Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 438: Thirty years of analysis, Lu Changsheng's space travel shocked Luo

Chapter 438 Analysis Thirty years, Lu Changsheng's space shuttle shocked the Luojin Realm!

Lu Changsheng visualized his true self and could improve his spiritual consciousness.

The first level added 80,000 flesh and blood clones.

If it was the second and third levels, there would definitely be more.

However, it takes time to visualize the true self.

It also takes time to upgrade to the second and third levels.

However, now there is a direction.

Then just practice step by step.

But Lu Changsheng did not forget that the physical body and the world master practice system are his foundation.

It is indeed slow to nurture the physical body particles.

But the immortal mana is constantly increasing, and the physical body particles will be stronger in the future.

At worst, you can exchange some practice resources to speed up the practice of physical body particles.

But exchanging resources also requires contribution points.

Lu Changsheng now only has 300 contribution points.

After thinking about it, Lu Changsheng decided to take some tasks.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

Even if a task only has hundreds of contribution points.

But over time, the contribution points are also considerable.

Moreover, doing tasks will not delay his practice.

So, Lu Changsheng began to slowly screen and find suitable tasks in his identity card.


"This task is good, a mining task. Go to Luojinjie to mine Luojin ore. One hundred kilograms of Luojin can be exchanged for one contribution point."

"This task has no deadline, as long as there is Luojin, it is a long-term task."

"The only trouble is that Luojinjie is a bit dangerous, and there may be some disputes between cultivators."

Lu Changsheng thought about it and tried it.

So, he immediately accepted the task.

This task can only be accepted if you have at least the top rating.

After Lu Changsheng accepted the task, he went straight to the teleportation array.

Soon, Lu Changsheng arrived at the teleportation array.

There are more than one teleportation arrays, and there are many of them, but there are more cultivators using the teleportation array.

Lu Changsheng showed his identity card.

He is a top-rated, so his excellence level is very high, and he can directly "jump the queue".

Originally, there were hundreds of cultivators waiting in front of Lu Changsheng.

But Lu Changsheng jumped into the queue and jumped to the first thirty.

There were only thirty cultivators in front of him.

They were all top-rated.

This is the advantage of "rating".

This advantage is everywhere in the Tianguang Holy Realm.

This is just the top rating.

If he is peerless or even a genius,

then he can almost be the first to use the teleportation array.

Seeing Lu Changsheng "cutting in line", the cultivators behind him were also a little helpless.

"Another top-rated cultivator."

"This person looks a little unfamiliar."

"Huh? He seems to be Lu Changsheng, the last new disciple assessment."

"I remember, didn't he pass the nineteenth floor last time and get the 'top' rating?"

"I'm so envious, getting the 'top' rating so early, one step faster, one step faster..."

Many cultivators talked about it.

The Tianguang Holy Realm is very large.

Lu Changsheng is somewhat famous, but not everyone knows him.

The top rating is just a little better than the ordinary rating.

But even so, it still makes people envious.

Time passes day by day.

After a few days, it was finally Lu Changsheng's turn.

"Where are we going?"

The elder of the teleportation array asked.

"Luojin Realm."

Lu Changsheng said the destination.

"Luojin Realm, we don't have a teleportation array in Luojin Realm, only nearby. After teleporting, you need to fly for a while."

"Disciple understands."

Then, Lu Changsheng stood on the teleportation array.


The teleportation array rippled, and Lu Changsheng's figure disappeared instantly.

Lu Changsheng felt the space constantly twisting.

This time the teleportation seemed very long, probably because the distance was very far and the spatial pressure was also huge.

However, for Lu Changsheng, this spatial pressure was nothing at all.


Lu Changsheng felt his whole body relax, and when he raised his head, he saw an unfamiliar chaotic area.

"We're here."

Lu Changsheng looked around and was in the chaos.

This should be the teleportation node arranged by the Tianguang Holy Sect in the chaos.

The so-called teleportation nodes are the teleportation points that Tianguang Holy Sect secretly arranged in the chaos. Relying on these teleportation points, the monks of Tianguang Holy Sect can go to various places in the chaos at any time.

Of course, it is limited to the Baihua Domain.

Outside the Baihua Domain, unless it is an unowned land, it is the territory of other forces. Once the teleportation nodes are arranged, it is a serious provocation with serious consequences.

Even the teleportation nodes in the Baihua Domain are the secrets of Tianguang Holy Sect.

Moreover, these teleportation nodes can only be transmitted in one direction.

If Lu Changsheng wants to return to Tianguang Holy Sect, he has to go to some chaotic worlds with teleportation arrays.

You can't teleport back to Tianguang Holy Sect by going to the teleportation nodes.

Lu Changsheng took out the chaos map and took a look.

In fact, his current location is still some distance away from Luojin Realm, but it is not far away.

So, Lu Changsheng flew for about three months in the direction of the chaos map.

"Here we are."

Finally, Lu Changsheng saw Luojin Realm.

This Luojin Realm belongs to an unowned thing.

To be more precise, it was actually the result of a compromise between the three major forces in Baihua Territory.

The three major forces in Baihua Territory once fought for it.

In the end, no one could do anything to the other.

After the final negotiation, the Luojin Realm became an ownerless thing. No force could forcefully occupy it, and any practitioner could enter the Luojin Realm to mine ores.

But it can only be mined individually.

It cannot be mined by forces.

In other words, unorganized continuous mining.

It also stipulates that chaotic beings are not allowed to enter the Luojin Realm.

Only monks who have ascended to the divine level can enter the Luojin Realm.

With all these guarantees, Luojin Realm has become a popular place.

After all, Luo Jin is a precious weapon refining resource.

The refining of many treasures requires Luo Jin.

And Luojinjie cannot mine on a large scale, what should we do?

Naturally, tasks are released, contribution points are rewarded, and then a large number of monks come.

There are also casual cultivators who come to Luojin Realm, ready to dig Luojin to earn cultivation resources.

However, Luo Jinjie is not a peaceful place.

There are many terrifying beasts inside.

These strange beasts are so powerful that they even feed on Luo Jin and compete with the monks for Luo Jin.

Falling is common.

This information is common sense, and Lu Changsheng already knew it.


Lu Changsheng took one step forward and flew into the Luojin Realm.

His body felt slightly shaken and twisted.

Then I felt the completely different rules of the Luojin world.

The Luojin world is also a chaotic world, and naturally has its own unique rules.

This kind of rule will cause some inconvenience to the monks, but it is nothing more and has little impact.

Monks, especially powerful god-level monks, have a very strong ability to survive in chaos.

Lu Changsheng looked up.

There was nothing all around.

The ground below was even more devastated, as if it had been blasted countless times.

"Your Excellency is also here to dig out Luo Jin?"

Lu Changsheng looked along the sound.

Beside him was a tall man.

It was the other person who just spoke.

Lu Changsheng was noncommittal.

In a strange place, he was naturally very cautious.

But the tall man seemed to be familiar with it. He sighed and said: "When the monks reach the level of god, especially after reaching the fourth level of god, it becomes more and more difficult to practice, and the requirements for training resources are too great. This Luojin world The Luo Jin is valuable, and many monks will come to the Luo Jin world, but it is very difficult to dig up the Luo Jin. "

"Seeing that fellow Taoist is also alone, how about we form a team and look for Luo Jin together?"

It turns out this man wanted to form a team.

Judging from the appearance of the other party, he should be a casual cultivator.


Lu Changsheng shook his head and refused immediately.

He didn't want to team up with someone of unknown origin.

What's more, he alone is enough to find Luo Jin!

Now his spiritual consciousness is very strong.

And there is also the virtual world.

Searching for Luo Jin on a large scale has a great advantage over other monks.


Suddenly, the ground shook in the distance.

"Luo Jin is out."

Someone shouted.

Suddenly, countless eyes flew towards the shaking direction from the void.

"Luo Jin?"

Almost without thinking, Lu Changsheng instantly turned into a stream of light and flew towards the shaking direction in the distance.

The tall man was slightly startled, then shook his head and said: "This kind of Luo Jin's birth is too loud, the competition is too fierce, and the possibility of death is also very high. It is not something that a monk like me can fight for."

"That's all, let's just try our luck."

Tall men are self-aware of their own strength.

Therefore, he did not participate in the fight, but flew in the opposite direction to avoid being killed by the fish in the pond.

This is a wise move.

When Lu Changsheng came to the source of the vibration, he saw dozens or hundreds of figures surrounding him.

They were all heading towards Luo Jin.

These figures all exude a terrifying aura.

"Go away."

"I am Yuan Fu and ascend to the ninth level of the gods. Who dares to be so presumptuous?"

"Yuanfu, you are an old ghost who is about to die, and you still come to Luojin Realm to commit evil?"

The silhouettes and the terrifying auras made Lu Changsheng's heart sink.

These strong men are too terrifying.

He could reach the eighth or ninth level of the gods at every turn.

How can we argue about this?

Lu Changsheng made a quick decision and prepared to stay away.

What a joke.

He himself does have strength.

He is not afraid at all if he reaches the fifth level of God.

But where is the fifth level of ascending to the gods?

This is the eighth and ninth level of ascending to the gods.

The ancestor of the You clan who has not yet awakened probably only has this strength.

Fight with them for gold?

That is purely courting death.

Therefore, after Lu Changsheng arrived, he left immediately and stayed far away before stopping to watch.

Soon, the masters competing for Luo Jin started fighting.

There seemed to be more Luo Jin appearing this time.

No one wants to give up.

It was dark for a while, and the space was shaking violently.

Many monks suffered the disaster of Chiyu.

Before he even touched Luo Jin, his body was blown apart.

I don’t even know how I died.

For a time, there was wailing everywhere.

There is also a sense of death.

Lu Changsheng was silent.

This Luojin world is really dangerous.

This was different from what he thought.

He felt that coming to the Luojin world with his own strength and competing for Luojin might not be a big problem.

But now it seems that the problem is big!

However, Lu Changsheng felt a little pity to go back in such despair.

"If I want to reach the ninth level of the God Ascension in a short time, that's impossible. But I want to compete for Luo Jin, so I must have my own advantages. What unique advantages can I have in this Luo Jin world?"

Lu Changsheng fell into deep thought.

He must have unique advantages.

Otherwise, how can he compete for Luo Jin?

Relying on strength is not enough.

No matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than those eighth and ninth level God Ascension masters?

Lu Changsheng looked at the movement in the distance.

Many cultivators rushed to escape.

But they had just flown for a while when they were affected by the aftermath and turned to ashes.

In an instant, Lu Changsheng's mind flashed.

"Space! If I want to have a unique advantage in the Luo Jin world, that is space. I must master the power of space, and then I can freely travel through space in the Luo Jin world."

"Once I can travel through space, I will have a huge advantage whether I compete for Luo Jin or get rid of some strong men."

Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

He thought of a way.

Space shuttle!

In fact, Lu Changsheng had experienced space shuttle in the boundary sea.

In the boundary sea, Lu Changsheng could perform space shuttle.

The entire boundary sea no longer had any secrets for Lu Changsheng.

But after arriving in the heaven, in the chaos, and in the holy world of Tianguang, Lu Changsheng could no longer perform space shuttle.

In other words, Lu Changsheng could not perform space shuttle in the chaotic world.

And the Luojin Realm is actually also a chaotic world.

It's just that it seems a little different from the heaven.

This Luojin Realm has no world will!

Or rather, the world will has not yet been born.

This is very important.

In the heaven, there is the will of the heaven. If you want to comprehend the power of space and want to shuttle through space, it is nothing but a fool's dream.

But if there is no world will, it will be different.

Of course, Lu Changsheng also knows that it will be difficult to master the power of space and perform space shuttle even without the world will.

After all, the Luojin Realm is a chaotic world.

The magnitude is the same as that of the heaven.

However, Lu Changsheng still wanted to give it a try.

He had top-level comprehension, plus the analytical ability of the Red Dust Immortal.

It was not impossible to analyze or even master the spatial power of the Luojin Realm.

Do it when you think of it.

Lu Changsheng stayed away from the place where the battle fluctuated, found a secluded cave, and after some arrangements, he began to analyze and comprehend the spatial power of the Luojin Realm with all his strength.

First analyze.

One year, three years, five years, eight years, ten years...

Analyzing the spatial power is not an easy task.

It can't be done in three to five years.

But Lu Changsheng now has plenty of time.

Just wait slowly.

The key is that he found a key in this analysis.

He can actually analyze the spatial power of the Luojin Realm.

If you can analyze it, you can definitely master it.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng doesn't care how long it takes.

The spatial power actually has traces to follow.

This is different from the time power.

Lu Changsheng can feel the spatial power when he stands in the Luojin Realm.

But it is not so easy to fully analyze and comprehend it.

With so many amazing people, who can travel through space in the chaotic world?


Only chaotic life can easily tear the space of the chaotic world and travel through space.

Lu Changsheng is not a chaotic life, he is just a cultivator with the fourth level of godhood.

Therefore, he cannot travel through space by brute force, but can only analyze and comprehend silently.

Ten years, twenty years, thirty years...

Lu Changsheng tried his best to analyze and comprehend the spatial power of Luojin Realm, and this analysis took thirty years.

For thirty years, Lu Changsheng was completely immersed in it.

One day, Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a strange light flashing in his eyes.

"Finally comprehended the power of space..."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

His tone seemed to be relieved.

Thirty years to comprehend the power of space.

It seems very long, but in fact it is quite fast.

Moreover, Lu Changsheng really felt quite lucky.

The more he felt the power of space, the more lucky he felt.

Fortunately, there is no world will in the Luojin Realm.

Otherwise, with the interference of the world will, Lu Changsheng would not be able to feel the power of space in a chaotic world, and naturally he would not be able to travel through space.

But now, everything is different.

Lu Changsheng stood up and took a step forward.


The next moment, there was a ripple in the void.

Lu Changsheng had already appeared in mid-air.

He knew with a slight sense that it was ten thousand miles away from the cave where he was just now.

Moreover, this was not his limit.

If he wanted, he could travel through the entire Luojin Realm in an instant.

This is space travel!

"Hahaha, with space travel, it will be much easier to compete for the Luojin Mine in the Luojin Realm."

Lu Changsheng couldn't help laughing.

This is indeed something to be happy about.

Otherwise, he was just a fourth-level cultivator of the Ascension God, so what if he had the combat power of the fifth-level Ascension God?

In this Luojin Realm, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Not to mention competing for the Rock Gold Mine.

The fourth and fifth level gods can only rely on luck in the Rock Gold Realm, and may be able to obtain some Rock Gold Mine.

As for competing?

That's really not qualified!

But with space travel, Lu Changsheng can calmly compete for the Luojin Mine.

“I don’t know what the outcome was of the previous fight over the Luojin mine?”

Lu Changsheng thought of the battle for the Luojin Mine that he had avoided before.

That was someone who reached the ninth level of the gods and ended up in person, and even killed him until the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

Lu Changsheng was not qualified to compete at that time, but now he may be qualified to compete.

"Go and have a look."

Lu Changsheng set out not to miss the Luojin mineral vein.

After all, that Luojin mine contains a large amount of Luojin ore. Once one or two can be mined, it will be a huge gain for Lu Changsheng.


The next moment, Lu Changsheng's figure had disappeared.


Lu Changsheng quietly shuttled to the place where the Luojin mineral vein appeared before.

He found silence all around.

Lu Changsheng saw the Luojin Mine in the distance, but he was far away.

After all, who knows if those powerful men who reached the ninth level of the gods are still there?

However, at this glance, Lu Changsheng saw a familiar figure.


Lu Changsheng naturally remembered Yuan Fu.

At the beginning, this Yuan Fuke was one of the many ninth-level gods who competed for the Luojin Mine.

Unexpectedly, he would have the last laugh, and Yuan Fu would become the final winner and seize the Luojin mine.

This Yuan Fu is now collecting Luo Jin Mine.

It has even been charged for a long time.

Lu Changsheng frowned slightly.

Yuan Fu is alone, what should he do?

If you rush forward rashly, you will have to face Shangyuan Fu.

With his current strength, he might be instantly killed by Yuan Fu.

"No, you can take the risk and give it a try."

"After all, this Luojin mine is very long, so I will stay far away from Yuan Fu, try to seize some Luojin mines, and then leave immediately through space."

"With such a long distance, even if a ninth-level master wants to come, it will take at least ten breaths. And ten breaths is enough for me to seize some Luojin mines."

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng was convinced.

He can travel through space, which is his biggest advantage.

So what if you reach the ninth level of the gods?

Anyway, he wasn't going head-to-head with a ninth-level master.

But just to capture the Luojin Mine.

With the Luojin Mine, no matter how much, he would immediately leave through space.

Yuan Fu could do nothing but help him.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng no longer hesitated.


The next moment, Lu Changsheng had traveled through space and arrived near the Luojin Mine, about ten breaths away from Yuan Fu.

Lu Changsheng shuttled over, without any delay, and directly grabbed the Luojin Mine below with his big hand.


Suddenly, the ground shook.

A large amount of Luojin Mine was captured by Lu Changsheng and collected into space treasures.


"How dare you hide your head and show your tail?"

Yuan Fu sensed the movement immediately.

Seeing that Lu Changsheng was seizing the Luojin Mine, Yuan Fu became furious.


Yuan Fu took a step forward and ran towards Lu Changsheng at extremely high speed.

And it also swept over with terrifying pressure.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

Fast, too fast.

Lu Changsheng was always paying attention to Yuan Fu's speed.

The opponent's speed is as fast as a thunderous giant.

It was close almost in the blink of an eye.

Originally, Lu Changsheng estimated that it would take ten breaths for the other party to arrive.

But now it seems that it doesn't need to be breathing at all.

Eight breaths…

No, maybe within seven or even six breaths, the other party would be able to get close and use means to restrain Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng didn't dare to really wait for six breaths or even eight breaths.

Until five breaths.

Yuanfu is already very close.

Lu Changsheng decisively stopped at this time.


Almost without thinking, Lu Changsheng slipped into the space passage and disappeared without a trace.



"Is it space travel? No, it's impossible! Only chaotic beings can travel through space. How can a mere fourth-level or fifth-level godly monk be able to travel through space?"

"Or is it some kind of concealment method?"

Yuan Fu directly waved his hand and set up a large formation, covering the land with a radius of hundreds of miles.

If it is some kind of concealment method, then it is absolutely impossible for the opponent to escape from the range of the magic circle.

Therefore, Yuan Fu can search and investigate slowly and carefully.

However, after searching for a long time, I found nothing.

At this time, Yuan Fu's face looked ugly.

All possibilities are ruled out.

Then the most likely thing is space travel.

But how could a fourth-level godly monk be able to travel through space?


Yuan Fu snorted coldly.

He remembered the other person's breath.

Next time they meet, he will definitely be able to recognize each other.

Then let’s see if it can really travel through space?

Lu Changsheng didn't know that he had been "remembered" by Yuan Fu.

He traveled through space and immediately escaped into the cave.

This is his simple cave, which is quite remote and safe.

After returning to the cave, Lu Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ascending to the ninth level of the gods is well-deserved..."

Lu Changsheng thought about the momentum he had just endured from Yuan Fu.

It was really overwhelming oppression.

If it weren't for the huge distance between them, Lu Changsheng might have had difficulty even traveling through space.

It was immediately suppressed.

It seems that when we compete with those powerful monks for Luo Jin in the future, we must stay far away.

Once you get close, anything can happen.

However, it finally paid off.

Although it only lasted five breaths, Lu Changsheng did not hesitate to take action.

He immediately grabbed a small piece of the Luojin mineral vein.

This is a mine.

He took an inventory to see how many Luo Jin there were?

Soon, Lu Changsheng finished counting.

"One hundred thousand catties of Luojin?"

Lu Changsheng was shocked.

In just such a short period of time, he actually had a full 100,000 kilograms of Luo Jin.

Calculated based on one contribution point for one hundred pounds of Luojin.

One hundred thousand catties is one thousand contribution points.

This is pretty good.

After all, this is Lu Changsheng's first time competing for the Luojin Mine.

Moreover, after this battle, it could even be called a "head-on" battle with a ninth-level divine master. It was equivalent to snatching food from the tiger's mouth, and it also gave Lu Changsheng experience.

If we continue to fight for Luo Jin, it should be much easier.

Lu Changsheng would definitely not be satisfied with one hundred thousand kilograms of Luo Jin.

Therefore, in the following time, Lu Changsheng relied on his ability to travel through space, constantly traveling through the Luojin world and competing for the Luojin Mine.

I don’t say I come back with a full load every time, but I definitely have something to gain.

One year, two years, three years, four years, five years...

As time goes by.

Now basically the entire Luojin world knows that there is a godly monk who can travel through space.

Even the ninth-level monks who ascended to the gods were helpless.

But no one knows who the other party is, and it is quite mysterious.

On this day, the entire Luojin world seemed to be shaking.

Immediately afterwards, monks who had ascended to the eighth or ninth level of the gods rushed to the source of the vibration.

"Luojin Mine, my God, it's such a big Luojin Mine."

"Such a large Luojin mine has appeared in the Luojin world again. I'm afraid there will be another dispute."

"No matter what, no one can try to monopolize such a large Luojin mine. Maybe there will be an opportunity in the chaos..."

Many people were moved.

There is such a large Luojin Mine that even a ninth-level God cannot devour it all by himself.

This is destined to be a chaotic dispute.

It is not known how many people will die.

"Old ghost Yuanfu, you're here again."

The first few to come were all ninth-level warriors.

Among them is Yuan Fu.

Yuan Fu glanced at the many monks, and then sneered: "If we confront each other here, I'm afraid we will take advantage of others. Don't forget, in recent years, there has been a monk in the Luojin world who can travel through space. When the time comes when we fight like snipes and clams, won’t we give that person a chance?”

Hearing Yuan Fu's reminder, many ninth-level experts were shocked.

They knew that Yuan Fu was not an alarmist.

Now the situation in the Luojin world has indeed changed.

They, the ninth-level warriors, can no longer occupy the Luojin Mine unscrupulously.

The reason is very simple, it is the ascension monk who can travel through space.

The other party is very mysterious.

And elusive.

No one knows who the other person is.

But once it appears, even if it reaches the ninth level of the gods, the opponent can seize the food from the tiger's mouth and obtain some Luojin mines.

This made many ninth-level monks who ascended to the gods very angry.

"So what if you know?"

"If you don't give him a chance, how about giving you a chance?"

A ninth-level godly warrior said with a sneer.

How could a space-traveling god-ascending monk allow them, the ninth-level god-reaching monks, to join forces?

That's simply impossible.

It is nothing short of a fantasy.

It's nothing more than plotting against each other.

For a moment, Yuan Fu's expression became uncertain.

In the fight for the Luojin Mine in the Luojin Realm, it is impossible for anyone to truly join forces.

"In that case, let's all rely on our own abilities!"

Yuan Fu said no more.

After all, there is no point in talking.

Nor could he convince others with his words alone.

In the end, a war broke out among the experts who reached the ninth level of the gods.

For a moment, the sky and the earth changed color, and the entire Luojin world was shaking.

People below the ninth level of Ascended God dare not approach at all.

But right at the heart of this chaotic area.

A trace of space ripples continued to spread.


A figure suddenly appeared in the void.

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