Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 406: A Hundred Years of Agreement, Return to the Sea of ​​Boundaries!

Lucheng is as prosperous as ever.

Although the longevity dojo has risen, it has not affected the status of Lucheng.

After all, the Changsheng Dojo is still relatively closed.

But this day.

A terrifying momentum swept from the void.

The whole Lucheng can feel it.

"What kind of momentum is this?"

"What's going on?"

"Why do I feel an immortal aura?"

"Immortal...Immortal body? Who is immortal and has been promoted to immortality?"

"What, a fairy?"

"Look, there is a figure in the void... That is the direction of the Changsheng Dojo."

"Could it be that the Immortal Immortal has been promoted to Heavenly Immortal?"

There are many true immortals in Lucheng.

Their knowledge is not low, so they can naturally know what this momentum means at the first time.

Only those who are promoted to immortals can have such momentum.

This immortal aura fascinates them even more.

Countless true immortals came one after another, all just wanting to possess this immortal characteristic.

Unfortunately, it is too difficult for a true immortal to give birth to immortality in his body.

Lu Daxian also felt this aura.

His eyes instantly looked in the direction of Changsheng Dojo.

Compared to others, Lu Daxian controls Lucheng, so he knows very well where this aura comes from and what it means.

Even after taking control of the dojo, he could still find a very familiar feeling in this aura.

Lu Changsheng!

Yes, this is Lu Changsheng's aura.

There is a strong aura of immortality in the breath.

What this means, Lu Daxian knows very well.


This is the breath of heaven!

Lu Daxian couldn't believe his eyes.

He didn't believe it anyway.

How long has it been?

Even if Lu Changsheng is talented, even extremely talented.

However, in such a short period of time, how could Lu Changsheng become immortal and be promoted to immortality?

This is simply a fantasy!


Almost immediately, Lu Daxian flew out of Lucheng.

He quickly flew into the void.

Arriving in the void and approaching the Changsheng Dojo.

The closer he got to the Immortality Dojo, the more clearly he could feel the rich aura of immortality.

There is no doubt that his guess is correct.

Lu Changsheng has been promoted to Heavenly Immortal.

For a moment, Lu Daxian was dumbfounded.

The whole person looked completely lost.

Regarding the choice he made in Chiyue City, Lu Daxian really regretted it.

There are many immortals with similar ideas to Lu Daxian.

over time.

The news gradually spread.

Many people know that Lu Changsheng has become an immortal.

The True Immortal of Immortality has now become the Immortal Lord of Immortality!

However, the Changsheng Dojo remained calm.

Lu Changsheng completely stabilized his realm.

Now, he is already an immortal.

This longevity dojo has also changed from a true immortal dojo to a heavenly immortal dojo.

The dojo also needs transformation.

The most obvious difference is the coverage range.

The Celestial Dojo often covers a huge area.

However, Lu Changsheng had already planned the expansion of the dojo.

When he first established the Changsheng Dojo, he had already planned the subsequent expansion of the Changsheng Dojo.

Now, it’s time for the longevity dojo to expand.

As for the direction of expansion, it is naturally the Blood Lake Mountains!

Lu Changsheng's ultimate goal is to include the entire Blood Lake Mountains into the Changsheng Dojo.

Become part of the longevity dojo.

Lu Changsheng is now looking in the direction of the Blood Lake Mountains.

He had a thought in his mind.


Suddenly, the Changsheng Dojo began to expand.

And the direction is the Blood Lake Mountains.

Ten miles, a hundred miles, a thousand miles...

This time, the Changsheng Dojo decisively swept through the Blood Lake Mountains.

Of course, just the peripheral part.

But even the outer part is a huge area.


Immediately a fairy beast roared.

There are generally no fairy beasts in the peripheral areas.

However, there are exceptions.

Occasionally, fairy beasts will enter the outer area.

With the expansion of Lu Changsheng Dojo, these immortal beasts were also involved in the Changsheng Dojo.


Lu Changsheng had a thought in his mind.

Any life that is involved in the Blood Lake Mountains in the Changsheng Dojo.

Even the immortal beasts were suppressed by the power of the Changsheng Dojo.

Now the Changsheng Dojo is the Heavenly Immortal Dojo.

What does a mere fairy beast mean?

A thought can be easily suppressed.

The fairy beasts were also frightened.

This kind of power makes it fear from the bottom of its heart.

It cannot help but want to surrender.

Finally, Lu Changsheng's longevity dojo stopped.

There is no further expansion.

It stayed at the critical point between the outer and core areas of the Blood Lake Mountains.

He expanded no further.

Lu Changsheng faintly felt that there seemed to be a huge aura in the core area of ​​​​the Blood Lake Mountains, locking his longevity dojo.

Even in the Changsheng Dojo, Lu Changsheng felt a bit of pressure.

Of course, it's just pressure.

In his dojo, even immortals can be easily suppressed.

"Golden Immortal?"

"No, it shouldn't be Jinxian. Otherwise, I wouldn't just feel a little stressed."

"Is he a heavenly immortal? Or comparable to a great immortal?"

Lu Changsheng thought of a possibility.

Great Immortal Lord!

In fact, they are immortals who have survived more than one mana calamity.

The power calamity is the second of the five calamities of the celestial beings.

Most celestial beings cannot survive it.

Once a celestial being reaches the twelfth century, it will encounter the power calamity.

Those who survive it are great immortals.

Lu Changsheng estimated that even a great immortal could suppress his current dojo.

But there was no need.

The dojo had already expanded to its limit.

It could not expand any further.

Originally, he had divided the dojo into three steps.

The first step was the True Immortal Dojo.

The second step was for the dojo to encompass a part of the Blood Marsh Mountains.

The third step was to become a Golden Immortal Dojo, and then to include the entire Blood Marsh Mountains as part of the Longevity Dojo.

Of these three steps, two have been taken so far, and both have gone smoothly.

As for the third step, there is no rush.

He had just been promoted to a celestial being, and he was already thinking about the Golden Immortal Dojo.

It is not a good thing to be too ambitious.

Moreover, such a huge Longevity Dojo is already larger than many celestial immortal dojos.

That's enough!

There is another key factor.

The immortal treasure dragon-suppressing pillar in his dojo is indeed an immortal treasure that can grow.

But it seems that growing to the level of a celestial being is already the limit.

If you want to transform it into a golden immortal dojo, you need an immortal treasure of the golden immortal level.

Lu Changsheng has never even heard of this kind of immortal treasure.

"After the celestial being is the golden immortal."

"To be promoted to a celestial immortal requires an immortal body, while to be promoted to a golden immortal requires immortal mana."

"But I don't have the celestial immortal cultivation method at all..."

Countless thoughts flashed through Lu Changsheng's mind.

It is certainly important to just know the direction of cultivation.

However, it is also difficult to have only the general direction of cultivation without specific methods.

Even if Lu Changsheng wants to create his own, he needs some methods for reference.

Otherwise, it would be nothing but a mirage if he imagines it out of thin air.

Lu Changsheng needs the celestial immortal cultivation method.

Lu Changsheng immediately thought of the Immortal Lord Lieyang.

This is the only celestial being he knows.

The other party must know the celestial immortal cultivation method.

However, he and Lieyang Xianjun were not friendly at all.

Even if he went to ask for help, would the other party definitely give him a way to practice?

I'm afraid not.

However, there was another place where Lu Changsheng knew there must be a way for the immortals to practice.

However, that place was very dangerous.

"The battlefield outside the sky..."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

Now that he had become a celestial immortal, it would not be long before someone came to him and asked him to go to the battlefield outside the sky.

Lu Changsheng's guess was right.

Only a few months after he became a celestial immortal, three celestial immortals descended.

The three immortals stood outside the Changsheng Daochang, exuding a terrifying aura.

However, they were very obedient and waited quietly outside the Daochang.

Lu Changsheng welcomed the three people into the Changsheng Daochang.

Soon, the three people came to the main hall.

When they saw Lu Changsheng, they immediately revealed their identities.

"We are the immortals of the Heavenly Court."

"We are here to send a conscription order to Fellow Daoist Lu."

"Please accept the order, Fellow Daoist Lu."

One of the immortals threw out a token.

Lu Changsheng grabbed it.

The token had the words "Heavenly Court" on it.

"Heavenly Court?"

Lu Changsheng's heart sank.

He had naturally heard of the Heavenly Court.

It is said to be a very ancient organization in the heavens.

But the Heavenly Court hardly intervenes in the internal affairs of the heavens and has no sense of existence.

It is like an idle force.

However, now it seems that the previous rumors about the Heavenly Court seem to be only half right.

The Heavenly Court is not without a sense of existence.

It is not loose.

It is not aimed at things inside the heavens.

The Heavenly Court targets things outside the heavens.

Especially the battlefield outside the heavens.

Anyone who is marked to enter the heavens outside the heavens belongs to the Heavenly Court.

"Daoyou Lu, there are specific contents in the call-up order, you will know it as soon as you sense it."

"Okay, we will leave after issuing the call-up order."

"However, one last reminder. You must dare to go to the Heavenly Court headquarters before the deadline. If you don't arrive on time, no matter what the reason, the Heavenly Court headquarters will send Golden Immortal law enforcers to forcibly arrest you or even kill you!"

After saying that, the three of them turned around and left.

They didn't communicate with Lu Changsheng at all.

They really just came to issue a call-up order.

"Call-up order..."

Lu Changsheng knew that the contents of the call-up were all inside the call-up order.

So he concentrated his consciousness and entered the call-up order.


Sure enough, there were many contents in the call-up order.

They were all about signs.

For example, where is the Heavenly Court headquarters.

Another example is the deadline.

The call-up order gave quite a lot of time for this deadline.

It actually gave a hundred years!

Yes, a hundred years.

A hundred years, let the immortals deal with all the matters behind them.

Giving such ample time to deal with the affairs around the immortals can only mean one thing.

Once you go to the outer battlefield, it will be difficult to come back.

"One hundred years..."

This time is not worth mentioning for many true immortals.

It almost flies in the blink of an eye.

But for Lu Changsheng, it is very long.

He is only more than two hundred years old now, not yet three hundred years old.

A hundred years is enough for him to deal with anything.

"Boundary Sea..."

Lu Changsheng thought of the boundary sea.

He wanted to go back to the boundary sea.

Even Lu Changsheng wanted to fight for the "opportunity" in the boundary sea.

However, it is not easy to descend to the boundary sea.

The descending channel is controlled by several large forces.

These large forces are all celestial forces.

However, isn't Lu Changsheng a celestial now?

He alone can compete with those forces.

"Wait, if it is other lower realms, a descending channel may be needed."

"But I myself ascended from the boundary sea, and I am a life form in the boundary sea."

"Plus, I still have a clone in the boundary sea, which is equivalent to the coordinates, giving me the opportunity to locate the boundary sea."

"I can try to descend directly to the boundary sea!"

Lu Changsheng's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance.

Generally speaking, immortals cannot descend to the lower realm.

Because coordinates are needed.

If coordinates are not needed, then it is very simple for immortals to descend to the lower realm.

Because celestial immortals can open up a road to heaven by themselves, that is, a descending channel.

This is not too difficult for celestial immortals.

However, the position coordinates are very critical.

The first road to heaven in the boundary sea was actually the position coordinates.

With that road to heaven, immortals will continue to descend, and use this to determine the coordinates and open the descending channels again.

But Lu Changsheng doesn't need it.

Because Lu Changsheng himself has a clone in the boundary sea.

That is the location coordinate.

However, Lu Changsheng can't sense the clone in the boundary sea now.

But this is not a difficult task.

Lu Changsheng's mind moved.


Suddenly, the void was broken.

After Lu Changsheng used the power of the immortals and the power of the dojo, breaking the space was easy.

He could even use the power of the dojo to maintain this space channel.

As Lu Changsheng opened the space and forcibly dug out a space channel, Lu Changsheng could feel a strong resistance trying to restore the space.

But this is the Changsheng Dojo.

Lu Changsheng's Changsheng Dojo can continuously maintain the space channel.


Suddenly, Lu Changsheng seemed to sense something.

At the moment when the space channel was formed, Lu Changsheng, with the perception of a celestial being, sensed that something seemed to be closely related to him somewhere far away.


Without a doubt, it must be the avatar he left in the boundary sea.

He really sensed the avatar in the boundary sea.

However, Lu Changsheng was not in a hurry.

He found the Great Axe Immortal.

And told the Great Axe Immortal about the descent channel.

"I am going to descend to the boundary sea. Do you want to go back and take a look?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

The Great Axe Immortal shook his head and said, "I have no concerns in the boundary sea for a long time."

The Great Axe Immortal did not want to go back.

This is normal.

After all, the Great Axe Immortal is different from Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng has been practicing for a short time, and he still has some concerns in the boundary sea.

But the Great Axe Immortal has been in the fairyland for a long time.

He has no relatives and friends for a long time.

He is almost free of worries.

As for competing for any opportunity, he is even less interested.

He has now had the opportunity to overcome the physical tribulation, and he is very satisfied.

Why go to the boundary sea?

Even if there is an opportunity in the boundary sea, it is impossible for him to achieve immortality and become a celestial being.

"Well, I'm relieved that you are in the Taoist temple."

"Go ahead, tell others that I will be in seclusion for a while."

Lu Changsheng waved his hand, and the Giant Axe Immortal turned and left.

Looking at the back of the Giant Axe Immortal leaving, Lu Changsheng closed the secret room.

He still has a hundred years.

Such a long time is enough for him to descend to the boundary sea.

Even look for opportunities in the boundary sea.

Yes, Lu Changsheng also knows that there are opportunities in the boundary sea.

There was once an ancient golden immortal in the boundary sea, who fell in the boundary sea because of the five decays of the celestial beings.

This ancient golden immortal may have left many treasures and opportunities.

This is a golden immortal!

So many immortals descended to the boundary sea. This was not the first time, but the second or even the third time.

Before, in the ancient times and ancient times of the boundary sea, immortals had descended.

The purpose is to compete for the opportunity of becoming a Golden Immortal.

Unfortunately, after several wars.

The immortal forces have made agreements with each other.

Celestial Immortals are not allowed to descend to the Sea of ​​Boundaries.

But Lu Changsheng is different.

He is not one of those immortal forces.

He only represents himself.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng doesn't bother to pay attention to those agreements.

At that time, if he descends to the Sea of ​​Boundaries, he will be a Celestial Immortal, sweeping across the sea, who can resist?

At most, he will get the opportunity of treasures, and then he will go to the battlefield outside the sky.

What can those immortal forces do?

What's more, Lu Changsheng even doubts whether those immortal forces still have celestial immortals in charge?

After all, it is not easy for celestial immortals to go to the battlefield outside the sky and come back.

Lu Changsheng reopened the space channel, and following that special induction, he opened another channel in a directional way.

This channel is very difficult.

This channel must be maintained at all times.

Otherwise, the channel will collapse at any time.

True immortals don't have this kind of power at all.

Only celestial immortals have this power to maintain a space channel.

Moreover, Lu Changsheng had a double preparation.

He also had a clone in the dojo.

He let the clone mobilize the power of the dojo to maintain the space channel.

This is double insurance.

He was not afraid that the space passage would collapse, which would make it difficult for Lu Changsheng to return.

Moreover, with the help of the dojo to maintain the passage, Lu Changsheng was obviously more relaxed.

Soon, a space channel was formed.

Lu Changsheng no longer hesitated and flew directly into the space passage.


Pressure, endless space pressure, constantly acted on Lu Changsheng.

This spatial pressure is all too familiar.

Lu Changsheng had encountered this kind of pressure when he "ascended" from the Heavenly Road to the Heaven Realm.

Lu Changsheng was almost crushed into powder by the pressure of space.

In the end, I had to rely on Hongchenxian's analytical ability to gradually support her ascension to heaven.

But now this familiar space pressure appears again, still acting on Lu Changsheng.

However, it is no longer what it used to be.

Lu Changsheng allowed the space pressure to act on his body.

To him, an immortal, it was simply not worth mentioning.

Not much pressure at all.

The terrifying space pressure in the past is now almost like scratching an itch.

However, the only troublesome thing is going from heaven to the sea, which is like sailing against the current.

We must face the terrifying space torrent.

And from the boundary sea to the heaven, it follows the torrent of space.

There is a big difference between the two.

This is also why it is difficult for immortals to descend to the lower realm.

It is because the torrent of space is like sailing against the current, which is very difficult.

But Lu Changsheng was happy and unafraid.

He sensed Jiehai's clone.

Although every step is very slow, it is very firm and steady.

Step by step, the space channel is constantly opened.

He firmly believes that this space passage leads to the boundary sea.

As time goes by.

Lu Changsheng was swimming in the torrent of space, like a mainstay, letting it be washed away by the torrent of space.


"It should be right here!"

Suddenly, Lu Changsheng stopped.

Here, he has the strongest feeling for the Jiehai clone.

He could sense that the Jiehai clone was here.


Lu Changsheng punched out.

Suddenly, the space barrier was blown open instantly.

Lu Changsheng suddenly felt a familiar aura.

Boundary sea!

Yes, this is the boundary sea!

Lu Changsheng turned around again.

Unknowingly, he had opened up a stable space channel behind him.

If he returns to the Heaven Realm from the Boundary Sea in the future, he won't have to work so hard.

You can follow this space passage and return directly to the heaven.

"Jiehai, I'm back..."

Lu Changsheng's calm state of mind couldn't help but stir up a few ripples.

Then, Lu Changsheng stepped forward and instantly emerged from the space passage.

In the cold and dark boundary sea, there are dozens of ancestors and three heavenly immortals confronting each other.

The Immortal in the Heaven Realm is now the ruler of the Realm Sea.

They mobilized all the resources and forces they could mobilize to find the treasure of the ancient golden immortal.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

However, some heavenly immortals plan to take another path, which is to expel or even kill other heavenly immortals as much as possible, then monopolize the entire boundary sea, and then mobilize the forces in the boundary sea to search for them.

When the time comes, it will definitely be fruitful.

At this moment, the three heavenly immortals in the boundary sea, leading their masters, are attacking each other.

"Liuguang True Immortal, let's capture him without any effort. Are all the True Immortals in your Tianyan Dojo almost dead? No matter how stubborn you are in resisting, you will not be able to escape the fate of your demise!"

Two of these three heavenly immortals should be from the same force.

They are besieging True Immortal Liuguang.

Immortal Liuguang looked very ugly.

The situation of Tianyan Dojo is indeed over.

Immortal Lord Tianyan went to the outer battlefield and has not returned yet.

And almost all the true immortals in Tianyan Dojo have reached the boundary sea.

The result?

Almost all were killed or injured.

If this continues, the true immortal of Tianyan Dojo will die.

At this time, unless Tianyan Immortal Lord personally comes to an end, Tianyan Dojo will almost be declared a failure.

Immortal Liuguang looked very ugly.

He sighed and said: "You, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, are wealthy and powerful. That's all, my Tianyan Dojo cannot compete with you, so Tianyan Dojo will withdraw from the competition in the world sea..."

True Immortal Liuguang made a decision.

He is the confidant of Tianyan Immortal Lord.

If Tianyan Immortal Lord leaves Tianyan Dojo, then the entire dojo will be dominated by True Immortal Liuguang.

Although he is not a great immortal himself.

But with the combination of various immortal treasures, their strength is comparable to that of a great immortal.

Unfortunately, facing the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, even True Immortal Liuguang can only admit defeat.

The forces in the boundary sea are now led by the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

Those who follow will prosper and those who go against will perish.

Basically, it is about to unify the entire world sea.

Of course, even if they dominate the entire world sea, their purpose is to find the treasures left by the ancient golden immortal.

Now we are just competing with many forces in the heaven.

The leader of the Celestial Immortal Alliance is a great immortal.

He was satisfied.

True Fairy Liuguang made a right choice.

Otherwise, it would not be that easy to surround and kill the True Immortal Liuguang.

Even if both of them are great immortals, they may still have to pay a price.

Now that True Immortal Liuguang is taking the initiative to retreat, that would be the best thing.


At this moment, the void twisted.

It even stirred up a few spatial ripples.

Then, a descending channel appeared instantly, and it was not far from the three immortals.

They could see the space channel that appeared in the void at a glance.

"That is... the descending channel!"

"Is there an immortal coming to the boundary sea?"

For a moment, the faces of the two great immortals of the Ten Thousand Immortals League suddenly changed.

However, the descending channels are basically controlled by the antenna forces of all parties.

There is no descending channel here.

But what is the matter with this descending channel that appears now?

Could it be that this is a hidden descending channel?

For a moment, the two immortals of the Ten Thousand Immortals League were like facing a great enemy.

They wanted to see who was descending to the boundary sea?


Finally, a figure stepped out of the space channel.

"I'm back, the boundary sea..."

A faint sigh echoed in the void.

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