able to create immortal skills is a matter of luck.

Although Lu Changsheng has never seen those superior immortal arts.

But he speculated that those superior immortal arts must be different from ordinary immortal arts.

Most likely they know the immortal nature of the physical body.

Thereby creating superior immortal skills in a targeted manner.

With such superior immortal power, the efficiency will naturally be greatly improved.

It won’t just be about “luck” anymore.

It took Lu Changsheng ten years to fully understand the mystery of physical immortality.

Then there is only one way before him.

That is self-created immortality.

And once he succeeds in creating his own immortal power, it will definitely be a superior immortal power!

"The secret of immortal power is to be able to integrate immortal matter into the physical body."

"If you want to create immortal power, you must first find immortal matter."

"Immortal matter is contained in many heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the heaven. The external objects required for these fourteen immortal arts basically contain immortal matter. There is no doubt about this, otherwise it would not be called immortal arts."

"Without the immortality of immortal matter, there is no way to make the physical body possess the characteristics of immortality."

"It's just that if I want to create my own immortal skills, I need a lot of immortal substances. The more immortal substances are contained in the heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the better the heavenly materials and earthly treasures are. Those heavenly materials and earthly treasures are very precious and even on the verge of disappearing. No matter how much immortal matter the earth treasure contains, what's the point? For example, if the Nine Heavens Breathing Earth has disappeared..."

"On the contrary, it doesn't actually matter how much immortal substance it contains. What matters is the quantity. It must be very large in quantity, very common, and very cheap. It can be purchased in large quantities and can be continuously supplied for practice..."

Lu Changsheng was sorting out his thoughts.

"The treasures of heaven, materials, and earth must be universal. If the soil in the heaven contains immortal substances, then this soil must be the most suitable resource for the cultivation of true immortals..."

Lu Changsheng has completely understood the steps to create his own immortal skills.

You have to look for universal materials.

But before that, Lu Changsheng must first understand what immortal matter looks like?

Only by knowing the characteristics of immortal matter can Lu Changsheng be able to search for those "universal" materials one by one, and based on this, he can create a superior immortal skill.

To become familiar with immortal matter, this is simple.

The cultivation materials among the fourteen immortal skills all have immortal properties.

Although it is a bit precious, Lu Changsheng only needs a little, so it is not a big problem.

Such trivial matters would naturally be handled by the Qi family.

Lu Changsheng immediately summoned Qi Guangmao and his son and asked the Qi family to collect some supplies on the list.

As a result, everyone in the Qi family immediately mobilized.

All efforts were made to search for the supplies Lu Changsheng needed.

Within a few days, the Qi family sent supplies.

Lu Changsheng began to analyze them one by one.

After knowing that these materials contained immortal substances, Lu Changsheng found it easy to analyze them.

The reason is simple.

Just look for the "common" things among several different materials.

Find the common ground and analyze it in depth.

Most likely the immortal substance will be found quickly.

Sure enough, it only took Lu Changsheng a few months to find the immortal substance among these materials.

There is simply too little immortal substance among these supplies.

Not even visible to the naked eye.

Even if you use consciousness to sense it, you need a very detailed and targeted search to find a clue.

Just a clue.

It is precisely because immortal matter is so "hidden" and so difficult to detect.

Therefore, many immortals do not know the existence of "immortal matter" at all.

But now, the immortal substance has been found by Lu Changsheng.

Next, Lu Changsheng only needs to look for those universal materials and see if there is any immortal substance among them.

This is a "big project".

It will definitely take a long time.

Lu Changsheng asked the Qi family and his son to collect various cheap and common supplies.

Even the dirt was collected.

Lu Changsheng analyzed them one by one.

The Qi family focused on collecting all kinds of common materials and sent them to Lu Changsheng for analysis.

Other immortals wanted to do this, but it was impossible.

Because it was time-consuming and labor-intensive.

It was still unknown how long it would take.

Moreover, the analysis ability of ordinary true immortals, even mortal immortals, was far inferior to Lu Changsheng.

There was no such ability at all.

At least until now, Lu Changsheng only knew that he had such ability.

The analysis ability of other mortal immortals was completely incomparable to his.

The gap was too big.

However, as Lu Changsheng analyzed more materials, his disappointment became greater.

Lu Changsheng had analyzed thousands of common materials one after another during this period.

As a result, all of them failed without exception.

None of the materials had immortal substances.

This made Lu Changsheng understand one thing, that immortal substances only existed in a very small number of natural treasures.

It was not universal.

"Do we really need to use some very precious natural treasures?"

"But that would hinder future cultivation."

"Resources would be limited..."

Lu Changsheng frowned.

He didn't expect that immortal substances would be so rare.

He had been looking for so long, but he hadn't found a universal material that contained immortal substances.

However, giving up and turning to some precious natural treasures was not in line with Lu Changsheng's original intention.

Lu Changsheng thought about it and continued to grit his teeth and persist.

It didn't take much time anyway, so he could look for it slowly.


Qi Family Meeting Hall.

Qi Guangmao was listening to reports on the Qi Family's business.

At this time, Qi Yutang hurried over.

"Dad, something happened at the crystal mine."

Qi Guangmao remained calm and asked everyone in the Qi Family to leave.

Afterwards, only Qi Yutang and Qi Guangmao were left in the meeting hall.

"Tell me, what happened to the crystal mine?"

Qi Guangmao asked.

This crystal mine has been a major issue that the Qi family has focused on recently.

For the Qi family's business, the crystal mine is a breakthrough.

It can expand the Qi family's business channels.

Therefore, Qi Guangmao asked Qi Yutang to focus on the crystal mine.

Now it seems that there must be some trouble.

"Dad, the crystal mine has been taken by our Qi family. The other family heads are not from the True Immortal family, so they are afraid to use force. Even if our Qi family has no masters, those forces still dare not compete with our Qi family."

"But things have changed recently. The Yue family suddenly came out to compete with our Qi family for the crystal mine."

"Moreover, the Yue family came with a fierce and aggressive momentum. As soon as they came, they brought some masters and directly drove away our Qi family. But fortunately, they still knew the limit and did not kill anyone."

Qi Yutang explained in detail.

Qi Guangmao frowned slightly when he heard this.

If it was an ordinary force, it would be fine. Now the Qi family is a True Immortal family, and it is the most powerful time.

How could they be afraid of other forces?

But the Yue family is also a True Immortal family.

There is also a True Immortal ancestor in the family.

Therefore, the Yue family dared to compete with the Qi family for the crystal mine.

The key is that the Yue family has a deep foundation and many masters.

If the True Immortal does not show up, the Yue family can easily crush the Qi family.

How can the Qi family compete for the crystal mine?

Crystal mine is a very common ore.

The specific function is to be used for refining.

Although it cannot enhance the function of magic weapons, the appearance of magic weapons with crystal mines will be very beautiful after being refined. It looks very shiny and magnificent.

Therefore, most magic weapons will add crystal mines.

This crystal mine is not expensive, but the Qi family does not have a crystal vein.

This time, a new crystal vein was finally discovered.

Originally, the Qi family was going to compete, but the Yue family appeared in the middle.

This made the Qi family very passive.

"Dad, what should we do about this?"

"Our people have been driven away, and there is no way to compete with the Yue family."

"Or, notify the ancestor?"

Qi Yutang asked.

He could only think of this way.

If the ancestor did not show up, this new crystal mine would have to be occupied by the Yue family.

But the "ancestor" has been in seclusion.

He would not disturb the ancestor for ordinary trivial matters.

For fear of delaying the ancestor's practice.

Qi Guangmao thought about it, as if he was weighing it.

After a long time, Qi Guangmao seemed to have made up his mind.

"Let's go and report to the ancestor."

"This crystal mine may be icing on the cake for the Yue family, but for our Qi family, it can open up a new situation and is very important."

"Everything is decided by the ancestor!"

So Qi Guangmao brought Qi Yutang to the outside of Lu Changsheng's meditation room and explained his purpose.

In the meditation room, Lu Changsheng naturally heard what Qi Guangmao and his son said outside.

"Crystal mine vein?"

Lu Changsheng's heart moved.

In fact, the father and son of the Qi family rarely came to see him.

For fear of disturbing his practice.

Lu Changsheng was still very satisfied with this point.

This shows that Qi Guangmao is very sensible.

But this time, Qi Guangmao and his son came to ask for his opinion.

Obviously, this crystal vein should be very important to the current Qi family.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng said directly: "Bring some crystals here, let me take a look first."

"Yes, ancestor."

Qi Guangmao had already prepared, and he respectfully presented some crystals.

Lu Changsheng took the crystal and examined it in his hand.

This crystal is crystal clear.

It looks like crystal, but different.

This is a special material that can be added to magic weapons for refining.

The refined magic weapons are also stained with a layer of "crystal" color, which looks crystal clear and very beautiful.

Although it can only make the appearance of the magic weapon look more beautiful.

There is no substantial improvement in the power of the magic weapon itself.

However, this still cannot stop many cultivators from being enthusiastic about crystals.

After all, who doesn't want their magic weapon to look beautiful?

Lu Changsheng originally just checked it casually.

He didn't think about studying it in depth.

However, when he held the crystal, his heart moved slightly.

It seemed to be touched.

During this period, Lu Changsheng has been studying immortal substances.

Lu Changsheng is too familiar with the characteristics of immortal substances.

He has analyzed thousands of materials.

Therefore, as soon as this crystal was in hand, Lu Changsheng had a strange feeling.

He just "habitually" analyzed it.

But this analysis made Lu Changsheng's eyes widen, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"This characteristic..."

"Yes, this is immortal matter!"

"The crystal actually contains immortal matter?"

Lu Changsheng really never thought that such a common crystal actually contained immortal matter.

"Bring some more crystals, a lot!"

Lu Changsheng said hurriedly.

Qi Guangmao was slightly startled.

It seems that the ancestor has made some special discoveries about the crystal?

But no matter what, the ancestor's order must be completed.

So, Qi Guangmao immediately sent a large number of crystals.

This crystal is not very precious.

You can buy it in Lucheng.

A large number of crystals were delivered to Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng just wanted to see if there was an immortal matter in a crystal by chance.

Then, you only need to analyze a large number of crystals.

So, Lu Changsheng began to analyze a large number of crystals one by one.

Just three days later, Lu Changsheng suddenly stood up.

"The crystals really contain immortal substances."

"And every crystal contains immortal substances, it's not accidental."

"The only drawback is that the immortal substances contained in the crystals are too few. Compared with the immortal substances contained in the natural treasures in some immortal skills, the gap is too big."

"But the number of crystals is too many. No matter how few immortal substances are contained, as long as the number can keep up, the final amount of immortal substances will be very terrifying. And crystals happen to be one of the most common minerals in the heavens."

"If you can use crystals as the foundation to create your own immortal skills. By then, the immortality of the physical body is just around the corner!"

Lu Changsheng's eyes were full of excitement.

The efforts during this period of time have not been in vain.

He really found materials containing immortal substances.

And they are very common.

It perfectly meets Lu Changsheng's conditions.

Lu Changsheng did not create his own immortal skills at the first time.

It takes time to create your own immortal skills.

It even takes a long time.

And now he has another important thing, that is the crystal vein!

Since Lu Changsheng has determined to use crystal as the foundation and create his own immortal skills.

Then this crystal will be his practice resource in the future.

It requires a huge amount of crystal.

This crystal vein must be in hand.

Moreover, this crystal vein is also related to whether the Qi family's business can go to the next level.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng decided to do it himself this time.

Facing the Yue family, if Lu Changsheng does not come forward in person, I am afraid that the crystal vein will not be taken.

As for the other party is also a true immortal family?

There are even true immortals, but Lu Changsheng did not care too much.

Although he has just been promoted to a true immortal, his means of dealing with the enemy are almost no shortcomings.

In addition, there is the terrible Dao fruit magic.

Lu Changsheng is confident that he is not afraid of any true immortal opponent.

So, Lu Changsheng left the quiet room.

Qi Guangmao and Qi Yutang, father and son, have been waiting for a long time.


Lu Changsheng nodded, and then asked calmly: "Where is the exact location of the crystal vein? I am going to go there in person and take back the crystal vein!"

A hint of joy flashed in the eyes of Qi Guangmao and his son.

The ancestor is going to come in person, so it will be easy.

Qi Yutang immediately said: "Ancestor, I have been handling this matter all the time. I will take you to the crystal vein."

Lu Changsheng also nodded when he heard it.

"Let's go."

So, Lu Changsheng waved his hand and rolled up Qi Yutang directly, and instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

Jiayan Mountains.

Originally, this place was very remote and desolate.

There were no natural treasures.

There was no immortal vein.

Therefore, this place has always been sparsely populated.

However, since a crystal vein was discovered here, it has been different.

First, many small families fought to compete for this crystal vein.

Later, the Qi family intervened, and the reputation of the True Immortal Family forced those small families to give up and not dare to compete with the Qi family.

However, the Qi family did not have the last laugh.

Therefore, the Yue family entered the scene.

The Yue family was the last to get the news and the last to enter the scene, but they had the last laugh and finally occupied this crystal vein.

It is not entirely correct to say that they occupied it, but they basically occupied it.

The Yue family is also a true immortal family, so naturally they are not afraid of the Qi family.

Even the Yue family was so powerful that they directly sent people to drive away the Qi family and forcibly occupied this crystal mineral vein.

But the Qi family didn't leave completely.

Instead, he stayed nearby and monitored every move of the Yue family.

The Yue family might also be worried about the true immortal ancestor of the Qi family and did not kill him.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Yue family has the upper hand.

If the Qi family had no other means, then this crystal mineral vein should have fallen into the hands of the Yue family.

The Yue family is even preparing to mine the spar mine.


At this time, two figures flew over the Jiayan Mountains.

"Ancestor, below is the spar vein we discovered."

"Those masters below are members of the Yue family."

Qi Yutang said respectfully.

Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

He did see a large number of masters below.

There are many ancestral realms among them, and there are even more than one.

Compared to the Qi family, the Yue family can be regarded as a true immortal family with a profound foundation.

True immortals, ancestral realms, etc. are all available.

Unlike the Qi family, they don't even have the ancestral realm and belong to a "lame" true immortal family.

It all depends on him, the "True Immortal Ancestor".

"Go down."

Lu Changsheng immediately took Qi Yutang and flew to the crystal mineral vein.


"Who dares to break into my Yue family's crystal mineral veins?"

At this time, several figures suddenly looked into the void.

From the void, two figures suddenly fell.

"It's Qi Yutang, he's here again."

"People from the Qi family have been pestering us before. Unexpectedly, they stopped for a while and came back again."

"Are all the people in the Qi family so shameless? They can't argue, and they still persist in the fight. Do you really think that our Yue family doesn't dare to kill people?"

For a moment, the monks of the Yue family all had murderous intent in their eyes.


Lu Changsheng's eyes turned cold.

He didn't say anything and directly released his momentum.


The true immortal momentum exploded.

The terrifying pressure, like the weight of a mountain, instantly enveloped everyone in the Yue family.

All the monks in the Yue family immediately felt their whole bodies tense up, as if a huge mountain was pressing on their heads, and it was difficult to even move.

These Yue family monks are naturally knowledgeable monks.

Therefore, one can recognize at a glance what this momentum means.


"It's a true immortal, it's a true immortal who has arrived!"

"That Ancestor Lu of the Qi family, Lu Zhenxian?"

"The power of a true immortal is difficult to compete with..."

For a moment, the entire mountain range became quiet.

What a fairy!

That's high and mighty.

Once you become an immortal, there will be a difference between immortality and mortals, just like the difference between cloud and mud.

The gap is too big.

Lu Changsheng released the true immortal aura, and all the creatures in the entire Jiayan Mountains were as silent as cicadas, not even daring to breathe.

This is a real fairy!

However, the Yue family is also a true immortal family after all. One of the strongest ancestors gritted his teeth and barely withstood Lu Changsheng's terrifying momentum, and said in a deep voice word by word: "Greetings to the Supreme Immortal!"

"A crystal mineral vein actually took the trouble of an immortal to come to us."

"But this crystal mineral vein has been occupied by my Yue family..."

Lu Changsheng stared at the other party.

Even though the opponent is in the strongest ancestral realm, he can control the wind and rain in the ancestral realm.

However, facing Lu Changsheng's gaze, this powerful ancestral figure was a little unable to bear it.

"Okay, now this crystal mineral vein belongs to the Qi family."

Lu Changsheng didn't bother to say more.

Just one sentence.

The crystal mineral veins belong to the Qi family.

Who dares to say "no"?


Everyone in the Yue family fell silent.

At this moment, they felt the "dominance" of the true immortal.

It's simply outrageous and unreasonable.

But so what?

This is a real fairy!

What's more, in the fight for a crystal mineral vein, their Yue family is also the last force to enter the field. How can it be reasonable?

Heaven has never been a reasonable place.

The strong are respected, and if you have strength, it makes sense!

"What, is there a problem?"

Lu Changsheng remained calm and calm.


The strongest ancestral realm waved his hand.

The people of the Yue family quickly evacuated this place.

What a joke.

Is that a true immortal?

Reasoning with the real immortal?

Or threaten the true immortals, and there are true immortals in the Yue family?

I'm afraid the real immortal will be the first to kill the person who spoke.

Even if you die, it will be in vain.

Disrespecting the true immortals is a recipe for death.

Therefore, facing a true immortal, the Yue family's ancestral realm did not hesitate and immediately ordered people to evacuate.

As for Lu Changsheng?

True immortals can only "reason" with true immortals.

The Yue Family Ancestral Realm immediately sent a distress message to the Yue Family Ancestor.

Then retreat far away and wait quietly.

Seeing the people of the Yue family evacuating obediently, Qi Yutang felt his heart surge.

The power of the true immortal is so great!

Just one sentence, who dares not to obey?

The Yue family was extremely powerful before.

Now they don't even dare to say a word, and they will withdraw if anyone withdraws.

Where else is there any strong style?

"Ancestor, I will go and notify the Qi family to mine crystal stones."

Qi Yutang said excitedly.

Lu Changsheng shook his head and said calmly: "There's no rush, just wait."

"If you want to mine the spar mine safely once and for all, you still have to have a fight with the Yue Family True Immortal."

"Just wait now."

Lu Changsheng was very sober.

Whether it is for face or benefit.

The True Immortal of the Yue Family will definitely show up.

Only True Immortals against True Immortals.

In the end, the ownership of this crystal vein can be determined!

Lu Changsheng did not wait too long.

In just three days, the opponent arrived.


Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

"Qi Yutang, step back."

"The True Immortal of the Yue Family has come..."

Lu Changsheng stood in the air, looking at the distant sky.

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