Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 427 Simulating the long river of time, the virtual world moves!



Almost the top existences of the Immortal Clan and the Nether Clan appeared.

The Emperor of the Nether Clan is equivalent to Daozu.

As for the ancestor of the Nether Clan, that is another level, above the Emperor and Daozu.

Daozu and Emperor have fought countless times in the chaos, but neither can do anything to the other.

They have basically stopped fighting for a long time.

But now the Emperor of the Nether Clan suddenly appeared, even deep into the heaven.

This is obviously abnormal.

"Boom boom".

Daozu made a move.

His move was thunderous.

The whole Immortal Palace was shaking.

It became fragmented in the blink of an eye.

Countless Immortal Lords and Immortal Venerables retreated.

This is Daozu and Emperor.

Once they start, even if it is just a little aftermath, other immortals can't bear it.

Lu Changsheng is also among the many Immortal Lords and Immortal Venerables.

Now, he is also powerless in the face of this level of war.

He can't get involved at all.

"Kuhai Immortal Venerable, what's going on?"

Lu Changsheng saw Kuhai Immortal Venerable, flew up immediately and asked.

Kuhai Immortal Venerable also had a solemn face. He shook his head and said, "I don't know what the You Clan is doing? Logically speaking, the Emperor of the You Clan would not be so reckless to go deep into the Heaven Realm. After all, in the Heaven Realm, Daozu can mobilize the power of the origin of the Heaven Realm, which is an absolute advantage. The Emperor of the You Clan tried several times before, but all ended in failure. Now he is using the same trick again, and he must have a plan!"

Kuhai Immortal Venerable, even if he is Taiyi Immortal Venerable, is not clear about what happened now.

In the Heaven Realm, Daozu will be blessed by the Heaven Realm.

This is determined by the immortal cultivation system.

Even if the Emperor and Daozu are at the same level, Daozu is stronger than the Emperor in the Heaven Realm.

The Emperor naturally knows this situation.

Under normal circumstances, he will never go to the interior of the Heaven Realm.

But this time the Emperor came.

Not only did he come, but the Emperor of the You Clan almost went out in full force.

This is unusual.

Lu Changsheng was also watching the battle between the two sides.

The battle between Daozu and Emperor was really earth-shattering.

The entire heaven was shaking.

However, it was obvious that Daozu had an absolute advantage.

If time went on, Daozu would definitely be able to expel Emperor.


"That is..."

Suddenly, Lu Changsheng saw an area of ​​the heaven.

The Emperor of the You clan was standing in that area, but Daozu did not dare to enter that area.

He could only stay outside that area.

But that was clearly part of the heaven.

Lu Changsheng could see the problem, and Daozu had known the problem long ago.


"You are actually transforming a part of the heaven?"

"Even, you are not hesitating to consume the precious You clan origin stone for this!"

Panzu stopped.

He looked at the expanding area, and his heart sank.

Got it.

These You clan emperors went out together for the purpose of transformation.

And now the transformation was successful.

Although it was only a small area.

However, it has given the You clan a foothold.

As long as they are in that small area, Daozu will no longer be able to mobilize the origin of the heaven.

As for cutting it out?

Or simply let that area collapse.

That is impossible.

With the Emperor, Daozu will not let Daozu collapse this area.

It is even more impossible to cut it out.

Unless Daozu has an absolute advantage and can destroy the Emperor.

But there is no absolute advantage.

The two sides are at best 50-50 in the chaos war.

Only in the heaven, Daozu will have some advantages.

But a part of the heaven has been transformed, and the Emperor is in that transformed area, so Daozu will naturally no longer have an advantage.

Several Daozu looked at each other.

They all knew that this time they were in trouble.

Let the You Clan have a foothold in the heaven, so the You Clan can slowly erode the heaven with this area in the future.

They knew that the You Clan would erode, but they couldn't come up with any good solutions.

This time, the battlefield outside the sky will become the battlefield of the heaven.

Move from the chaos to the heaven.

This will undoubtedly cause huge losses to the heaven.

"Pan Zu, our world of the You clan has been destroyed. We just want to settle down in the world of chaos. Let us have a foothold and recuperate. We can promise you that we will not start a war easily. How about it?"

One of the You clan emperors spoke.

Pan Zu did not answer.

The Dao ancestors did not speak either.

The world of the You clan has been destroyed, so we are going to invade the heaven?

It sounds good. Everyone knows that the You clan is also waiting, waiting for the You clan ancestor to wake up.

Once the You clan ancestor wakes up, the heaven will be over.

It will definitely fall into the hands of the You clan.

As for now, the reason why the You clan must forcibly transform part of the heaven.

That's because the You clan can't stay in the chaos.

It's almost impossible to practice in the chaos.

The You clan has been blocked outside the sky, that is, blocked in the chaos.

There is no way to recuperate in a war with the immortals.

They urgently need to enter the heaven to recuperate.

In the case that the You clan ancestor has not woken up, they can only use the precious You clan source stone.

The source stone of the You Clan is used up as it is used.

But they have no other choice.

To recuperate, they must enter the heaven.

For a while, the two sides were in a stalemate.

The You Clan and life from the outer world kept entering the transformed area.

But the Dao Ancestors were unable to attack that area.

"Defend it strictly! We must not let them transform the second area."

The Dao Ancestors reached a consensus.

This time, they were indeed careless.

And the Dao Ancestors were also in the outer world battlefield at that time. They were not careful and were invaded by the Emperor of the You Clan into the heaven.

When the Dao Ancestors reacted, the You Clan had already begun to transform.

It was too late.

But it would not happen again.

In the future, the Dao Ancestors would be in the heaven, staring at the You Clan.

Once the Emperor of the You Clan dared to make any unusual moves, they would mobilize the origin of the heaven to suppress it.

It was impossible to give the Emperor of the You Clan a second chance to transform.

But those who had already transformed could no longer be broken.

They could only let the You Clan enter the heaven.

Time passed day by day.

A few months later, the You Clan and the Immortal Clan rebuilt a line of defense in the heaven.

Both sides were watching covetously.

However, the Emperor of the You Clan fell silent and did not take any further action.

But everyone knew that the You Clan had broken through the first step, which was the key step.

In the future, they only needed to wait silently.

Or, even if the ancestors of the You Clan did not wake up, they could occasionally find one or two opportunities in the long time to continue to transform the heaven.

The Immortal Clan had no way.

There were seven Dao Ancestors in the Dao Ancestor Hall in the entire heaven.

Now these seven Dao Ancestors have been discussing in the Dao Ancestor Hall for several months.

As a result, there was no good solution.

"Pan Zu, now that things have come to this, the You Clan wants to nibble away, and we can do nothing about it. However, the You Clan's Origin Stones should not be enough to transform the entire heaven. If they had enough Origin Stones, they would have used the method of nibbling away long ago. Why wait until now?"

"Yes, this method of nibbling away is indeed very good, steady and solid, and we have no way to deal with it, but it consumes a lot of Origin Stones. The You Clan has even collapsed the Chaos World, how many Origin Stones do they have? If they want to transform the entire heaven, they need a huge amount of Origin Stones, and the You Clan probably don't have them. . "

"The You Clan can't stay in the chaos forever. Didn't we expect that the You Clan would attack the Heaven Realm at all costs? We just didn't expect them to use the Origin Stone to transform it. However, this is also good news. They used the Origin Stone to transform the Heaven Realm, which means that they can't hold on any longer and must enter the Heaven Realm to recuperate. Moreover, the ancestor of the You Clan should not wake up in a short time, otherwise they can just wait for the ancestor of the You Clan to wake up, why waste the Origin Stone of the You Clan? "

Thinking of this, the eyes of the seven Dao Ancestors lit up.

The ancestor of the You Clan will not wake up for the time being.

This is good news.

For a long time, the ancestor of the You Clan has been almost a huge stone in the hearts of the Dao Ancestors.

It has always been weighing on their hearts.

After all, everyone knows that once the ancestor of the You Clan wakes up, the entire Heaven Realm will be over.

Pan Zu nodded and said, "Then we will most likely confront the You Clan in the heavens in the future. We can't pin our hopes on the You Clan's ancestors never waking up. Even if the You Clan's ancestors are seriously injured, as long as they don't die, they will wake up one day. What should we do in the heavens then?"

"Only when the immortals grow up, surpass the Dao ancestors, and completely break through to become chaotic life, can we fight against them, or even drive the You Clan away once and for all."

"But it's almost impossible to achieve chaotic life in the heavens. Our heavenly cultivation system is only created by us Dao ancestors and passed down. Even we can't break through to become chaotic life, let alone other immortals?"

"If you want to let the immortals break through to become chaotic life, you can only let them go to the chaos. But going to the chaos is a life-threatening situation, so I suggest that you must cultivate to become a Taiyi Jinxian and integrate into the Dao fruit before you can go to the chaos. Even if you encounter danger, you can be reborn in the heavens."

Pan Zu's words made many Dao ancestors nod.

Indeed, there is no better way to deal with this situation.

If we continue, we will just wait for death.

When the ancestor of the You Clan wakes up, the heaven will be finished.

If the immortals go to the chaos, there may be a glimmer of hope.

Of course, this possibility is not great.

Even in the vast chaos, it is extremely difficult to achieve a chaotic life.

It is not that the Taoist ancestors have not gone out to explore, but what was the result?

When the You Clan had not arrived, a large number of immortals in the heaven went out to explore, but what was the result?

There was still no chaotic life born, which shows how difficult it is to become a chaotic life.

Now the Taoist ancestors are just doing their best and leaving it to fate.


Lu Changsheng stared at the area where the You Clan was transformed in the distance.

Now the immortals and the You Clan have temporarily formed a confrontation.

Both sides seem to know that they can't do anything to each other, so they can only confront each other.

There is not even much conflict.

However, Lu Changsheng vaguely realized that this time the immortals actually lost.

After all, the You Clan has invaded the heavens, and the Immortal Clan can do nothing about it.

If this is not a loss, then what is a loss?

But fortunately, it is finally a confrontation.

The You Clan has no intention of going further.

Looking at the You Clan area in the distance.

Lu Changsheng has also heard a new word during this period, transformation!

The area of ​​the You Clan is called transformation.

It seemed that they had been transformed by the You Clan, and even the Dao Ancestors had no advantage in that area.

This can't help but make Lu Changsheng thoughtful.

During this period, Lu Changsheng has been trying to understand Tao Fruit.

Strive to make the path fruitful.

The first thing he tried was the virtual world.

Everything seems to be ready in the virtual world.

Everything can be constructed in the virtual world.

Lu Changsheng wanted to use quantitative changes to induce qualitative changes.

Therefore, he tried to "move" the heaven into the virtual world.

However, as the virtual world becomes more and more substantial.

More and more like heaven.

But the progress is still maintained at 90%, without any change.

Lu Changsheng knew that this was a lack of time.

In the virtual world, there are no rules of time.

No matter what he constructs to enter the virtual world, it is actually a still picture.

Everything is still.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s the boundary sea or the dojo.

Everything is still.

It's like a painting.

No matter how magical the virtual world is, it is just a painting and cannot become a world.

"It's time..."

Lu Changsheng had no clue.

He couldn't understand the rules of time.

Not even a clue.

This is the first time Lu Changsheng has felt a sense of frustration since he gained top-level understanding.

He has top-notch understanding.

As a result, I want to understand the rules of time, but I don’t know where to start.

There seems to be nowhere to start.

At this moment, a piece of news spread throughout heaven.

Lu Changsheng also received the news.

"All Taiyi Immortal Lord and above can apply to leave the heaven and travel in the chaos!"

Just such a brief message immediately caused an uproar.

Lu Changsheng could even hear the discussions of the immortals in the past.

"Can you leave heaven and go to chaos?"

"This is the first time in so many years! Ever since the You clan invaded and the Tianwai battlefield was opened, the Heavenly Court has shrunk all its power and has not allowed any immortals to enter Chaos to travel. They can only resist the You clan in the Tianwai battlefield. Why are they letting it go now? Taiyi Immortal Lord has left the heaven?"

"Perhaps it has something to do with the You clan transforming an area of ​​heaven..."

Regarding the ancestor of the You clan, it is actually kept secret from the Immortal Lords below the Immortal Lord.

Very few people know about the ancestor of the You clan.

Even Lu Changsheng only learned about the ancestor of the You clan through the bloodline of the royal family of the You clan.

The immortals below the Immortal Lord do not know the severe situation facing the Immortal Clan.

Lu Changsheng had some guesses.

But he wasn't sure.

"The Immortal Lord of Immortality, Panzu has summoned you."

A message appeared on Lu Changsheng's message stone.

After Panzu summoned him, Lu Changsheng naturally went to Daozu Hall immediately.

Soon, Lu Changsheng arrived at the Dao Ancestor Hall.

There are only two people in this ancestral hall, Lu Changsheng and Pan Zu.

"I've met Panzu!"

Lu Changsheng saluted respectfully.

He would not be rude when facing Dao Ancestor and maintained the highest respect.

After all, the Immortal Clan’s cultivation system was almost created by the Tao Ancestors.

All immortals are the disciples and grandsons of Taoist ancestors.

"The Immortal Immortal is here, take a seat."

Panzu seemed very kind.

Lu Changsheng sat down cross-legged.

"Immortal Immortal Lord, have you received the message?"

Panzu asked.

Lu Changsheng knew that Panzu was referring to the fact that Taiyi Immortal Lord could travel to Chaos, so he nodded and said: "Disciple has received the news, Taiyi Immortal Lord can travel to Chaos. It seems that for the time being, the You clan will not Is there a war?"

"Yes, for the time being, the You clan is just confronting each other, and there will be no war. What's more, if it is really a war, Dao Ancestor can also control the situation in the heaven, so there is no need for so many immortals."

"Let Taiyi Immortal Lord enter the chaos to travel, hoping to bring a glimmer of hope to the heaven. You also know about the ancestors of the You clan. We cannot passively wait for death. As long as someone can be promoted to become a chaotic life, they can resist the ancestors of the You clan. Ancestor, thus saving the heaven!”

Lu Changsheng suddenly realized.


He had already guessed it.

"The ancestor of the You clan is a life of chaos?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

"Yes, the ancestor of the You clan is a chaotic life. But it seems that the ancestor of the You clan suffered irreversible damage from the battle with another chaotic life. He has been in a deep sleep. Maybe he will never wake up. Maybe he will wake up tomorrow. , no one can tell."

"However, it is very likely that the Ancestor of the You Clan will wake up. Once he wakes up, the Ancestor of the You Clan can easily defeat the Immortal Clan and occupy the heaven!"

Panzu's voice was calm.

But what was revealed was heart-stopping.

It turns out that the situation has become so bad.

Even Daozu didn't have any good ideas.

We can only place our hopes on the many Taiyi Immortal Lords.

I hope to be able to travel through Chaos and have the opportunity to be promoted to Chaos Life.

But this possibility is too small.

Even slightly.

"Pan Zu, can only Taiyi Immortal Master and above be allowed to travel in Chaos?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

"Yes, only Taiyi Immortal Lord and above can enter Chaos Travel. As for the reason, you must have guessed it. Taiyi Immortal Lord's Dao Fruit has been integrated into the heaven, and it is immortal. You can wander calmly in Chaos without worrying about falling."

"Perhaps, this is also the greatest advantage of the immortal cultivation system."

Pan Zu sighed.

He has also traveled out in chaos, encountered many chaotic worlds, and seen many cultivation systems.

The immortal cultivation system cannot be said to be the strongest, but it is also unique.

For example, this Taiyi Immortal Lord Dao Fruit will become immortal after being integrated into the heaven.

This is very unique.

The You clan doesn't have this ability either.

Lu Changsheng actually has a similar ability, which is his flesh and blood clone.

But it's different.

Once his body dies, the flesh and blood clone will lose everything in the body as it grows.

For example, flesh and blood Dao Fruit, All Souls Dao Fruit, mortal Dao Fruit, etc.

Only Hongchenxian's analytical ability, top-notch understanding, etc. are left.

Maybe after spending time, Lu Changsheng can practice again, but he doesn't know how long it will take.

But it would be different if it was Taiyi Immortal Lord.

Once he goes out to wander around, Taiyi Immortal Lord will die.

Then it can be reborn in heaven.

Once it is conceived, it will be exactly the same as before.

There won't be any difference.

In this sense, Taiyi Immortal Lord Dao Fruit's integration into the heaven is actually superior to Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood clone.

"Taiyi Immortal Lord..."

Lu Changsheng also wants to go to Chaos.

Therefore, he must become Taiyi Immortal Lord.

To achieve Taiyi Immortal Master, one must make the Tao Fruit perfect.

Facing Panzu this time was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Lu Changsheng did not want to miss this opportunity.

So, Lu Changsheng said: "Pan Ancestor, I have a request for you. Please allow me to take a look at the river of time in heaven..."

Lu Changsheng's resolute voice echoed in the Dao Ancestor Hall.

"The passage of time?"

Panzu was slightly startled.

Lu Changsheng actually wanted to watch the passage of time.

The Taoist master controls the "Tao" of heaven.

It can even mobilize the origin of heaven.

Although you can't control time, if you just look at the flow of time, there is still no problem.

However, Panzu was surprised.

Lu Changsheng is just a mere immortal.

Want to start understanding the rules of time now?

Even Dao Ancestor cannot comprehend the rules of time, let alone Immortal Lord?

However, Daozu did not refuse, but he also did not agree.

He stared at Lu Changsheng quietly.

After a long time, Pan Zu finally said slowly: "Yes!"

"But you have to follow the rules."

"If you want to see the long river of time, one hour requires millions of immortal skills!"

In heaven, everything can be exchanged for immortal power.

Even letting Dao Zu take him through the long river of time is no exception.

Immortal skills are also needed.

"Disciple only needs to watch the river of time for half an hour. Is half a million immortal skills enough?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

In fact, it didn't matter to Lu Changsheng whether it was an hour or half an hour.

He didn't think about understanding the rules of time.

But he can "simulate" the flow of time.

If the simulation can be successful, it will also be an earth-shaking change for Lu Changsheng's virtual world.


Panzu agreed.

Whether it is one million immortal powers or five hundred thousand immortal powers, it is meaningless to Panzu.

But that's the rule.

"Thank you Panzu!"

Lu Changsheng was very happy.

I can finally get a glimpse of the passage of time.

This was the only way he could think of to "break the situation."

At least for a short time.

Otherwise, there is really nothing Lu Changsheng can do about the three Dao Fruits.

We can only "get over it" bit by bit over a long period of time.

But I don’t know how long it will take.

"Are you ready?"

Panzu asked.

"Disciple is ready."


Panzu nodded.

Then, he stretched out his finger and pointed it slightly toward the void.


Just this, but like a smooth and huge piece of glass, it shattered instantly.

Everything around him disappeared.

Lu Changsheng was sitting in the Dao Ancestor Hall just now.

However, with the void shattered, where is the Dao Ancestor Hall?

He was in total darkness.

The surroundings are empty and I don’t know where I am.

However, Lu Changsheng was not in a hurry.

He could also see Panzu.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng was very calm and sat quietly cross-legged.

I don’t know how long it took.

A little light appeared in the silent and dark void.

Then the light became brighter and brighter.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a luminous river, running through the dark void and rushing away without knowing where it is going.

"This is……"

Lu Changsheng was shocked.

He had vaguely guessed it.

"This is the flow of time!"

"Remember, you don't have much time..."

Panzu's words echoed in Lu Changsheng's ears.

Lu Changsheng was shocked!

Sure enough, time flies.

This is the flow of time.

Lu Changsheng had always dreamed of seeing the flow of time, and now he finally got his wish.

However, Lu Changsheng also remembered Panzu’s reminder.

He didn't have much time, only half an hour.

Lu Changsheng fully exerted his analytical ability.

With the blessing of top-notch understanding, his analytical ability has reached an incredible level, even far inferior to that of Dao Ancestor.

However, Lu Changsheng did not try to analyze the rules of time.

He is self-aware.

Even if he knew that the river of time was close at hand, trying to analyze the rules of time in such a short period of time was nothing more than a dream.

Don't say it for half an hour.

Even if it is one year, ten years or even a hundred years, he may not be able to analyze the rules of time.

However, Lu Changsheng's purpose was never to analyze the rules of time.

Rather, it "simulates" time rules.

Yes, he just wants to "simulate" the rules of time in the virtual world.

"The virtual world..."

The next moment, Lu Changsheng's virtual world arrived.


Panzu seemed to sense something.

He glanced at Lu Changsheng.

But after just one glance, he ignored it.

Anyway, Lu Changsheng only had half an hour.

How much Lu Changsheng can gain in this half hour depends on Lu Changsheng himself.

After Lu Changsheng's virtual world arrived, Lu Changsheng's eyes were fixed on the river of time.

Then, he moved.

In the virtual world, he began to "construct" the long river of time.

It's just pure simulation.

Yes, it's simulation.

With Lu Changsheng's analytical ability supported by his top-notch understanding, if it was just a simulation, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

However, Lu Changsheng underestimated the long river of time.

He ran into huge trouble as soon as he started the simulation.

As time goes by, it seems simple, but in fact it is not simple at all.

Time is divided into past, present and future.

The past is not eternal, but the future is ever-changing.

Every little detail can even make a huge difference in the future trend.

A small action now may open up hundreds or thousands of possibilities in the future.

This is the scary thing about time.

It is also the place where time is most difficult to grasp.

"No, if you want to simulate the long flow of time, I simply can't do it now."

Lu Changsheng's face looked a little ugly.

He once felt that a top level of understanding could comprehend a lot.

Nothing can trouble him.

However, after facing such a long river of time, he fell silent.

A small wave in the long river of time may represent thousands of future changes.

Thousands of futures may continue to diverge into billions of variations.

Such a terrifying variable.

Who can simulate it?

No, it can't be simulated at all!

Even if Lu Changsheng's understanding increased ten thousand times, he still wouldn't be able to comprehend it.

This cannot be simulated by so-called analytical capabilities.

However, Lu Changsheng was not willing to miss this opportunity.

If you can't simulate the long river of time, then you can't simulate a trace of the waves in the long river of time?

Yes, it is such a wave.

Even, the wave of time weakens to one hundredth or one ten thousandth.

In short, "quantity" is not important.

The important thing is to let the virtual world build a "long river of time."

Even a small ditch will do.

Under Lu Changsheng's constantly weakening philosophy, Lu Changsheng's virtual world actually began to construct a "long river of time."

Of course, it's nothing compared to the real length of time.

Maybe, just a small ditch?

Time passed little by little.

When Lu Changsheng simulated a "time ditch".

No matter how big the size difference is.

But he is a "ditch of time" after all.

Or, weaken the long river of time billions of times.

The moment the simulation is complete.


Lu Changsheng's virtual world was shaken.

At the same time, Lu Changsheng clearly felt the virtual world that was originally as still as a painting.

At that moment, the virtual world moved!

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