Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 506: The Lord summons, the secret of eternity!

Time passes day by day.

Lu Changsheng and Lin Qingluan didn't wait long.

About ten days later, Lin Qingluan was summoned.

The two were summoned separately.

Lin Qingluan was summoned first.

It took three days of summoning before Lin Qingluan came back.

After returning, Lin Qingluan still seems to be unable to calm down.

"It turns out that's the soul. It's really...indescribable."

"Chang Sheng, Master will summon you soon, and you will naturally know what's going on."

Lin Qingluan did not say the specific content of Feilong Lord’s summons.

There must be a reason.

Lu Changsheng waited patiently.

A few days later, Lu Changsheng was summoned by the Feilong Lord and went to the Feilong Lord's cave.

"I've met Master."

Lu Changsheng saluted respectfully.

"Chang Sheng, sit down, don't be so restrained."

The Feilong Lord looked very kind.

"Changsheng, do you have any questions?"

The Flying Dragon Lord asked.


Lu Changsheng hesitated.

He had many questions.

But in the final analysis, these questions can be turned into one problem.

"May I ask Master, what is the soul?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

In the final analysis, many problems are actually extensions of this problem.

What is the soul?

Just know the problem.

The Feilong Lord pondered for a while, then shook his head and said: "What the soul is, I don't know, maybe only the great fourth realm can know."

"The fourth realm?"

"Yes, the fourth realm is actually also called the eternal realm."

"Not eternal life, nor eternal life, but... eternity."

"Because they have transcended everything and are separated from everything. Matter, energy, spirit, etc., can no longer affect them."

"The Eternal Realm is everywhere, but no one seems to be able to find them. They have many names, and many lives have given them various great names, but in the final analysis, we call them the Eternal Realm!"

"Of course, we call the eternal realm the fourth realm. It seems that after the third realm, we will become the fourth realm. But in fact, this is an insurmountable gap. It is not even clear how to become the eternal realm."

"The solution we are currently thinking of is the soul."

"Each of us is a unique living being, and every minute and every second, maybe a small thought or a small action can emanate another timeline and be mapped into different dimensions."

"That is to say, there are countless dimensions on countless timelines. And among countless dimensions, we have our own existence. The common point we have observed so far is the soul. No matter how many timelines are diverged, no matter how many dimensions are mapped out. But the essence of our own souls is the same for everyone.”

"Therefore, the practice that is common in the third realm requires that one's own souls in countless timelines and countless dimensions be integrated into one. When one's own souls in all dimensions and timelines are integrated into one, then one can To become the true one is the eternal state!”

Lu Changsheng was shocked.

To be honest, the fourth realm was too far away from him.

After all, he is just a first-level monk.

However, Lu Changsheng could understand it.

It’s not that I am ignorant.

But I really understood.

The reason is very simple, because before this, when Lu Changsheng realized the soul, he vaguely knew that there were countless dimensions, there were countless selves, and the essence of the soul was the same.

He even created his own special soul frequency in order to absorb souls from other dimensions to enhance his own soul.

Lu Changsheng tried it, and he even succeeded.

After comparing what Master Feilong said and confirming his own method, Lu Changsheng finally understood.

Everything he had deduced before was correct.

"The only true self, the eternal realm..."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

"Yes, the only true self is the eternal realm. It is an eternal existence no matter where it is, what rules it is, or what universe it is. It is not like us in the third realm, which seems to have an infinite lifespan, but is still limited by the entire universe. Our lifespan is infinite in this big universe, but once the big universe collapses and is destroyed, we will also die. Only by becoming the eternal state and the only true self can we be truly immortal and eternal."

The Flying Dragon Lord smiled but said nothing.

Instead, let Lu Changsheng slowly digest the information while he waited quietly.

In fact, the Flying Dragon Master will explain these words in detail to every direct disciple.

This is his philosophy!

In other words, the philosophy of Feilong Mountain.

"Actually, there are many debates about soul cultivation throughout the universe. Many masters believe that soul cultivation can only start from the third realm, but I don't think so."

"My teacher feels that the earlier the soul practice, the better. It is best to start contacting it at the first stage, and even strengthen the soul.˜"*°•.˜˜.•°*"˜And when the soul is strengthened, it can actually benefit the practice. It will help, whether you are promoted to the second realm or the third realm, or once you become the third realm, you can go further on the eternal road than the other three realm masters. "

"Actually, coming to my Feilong Mountain or even becoming my master's direct disciple has a 'test' effect. My master will test it on you, so that you can personally experience the effect of soul enhancement to see if it has any effect on the second realm. , Does the third realm work?”

The Flying Dragon Lord is very candid.

Test it on your own disciples.

It goes without saying that this kind of thing goes without saying. Many people will know it after a long time.

But being so honest from the beginning still made Lu Changsheng feel "respected".

In fact, it was not just Lu Changsheng, but also other direct disciples.

"Respect" for a master is not that easy.

"Did Master's experiment succeed? Can the soul help a transcendent person advance to the second or third realm?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

"The Third Realm... currently no disciple has been promoted to the Third Realm, so the result is unknown."

"However, as for the second realm, I have a total of thirty-two direct disciples as my master, and there are countless registered disciples. Three of them have been promoted to the second realm."

"Three second-level disciples, and almost one-tenth of the direct disciples can be promoted to the second level. This probability... is very high!"

"In the vast universe, there are countless people who have transcended the first level. Even if the master personally teaches his disciples and can teach a second level disciple, that is an amazing existence and a good teaching. There are thirty-two disciples who can be teachers, plus You and Qingluan actually don't spend much energy as teachers, and you can practice on your own, but you can advance to the second level by nearly one-tenth."

"This kind of achievement is unique to me in the entire universe! Therefore, soul enhancement will be of great help in promoting to the second realm. I speculate that it will definitely be helpful in promoting to the third realm, but currently there are only three second-level teachers in me. There are too few disciples in the third realm, and no one has been promoted to the third realm yet, so it is impossible to give a definite answer.”

The Feilong Lord's words made Lu Changsheng fall into deep thought.

Nearly one-tenth of the disciples were promoted to the second level.

This ratio is quite astonishing.

Of course, as time goes by and the number of disciples increases, this ratio may decrease.

But a master has cultivated three powerful beings in two realms, which is an amazing achievement in the vast universe.

Second-level power cannot be cultivated through cultivation.

Even if you are a master of the third realm, there is no guarantee that you will be able to cultivate a powerful person of the second realm.

The Flying Dragon Master took a different approach and asked his disciples to strengthen their souls from the very beginning.

It seems to be an experiment.

But in fact, for the disciples of the Flying Dragon Master, isn't this a great opportunity?

"Okay, now can you tell me why you suddenly strengthened your soul during the first and second tests?"

The Feilong Lord slowly asked.


Lu Changsheng raised his head and looked at the Feilong Lord.

Somewhat surprised.

But it seems reasonable.

Even Qingluan could tell that something was wrong with Lu Changsheng's sudden enhancement of his soul.

How could the majestic master not know?

Perhaps, this is the real reason why the Flying Dragon Lord made an exception and gave Lu Changsheng another three years to spell out the ninth soul map.

Otherwise, even if Lu Changsheng spells out eight soul pictures, he may not be able to impress the Feilong Lord.

Not to mention making an exception for Lu Changsheng.

Only the soul is what the Flying Dragon Lord cares about most.

Lu Changsheng pondered for a while, but the Feilong Lord did not urge him.

Then Lu Changsheng spoke: "Master, I believe that the self in various dimensions and timelines is actually myself. Even if the experiences, thoughts, and cultivation are different, the essence of the soul is the same."

"Even, there should be a connection between ourselves in various dimensions and timelines. But where is this connection? The disciple thinks it should be in the soul. So is there a way to make the souls connect with each other, or even with each other? Fusion?”

"The disciple finally deduced a special soul frequency, and then continued to vibrate with this soul frequency, hoping that one day the soul frequencies of both parties would match, thus creating a connection..."

Lu Changsheng's words shocked the Feilong Lord.

"Then you succeeded?"

The Feilong Lord asked eagerly.

In fact, the answer is already obvious.

If it didn't succeed, how could Lu Changsheng's soul be strengthened so much?

But the Dragon Lord needs a definite answer!


"Once during the Hundred-Level Soul Staircase and once during the Soul Fighting Map, it was enhanced twice in total."

"But the two times are very short, only a few breaths, and when the soul frequencies will be consistent, it is impossible to guess and control. You can only try your luck. Maybe decades, maybe hundreds of years, maybe not in a lifetime. There will be.”

"Even a disciple can't guess when the next time will be, or whether there will be a next time..."

Lu Changsheng's words still made the Feilong Lord very excited.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect that you, a mere realm master, could actually create your own soul frequency. You were even lucky enough to enhance your soul twice."

"However, this soul frequency is different for every monk, right?"

Lu Changsheng nodded: "The soul frequency of every life is different, and only you can deduce your own soul frequency. Others cannot help. Only you can experience the soul frequency in the dark."

The Flying Dragon Lord fell into deep thought.

Lu Changsheng did not hide anything.

Lu Changsheng explained in detail how to deduce the soul frequency, and even what it felt like.

The Flying Dragon Lord immediately started trying.

That feeling in the dark...

Unfortunately, he tried for a long time and found nothing.

For a long time, the Feilong Lord looked at Lu Changsheng with a complicated expression: "Perhaps your method can only be applied to yourself... At least even my master can't sense the soul frequency in the dark, let alone other people."

"Perhaps your talent in the soul is not in the strength of the soul, but in sensing other souls..."

Lu Changsheng didn't know how to explain it.

He knew he had no soul talent.

The only reason may be comprehension.

He is top-notch savvy.

Lu Changsheng once thought that the upper limit of his top level understanding could only reach that of a transcendent person.

But now it seems that even the flying dragon master of the three realms cannot sense the soul frequency.

That meant that the Flying Dragon Lord's understanding was probably not as good as his own.

The potential of top-level understanding may exceed that of the master of the three realms!

However, Lu Changsheng didn't talk about comprehension.

This is his biggest secret.

Besides, it's useless even if you say it.

Understanding is as mysterious as it is mysterious.

It can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

Even if you know it, others can't learn it.

"Then how do Master and other masters of the three realms sense souls and even enhance souls?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

This is also a matter of great concern to him.

Since the Flying Dragon Master does not rely on soul frequency to enhance the soul, then what does it rely on?

The soul of the Flying Dragon Lord is very powerful.

Lu Changsheng could sense it.

It was still his secret feeling.

Maybe if the soul is strengthened, it can feel this way.

This kind of power far surpassed Lin Qingluan, and even far surpassed Lu Changsheng himself.

Moreover, Lu Changsheng also knew that Fang Chuan's soul was also very powerful.

Up and down Feilong Mountain, even the registered disciples have souls that are far more powerful than those of ordinary transcendent beings.

This is already a characteristic of the entire Feilong Mountain.

Therefore, there must be a way to strengthen the soul in Feilong Mountain.

"In the vast universe, there are actually various ways to enhance the soul. But there is only one method that can be popularized and used by everyone, and that is luck!"

"As long as you strengthen your luck, it seems that your soul can be strengthened somehow."

"For example, your Taoist companion Lin Qingluan, she fused with the Divine Tree of Luck, surpassed many transcendents during the opening of Feilong Mountain, and was absorbed by the Divine Tree of Luck. This caused Lin Qingluan's luck to skyrocket. , the strength of the soul also increases, so it is possible to pass the soul ladder one after another and piece together seven soul maps. "

Lu Changsheng was thoughtful.

Luck treasure?

This luck treasure sounds very strong, but in fact it cannot directly enhance the strength.

In the vast universe, many people are competing for luck treasures.

But most detached people may not know the actual use of these luck treasures.

And now Lu Changsheng knows.

It turns out that this luck is also related to the soul.

As for why luck strengthens the soul, Lu Changsheng doesn't know.

But he had a vague guess.

At this time, the Flying Dragon Master also said: "Actually, many masters have a guess. The souls in countless dimensions and countless timelines have some potential connections. When oneself in a certain dimension is very powerful and has good luck, At that time, the souls in other dimensions will subtly lose some souls and converge on the strongest soul, so that the stronger one will become stronger."

"This is also called the 'spirit gathering phenomenon'."

"This is why many masters require their disciples to do their best to fight and strengthen themselves as soon as possible. Only in this way can they become the most powerful soul in all dimensions at the same time, thereby subtly strengthening the soul. ”

Lu Changsheng nodded.

It seems that the masters have studied "soul" very deeply.

In the eyes of the masters, studying the soul is actually studying the "eternal road."

"Master, has any powerful person in the eternal realm been born in our universe so far?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

"This...maybe, maybe not."

"After all, as long as the Eternal Realm does not want to show up, even if it stands in front of us, we will not know that the other party is the Eternal Realm. But at least one thing is that there has never been any news of the Eternal Realm publicly appearing in the universe."

"Then how does the universe spread some information about the eternal realm?"

Lu Changsheng asked again.

The Feilong Lord looked at Lu Changsheng meaningfully.

"I said, even if the Eternal Realm stands in front of us, we don't know... Maybe this information was left by a certain Eternal Realm, which can be regarded as giving a glimmer of hope to the life of the entire universe."

Lu Changsheng understood.

Regarding the eternal realm, there are some mythical legends.

None specific.

"Okay, basically I've told you everything I need to tell you."

"Remember, the soul is important, but cultivation is fundamental. After all, strengthening the soul is also to improve your cultivation faster in the future. Since you have become your master, that master will give you treasures."

"This is the Gathering Luck Tower. As the name suggests, after refining the Gathering Luck Tower, your luck will be gradually enhanced. As for how much your luck will be enhanced, it depends on your luck. Theoretically, your reputation will be throughout the world. The wider the universe, the wider the destiny. This is why I ask the disciples of Feilong Mountain to try their best to make a big name in the universe, and they must not keep a low profile."

"Like other disciples of the master, each of them has made a great reputation in the universe. What a genius, the supreme genius, the first person in the history, the unprecedented and unparalleled, anyway, no matter how big the reputation is, the bigger the reputation is. But there is one thing, you must not lose. Once you lose once, your luck will be greatly lost, and it will even be difficult to replenish it."

Lu Changsheng accepted the luck-gathering tower.

"Master, I have one last question."

"Go ahead."

"My soul strength was mediocre before. If it weren't for the soul frequency of my soul to enhance my soul, I might not even be able to pass the soul ladder."

"Does this mean that I actually did not trigger the 'gathering soul phenomenon', and even my soul is still flowing towards other timelines and dimensions. In other dimensions and other timelines, there may be stronger souls than you now."

Lu Changsheng realized this.

According to the explanation of the "gathering soul phenomenon", the stronger the stronger.

If Lu Changsheng is really the strongest, then his soul cannot be that weak.

"That's the theory. But you don't have to lose heart. As long as you catch up, you may surpass the souls in other dimensions and timelines."

The Flying Dragon Lord comforted him.

This is why the Flying Dragon Lord does not accept those transcendents with weak souls as disciples.

A weak soul basically means that the souls on this line are not the strongest in all dimensions and timelines.

One step stronger, every step stronger.

It's too difficult for the weak to catch up.

"Thank you, Master, for clearing up my doubts. I understand."

Lu Changsheng bowed respectfully.

He really understood.

It turns out that cultivation is not only competing with others, but also competing with oneself.

And it is competing with "oneself" in countless timelines and countless dimensions.

That's much more difficult.

Who knows how powerful "oneself" in other timelines is?

Even has it become a second or even third realm existence?

After all, the self in other timelines is likely to have "top comprehension".

Lu Changsheng said goodbye and left.

However, when he left, the Flying Dragon Lord also gave Lu Changsheng a privilege, that is, he could come to see him at any time.

Even among the direct disciples, most of them did not receive such treatment.

Only three second-level disciples received such treatment.

Lu Changsheng returned to the cave.

Lin Qingluan smiled slightly and said, "How is it?"

"It's really eye-opening."

Lu Changsheng took another deep look at Lin Qingluan.

Now he estimated that Lin Qingluan had the Fortune Tree, and she was probably the strongest existence in many dimensions and timelines.

Therefore, for Lin Qingluan, everything was going well.

"Changsheng, if I didn't have your Fortune Tree, I would never have come this far, let alone the first person in many timelines and dimensions!"

"I don't know if I will meet you again in other timelines and other dimensions?"

Lin Qingluan looked at Lu Changsheng affectionately.

Her eyes were full of tenderness.

There might be Lu Changsheng in other timelines.

But it's hard to say whether Lin Qingluan can meet him.

Lin Qingluan was "taken away" by Lu Changsheng alone.

After all, who would refine the Fortune Tree instead of refining it for himself, but for others?

"Qingluan, you and I are one."

Lu Changsheng and Lin Qingluan were affectionate for a while.

However, Lu Changsheng kept thinking about a question in his mind.

On many timelines and many dimensions, he may have "fallen behind".

It has settled in "himself".

"The last time the incarnation was defeated, it was probably a big impact, and a certain amount of luck was lost."

Lu Changsheng thought of the last time his incarnation was defeated during transportation.

This was the only time Lu Changsheng had failed in a long time.

Although it was just an incarnation.

But the incarnation still represents Lu Changsheng himself to a certain extent.

If it fails, it fails.

This is the loss of luck.

It's just that Lu Changsheng didn't feel it before.

Until this time, Lu Changsheng couldn't even pass the soul ladder.

It must be the influence of the loss of luck.

Otherwise, Lu Changsheng has been undefeated for a long time, how could he not be able to pass the soul ladder?

Luckily, Lu Changsheng still has top-level comprehension.

He forcibly deduced the soul frequency and then strengthened his soul.

Otherwise, he would not be able to become a disciple of the Dragon Lord.

This time was very important to Lu Changsheng.

It made Lu Changsheng understand the importance of "soul".

"I now have the Juyun Tower, but I am afraid that I have similar treasures and top-level understanding in other timelines. My only advantage is that I can deduce the soul frequency, while I may not be able to deduce the soul frequency in other timelines."

"After all, my soul frequency must be deduced under special circumstances and forced by the situation."

"Without this experience, it is difficult..."

Lu Changsheng carefully sorted out his current advantages in his mind.

The only advantage is the special soul frequency.

This may be his only hope to "surpass" "myself" in other timelines and dimensions.

"The soul frequency must be maintained at all times."

"Fortunately, this only involves a part of the mind. Even if I divide a tenth of my mind, it is enough to maintain the special soul frequency and will not affect normal practice."

Lu Changsheng's mind moved.

He immediately separated a part of the "real world".

Let this part of the "real world" stay in the sea of ​​​​worlds, and keep the special soul frequency all the time, and see when it can fit in with the souls in other dimensions again, and then strengthen the soul.

This time may be decades.

It may also be hundreds of years, thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.

At present, Lu Changsheng has no way.

He can only try his luck.

This is beyond his control.

The only thing Lu Changsheng can control is cultivation.

Therefore, cultivation is still the main thing.

As for the soul frequency, just let the incarnation maintain it all the time.

Speaking of cultivation, Lu Changsheng's self-created "dimensional upgrade method" is good.

The potential is very high.

But at present, Lu Changsheng's real world has given birth to the mortal world, the spirit world, the small world, and the big world.

At present, Lu Changsheng's real world has expanded 115 times, and the progress has reached 100%. Even Lu Changsheng has the qualifications to impact the second realm.

However, based on Lu Changsheng's current situation.

If you rashly impact the second realm, the success rate is probably only 10%!

With such a low probability, Lu Changsheng will not try.

Then, you can choose to continue to expand.

After all, Lu Changsheng's real world can continue to expand, there is also the God Realm, and the Supreme Realm.

The real world continues to expand, and Lu Changsheng has a greater chance of impacting the second realm.

But now every time the real world expands, it requires 100,000 source crystals.

This number of source crystals is huge.

This is an astronomical figure.

Ordinary first-level transcendents can only look up to it.

Even for the realm master, it is a very large number.

Moreover, Lu Changsheng's real world cannot expand only once.

He needs to expand many times.

Source crystals, now Lu Changsheng is the more the better, and he will never have too much.

"How many years will it take to earn enough source crystals if we rely solely on the realm master's 'transportation'?"

"If it was before, it didn't matter. Just wait a little longer and keep transporting."

"But it's different now. There are countless me in countless timelines and countless dimensions, all practicing desperately. If you don't want to end up as the wedding dress of 'myself' in other timelines and other dimensions, you must race against time and improve your cultivation as quickly as possible."

"You must earn a lot of source crystals as soon as possible!"

A gleam of brilliance flashed in Lu Changsheng's eyes.

He had made up his mind.

Now the practice plan has been formulated.

Then it's time to act.

"Source crystals... maybe I can ask Brother Fang Chuan."

Lu Changsheng thought of Fang Chuan.

As a second-level great power, there should be many opportunities to earn source crystals.

Being able to directly contact a second-level great power is not an opportunity that other first-level transcendents can have.

So, Lu Changsheng left the cave directly and visited Fang Chuan directly.

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