Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 4 Going into the mountains to collect herbs

Time passed in a flash, and it was more than ten days.

On this day, before it was time to get up in the morning, Lu Changsheng got up early.

He hurried to the secluded corner where he practiced martial arts at night.

It was already dark now, but there was a faint light.

Lu Changsheng got up so early in order to practice the Great River Blood Strengthening Technique.

He had been practicing the Great River Blood Strengthening Technique for more than ten days, and he could hear the blood in his body rushing like a river almost every day.

He knew that the time for him to sense the blood should not be far away.

Maybe it would be in these few days.

Therefore, he practiced martial arts more diligently.

Lu Changsheng still practiced the strange posture of the Great River Blood Strengthening Technique as usual.

Suddenly, the blood in his body rushed, just like the rushing river.

Moreover, the sound became louder and louder, and Lu Changsheng's whole body turned red.


The next moment, Lu Changsheng's mind roared.

In his mind, a picture appeared.

He seemed to be able to "see" a ball of bright red blood, running in a specific way in the body.

"Qi and blood, this is Qi and blood!"

Lu Changsheng was very surprised.

He finally sensed the Qi and blood, and Dahe Zhuangxue Gong had entered the door.

However, after carefully sensing the Qi and blood, Lu Changsheng suddenly realized that he had been wrong before.

Qi and blood are not blood.

What he heard was not the sound of blood flowing, but Qi and blood.

Qi and blood are a special energy in the body that can nourish the human body.

The stronger the Qi and blood, the stronger the human body.

Lu Changsheng immediately checked the attribute panel.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 99 (ordinary)

Basic knife skills: small success

Basic sword skills: small success

Basic stick skills: small success

Tiger pounce: great success

Dahe Zhuangxue Gong: first level

On the attribute panel, Dahe Zhuangxue Gong has indeed entered the door and stepped into the first level.

In Lu Changsheng's perception, his Qi and blood are now only a small ball.

However, as time went by, he practiced the Great River Blood Strengthening Technique, and he was able to slowly strengthen this group of blood and qi.

There are three levels of the Great River Blood Strengthening Technique, and now Lu Changsheng has only practiced the first level.

When you reach the first level, it is considered an entry level, and you don’t have to practice those weird postures every day.

You can directly control the blood and qi and "move the blood and qi" in your body.

Lu Changsheng tried it, and he really saw the blood and qi being moved in his body, over and over again.

However, after moving it several times, the blood and qi still didn’t grow much.

Instead, Lu Changsheng felt hungry and uncomfortable all over.

"Old Liu once said that blood and qi need to be strengthened. So the warriors of the guard team need to take medicinal food every day to ensure the strengthening of blood and qi."

"But I didn’t join the guard team. Without medicinal food, the speed of blood and qi growth is as slow as a snail."

"At this rate, I’m afraid I won’t be able to enter the second level of the Great River Blood Strengthening Technique even after a few years."

Lu Changsheng frowned.

Even if he had sensed the blood and qi, he couldn’t join the guard team.

It took so long to sense the blood and qi, which, in the eyes of the guards, means that the qualifications are low and there is no value in training.

There is another way, that is to buy medicinal food.

The medicinal food of the guards is actually very ordinary, and it can be bought in the medicine shop outside. As long as there is silver, you can buy medicinal food for yourself.

But the key is that Lu Changsheng has no silver.

Not to mention silver, there is no copper coins.

"I have to think of a way to make money."

Lu Changsheng thought about it. He is now a chor apprentice and has no wages at all.

Moreover, it is impossible for him to leave Miaoshou Garden.

After all, chor apprentices have signed a contract with Miaoshou Garden. Once they escape, they can be killed directly if caught.

Of course, the contract also has a time limit.

The time seems to be three years.

Three years is the limit set by the government. The government does not allow anyone to keep slaves.

So the contract is also a maximum of three years, and after three years, it must be converted to employment.

From this perspective, the government seems to be pretty good.

At least Lu Changsheng does not have to be an apprentice of Miaoshou Garden for his whole life.

But if he couldn't use the medicinal diet for three years, Lu Changsheng would be at a big loss. He didn't want his martial arts to have no progress in three years.

Lu Changsheng thought about it for a few days but couldn't think of any good solution. He could only put it aside for the time being and take it one step at a time.

"Get up, get up."

On this day, as usual, the apprentices gathered in the square.

Manager Zhang looked a little solemn and said in a deep voice: "The weather has been getting colder recently, and the number of patients suffering from colds has increased. The trade route has been blocked by a group of bandits and strongmen, and the medicinal materials are gradually running out."

"You have all learned about medicinal materials for a while, and you can recognize them. Now the doctor in the garden will take you to the mountains to collect herbs. There will be guards to escort you, so you don't have to worry about safety issues."

"If you collect enough medicinal materials, there will be a reward."

Many apprentices showed a trace of joy on their faces when they heard this.


They were apprentices for menial tasks, and they didn't get paid at all. The apprentices' pockets were cleaner than their faces.

I didn't expect to have the chance to get a reward this time.

As for going to the mountains to collect herbs, it might be very hard, but they didn't care at all.

"Okay, let's go."

So, escorted by a group of doctors and some guards, the apprentices began to enter the mountains in a mighty manner.

Ten miles outside Nanyang City is Woniu Mountain.

Woniu Mountain is very large, and there are poisonous insects and fierce beasts in the mountains and forests.

The deeper you go into the mountains, the more dangerous it is.

Going into the mountains to collect herbs is actually very difficult and even dangerous.

The apprentices were very happy, but they started to complain as soon as they entered the mountain.

However, this is not up to the apprentice. Since we are already in the mountains, we have to collect herbs.

Those who collect more herbs will be rewarded with silver, and those who collect less herbs will naturally be punished.

No one wanted to be punished and had to scatter around to collect medicine.

The escort team will drive away poisonous insects and beasts within a certain range, but it is impossible to follow every apprentice.

Therefore, the apprentices scattered and quickly disappeared throughout the mountains and forests.

Lu Changsheng was not very lucky. He went into the mountain for more than an hour and only picked a few ordinary medicinal herbs.

For this little medicinal herb, let alone getting a silver reward, I'm afraid I'll still be punished when I go back.

"I heard that there are some precious medicinal herbs growing deep in the mountains."

"If I want a silver reward, I have to venture deep into the mountains."

Lu Changsheng thought for a while, and the road was difficult deep in the mountains. As for the poisonous insects and beasts, he should be fine if he avoided them a little.

After all, those escorts are not just for a living.

There must be a way to drive away some poisonous insects and beasts.

So, Lu Changsheng made a decision in his heart and walked all the way deep into the mountain.

Along the way, Lu Changsheng's skin was scratched by thorns in the mountain forest.

There were scars all over his body.

But fortunately, they were all skin injuries and there were no major problems.

Finally, Lu Changsheng saw a valley.

The valley is filled with many valuable medicinal materials.

"Is that ginseng?"

"I didn't expect that there are ginseng deep in Woniu Mountain."

Lu Changsheng's sharp eyes saw some ginseng growing in the valley.

In fact, ginseng is grown.

But there are very few wild ginseng, especially old wild ginseng is more precious.

Lu Changsheng immediately entered the valley and started digging wild ginseng.

After digging some wild ginseng, Lu Changsheng raised his head and saw that the cliffs around the valley were also covered with some precious medicinal herbs.

Suddenly, Lu Changsheng saw what seemed to be a cave in the middle of the cliff.

Moreover, this cave is very hidden, and you really can’t see it if you don’t look carefully.

Lu Changsheng's heart moved.

This valley is very peculiar and seems to be very suitable for the growth of medicinal materials, so many valuable medicinal materials grow there.

But precious medicinal materials must be processed immediately after they mature, otherwise they will rot and be wasted.

There are so many medicinal materials that Lu Changsheng simply can't finish them all.

But if he told Miaoshou Yuan, he would get some silver reward at most.

What does that little silver reward mean compared to so many medicinal materials?

Lu Changsheng is short of money now. If he can cash these medicinal materials, he will definitely get a lot of money.

"This cave can be used temporarily to store mature medicinal materials. You can process and store them first, and then find a way to take them out of the cave in exchange for silver."

So, Lu Changsheng climbed into the cave.

The cave is very dry.

However, Lu Changsheng saw that there were actually some bedding and simple living utensils inside the cave.

"Is there anyone living here?"

Lu Changsheng was shocked.

At the same time, Lu Changsheng heard a "rustling" sound coming from outside the cave.

He looked around.

He hurriedly hid in a secluded corner of the cave and hid.

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