Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 404 The Eight Treasures Immortal Cave, the Secret of the Celestial Immortal!


At the exit of the Tianyuan Ancient Immortal Battlefield, a series of figures suddenly appeared.

They were all true immortals and immortals.

These immortals looked solemn and protected the Great Axe Immortal in the middle.

The Great Axe Immortal still didn't quite believe what these immortals said.

Lu Changsheng could order these immortals to come to him?

This was simply incredible.

You know, when he entered the heavenly realm, Lu Changsheng was just an ancestral realm.

He was not an immortal yet.

Even if Lu Changsheng practiced faster and became an immortal, how could he command so many immortals?

However, the Great Axe Immortal couldn't resist now.

When he left the Tianyuan Ancient Immortal Battlefield and saw a familiar figure in the distance, the Great Axe Immortal was slightly startled.

Lu Changsheng!

Yes, that was Lu Changsheng!

It was absolutely true!

However, the current Lu Changsheng was completely different from when he was in the boundary sea before.


Lu Changsheng exuded the aura of an immortal.

This is a true immortal!

Lu Changsheng really became an immortal.


Lu Changsheng also opened his eyes.

He noticed the Giant Axe Immortal the first time.

"Daoyou Giant Axe, I haven't seen you for many years. You are still as elegant as ever."

Lu Changsheng took the initiative to speak.

Indeed, although the Giant Axe Immortal has been hunted down, his aura does not seem weak at all.

On the contrary, it is much stronger than before.

Moreover, the Giant Axe Immortal is also a person with great opportunities.

After obtaining the Eight Treasures Golden Light Cover, he can build a Taoist temple and become the master of the Taoist temple.

This is better than most true immortals.

Most true immortals cannot build a Taoist temple.

"It's really you, Lu Changsheng..."

When the Giant Axe Immortal saw Lu Changsheng, his eyes were full of shock.

Until now, he seemed to believe that the person in front of him was Lu Changsheng.

"True Immortal Changsheng, we have safely escorted the Giant Axe Immortal to you, should we..."

Yuanling Great Immortal took the initiative to speak.

He didn't want to stay for a moment.

"Please come in." Lu Changsheng waved his hand and directly collected the spiritual imprints in the minds of these immortals. The immortals also felt the disappearance of Lu Changsheng's spiritual imprint, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then they said goodbye and quickly left the Tianyuan Ancient Immortal Battlefield. Seeing that each immortal looked relieved and left the Tianyuan Ancient Immortal Battlefield as soon as possible. The Great Axe Immortal knew that the immortals before were not exaggerating at all. On the contrary, they were very conservative. From their eyes, it can be seen that they are very wary and even afraid of Lu Changsheng. There are many great immortals here. How could a great immortal be so afraid of Lu Changsheng, a real immortal? The Great Axe Immortal was puzzled. It was not until all the immortals had left that the Great Axe Immortal could not help asking: "Fellow Daoist Lu, what happened to those immortals just now?" He still wanted to hear Lu Changsheng's personal answer. Of course, Lu Changsheng knew what the Giant Axe Immortal meant, so he smiled and said, "I think those immortals have already told you before, and it's actually just like that..."

Lu Changsheng did not hide anything and briefly explained what happened before.

After listening to Lu Changsheng's story, the Giant Axe Immortal was even more shocked.

It turned out that those immortals did not lie to him.

In fact, what those immortals said was very conservative.

The real Lu Changsheng is more terrifying and more powerful than those immortals described.

"Lu Daoyou, you...are you really still a real immortal now?"

The Giant Axe Immortal couldn't even believe that a real immortal would be so powerful?

Lu Changsheng did not comment.

"Let's go back to the Changsheng Dojo first."

"Only when we return to the dojo can we be truly safe."

So, Lu Changsheng took the Giant Axe Immortal back to the Changsheng Dojo quickly.

Five months later, Lu Changsheng and the Giant Axe Immortal returned to the Changsheng Dojo.

Arriving at the Changsheng Dojo, the shock in the heart of the Giant Axe Immortal was beyond description.

It was really a dojo.

It was even a very powerful dojo.

As soon as he entered the dojo, he felt suppressed.

He even had a very clear feeling.

In the Changsheng Dojo, even if he had the Eight Treasures Golden Light Cover, he would definitely not be able to resist the suppression of the dojo.

This is a truly powerful dojo!

"Daoyou Giant Axe, you go down and rest first."

Lu Changsheng found Qi Guangmao and arranged for the Giant Axe Immortal to go down and rest.

The Giant Axe Immortal opened his mouth, wanting to say something but stopping.

But in the end he still listened to Lu Changsheng's arrangement and went down to rest under the leadership of Qi Guangmao.

The Giant Axe Immortal sat cross-legged on the ground quietly.

In fact, they are all immortals, they will not be tired at all, let alone rest.

But immortals also need peace.

Especially the Giant Axe Immortal, who had been hunted down before, and was worried about being beaten every day.

It was not until now that he finally felt completely at ease.

This feeling made the Giant Axe Immortal completely let down his guard.

He began to sort out the things that happened along the way.

The Great Axe Immortal noticed that after coming to the Changsheng Daochang from the Tianyuan Ancient Immortal Battlefield, Lu Changsheng never asked about the Eight Treasures Golden Light Cover, nor even about the Eight Treasures Great Immortal.

Did Lu Changsheng not know?

Definitely not.

Lu Changsheng naturally knew.

But Lu Changsheng deliberately did not mention it, which was to reassure the Great Axe Immortal.

Lu Changsheng did not covet the Great Axe Immortal's fairy treasure.

This is also a kind of trust.

It makes the Giant Axe Immortal feel that Lu Changsheng is still the same Lu Changsheng as before.

If you think about Lu Changsheng's current achievements, why would he care about an immortal treasure that suppresses his luck?

Take a look at the Changsheng Dojo.

The immortal treasure that suppresses luck in this dojo is probably not as good as the Eight Treasures Golden Light Cover in its heyday.

Not to mention the Eight Treasures Golden Light Cover that is still broken now.

Perhaps, the only thing that is of some value to Lu Changsheng is the secret of the Eight Treasures Immortal being able to survive twelve physical tribulations.

But Lu Changsheng became a true immortal at such a young age.

He even built a dojo.

Lu Changsheng's goal is definitely not to survive the physical tribulations, but to ascend to the immortal heaven.

Compared with ascending to the immortal heaven, the so-called secret of the Eight Treasures Immortal is actually not worth mentioning.

Thinking of this, the Giant Axe Immortal was completely relieved.

Lu Changsheng really didn't need to covet the things on him.

Even his most precious secret of the Eight Treasures Immortal was nothing in Lu Changsheng's eyes.

Before, the Giant Axe Immortal had not considered it carefully, and he was always anxious.

But now that he has completely calmed down and thought about it, he can see many things clearly.

With Lu Changsheng, he will definitely be able to protect him.

Even with Lu Changsheng's support, the Giant Axe Immortal can also build a dojo.

Once the Giant Axe Immortal builds a dojo, he can keep the Eight Treasures Golden Light Cover.

"I never thought that Lu Changsheng, who needed my protection in the boundary sea, has grown to this point now, and I need Lu Changsheng's protection..."

"But this is also a good thing. With Lu Changsheng's protection, I have hope to build a dojo."

"But, the secret of the Eight Treasures Immortal cannot be delayed. It is best to tell Lu Changsheng and let Lu Changsheng retrieve it, so that it can be foolproof..."

Many thoughts went through the Giant Axe Immortal's mind.

Finally, the Giant Axe Immortal made up his mind.

The next day, the Giant Axe Immortal took the initiative to find Lu Changsheng.

"Daoyou Lu, I do have the Eight Treasures Golden Light Shield on me, and even the secret of the Eight Treasures Great Immortal. However, the secret of the Eight Treasures Great Immortal is in a secret cave, and I cannot retrieve it with my strength..."

The Great Axe Immortal told Lu Changsheng everything about the Eight Treasures Great Immortal's cave.

Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

He was indeed not interested in the Eight Treasures Golden Light Shield.

After all, he already had the Dragon Pillar.

He even had a Taoist temple, so even if he had another Eight Treasures Golden Light Shield, it would not be of much significance.

However, the Eight Treasures Great Immortal was different.

The Eight Treasures Great Immortal had finally survived twelve physical tribulations.

His physical body was so strong that it was unimaginable.

It was said that his combat power was so strong that he could compete with the Celestial Immortal.

Although Lu Changsheng was confident that he could be promoted to Celestial Immortal.

But if he could obtain the secret of the Eight Treasures Great Immortal's physical tribulations, it would naturally be great.

It might even help him to be promoted to Celestial Immortal.

Lu Changsheng said directly: "Well, without further ado, fellow Daoist Jufu will go to the cave of Babao Daxian with Lu to find out!"

So, the two of them left the Changsheng Daochang directly, and the immortal Jufu led the way and rushed to the mysterious cave of Babao Daxian.

The cave of Babao Daxian is very far away and very secretive.

Babao Daxian once had a Daochang.

However, the Daochang collapsed, but his cave was not in the Daochang.

Perhaps, Babao Daxian had long anticipated that after his death, many immortals would pursue his secrets.

Therefore, he deliberately left the cave somewhere else.

No immortal knew.

Until the immortal Jufu accidentally discovered the cave of Babao Daxian.

Soon, the two came to a canyon.

There was also a huge waterfall on the cliff in the canyon.

The immortal Jufu pointed to the waterfall and said: "The cave is behind the waterfall."

"Behind the waterfall?"

Lu Changsheng seemed to have a sense of déjà vu.

But he scanned his consciousness and did not find anything unusual behind the waterfall.

It seems to be just an ordinary waterfall.

However, since the Eight Treasures Immortal knew to move the cave, he must have taken precautions.

Most likely, it was some kind of immortal formation that could deceive the immortal's perception.

"Let's go."

Lu Changsheng and the Giant Axe Immortal flew directly to the back of the waterfall.

After the two passed the waterfall, Lu Changsheng actually saw a cave.

The cave was magnificent.

Moreover, the Giant Axe Immortal should have a way to enter the cave.

The two successfully entered the cave.

The Giant Axe Immortal said: "I got the Eight Treasures Golden Light Cover in this cave, but there is also a secret room in this cave. According to my inference, the secret room should contain the secret of how the Eight Treasures Immortal survived the physical tribulation."

"It's just that the secret room is protected by a mysterious immortal formation, and I can't break the immortal formation..."

Lu Changsheng and the Giant Axe Immortal came to the outside of the secret room together.

Sure enough, the secret room was protected by an immortal formation.

Lu Changsheng thought about it and punched directly.


An invisible ripple surged in all directions.

That was Lu Changsheng's punch.

But it was not enough.

Lu Changsheng's punch did not shake the immortal formation at all, let alone break the secret room. It was still far from enough.

"Magic power, great strength!"

In terms of brute force, Lu Changsheng was not afraid of anyone.

He directly displayed his magical power.

Suddenly, accompanied by the terrifying power of the magical power, he punched the immortal formation outside the secret room again.

"Boom boom".

The violent vibration seemed to drive the entire cave, causing the vibrating cave to shake slightly.

But that was all.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Lu Changsheng still couldn't break the immortal formation outside the secret room.


"This immortal formation is really extraordinary."

"How can the Great Immortal Babao be a great immortal if he can set up such an immortal formation?"

Lu Changsheng's eyes flashed with a hint of brilliance.

Not everyone can set up an immortal formation.

True immortals and great immortals actually have limited understanding of the great way.

Even if they can set up an immortal formation, their level is limited and they can't set up a very profound immortal formation.

Only immortals above the celestial immortals, with a high realm, can set up many powerful immortal formations.

In Lu Changsheng's opinion, the level of this immortal formation is almost close to that of the celestial immortals.

Or it is simply comparable to the immortal formation at the celestial immortal level.

How did the Great Immortal Babao set it up?

Could it be that he also bought the formation flag?

Perhaps there is such a possibility.

"Daoyou Lu, what should we do now?"

"If even you can't break the immortal formation, I'm afraid there is really nothing we can do..."

The Great Axe Immortal had originally placed high hopes on Lu Changsheng.

As a result, even Lu Changsheng couldn't break the immortal formation, so he couldn't get the secret of how the Eight Treasures Immortal survived the physical tribulation.

This secret may not be a big deal for Lu Changsheng, but it is very important to the Giant Axe Immortal.

After all, the Giant Axe Immortal knows himself.

In the past, he was ambitious and thought he could practice all the way to the peak.

But since he became an immortal, he has become more and more clear in his heart.

It may be difficult for him to even be promoted to a celestial immortal.

He can only waste his whole life in the real immortal realm.

Since he can't be promoted to a celestial immortal, he has to find a way to survive the physical tribulation and live longer.

So how to survive the physical tribulation is crucial.

The Giant Axe Immortal also placed his hopes in the Eight Treasures Immortal's cave.

He hopes that Lu Changsheng can break the cave and obtain all the secrets of the Eight Treasures Immortal.

Seeing that the Giant Axe Immortal seemed very disappointed, Lu Changsheng smiled and said, "It's okay, I just tested it. The immortal formation in this secret room is so powerful, most likely it is a fairy formation at the level of a celestial immortal."

"The fairy formation at the level of a celestial immortal cannot be broken by brute force, but don't forget that I am a mortal immortal!"

"As long as I give me time, I will definitely be able to break this fairy formation!"

Lu Changsheng was very confident.

This made the Giant Axe Immortal rekindle hope.

"Daoyou Lu, I'll leave everything to you."

The Giant Axe Immortal also perked up a little.

Lu Changsheng didn't say anything else, saying more would be useless, everything depends on action.

So, Lu Changsheng began to sit cross-legged, just outside the fairy formation, and then began to use his analytical ability to analyze the fairy formation.

Lu Changsheng was too familiar with analyzing the fairy formation.

It can even be said that he was familiar with it.

The fairy formation at the level of a celestial immortal was indeed very strong, but Lu Changsheng's analytical ability was even stronger.

His analytical ability was based on his extraordinary comprehension.

In terms of analytical ability, even a celestial being is probably far inferior to Lu Changsheng.

Time passed day by day.

One month, two months, three months, four months, five months...

Lu Changsheng never gave up on the analysis.

In fact, the road to analysis was very smooth.

However, it took a lot of time.


Suddenly, the cave shook slightly.

Then, the immortal formation outside the secret room shone brightly.

It was even flickering continuously.

But it flickered several times.

The next moment, the immortal formation slowly disappeared and collapsed.

The immortal formation was broken!

Finally, the door of the secret room was revealed.

"It's done!"

The Giant Axe Immortal was very excited.

It took almost eight months.

In eight months, the immortal formation that seemed to be at the level of a celestial being was broken.

What kind of terrifying analytical ability is this?

The Giant Axe Immortal was not without experience.

He knew that the Red Dust Immortal's analytical ability was terrifying.

But that also depends on the person.

Lu Changsheng's analytical ability was unique to the Giant Axe Immortal.

The best!

He had hardly seen an immortal with stronger analytical ability than Lu Changsheng.

"Let's go, go in."

Lu Changsheng did not explain too much.

The two entered the secret room smoothly.

As soon as he entered the secret room, Lu Changsheng saw a skeleton.

"Eight Treasures Immortal?"

Lu Changsheng immediately guessed the identity of the skeleton.

Perhaps it was the Eight Treasures Immortal.

Immortals are different from celestial immortals.

Celestial immortals can have immortal bodies, but if they are true immortals or great immortals, once they die, their bodies may be preserved for a long time, but if the time is too long, the body will also rot and eventually turn into dry bones.

After all, true immortals and great immortals cannot keep their bodies immortal.

Only celestial immortals and above can have immortal bodies.

The body that Lu Changsheng refined in the sea of ​​​​boundaries was naturally not the body of a celestial immortal, but it was just that the time of death was not too long, and the body was not enough to completely rot into a skeleton.

If he is really a celestial being, then his body is immortal, and Lu Changsheng cannot refine it.

"The dignified Eight Treasures Great Immortal has gone through twelve physical tribulations. Such a brilliant and brilliant great immortal can only die alone in such a deserted cave..."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

He seemed to sigh.

Even a powerful Eight Treasures Great Immortal died.

In the face of time, even a great immortal is not much stronger.

"Daoyou Lu, come and look here."

Suddenly, the Great Axe Immortal shouted.

Lu Changsheng turned around and walked over. He saw the Giant Ax Immortal discovering a jade slip on a stone table.

"Fellow Taoist Giant Axe, what did you find?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

"This jade slip contains the shocking secret of how the Eight Treasures Immortal survived the physical calamity..."

The Great Ax Immortal seemed very shocked.

He was also very excited at the same time, as if he had really discovered some amazing information.


Lu Changsheng was also ready to take a look.

So, he swept his consciousness directly into the jade slip.

The jade slip is indeed a message left by the Eight Treasures Immortal.

Moreover, the information contained what Lu Changsheng needed most.

The Eight Treasures Immortal sums up his life in the jade slip.

Once upon a time, the Eight Treasures Great Immortal was very high-spirited, and after becoming a true immortal, he also pursued becoming a heavenly immortal.

However, one day when he learned the truth about the immortals, he became frightened and frightened.

He simply did not dare to pursue the immortals anymore, but stayed at the level of true immortals until the five declines of heaven and man came.

Moreover, the Eight Treasures Immortal once obtained the "blood of the You clan".

This blood of the You clan is the key to the eight hundred immortals being able to survive twelve physical tribulations.

As long as you can refine the blood of the You clan, you can survive the physical calamity.

Even if it is twelve physical tribulations.

Lu Changsheng and the Giant Ax Immortal were both extremely shocked.

They had almost never heard of the blood of the You clan.

What kind of bloodline can survive the physical calamity?

This is simply unbelievable.

However, this is the jade slip left by the Eight Treasures Immortal before his death.

There can be no mistake.

After all, even when a man is about to die, his words are good.

The memory of the jade slip left by the Eight Treasures Immortal when he was dying was probably the most important thing to him.

"Wait, where is the blood of the You clan?"

The Giant Ax Immortal immediately looked for the blood of the You clan.

Finally, he found the blood of the You clan next to the corpse of the Eight Treasures Immortal.

That's a porcelain vase.

After opening the porcelain bottle, a very strange bloody smell came out.

This bloody scent is different from the scent of all immortal beasts and immortals.

"Is this the blood of the You clan?"

Lu Changsheng was also very curious.

It's a pity that there is only a little bit of the You clan's blood in the bottle.

It's almost only enough to support one physical calamity.

"What exactly is the blood of the You clan?"

"Also, why does the Eight Treasures Immortal dare not be promoted to Heavenly Immortal?"

"What's so scary about immortals?"

Lu Changsheng frowned.

Lu Changsheng was only interested in the blood of the You clan.

But Lu Changsheng paid great attention to why the Eight Treasures Immortal did not dare to be promoted to Heavenly Immortal.

After all, Lu Changsheng also wants to be promoted to immortal.

His practice has always been to advance.

However, there seems to be more than one jade slip.

Lu Changsheng continued to check.

As a result, the contents of the jade slip did not disappoint Lu Changsheng.

It even shocked Lu Changsheng.

Other jade slips explain in detail what the blood of the You clan is.

And why the Eight Treasure Immortals dare not be promoted to heavenly immortals.

It turns out that once you are promoted to a heavenly immortal, you will receive a sign and go to the outer world to fight against the You clan and fight with the You clan.

According to what was said in the jade slip, the You clan was a terrifying being that could rival all the immortals in the heaven.

Huge in numbers and powerful.

Once you are promoted to Celestial Immortal, you have to fight against the You clan.

Many of these immortals could not survive even a century and died on the battlefield outside the sky.

And what about the true immortal?

True immortals are not even qualified to join the battlefield, but can be well protected and stay in the heaven to practice peacefully.

Moreover, if the true immortal can survive the physical calamity.

That can even live for twelve centuries.

This is longer than those immortals who go to fight in the outer battlefield.

To put it simply, the Eight Treasures Immortal is a coward.

Is a deserter.

Not daring to face the You clan, they could only linger in the heaven.

It seems that on the eve of death, the Eight Treasures Immortal finally faced his heart.

That's why I keep my memories in jade slips.

He would even deliberately destroy the blood of the You clan.

Only a drop remains.

He just didn't want future generations to be like him, a coward and a deserter.

Seeing this scene, the Giant Ax Immortal was stunned.

Dare to love more than one drop of the blood of the You clan.

As a result, they were all destroyed by the Eight Treasures Immortal.

Now, he only has one drop in his hand.

The Eight Treasures Immortal is really dumbfounded.

It's not that he doesn't want to be promoted to an immortal, it's just that he doesn't have the talent.

It would be great if the Eight Treasures Immortal could keep all the blood of the You clan.

It's a pity that the blood of the You clan was destroyed.

"You clan..."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

He was not afraid, but was slightly excited.

You Clan, Tianwai battlefield.

Even the immortals will fall.

What a... wonderful world this is?

How could anyone not like it?

Or even escape?

Lu Changsheng couldn't understand.

He is a warrior, and he also practices martial arts.

Even if he becomes an immortal, he is still a martial immortal!

Warriors fight against the heavens and the earth, and naturally like challenges and battles.

Of course, not all immortals are martial immortals.

Many immortals do not have the willpower of the martial immortals.

Although they are immortals, they are very afraid of death.

I just want to live a little longer.

For example, the Eight Treasures Immortal did not dare to face the You clan.

I just want to survive in heaven.

However, the Eight Treasures Immortal is dead after all.

No amount of talking will help.

For Lu Changsheng, this trip to the cave of the Eight Treasures Great Immortal was actually very rewarding.

Although he did not get any treasures.

Even the blood of the You Clan was more useful to the Giant Axe Immortal.

But Lu Changsheng knew about the You Clan, the battlefield outside the sky, and the secrets of the celestial immortals.

This made Lu Changsheng feel that he had gained a lot.

If it were Lu Changsheng, he would not want to escape.

He even looked forward to going to the sky outside to meet the You Clan.

The two searched in the cave again.

Almost all the treasures in the cave were looted.

Then the two did not stay and returned directly to the Changsheng Dojo.

After returning to the Changsheng Dojo, Lu Changsheng asked the Giant Axe Immortal for a little bit of the You Clan's blood.

He did not need the You Clan's blood to help him overcome the physical tribulation.

Lu Changsheng just wanted to analyze the You Clan's blood.

A little bit of the You Clan's blood was enough.

Lu Changsheng began to analyze.

This analysis immediately amazed Lu Changsheng.

The blood of the You Clan has terrifying vitality, terrifying recovery power, and terrifying defense power.

Even if it is just a small drop of the You Clan's blood, it is not so easy to completely destroy it.

Lu Changsheng has never seen the You Clan.

However, just from the analysis of this drop of You Clan's blood, the You Clan is indeed very terrifying.

A drop of blood can allow a True Immortal to survive the physical catastrophe.

When facing the You Clan, True Immortals are not even cannon fodder.

No wonder True Immortals don't even have the qualifications to go to the battlefield outside the sky.

"You Clan, Celestial Immortals..."

Lu Changsheng recalled the rumors about Celestial Immortals.

Although it is difficult for True Immortals to be promoted to Celestial Immortals, with the accumulation of time, the heaven is so large, and the absolute number is definitely not small.

However, Lu Changsheng has never seen a Celestial Immortal.

He has even rarely heard of it.

This Celestial Immortal seems to be quite mysterious.

You can only hear their voices, but you can't see them.

Now think about it, Celestial Immortals have left many legends.

But once they become Celestial Immortals, they basically live in seclusion.

In fact, they did not stay at home, but went to the battlefield outside the sky.

It should not be so easy to return from the battlefield outside the sky.

Otherwise, the celestial immortals in the heaven would not be so rare.

As for the golden immortals above the celestial immortals, they are almost legendary.

Unheard of.

Lu Changsheng used to think that the celestial immortals were dying out.

But now it seems that it is not the decline of cultivation in the heaven.

I am afraid that the golden immortals have also gone to the outer sky.

Even many celestial immortals broke through to become golden immortals, probably in the outer sky.

However, Lu Changsheng felt that the celestial immortals went to the outer sky not only because of the signs.

If there is really no benefit, would the celestial immortals be so active in going to the outer sky?

Would the celestial immortals or even the golden immortals cooperate so well?


Whether it is a celestial immortal or a golden immortal, they are all famous.

They are extremely firm in their will.

Even if forced by a strong man, it is impossible to go to the battlefield outside the sky willingly.

There must be huge benefits that both celestial immortals and golden immortals covet.

It's just that the Eight Treasures Immortal didn't understand.

After all, the Eight Treasures Immortal was only a True Immortal.

If he hadn't even been promoted to a Celestial Immortal, how could he know what a Celestial Immortal was after?

But no matter what, Lu Changsheng had to be promoted to a Celestial Immortal first.

If he wasn't promoted to a Celestial Immortal, he wouldn't even be qualified to be a cannon fodder.

So, Lu Changsheng asked the Qi Family to expand the scale of their crystal acquisition.

At all costs, he had to acquire a large amount of crystals as soon as possible for his cultivation.

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