Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 47: Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra!


Lu Changsheng immediately collected his blood and qi.

From the time he released his blood and qi, to the time he turned his blood and qi into silk and killed dozens of warriors at once, to the time he collected his blood and qi.

The process took only one or two breaths.

But in just one or two breaths, his blood and qi, which were so strong, were almost consumed.

The blood and qi consumed at this time would probably take a long time to recover slowly.

"The blood and qi turned into silk combined with the 'instant kill technique' is really effective, and the power is not bad!"

"Maybe in the future, I can create a large-scale long-range attack martial arts based on the release of blood and qi!"

A flash of inspiration flashed through Lu Changsheng's mind.

Creating martial arts requires inspiration.

Now that he has inspiration, with Lu Changsheng's comprehension and the foundation of practicing countless martial arts.

As long as he is willing to spend time, he can naturally create a powerful martial art.

However, now is not the time to create martial arts.

After dealing with the warriors in Xujiazhuang, Lu Changsheng went straight to the headless body of the armored man Zhao Xing.

He grabbed Zhao Xing's body with both hands and lifted it up.


The ground cracked, and Lu Changsheng forcibly lifted Zhao Xing's body out.

He removed the iron armor and fumbled around Zhao Xing's body.

The opponent was Zhao Xing, the left envoy of the Ten Thousand Poisons Sect, and his strength was also the strongest warrior Lu Changsheng had ever seen.

He was much stronger than the "Drag Sword King" Li Ji and "Ghost Face" Chen Sanjiu.

Especially his physical fitness, which was far superior to that of ordinary internal organs warriors.

Zhao Xing had such a strong physical fitness, so Lu Changsheng was naturally very interested in the martial arts practiced by Zhao Xing.

After a careful search, Lu Changsheng really found a roll of sheepskin.

There were many densely packed small characters on the sheepskin.

"Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra?"

Lu Changsheng saw the small characters on the sheepskin roll at a glance, and it was really a martial arts secret book.

"Your Excellency must not practice the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra, it is the evil skill of the Ten Thousand Poisons Sect!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came to Lu Changsheng's ears.


Lu Changsheng raised his head, turned around and saw that it was Shen Ying who was speaking.

Shen Ying was injured in the shoulder and had a crossbow arrow stuck in his head, so he didn't dare to take it out casually.

But he still stood up, staggered to Zhao Xing's body, looked at Lu Changsheng, then respectfully bowed and said slowly: "Thank you for saving my life."

"I know the Ten Thousand Poisons Sect very well. The Ten Thousand Poisons Sect has an evil skill called the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra. This Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra is the sacred book of the Ten Thousand Poisons Sect. Everyone in the sect practices this skill and can directly reach the realm of divine power!"

"But this martial art is very evil. You must use various poisons to temper your body from a young age. Without the foundation of tempering your body with poisons, once you practice the martial arts in the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra, you will definitely die!"

Lu Changsheng was a little surprised, but he didn't think Shen Ying would lie to him.

Besides, he had his own judgment on whether it was an evil skill.

"Thank you for your reminder. I will consider it carefully."

Lu Changsheng put away the sheepskin scroll.

He looked at Shen Ying and said, "There are still many imprisoned pharmacists and doctors here, and some blood-enhancing pills that harm people."

"Since you know so much about the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, I'll leave the rest of the things here to you."

After that, Lu Changsheng said goodbye and prepared to leave.

He didn't want to get involved in these trivial matters, nor did he want to expose his identity.

With so many people dead, he had to deal with the government and many other forces, which was very troublesome.

It was the best way to let Shen Ying deal with the aftermath.

After all, Shen Ying had a deep hatred with the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, and they would never stop until they died. Shen Ying would naturally not be afraid of the revenge of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect.

"You have saved so many people, can you leave a name?"

Shen Ying asked hurriedly.

Lu Changsheng went into the passage without looking back, leaving only one sentence: "We met by chance, why do we need to leave a name?"

The voice was still echoing in the underground hall, but Lu Changsheng had already come to the ground.

Xujiazhuang was originally holding a wedding, but it was also a mess at the moment.

Many people fled back home.

Lu Changsheng did not forget Xu Yuanwai.

This Xu Yuanwai, known as "Xu Da Shanren", is the backbone of Xujiazhuang.

But who would have thought that Xu Yuanwai was actually a member of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect?

Lu Changsheng broke into the groom's bridal chamber directly. The groom and the bride were huddled together in fear.

"Where is your father Xu Yuanwai?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

"I... I don't know."

Lu Changsheng stared at the groom carefully.

The other party was Xu Yuanwai's son, but the other party did not seem to lie.

Lu Changsheng looked at the bride again, her face pale and very frightened.

Then Lu Changsheng turned and left. He searched carefully everywhere, but there was no trace of Xu Yuanwai.

It was basically confirmed that Xu Yuanwai had run away.

This Xu Yuanwai was also cruel. He abandoned his family and career, even his son, and ran away alone.

"Really decisive!"

Lu Changsheng shook his head.

Xu Yuanwai ran away so decisively, and he had no way to do anything.

However, Lu Changsheng's purpose of coming to Xujiazhuang this time was achieved. At least Cheng Yaoshi and others were safe and could return to Miaoshou Garden tomorrow.

Then, Lu Changsheng left Xujiazhuang and returned to Miaoshou Garden.

In the house, Lu Changsheng took out a sheepskin scroll from his arms.

It recorded the "Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra".

If a martial art is not a sensational one, it is definitely not simple to be named "Scripture".

Although the sheepskin scroll is small, the number of words recorded on it is also very small.

But the content is very rich.

Lu Changsheng looked carefully and became more and more delighted.

This is indeed a martial art called the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra.

And it is not just one martial art, but four!

The Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra is divided into the chapter of strengthening blood, the chapter of forging bones, the chapter of refining organs, and the chapter of divine power!

All four chapters of martial arts are actually recorded on the parchment scroll.

To have such a complete martial art, it is clear that Zhao Xing, the "left envoy", has an extraordinary status.

Lu Changsheng started from the chapter of strengthening blood.

After all, the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra is actually a martial art that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Starting from the stage of strengthening blood, you must take various poisons from a young age.

At the beginning, you take poisons with very low toxicity, and then use the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra to strengthen blood to temper your body, so that your body can adapt to these poisons, and then slowly replace some very toxic poisons.

This method is actually very dangerous, with a high mortality rate, and the success rate is probably only 30% to 40%.

Among ten people, only three or four people may survive.

But once a warrior survives, practicing the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra is not too dangerous.

Moreover, various poisons have been integrated into the whole body, so that the body is stimulated by poisons every day, and the physical fitness will also improve at a speed far beyond that of ordinary people.

The same is true when reaching the Bone Forging Realm and the Organ Refining Realm, the physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary warriors.

This is why Zhao Xing can wear such a heavy iron armor without affecting flexibility.

It is because Zhao Xing practiced the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra, and his physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary organ refining warriors.

Moreover, if you can break through to the Divine Power Realm with the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra, you will have a certain chance of forging a body of ten thousand poisons after changing your marrow and blood and changing your bones.

Once you have forged a body of ten thousand poisons, if you use your blood and qi to fight with others, every move will be poisonous, and even a warrior in the Divine Power Realm may not be able to resist the terrible poison.

However, even if you practice the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra since childhood and achieve the Divine Power Realm step by step, it is still very difficult to forge a body of ten thousand poisons.

Throughout the history of the Ten Thousand Poisons Sect, there were only a few warriors who could forge the Ten Thousand Poisons Body.

But once a warrior with the Ten Thousand Poisons Body was born, the Ten Thousand Poisons Sect would often usher in a glorious period!


"This Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra is really a powerful martial art, but it's a pity that the mortality rate is too high. Moreover, if you don't start practicing the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra from the Strong Blood Realm, don't even think about practicing the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra again."

"Once you force yourself to practice the martial arts in the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra, you will almost certainly die!"

Lu Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

He couldn't practice the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra now.

However, Lu Changsheng was not without gain.

He saw a kind of strange pill in the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra, called the Ten Thousand Poisons Great Pill!

Once this strange pill is taken, combined with a secret method of forging bones in the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra, it can actually change the marrow!

"The Ten Thousand Poisons Great Pill..."

The name of this strange pill sounded familiar to Lu Changsheng, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

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