Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 500: The True Realm expands ten times, a hundred years of practice, the True Realm changes f

Ten thousand source crystals are indeed very expensive.

Let alone ten thousand source crystals, Lu Changsheng doesn't even have a hundred source crystals now.

Wanting to buy a method is nothing but a fool's dream.

However, Lu Changsheng actually has a plan.

Too many debts are not a worry.

One is a debt, but two are not debts?

Since we have to choose a method, let's choose it together, so that we can negotiate conditions.

"Lu also wants to choose a method."

Xiao Yu was ecstatic.

Lu Changsheng is the master of the realm.

Anything about the master of the realm is just one word, expensive.

After all, who is rich in the universe?

It must be the master of the realm!

If Xiao Yu can help Lu Changsheng choose a satisfactory method, it will be a big profit.

Every method of the master of the realm is even more expensive than you can imagine.

A superior method of cultivation, and it is only the method of cultivation of a transcendent of the first realm, starts at at least 100,000 source crystals.

In comparison, the cultivation method selected by Lin Qingluan is only 10,000 source crystals, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Lu Changsheng also came to the cultivation method area.

The number of cultivation methods of the realm masters is relatively small.

Lu Changsheng naturally did not look at ordinary methods.

He directly chose the superior and top methods.

Although the specific content of these methods cannot be seen, the introduction of the methods is very clear.

It allows people to know at a glance where the focus and advantages of this method are.

Lu Changsheng was not in a hurry, he carefully selected them one by one.

After all, the selection of methods must be cautious.

Moreover, while selecting the methods, Lu Changsheng was actually considering the future cultivation direction of his real world.

This is very important.

It is related to the potential of the real world in the future.

Regarding the development direction of the world of the realm masters, it is actually consistent as a whole.

The development direction of the world of the realm masters will eventually develop their own world to be comparable to the universe, or even stronger than the universe.

No matter what the focus is, the direction is consistent.

This is also the so-called different paths to the same destination.

However, how to make the world develop to be comparable to or even surpass the universe is different.

The difference is even huge.

Many world masters blindly expand the world.

But when the world expands to a certain extent, they find that they can no longer control the world.

The world is beyond their control.

That will lead to extreme instability in the world.

Even the world will eventually collapse.

Some people focus on developing life inside the world.

They even pass down the method of cultivation so that the life inside the world can practice.

As the number of practitioners inside the world increases, the whole world will be overwhelmed and eventually collapse.

Or, when the practitioners inside the world are too powerful, even to the extent of breaking the world, they will conflict with the world master.

Even if the world master creates his own world and creates life inside the world.

But when it comes to cultivation, no life will sit and wait for death.

Even if it is against the "world master", it is not a pity.

This kind of thing has happened more than once or twice.

There are even powerful practitioners inside the world who have successfully broken the world against the world master and come to the universe to continue practicing.

There is another type of realm master who embarks on the path of devouring the world.

Even the path of devouring the plane.

Devouring all the way, expanding the world rapidly.

Such casual expansion is extremely fast, but various hidden dangers are endless.

Basically, few can reach the second realm.

There is another type of realm master who allows the world to develop slowly and develop on its own.

He does not intervene at all.

After a long period of development, the world is indeed very stable, but the progress is so slow that it is unimaginable.

The realm master also has a lifespan limit.

Even if he waits until his lifespan is limited, he cannot be promoted to the second realm.

Therefore, the realm master must master this "degree" when cultivating the world.

And what about Lu Changsheng?

What is his focus?

This is related to his future cultivation, which is very critical and very important.

In fact, Lu Changsheng's real world is a bit similar to the "dark domain".

After all, Lu Changsheng used the "dark domain" as a template, which is equivalent to "simulating" the dark domain.

However, Lu Changsheng's real world is still far from the dark domain.

Growing from the world to the plane is a qualitative leap.

It is equivalent to upgrading from the first realm to the second realm.

In a short period of time, Lu Changsheng's real world cannot be transformed into a plane.

What's more, the dark domain is not perfect, and there is still a big gap between it and the satisfactory world that Lu Changsheng imagined.

Lu Changsheng himself actually doesn't know what kind of world he wants to develop.

This is also the reason why Lu Changsheng is looking for a method of cultivation.

He needs to draw inspiration from many methods of cultivation.

Soon, Lu Changsheng saw a superior method of the master of the realm, called the Nine-Layer World Method.

This method is simple and difficult.

It is to divide your world into nine levels.

Try to develop a world of one level, and let the life of that world develop on its own. When the life of the limit of one world is born, let it "ascend" to the second world, and then let it develop on its own until it reaches the limit of the second world, and then let it ascend to the third world.

And so on, there are nine worlds.

The purpose of doing this is very simple, that is, to divide the world into nine levels. The lives born in the world have been climbing to a higher level world, so An will always have the motivation to move forward.

Many of the monks who climbed up will die in the punishment of heaven.

This layer by layer is extremely stable.

Countless lives will work hard to practice, and there will be no civil strife in the world.

Moreover, the existence of heavenly punishment will kill countless lives, and there will not be too many immortals, which will overwhelm the world.

Even if there is life that really reaches the ninth world, or even reaches the limit of the ninth world, it doesn’t matter.

There is also a world-destroying catastrophe.

There is a specific time and a specific environment, and a world-destroying catastrophe will be born.

At that time, the world will have reincarnation.

After the world-destroying catastrophe, it will be the second reincarnation.

And so on and so forth, there will be the third reincarnation, the fourth reincarnation, and so on.

After seeing the introduction of many cultivation methods, Lu Changsheng already had an answer in his mind.

The so-called world master cultivation method is actually to "design" your own world.

However, it is too complicated.

It involves too many things.

Every world master is almost a knowledgeable "creator god".

The world created by each world master is different.

Of course, it is definitely not possible to imagine it out of thin air.

Only a method that has been tried and succeeded can become a method and allow others to practice it.

As for the distinction between ordinary methods, superior methods and top methods, there may be differences in world structure and power.

Of course, the bigger difference is actually potential.

Whether a world has great potential is very important to the world master.

Like the Nine-Layer World Method, this is already a superior method.

With this superior method, there is a slight chance to be promoted to the second realm.

But the second realm is the limit.

It is almost impossible to rely on the Nine-Layer World Method to be promoted to the legendary third realm.

Lu Changsheng looked at the top methods again.

The top world master method has a greater chance of being promoted to the second realm.

But that's all.

And the price of the top method is too expensive.

It costs hundreds of thousands or even millions.

But they are all verified methods and can be practiced with confidence.

In the world of the world master, self-experimentation is actually the most taboo.

After all, many world masters want to experiment themselves.

Yixiangtian created a world that was earth-shattering and had amazing potential.

Such a realm master succeeded.

He even advanced to the legendary third realm.

In other words, any realm master who wanted to advance to the third realm must create a world based on himself.

But how many realm masters have advanced to the third realm?

That is the top existence in the entire universe.

Being able to advance to the second realm is already quite remarkable.

"Forget about the top method, it is too expensive, and it is also impossible to advance to the third realm, so it is not very meaningful. It is just that the success rate of advancing to the second realm is a little higher. With my understanding, I don’t care about that success rate."

"But it is not okay not to choose the realm master method at all. Even if I want to create a world by myself, I also need some specific references, so it is very necessary to choose a specific realm master method, and it is best to choose a superior method."

"Then let's go to the nine-layer world."

Many thoughts turned in Lu Changsheng's mind.

So, Lu Changsheng left the practice area and reunited with Lin Qingluan.

"Have you found your practice?"

Lin Qingluan asked.

"Found it. But my technique is more expensive."

Lu Changsheng directly took out two techniques and gave them to Xiaoyu.

"The realm master technique requires 100,000 source crystals, and the other technique for smelting the great way requires 10,000 source crystals, a total of 110,000 source crystals. You are a member of our Eternal Light Chamber of Commerce, so there is an internal 10% discount, which is 99,000 source crystals!"

Xiaoyu said with a smile.

110,000 source crystals became 99,000 source crystals.

This internal discount is actually quite good, saving 11,000 source crystals.

But the key is that Lu Changsheng doesn't have so many source crystals.

"Forget it, let's find your shopkeeper, Lu has to borrow again..."

Xiaoyu seemed to have known that this would be the case.

It's just borrowing.

It's actually very common.

She had seen many worshippers, realm masters, etc. in the Eternal Light Chamber of Commerce. At the beginning, they were determined not to borrow, and they planned to leave immediately after paying back.

But once they entered the Eternal Light Chamber of Commerce for a period of time, basically everyone was reluctant to leave.

As for never borrowing?

That's impossible.

The Eternal Light Chamber of Commerce has everything, including skills, resources, treasures, etc.

Who cares about borrowing when you can enjoy it in advance?

Soon, the shopkeeper came to the VIP room.

"Master Lu, do you want to borrow?"

"Of course."

"How much?"

"One hundred thousand source crystals."

Lu Changsheng thought about it and simply borrowed an integer.

In this way, there will be one thousand source crystals left after buying skills.

It can also be regarded as a rainy day.

After all, without source crystals, not to mention that it is difficult to move in the universe, but without source crystals, it is difficult to do anything.

"That's easy, extend the agreement on Master Lu.

"Extend from one thousand years to two thousand years. At least one hundred source crystals will still be paid back every year, and even if the borrowed source stones are paid off in advance, they must at least work for the Chamber of Commerce for a thousand years. What do you think, Lu Changsheng? "

Lu Changsheng thought about it.

This is almost double the last agreement.

At least a thousand years of service.

For Lu Changsheng, the service time is slightly longer.

But he also specifically inquired about the Eternal Chamber of Commerce in the Liuguang plane recently.

The Eternal Chamber of Commerce has a very good reputation.

Even though some realm masters have paid off their loans, they still stay in the Eternal Light Chamber of Commerce, and there are quite a few of them.

Because the Eternal Light treats them well.

And they are backed by the top power of Eternal Light.

Why not?

If they are really unhappy, it will only take a thousand years.

It will pass soon if they are patient.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng made a decision in his heart.


So, Lu Changsheng signed a new agreement without hesitation.

As soon as the agreement was signed, the shopkeeper smiled.

He immediately gave Lu Changsheng 100,000 source crystals.

With the source crystals, Lu Changsheng immediately used 99,000 source crystals to buy two cultivation methods and gave Lin Qingluan the cultivation methods she needed.

"Qingluan, we will stay in the Flowing Light Plane for a while in the future, and each of us will be familiar with the cultivation methods."


Lin Qingluan nodded.

Lu Changsheng and Lin Qingluan stayed in the Flowing Light Plane for a while.

Both of them are familiar with the cultivation methods.

Lu Changsheng was not in a hurry to practice, but carefully pondered the nine-fold world.

Since the nine-fold world has become a practice, it means that someone has successfully practiced the nine-fold world.

Even reached the level of transcending the second realm.

Otherwise, the nine-fold world cannot become a superior method.

Therefore, there is a specific way to construct the nine-fold world in the nine-fold world.

That is, how to construct the first world.

How to construct the second world.

Step by step, if you keep practicing, you may be able to construct the nine-fold world, and then have the opportunity to advance to the second realm.

Even the chance is not small.

This is the benefit of the practice.

It can guide step by step, with a specific method, without having to figure it out by yourself and take a detour.

But Lu Changsheng still doesn't plan to practice the nine-fold world.

In fact, he made up his mind from the beginning to build his own world.

Only by building a world by yourself can you be promoted to the third realm.

Otherwise, practicing other methods and using the world structure of other realm masters will fall behind.

The highest achievement is only the second realm.

That is not what Lu Changsheng pursues.

He bought the Nine-Layer World just to give himself a specific reference and hope to get a little inspiration from it.

And now, Lu Changsheng has a lot of inspiration.

In fact, the Dark Realm is pretty good.

Everything is perfect.

The life span of the cultivators is not too long.

There is even the existence of heavenly punishment.

There is no need to worry about the overcrowding of cultivators.

But the cultivation speed is a bit fast.

The difficulty of cultivation should be increased a little.

There is also a lack of something that Lu Changsheng thinks is very critical.


There is no reincarnation in the Dark Realm.

Not only the Dark Realm, but also the Chaos, and even the Great Universe.

Lu Changsheng doesn't know what's going on.

But there is indeed no reincarnation.

In a sense, no reincarnation is also a good thing.

When you die, dust returns to dust, and everything returns to the great universe and the Dark Realm.

But if there is reincarnation, then theoretically the number of lives will continue to increase.

Of course, it is not absolute.

Many people's souls are scattered.

Then they will dissipate between heaven and earth.

Moreover, reincarnation has an advantage, that is, it can be used to control the balance between heaven and earth.

This is actually very easy to understand.

Reincarnation is a reincarnation of all living beings.

Not only cultivators.

There are also flowers, plants, trees, etc., which have reincarnation.

Even this reincarnation Lu Changsheng is going to expand it.

No matter how much they practice, they can't transcend reincarnation.

Of course, this is a matter for the future.

Now we still need a basic structure.

Although the model of the dark domain is good, it is easy to breed many problems for ordinary people and powerful people to stay in the same world, and it is not conducive to Lu Changsheng's control of the real world.

Then, the structure of the nine-layer world is very good.

It can be used as a reference.

For example, Lu Changsheng will divide the real world into the mortal world, the spiritual world, the small world, the great world, the divine world, and the supreme world.

A total of six worlds.

Although not as good as the nine-layer world, it is enough.

And reincarnation is the great reincarnation of the six-layer world, covering all worlds.

Even if you reach the supreme world, you can still "upgrade" and be promoted to another dimensional world.

In short, the world structure is very large.

However, who can't build a world?

Everyone can.

Not to mention the six-layer world, even the sixty-layer world can be built.

But why can't everyone build a world?

The reason is very simple.

It's easy to fantasize about the world structure, but it's very difficult to build a world structure.

And the more complex the world is, the harder it is to build it successfully.

If you fail accidentally, all your previous efforts will be wasted, and even the whole world will collapse.

The world master will die at that time.

There are so many broken worlds in the sea of ​​​​boundaries. How are they broken?

In fact, it is the failure of building the world, and then the world collapses and dies.

The world masters are often not killed by others, but die in the world they built.

This is reality!

The world masters are honest and practice other people's skills. Although it may be a little slower, the risk is undoubtedly much smaller.

Building the world by yourself?

That is undoubtedly a step-by-step crisis.

Maybe the world will collapse at any time.

Lu Changsheng can think it all out.

However, he still did not waver.

So, Lu Changsheng began to improve his own structure.

First is the Mortal Realm.

Then the Mortal Realm needs to give birth to life.

Especially life that can practice cultivation.

This process naturally cannot be born by itself.

It needs Lu Changsheng's "boost" and Lu Changsheng's intervention.

The creatures he chose are naturally human.

After all, he himself is human.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng no longer hesitated.

In order to give birth to life and to make the world develop further, the world needs to "expand" after the structure is well established.

In fact, it needs source crystals to supplement.

Every time the world "expands", it is actually the transformation of the world.

Lu Changsheng's current real world can expand once with about 100 source crystals.

At present, Lu Changsheng has 1,015 source crystals.

It is enough for the real world to expand many times.

"Let's start."

Lu Changsheng immediately took out 100 source crystals, and the real world rolled up, and instantly rolled these 100 source crystals into the real world.

"Boom boom".

As the 100 source crystals were rolled into the real world by Lu Changsheng, the real world immediately shook.

Avenues appeared one after another.

The entire real world was rolling like a boiling pot.

However, the world-suppressing bead appeared at the right time, and no matter how violent the vibration was, it could not shake the foundation of the real world.

Every expansion is a transformation.

And this time, Lu Changsheng's goal is to give birth to life.

Lu Changsheng can have absolute control over the real world.

Therefore, the direction of this expansion, Lu Changsheng is on the Avenue of Life.

Under the blessing of the Avenue of Life, gradually, some lives began to appear.

Some powerful innate demons were born.

There are also innate beasts.

However, more importantly, the innate human race was also born.

The innate demons and innate beasts of the entire real world are the overlords.

The human race is very weak.

The only advantage is that they can learn, and learn quickly.

The human race is in danger.

There is a reason for this arrangement.

Based on the various myths in Lu Changsheng's mind.

Basically, they are all the same.

That is, the human race was very weak when it was born.

In fact, this is normal.

Only the weak want to be strong.

Only when one is in danger of losing one's life will one desperately try to find a way to survive.

Only by blazing a trail can one step out of the predicament step by step.

The expansion lasted for a hundred years!

Yes, a hundred years.

It was equivalent to Lu Changsheng's hundred years of retreat.

The time in the real world was also a hundred years, and the innate demon gods, innate beasts and innate humans were born.

The human race was weak and could only survive cautiously under the threat of many demon gods and beasts.

In fact, Lu Changsheng could control the passage of time in the real world.

It could be accelerated or slowed down.

But there was a condition.

That was the need to consume the power of the real world itself.

And if it was consumed, it had to be replenished with source crystals.

So, everything still needed source crystals.

Lu Changsheng temporarily accelerated the time ten times.

It was equivalent to one year in the outside world and a thousand years in the real world.

In this way, only ten source crystals would be consumed each year.

Lu Changsheng could still support it.

But if the time in the real world was accelerated a hundred times, at least a hundred source crystals would have to be consumed each year.

In fact, a hundred times the time was the best.

But now Lu Changsheng has to keep some source crystals for emergency use.

When there are more source crystals in the future, he can speed up the time of the real world.

Lu Changsheng called up the attribute panel to check his current situation.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: Top Comprehension

Realm Master: First Realm

Realm: 1% (one expansion)

Lu Changsheng saw on the attribute panel that the progress of the real world reached 1%.

This progress has just begun.

But it is very important.

This means going from zero to one.

As long as time passes, the real world will develop on its own and it may reach 2%, 3% or even more.

If it can expand again, it will definitely increase more.

Lu Changsheng glanced at the source crystals in his hand.

There are still 915 source crystals left.

It can continue to expand.

So what are you waiting for?

Isn't expansion better than accelerating time?


So Lu Changsheng put in another 100 source crystals.

Soon, the real world began to expand for the second time.

During the second expansion, the innate demon gods and innate beasts fought for territory and fought in the entire real world.

The human race was in danger.

Many human beings suffered heavy casualties, but some powerful individuals created cultivation methods when observing innate beasts and innate demon gods, and began to gradually become stronger.

Then there was the third expansion, the fourth expansion, the fifth expansion...

Lu Changsheng expanded again and again, and expanded a total of ten times before stopping.

It took a hundred years for ten expansions.

After ten expansions, Lu Changsheng only had fifteen source crystals left.

"I can't expand anymore, there are no more source crystals..."

Lu Changsheng shook his head.

It's only been a hundred years and there are no more source crystals.

It seems that I have to find a way to earn source crystals.

Lu Changsheng called up the attribute panel again to check.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: Top Comprehension

Realm Master: First Realm

Realm: 5% (ten expansions)

This made Lu Changsheng look a little embarrassed.

After ten expansions, the progress of the real world is only 5%. What does this mean?

It means that after ten expansions, the real world has not made much progress.

Lu Changsheng also gained little.

The strength has not actually improved much.

Is there a problem with cultivation?


The reason why Lu Changsheng is not anxious is that he knows the reason.

There are already many lives in the real world.

The ten expansions have caused the number of lives to expand wildly.

There are too many creatures now, almost all over the real world.

However, the masters are still the innate demon gods and innate divine beasts.

Especially the innate divine beasts, many exotic beasts with the blood of divine beasts have been born, and there are many of them. In the battle with the innate demon gods, they are gradually gaining the upper hand and gaining an advantage.

Lu Changsheng knows that in fact, the "protagonist of the real world" he has designated is actually the human race.

It's just that the human race is still weak now.

Although there are many people and there are cultivators, the overall strength is far behind the innate divine beasts and innate demon gods.

The reason why his real world has not made much progress is here.

When one day, the human race becomes the master of the real world, then Lu Changsheng's real world progress will be greatly improved.

And this day is coming soon.

The world master cannot directly intervene in the cultivation of the world.

You can give some help indirectly, or help the world run, but you can't intervene directly.

Therefore, if the human race wants to become the master of the real world, it has to rely on the human race itself.

Lu Changsheng has seen hope now.

The innate beasts have the upper hand, and the innate demons are gradually at a disadvantage.

The reason is that there are many descendants of the bloodline of the innate beasts.

And there are very few innate demons.

The innate demons now have a countermeasure, which is to win over the human race.

Since you want to win over the human race, you have to give benefits.

The innate demons began to cooperate with the human race.

This is a great thing for the human race.

Lu Changsheng believes that if the human race expands a few more times, the strength of the human race will increase greatly, and the day of becoming the master of the real world is just around the corner!

Unfortunately, without the source crystal to continue expanding, Lu Changsheng can only stop.

"Wait, I practice for a hundred years. According to the agreement with the Eternal Light Chamber of Commerce, I must pay the Chamber of Commerce one hundred source crystals every year. Now I owe another ten thousand source crystals?"

"And it's a breach of contract, and there are penalties for breach of contract. Accumulated..."

Lu Changsheng frowned.

All source crystals.

It seems that he really has to find a way to earn source crystals this time.

And a lot of source crystals.

Otherwise, it will take a hundred years to practice.

The penalty for breach of contract is a lot.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng no longer hesitated and left the quiet room directly.

"Changsheng, you finally came out of retreat."

As soon as Lu Changsheng came out of the quiet room, he saw Lin Qingluan.

Lin Qingluan's practice ended early.

"Qingluan, how is your practice going?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

"It's going relatively smoothly. But this method is too slow to practice, and it requires understanding."

"In fact, you still need to rely on external objects. Some treasures can deepen your perception of the Great Dao, but I checked and found that those treasures are very expensive, so in the past few decades, I have been trying to earn source crystals."

"It's a pity that I, an ordinary transcendent, can't earn too many source crystals..."

Lin Qingluan shook her head.

It took decades to earn more than a hundred source crystals.

This is the reality of ordinary transcendents.

Source crystals are hard to earn.

"Qingluan, I've also ended my retreat. Now I have to go to the Eternal Light Chamber of Commerce. I may concentrate on transporting goods for a period of time to earn source crystals."

"You don't have to worry. I'll show you if there is anything suitable for you in the Eternal Light Chamber of Commerce."

Lu Changsheng comforted Lin Qingluan.

The two chatted for a while, and Lu Changsheng got up and left the cave, rushing towards the Eternal Light Chamber of Commerce.

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