Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 414 Sweeping across the Heavenly Immortal Stairs, all the immortals were shocked!

Ba, a life form with a very strong body among the life forms outside the sky.

Its body strength is comparable to that of an immortal body.

Not only that, but it is also extremely powerful, extremely fast, and extremely powerful.

It is basically equivalent to an immortal king of the physical immortal way.

Ba's strongest point is its body. Even if it is an immortal king of the physical immortal way, as long as it is not a flesh and blood immortal way, then in a head-on confrontation with the physical body, it is probably not as good as Ba.

In the battlefield outside the sky, Ba is also very difficult to deal with.

Many immortal kings even have to rely on immortal treasures to suppress Ba.

However, now on the Heavenly Immortal Ladder, immortal kings are not allowed to use immortal treasures, which is very beneficial to Ba, but for immortal kings, it is almost a disaster.

Without immortal treasures, I am afraid that many immortal kings are not Ba's opponents.

Although Lu Changsheng is not famous in the Heavenly Court and is not eye-catching. But there is only one Heavenly Immortal Ladder, and now it is Lu Changsheng's turn, and some people are still paying attention.

When they saw Lu Changsheng encounter "Ba" on the first step, they were all surprised.

"This immortal king encountered Ba on the first step, it's really unlucky."

"Yes, without the immortal treasure, our immortal king will be at a disadvantage when facing Ba. Most likely he can't even get through the first step. It's really unlucky."

"However, if the immortal kings behind him encounter Ba one after another, the elimination rate will be very high and the speed will be very fast. It may be our turn soon."

"I wonder how long this immortal king can hold out against Ba?"

Some immortal kings below were also whispering.

Of course, they were not talking about Lu Changsheng, but Ba.

After all, the probability of encountering Ba in the outer battlefield is still very high.

Now they can understand Ba's combat methods in advance and get familiar with Ba, which will also be good for these immortal kings to enter the outer battle in the future.

As for Lu Changsheng defeating Ba?

That's too difficult.

Without knowing Lu Changsheng, not many immortals thought that Lu Changsheng could defeat Ba.

At this moment, on the first step, Lu Changsheng was also a little surprised.

He met Ba for the first time.

It is said that Ba is known for his strength and has infinite power.

Only immortals of the flesh and blood immortal path can fight against him.

Coincidentally, Lu Changsheng has three immortal paths, one of which is the flesh and blood immortal path.



Ba is very fierce.

He rushed towards Lu Changsheng at the first time.

The speed was so fast that it was like a ray of light, and it arrived in front of Lu Changsheng in the blink of an eye.

However, Lu Changsheng reacted quickly.

He also punched out.

Moreover, the flesh and blood fruit in Lu Changsheng's body shook violently.

The magical power burst out instantly, and collided fiercely with Ba's fist.


The first step of the heavenly immortal ladder seemed to be shaking.

Many immortals below were slightly startled.

They were surprised.

Someone would choose to fight Ba head-on?

"Could it be that this immortal king became an immortal through the immortal way of blood and flesh?"

"I'm afraid that's true."

"The immortal way of blood and flesh is so powerful that it can really fight with Ba and even suppress Ba!"

Originally, many immortal kings didn't care about Lu Changsheng, but now their eyes lit up.

The immortal way of blood and flesh!

That is known as the best in combat power.

The combat power of being able to become a celestial immortal through the immortal way of blood and flesh is even more amazing.

In the battlefield outside the sky, many immortal kings need to rely on immortal treasures.

Of course, immortal treasures are the characteristics of the immortals.

Immortal treasures are also the power of the immortals.

However, only the immortals of the immortal way of blood and flesh do not need to rely on immortal treasures at all, and they can compete with the life outside the sky.

Even the combat power is very terrifying.

However, even in the heavenly realm, there are very few immortals who follow the immortal way of blood and flesh, let alone become celestial immortals.

Unexpectedly, there is such an immortal king who follows the immortal way of blood and flesh.

Lu Changsheng doesn't care what the people below think.

This time, he really only used his magical power, which was completely the power of the flesh and blood fruit.

Plus the power of the immortal body.

Such a terrifying power, Ba couldn't bear it and was directly knocked away.

However, Ba was not blown up by a punch, which shows that his physical body is strong. Instead, he flew back.

Lu Changsheng had some understanding of Ba's strength in his heart.

The next moment, he punched out.

"Boom boom boom boom".

Suddenly, it seemed that the sky was full of fist shadows.

The speed was so fast that it was incredible.

Countless fist shadows were finally imprinted on Ba.


Finally, Ba was blown up.

However, although Ba's physical body was strong, it did not have the immortal power of the immortal body.

Being blown up was equivalent to death.

This point is not as good as the immortal.

But in terms of physical strength, the immortal is not as good as Ba.

Who is better or worse depends on their respective cultivation systems.

Anyway, in the outer battlefield, most immortals cannot suppress Ba without the help of immortal treasures.

Watching the first level of the Celestial Stairs, Ba was directly blown up and turned into a ball of blood mist, and the immortals below the entire Celestial Stairs gradually quieted down.

All eyes were on the Celestial Stairs.

They were a little shocked.

That was Ba.

He was blown up by force, and with bare hands.

The key is that the opponent is not a great immortal.

He does not have the aura of having survived the mana catastrophe.

He is not a great immortal, but he can blow up Ba.

This is undoubtedly very difficult.

A flesh and blood immortal will most likely be outstanding in the outer battlefield.

"Amazing! After such a long time, an interesting Immortal Lord finally appeared."

"The first level of the Heavenly Immortal Stairs is so powerful that I defeated Ba. I wonder which level I will reach in the end?"

"The first three steps should be fine. I even think we should be able to get to the sixth step."

"The sixth floor? That depends on luck."

"Who is this Immortal Lord? He is so faceless..."

Many immortal kings began to whisper.

I want to find out the identity of Lu Changsheng.

However, Lu Changsheng's rise was too fast.

And it's a quiet corner.

Now that he suddenly joined Heaven, not many people knew his identity.

Therefore, no one knew who Lu Changsheng was despite asking around.

Lu Changsheng had no idea that his battle just now had caused such a huge response.

However, even if they knew it, they probably wouldn't care.

Lu Changsheng was just happy.

The battle just now really made him feel happy.

His magical power has not been used to much effect for a long time.

Lu Changsheng basically uses the virtual world now.

But if you think about it carefully, although the virtual world is very powerful, it also has limitations.

It can only be targeted at spiritually conscious beings.

What if the other person has no mental awareness?

Then Lu Changsheng's virtual world will have no effect. At that time, he will still have to rely on magical powers or magical powers to swallow spirits.

Three Dao fruits, three magical powers, none of them can be given up, they all need to go hand in hand.

Currently, only the flesh and blood fruit has the lowest progress.

Less than 50%, only 26% progress.

Far lower than the progress of the Red Dust Dao Fruit and the All Souls Dao Fruit.

"The Flesh Dao Fruit needs to be refined into pure flesh and blood before it can be improved, and it is not just ordinary flesh and blood."

"I wonder if this can work?"

Lu Changsheng hesitated.

After all, this is extraterrestrial life.

It is different from the life in heaven.

Once it is refined rashly, what if something happens?

However, this demon's physical body is indeed very powerful.

Now that it was blown apart and there was blood and flesh everywhere, Lu Changsheng decided to put it away first.

I'll analyze it slowly later.


So, Lu Changsheng collected all the flesh and blood.

As for whether to refine it or not, we can wait until we analyze it later.

As long as there are no problems after analysis, it can be refined.

Lu Changsheng passed the first level of the Immortal Stairs, and then he set foot on the second level of the Immortal Stairs and the third level of the Immortal Stairs.

These two levels of the Celestial Immortal Stairs also encountered extraterrestrial beings at the Celestial Immortal level.

However, their strength was not as good as that of Ba, and they were beaten to pieces by Lu Changsheng.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng quickly passed through the first three levels and entered the fourth level of the Immortal Stairs.

However, it's different when you reach the fourth level of the Immortal Staircase.

Even if you can pass the first three levels of the Immortal Stairs, you will still have no immortal skills.

But starting from the fourth level of the Immortal Ladder, you can gain one hundred immortal skills for each level you pass.

Don't underestimate the One Hundred Immortal Skills.

These hundred immortal skills would not be so easy to obtain if they were on the outer battlefield.

Even difficult.

You have to work hard to get one hundred immortal skills.

But on the ladder of immortality, there is no need to work hard.

If there is danger, the Immortal Staircase will protect the Immortal Lord and directly send the Immortal Lord down the Immortal Staircase.

Therefore, you don’t have to worry at all when trying to reach the Immortal Stairway. You won’t have any worries and you can go all out.

On the fourth level of the Heavenly Immortal Stairs, Lu Changsheng stood ready and looked very cautious.


Soon, a figure appeared on the fourth level of the Immortal Stairs.

This figure does not look tall.

Just, very dark.

It's really dark and I can't even see what it looks like.

It was like a black shadow.

However, upon seeing this figure, the expressions of many of the Immortal Lords below changed.

"Extraterrestrial beings, ShadowClan?"

"It's actually the Shadow Clan. Why is such a difficult Shadow Clan on the fourth level?"

"It's never happened before. I don't know if this Immortal Lord is unlucky or lucky, but he actually met the Shadow Clan."

"The Shadow Clan is actually not very powerful in combat, but it is very difficult to deal with because it can hardly be killed. Only certain special fairy treasures can kill these Shadow Clan."

"Yes, the Shadow Clan claims to walk in the shadows. They don't even have a specific appearance, just a group of black shadows, but they are very difficult to deal with and can even possess the immortal. If you are not careful, the Immortal Lord will be captured by the Shadow Clan. influence, even be controlled.”

"The Shadow Clan is very dangerous. It is said that after possessing it, it will also attack the spirit, making it difficult to guard against."

Many immortals still know about ShadowClan.

Very difficult.

There are many immortal-level beings on the outer battlefield.

But what many Fairy Clan dislike the most is ShadowClan.

It's really very difficult.

It's disgusting even if you can't beat him to death.

Once it gets on it, it can't be shaken off.

Lu Changsheng also knew about the Shadow Clan, but he had never seen it. He only learned about some of the characteristics of the Shadow Clan in the cave and on the jade slips in Heaven.

"Hard to kill?"

Lu Changsheng's eyes flashed.


The next moment, he punched out.

This punch is very powerful.

It was so strong that with one punch, the void shook faintly.

Immediately afterwards, the Shadow Clan was hit by Lu Changsheng's punch and exploded.

Yes, it just exploded.

A group of black shadows suddenly exploded into dozens of black shadows.

Lu Changsheng was slightly startled.

Dozens of black shadows mean dozens of shadow clans.

This is what ShadowClan does.


The key is that these clones have the same aura.

Even the immortals can hardly tell them apart.

Only by real contact can you find out which ones are clones and which ones are real bodies.

But once they really come into contact, it will be troublesome for the immortals.

"It is indeed a bit weird."

"But I don't believe they are invincible."

Lu Changsheng doesn't believe that the Shadow Clan can be immortal.

If they are really immortal, wouldn't the Shadow Clan be invincible in the outer battlefield?

Lu Changsheng punched again and again.

Each punch was earth-shattering, and the Shadow Clan was blown up again and again.

But clones are clones, and they are directly annihilated.

But the real bodies of the Shadow Clan are deliberately splitting into clones, so in front of Lu Changsheng, it seems that the number of Shadow Clan clones is increasing.


"These Shadow Clan clones are not worth mentioning. As for being difficult to kill, it is difficult to erase their bodies."

"In that case..."

Lu Changsheng's mind moved.

Suddenly, the Wanling Dao Fruit shook slightly.

"Magic power, swallowing souls!"

A huge black hole suddenly appeared in the void.

It seemed extremely deep and mysterious.

And a terrible suction force came from the black hole.

Under this suction force, dozens of Shadow Clan clones were swallowed up at once.

All of a sudden, the immortals were in an uproar.

They were well-informed and naturally understood what was going on.

"Heaven-granted magical power, this is the second heaven-granted magical power!"

"To have the second heaven-granted magical power, that means he has two Dao fruits?"

"An immortal king with two Dao fruits, that is a genius-level existence, how can he be unknown?"

"This second heaven-granted magical power seems to be extraordinary. He has two Dao fruits, and both magical powers are extraordinary, which shows that his foundation is deep, far beyond that of ordinary immortal kings. This is a golden immortal foundation!"

"Although I know that the Heavenly Court is full of talents and has gathered talented and powerful people from all sides, I didn't expect to see a powerful immortal king with a golden immortal foundation so soon. No wonder he is not a great immortal king, but can easily kill Ba, it turns out that he has a golden immortal foundation."

"However, this magical power is indeed very strong, it seems to be a devouring magical power. But can it wipe out the shadow clan? Don't forget, the shadow clan can possess..."

For a moment, almost all the immortals looked at the fourth level of the Heavenly Immortal Ladder and fell on Lu Changsheng.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng's mind was completely in the black hole of the Soul Devouring Divine Power.

He could clearly feel that the Soul Devouring Divine Power was constantly destroying the Shadow Clan.

As for the Shadow Clan's clones?

At the moment when they were devoured by the Soul Devouring Divine Power, they were all destroyed.

After all, the current Soul Devouring Divine Power is no longer what it used to be. It has exceeded 50% of the progress, which is a huge qualitative change.


In just a moment, a smile appeared on Lu Changsheng's face.

The extremely difficult Shadow Clan could not hold on for a few breaths and was completely destroyed by the Soul Devouring Divine Power.

"The Soul Devouring Divine Power is no longer what it used to be. It has exceeded 50% of the progress and its power has increased greatly."

"More importantly, the so-called immortal ability of the Shadow Clan seems to be restrained by the Soul Devouring Divine Power. Without this immortal ability, the Shadow Clan is nothing to me. I can destroy it with one magic power!"

Many thoughts flashed through Lu Changsheng's mind.

The Shadow Clan may be really difficult to deal with, but that is for other immortals.

For Lu Changsheng, with the Soul Devouring Divine Power, the Shadow Clan is nothing.

Seeing that Lu Changsheng actually wiped out the Shadow Clan, many immortals were shocked.

"Even the Shadow Clan can be easily wiped out. If this immortal goes to the outer battlefield, he will definitely be like a fish in water."

"First it was the Ba, then the Shadow Clan, neither of which could stop this immortal."

"I'm afraid the first six levels are no longer difficult for this immortal."

"Can he get through the seventh level?"

Many immortals did not despise him, but became very solemn.

In fact, it was the same as these immortals expected.

After the Shadow Clan on the fourth level was easily wiped out by Lu Changsheng, some extraterrestrial life also appeared on the fifth and sixth levels, but Lu Changsheng easily got through them with the help of his magical power and the Soul Devouring Divine Power.

From the fourth to the sixth level, Lu Changsheng got through one by one and obtained three hundred immortal skills.

For Lu Changsheng, this was really not difficult at all.

Now he has stepped into the seventh level.

Lu Changsheng knew very well that the seventh level was a threshold.

Many powerful great immortals fell on the seventh level.

The reward for each level from the seventh to the ninth level was one thousand immortal merits.

It was more than the immortal merits obtained from the fourth to the sixth levels combined.

This shows how difficult the seventh level was.

It was very difficult to pass the seventh level.

However, Lu Changsheng was very calm.

He successfully stepped onto the seventh level.


Soon, a dark figure appeared on the seventh level.

It was a human figure overall.

However, seeing this figure, many immortals were shocked.

"This is... the demon clan!"

"It is really a very rare demon clan. I didn't expect this immortal to encounter the demon clan."

"Humph, the demon clan are all traitors, and they are the fallen people lured by the ghost clan..."

The immortals saw this figure, and their tone was very angry.

This was much more angry than seeing the shadow clan.

Even, undisguised murderous intent emanated from many immortals.

It seemed that they had a deep hatred for these demons.

"The demon race... the immortal race that was seduced, corrupted, and eventually transformed by the You Clan!"

"That means you were once an immortal, or even an immortal king!"

Lu Changsheng stared at the figure in front of him.

To put it simply, the demon race is the traitor among the immortals.

They betrayed the immortals and joined the You Clan.

And they were transformed by the You Clan and completely became a member of the extraterrestrial life.

The inky black demon looked at Lu Changsheng and spoke slowly: "Yes, I used to be a high and mighty immortal. However, immortals are also afraid of death. I don't want to die, so I can only surrender to the You Clan in desperation."

"I didn't expect that you would still catch me and throw me on the Heavenly Immortal Ladder, becoming a whetstone for you immortals."

"But whetstone or demon. I just want to live. As long as there is a chance to live, I will do my best at all costs!"

"Moreover, you immortals who have not yet entered the battlefield outside the sky are just a group of cannon fodder. I know all your methods. But can you know mine?"

The demons laughed.

They laughed unscrupulously.

Anyone who becomes a demon has abandoned everything.

They will do anything.

However, they will not betray the You Clan.

Because they were transformed into demons, and it was the You Clan who transformed them.

Once they face the You Clan again, the demons will be controlled by the You Clan.

Therefore, the captured demons could not be thrown back to the battlefield outside the sky to fight with the ghosts. They could only be thrown to the steps of the heavenly immortals to become the whetstones of the immortals.

But we have to admit that these demons are very strong.

Whether they can be honed successfully depends on the strength of the immortals.


The next moment, the demons moved.

The opponent is very familiar with the fighting style of the immortals.

A black knife in his hand.

It seems very inconspicuous.

But it has come to Lu Changsheng in an instant.

One knife cut out.

Fast, accurate, and ruthless.

There is no earth-shattering movement.

There is only the strongest power gathered on this knife.

This knife made Lu Changsheng feel threatened.

It seems that if this knife is cut, even his immortal body will collapse.

This is also the special feature of the demons.

After the transformation of the ghosts.

The attack of the demons seems to be able to break the immortal bodies of the immortals and kill them.

Of course, that would take some effort.

An immortal body is an immortal body after all.

It is not so easy to collapse or annihilate.

But the demons can indeed hurt or even kill the immortals.


Unexpectedly, Lu Changsheng seemed to do nothing.

He let the knife pierce into his body.


"How could he let the demons attack his body?"

"Too arrogant. Even if the immortal has an immortal body, the demons have been transformed by the ghosts and have the ability to hurt or even annihilate the immortal body. Once hit by them, they will be seriously injured if they don't die."

"Even if this immortal has two Dao fruits and two divine powers. But if he is so arrogant and hit, it will be difficult. He will most likely stop at the seventh level of the celestial ladder."

"What a pity..."

Seeing that Lu Changsheng didn't even block and was stabbed by the demons' knife.

Many immortals were shocked.

But then they felt sorry.

The strength of the demon race is well known.

Even the immortal body can't stop it.

Using the immortal body to resist the demon race, the end is not much better.

Not only were many immortals below shocked, but even the demons themselves were shocked.

He didn't expect Lu Changsheng to not even move, and endured his knife.

What was Lu Changsheng thinking?

But the demons wouldn't delay.

He tried to burst out with stronger power and annihilate Lu Changsheng's body in one fell swoop.


The next moment, the knife light burst out.

The terrifying power instantly submerged Lu Changsheng's body.

It was as if Lu Changsheng's body was cut into pieces.


However, the demons were not happy.

He had a strange feeling in his heart.

He had just torn Lu Changsheng's body.

But there was a feeling that something was wrong.

Very wrong.

Was that really the other party's body?

"No, not the body..."

The demons seemed to have thought of something and turned around suddenly.

Behind him, Lu Changsheng stood intact behind him.

He even looked like he had not suffered any damage.

"How is it possible?"

The demons could not believe their eyes.

Although he was captured alive and thrown to the Heavenly Immortal Stairs, he was not captured alive by the Immortal Lord, but by the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Facing the level of the Immortal Lord, he was still very confident.

He had killed some Immortal Lords in the battlefield outside the sky.

But facing Lu Changsheng, he felt an extremely dangerous feeling in his heart.

How could his sword not be able to seriously injure the opponent?

He was not even injured.

This was beyond his cognition.


The demons roared again.

A sword slashed out, and it seemed to turn into countless sword shadows, covering Lu Changsheng's body, sweeping towards Lu Changsheng, and slashing fiercely.


The entire Heavenly Immortal Stairs was shaking.

Countless knife shadows had been slashed down, and Lu Changsheng had no way to avoid them, and was covered by the knife light.

This time, Lu Changsheng definitely could not avoid them.

However, when the smoke and dust cleared, Lu Changsheng's figure disappeared again.

"If this is all you have, then I am very disappointed."

Lu Changsheng's voice came from behind the demons again.


The demons turned around suddenly.

After seeing Lu Changsheng still intact, his face was full of shock.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

How could he be intact again?

He knew that the immortal's body was immortal.

But he was also an immortal.

He also had an immortal body.

But even if the immortal walked the flesh and blood immortal path, his body would never be so strong.

Even his full-strength attack could not do anything.

The immortals were definitely not so strong!

However, compared with the madness of the demons, many immortals below frowned and were stunned.

What did they see?

The demons were just swinging their knives, slashing around Lu Changsheng.

The knife auras were terrifying.

It looked amazing.

But what was it actually like?

They didn't even touch Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng had been standing there all the time, not even moving.

It felt like the demon had gone crazy on its own.

What was going on?

However, Lu Changsheng was definitely not lucky.

That demon wouldn't go crazy for no reason.

"Is it an illusion?"

Some people guessed it.

Illusions would lead to this situation.

However, the demons were once immortals, so what kind of illusion could confuse a former immortal?

That was impossible!

However, the facts were right in front of us.

Lu Changsheng also roughly knew the strength of the demons, and he was too lazy to delay any longer.

"Magic power, great strength!"

He punched out, landing directly on the demon.


The demon's body exploded instantly.

Although the demons were once immortals, they had immortal bodies.

But after being transformed into a demon by the You Clan, their strength may be stronger, but they have lost their immortal bodies.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng's punch blew up the demons and directly annihilated them.

The opponent was like a living target.

There was no resistance at all, and they stood there stupidly and were blown up by Lu Changsheng's punch.


A powerful demon was killed by Lu Changsheng.

Even the whole process seemed a bit "child's play".

But the demons did die.

Many people were full of doubts.

I don't know what happened.

Only Lu Changsheng knew.

The demons were not crazy, nor were they illusions.

It was the virtual world!

Lu Changsheng used the virtual world.

However, the virtual world was too hidden. Lu Changsheng dragged the demons into the virtual world, and even the demons themselves didn't feel anything, let alone other immortals.

With the current perfection of the virtual world, it was easy for Lu Changsheng to trap the demons.

Then the rest of the matter was easy.

The demons were trapped in the virtual world, so their bodies naturally became live targets and were blown up by Lu Changsheng's magical power.

Therefore, in the eyes of the immortals below, Lu Changsheng seemed to be easier to deal with the demons than in the previous six levels.

Then came the eighth and ninth levels.

They were all demons.

Of course, they were not ordinary demons.

They were demons equivalent to the three-tribulation and six-tribulation great immortals.

What was the result?

Lu Changsheng still used the same method to easily blow up the two demons and successfully passed the ninth level.

Seeing this scene, many immortals were stunned and speechless for a long time.

Are the demons so weak?

No, the demons are not weak.

If the demons are weak, how come there are so many immortals, but no one can pass the seventh level?

It's not that the demons are weak, but that Lu Changsheng is too strong!

All the immortals were wrong.

Lu Changsheng didn't even use his full strength from the first to the sixth level.

He didn't even seem to have used his full strength from the seventh to the ninth level.

Could it be that Lu Changsheng could really make it through the tenth level?

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