Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 522: The Real World is Upgraded! Promoted to the Second Realm, the Great Power of the Univer


Without any hesitation, Lu Changsheng followed the induction in the dark and began to upgrade!

"Boom boom".

As Lu Changsheng's mind moved, the whole world was shaking.

The mortal world, the spiritual world, the small world, the great world, the divine world and the supreme world!

A total of six worlds.

They were all shaking violently at this moment.

At the same time, Lu Changsheng felt that he was "rising".

Yes, it was "rising".

It seemed that some kind of inexplicable transformation was taking place.

Lu Changsheng left the quiet room, the cave, and even the top of the universe at the first time.

He took a step and came to the universe.

In the universe, Lu Changsheng's real world was fully manifested and was still "rising".

"Hmm? This feeling... is familiar?"

Lu Changsheng had a vague feeling.

His "upgrade" actually gave him a familiar feeling.

Yes, it was "familiar".

Especially the process of his real world "rising", Lu Changsheng was very familiar with it.

Lu Changsheng didn't think for too long, and soon he understood why he felt familiar.

Not long after, Lu Changsheng saw a huge "world".

It was also a "world" that he was very familiar with.

Or rather, it was not a world, but... a boundary sea!

Yes, it was a boundary sea.

Lu Changsheng actually saw the boundary sea?

"Boundary sea..."

Lu Changsheng's heart was shocked.

He was "upgrading", why did he see the boundary sea?

And he felt familiar before, wasn't it because he descended from the boundary sea to the top of the universe, that way?

Now why is his real world going to merge into the boundary sea again?

Lu Changsheng was puzzled.

However, he soon understood.

The real world was not going to merge into the boundary sea, but slowly rose to the same position as the boundary sea.

And it was right next to the boundary sea.

At the same time, Lu Changsheng felt that the mark he left in the boundary sea was vibrating.

"Boom boom".

This is the whole boundary sea vibrating.

Although the vibration is very slight, it is indeed vibrating.

"What happened?"

"What happened in the sea of ​​boundaries?"

"Why is the sea of ​​boundaries shaking? What happened?"

Many world masters sensed the shaking of the sea of ​​boundaries.

But they didn't know what happened, and they all came out to investigate.

But they couldn't find anything.

The whole real world was shaking.

Only Lu Changsheng knew the specific reason.

Because his spiritual imprint was taken away.

Or in other words, the spiritual imprint he left in the sea of ​​boundaries dissipated.

It was "deprived" by the sea of ​​boundaries.

This means that his "immortality" has now become a joke.

"How could it be?"

"How could the sea of ​​boundaries take away my spiritual imprint?"

"It is even rejecting part of my real world?"

"I can't even enter the real world anymore?"

Lu Changsheng was a little dumbfounded.

He had stayed in a part of the real world of the sea of ​​boundaries, and had been looking for special frequencies, hoping to match the souls on other timelines.

As a result, he was now "rejected" by the sea of ​​boundaries.

Lu Changsheng could also feel that he could no longer enter the sea of ​​boundaries.

Once he entered the sea of ​​boundaries, it would inevitably cause a violent reaction from the sea of ​​boundaries.

It will be a big trouble then.

But the key is that Lu Changsheng is in big trouble now.

His spiritual imprint is not in the boundary sea anymore, and the boundary sea even rejects him now.

Is he still the boundary master now?

"Wait, my real world has now risen to the same level as the boundary sea, and even on par with the boundary sea. Does that mean my real world is actually the boundary sea? Or, like the boundary sea, a new boundary sea has been formed?"

"But this boundary sea belongs to me alone?"

Lu Changsheng's heart was shocked.

Such a very "bold" idea popped up in his mind.

But thinking about it carefully, this idea does not seem to be aimless, but has a trace to follow.

Now his real world is indeed on par with the boundary sea.

Even the boundary sea rejects his spiritual imprint.

That means that the boundary sea thinks Lu Changsheng's spiritual imprint is a threat.

What can form a threat?

Naturally, it is at the same level.

The more Lu Changsheng thought about it, the more possible it seemed.

With a thought, the part of the real world that was excluded quickly returned to the real world.

The spiritual imprint dissipated, so it dissipated.

In fact, it didn't have much impact.

But the key is that Lu Changsheng had to prove that his real world was really "promoted" to rival the boundary sea.

There may be a huge difference in size.

But the level should be the same.

So, Lu Changsheng moved his real world again and tried to integrate it into the boundary sea.

But just as he approached, a sudden change occurred.

"Boom boom".

Lu Changsheng's real world was attacked by the boundary sea.

The terrifying power seemed to crush Lu Changsheng.


Lu Changsheng retreated immediately without thinking.

If he really didn't retreat, his real world might be crushed into powder by the boundary sea.

However, although this time was thrilling, Lu Changsheng had already confirmed that his real world was indeed at the same level as the boundary sea.

Otherwise, the boundary sea would not have such a fierce reaction.

"So the so-called 'upgrading dimension' is to transform from an ordinary world into an existence similar to the boundary sea?"

"Speaking of which, the boundary sea was originally formed by the fusion of some ordinary worlds of the world masters, and then over a long period of time, more worlds of the world masters merged together."

"It is said that one day, the boundary sea suddenly came to this place, and traveling in the boundary sea can cross the vast universe. It seems that it is not in the universe, but it seems to be included in the universe, between existence and non-existence, which is very magical."

"This should be because the boundary sea was also "upgraded" at the beginning."

Lu Changsheng suddenly realized.

Upgrading dimensions, it turns out to be a boundary sea.

Lu Changsheng naturally knows how powerful and magical the boundary sea is.

It is said that even the second realm masters cannot attack the boundary sea.

Because it cannot be found at all.

Only the third realm masters can find the boundary sea.

But the third realm masters will also encounter great resistance when they take action in the boundary sea.

In addition, the distance scale in the boundary sea seems to be different from that in the universe.

In the boundary sea, a very short distance can reach every corner of the universe.

Lu Changsheng's heart moved.

His real world is now comparable to the boundary sea.

Can he also have abilities similar to the boundary sea?

His real world is actually not small.

If he walks in the real world, can he also go to various places in the universe?

Lu Changsheng tried it immediately.

His consciousness returned to the real world, and he concentrated all his efforts to sense the universe.

This sense made Lu Changsheng horrified.

"Is this... the universe?"

Lu Changsheng was extremely shocked.

What did he see?

The universe!

From his "perspective", the vast universe turned out to be just "a picture", which was presented very clearly in front of him.

He even had a feeling.

As long as he moved his mind, he could go to every corner of the universe.

Just like the boundary sea.

He can go to every place in the universe.

But before, Lu Changsheng also had to hurry in the boundary sea.

This is because Lu Changsheng could not control the boundary sea.

Lu Changsheng is not the master of the boundary sea.

But the real world is different.

Lu Changsheng is the real world, and the real world is Lu Changsheng.

He can condense an avatar and reach any corner of the universe at any time.


Lu Changsheng then condensed an avatar, flew out of the real world in an instant, and descended rapidly.

Soon, Lu Changsheng descended to the universe.

Lu Changsheng's avatar looked carefully.

Isn't this at the top of the universe?

Then Lu Changsheng sent down another avatar and descended directly.

Looking carefully, it descended to Feilong Mountain again.


From the real world, Lu Changsheng can also descend to various places in the universe in an instant.

Exactly the same as the boundary sea.

This time, Lu Changsheng can be completely sure.

His real world "upgraded" to the same as the boundary sea.

This undoubtedly made Lu Changsheng's heart surge.

He never thought that the so-called "upgrading" would be so magical?

However, Lu Changsheng has not yet transformed.

His real world is still at the world level.

There is no improvement in combat power.

Although it is at the same level as the boundary sea.

But the boundary sea can easily crush Lu Changsheng.

Transformation, Lu Changsheng must transform.

And now Lu Changsheng happens to be able to transform.

He can impact the second realm!

"Second realm..."

According to Lu Changsheng's previous intuition, he only has a 90% chance of impacting the second realm.

This success rate is actually very high.

With a 90% probability, there is almost no danger.

But after all, there is still a 10% chance of failure.

Even if the probability is lower, it is possible.

Lu Changsheng tried to solve this problem by "upgrading".

Now Lu Changsheng's dimensionality upgrade has succeeded.

What exactly is it?

Lu Changsheng sensed again.

This time, Lu Changsheng clearly sensed that his success rate in impacting the second realm has increased again.

And this time, his intuition is a natural result.

As long as he impacts the second realm at this moment, it will be a natural result.

There will be no danger.

It's like water overflowing.

Very easy.

This is perfection.

This is 100% sure!

The "dimensionality upgrade" of Lu Changsheng's real world supplemented the most critical link in his promotion to the second realm.

Thus obtaining a full success rate.

Since there is already a 100% success rate, Lu Changsheng will naturally not hesitate any longer.


The next moment, Lu Changsheng's mind moved.

"Boom boom".

Lu Changsheng's real world began to transform.

From the world, to the plane.


Crazy expansion!

Lu Changsheng's real world began to expand, or expand.

This is not a one-time or two-time expansion.

It is a ten-time, a hundred-time expansion.

What is the difference between the world and the plane?

The most fundamental difference is actually the volume.

The plane contains countless worlds.

No matter how huge the world is, it can't compare to the plane.

And now, the volume of Lu Changsheng's real world is also rapidly expanding.

Ten times, twenty times, thirty times, fifty times, eighty times...

As Lu Changsheng's real world expands rapidly, the six-layer world is also expanding rapidly.

Even some earth-shaking changes are taking place inside the real world.

If there were people from the outside world at this moment, they would be able to see that the real world, which was originally just a "tiny dot" and could even be considered a tiny soybean, has now expanded rapidly.

Even next to the boundary sea, it no longer looks insignificant.

Instead, it has a certain size.

Such a size is comparable to a plane.

No, not comparable to a plane, but larger than an ordinary plane.

It may be slightly smaller than the dark domain and chaos, which were two sides of the same coin.

But it is larger than the chaos and dark domain alone.

And Lu Changsheng has a faint feeling.

The size of his real world can continue to expand.

Lu Changsheng then called up the attribute panel to check the current situation.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: Top Comprehension

Realm Master: Second Realm

Real World Plane: 0 (Can be increased)

Purple Extreme Soul: 11% (invaluable, can fight against waves in the long river of time and space)

On the attribute panel, Lu Changsheng's real world really became a real world plane.

The 0 at the end also has a very simple meaning.

That is, the plane can grow and continue to expand.

But how can it expand?

It is very difficult to grow further when the size of Lu Changsheng's real plane is so large.

Lu Changsheng immediately thought of the source crystal.

He still had more than 100 million source crystals left.

So, Lu Changsheng put all the source crystals into the real plane.

A large amount of source crystals turned into pure energy, trying to improve the real plane.

Soon, the source crystals were exhausted.

Lu Changsheng looked again.

The real plane only increased by 1% in size.

This is more than 100 million source crystals.

More than 100 million source crystals can only increase the size by 1%.

It seems that it is almost impossible for Lu Changsheng to rely on source crystals to improve the real plane.


Lu Changsheng saw the boundary sea next to him, and his heart moved.

"The sea of ​​boundaries is formed by the fusion of countless worlds of the world masters. My true world plane is at the same level as the sea of ​​boundaries, so can I also integrate the worlds of other world masters into the true world plane?"

Lu Changsheng thought of a possibility.

This possibility is even very high.

If other world masters can integrate into the sea of ​​boundaries, then they can probably integrate into his true world plane.

But there is a key question.

Why do other people want to integrate their worlds into his true world plane?

Lu Changsheng's true world plane is completely different from the sea of ​​boundaries.

The true world plane belongs to Lu Changsheng alone.

In other words, the true world plane has an owner.

But the sea of ​​boundaries is ownerless.

The world masters are not afraid of the sea of ​​boundaries controlling them, nor are they afraid of the sea of ​​boundaries destroying them.

But the true world plane is different.

Once you choose to integrate your world into the true world plane, it is equivalent to being controlled by Lu Changsheng, and life and death are controlled by Lu Changsheng.

Therefore, it is impossible for Lu Changsheng to grow his size by relying on the sea of ​​boundaries.

He must find another way.

"Since it is impossible to integrate into the world from the outside, is it possible to start from the inside?"

"There are many lives in my true world plane. If I spread the practice of the realm master, everyone is a realm master practitioner. If you want to become a realm master, you can only integrate the world into the true world plane. In this way, won't the true world plane be able to expand?"

"In fact, this is also an 'internal cycle'. It can grow by relying on its own true world plane, and it is completely unrestricted by the outside world and the universe."

"But this method has a big flaw, that is, it takes a long time..."

"As for time, it can accelerate the flow of time in the true world plane. With the energy of my true world plane, I can control a certain difference in the flow of time."

Many thoughts flashed through Lu Changsheng's mind.

These thoughts are not whimsical, but very feasible.

However, there is no rush to spread the method.

Now Lu Changsheng has a more important thing.


Lu Changsheng condensed an incarnation.

Now Lu Changsheng can only use the incarnation.

The difference is that he can condense any strong incarnation he wants.

However, his original body is the real world plane.

The condensed incarnation is also him, there is no difference.

Lu Changsheng thought of Lin Qingluan.

Perhaps, he has a way to make Lin Qingluan "immortal" like the world master.

But Lin Qingluan needs to try it herself.

Then, Lu Changsheng's incarnation returned to the top of the universe.

At the top of the universe, in Lu Changsheng's cave.

As soon as Lu Changsheng entered the cave, he saw Lin Qingluan and Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan seemed to have a hint of joy on his face.

After seeing Lu Changsheng, Fang Chuan laughed and said, "Hahaha, Changsheng, happy event, great happy event."

"Don't you want to gather more luck? Only the challenge at the top of the universe can make you gather more luck."

"I thought no one would challenge you this time, but I didn't expect that someone would suddenly challenge you at the last moment. Isn't this the luck that comes to your door?"

This time Fang Chuan was not worried at all.

Lu Changsheng had killed the Lord of Eternal Light and the Lord of Giant Spirits before, and his strength was the best in the entire universe.

Among the first-level transcendents, who else could be Lu Changsheng's opponent?

Challenging Lu Changsheng now would just be a good fortune that came to him.

However, after hearing Fang Chuan's words, Lu Changsheng's expression remained very calm, without a trace of happiness.

"Brother Fang, I'm afraid I can't accept this challenge."

Lu Changsheng spoke slowly.


"What do you mean, you want to refuse? Once you refuse the challenge, it is equivalent to giving up the title of the top of the universe. The person challenging you this time is not a very powerful transcendent, you..."

Fang Chuan didn't understand why Lu Changsheng suddenly gave up?

The title of Top of the Universe has many benefits.

Just the luck alone is endless.

All you need to do is keep your title at the top of the universe.

Who would give up such a great thing?

"I have been promoted to the second realm, and my title at the top of the universe has been automatically removed."


Fang Chuan was silent.

He stared at Lu Changsheng with his eyes widened.

At first, he didn't notice the changes in Lu Changsheng.

But now, Fang Chuan carefully looked at the changes in Lu Changsheng, and there was a faint clue.

The aura on Lu Changsheng's body was very similar to the aura on the second realm master.

It doesn't seem exactly the same, but it's very similar.

That is the breath of "plane".

The realm masters have this aura only after the world inside their bodies has transformed into a plane.

Once the realm lord's world transforms into a plane, it means that the realm lord is promoted to the second realm.

But, how long has it been?

Fang Chuan was shocked.

It only took more than a thousand years for Lu Changsheng to obtain the title of Top of the Universe.

Didn't you expect that you would be promoted to the second level?

"Changsheng, have you...really been promoted to the second level?"

Lin Qingluan couldn't help but ask.

The second realm!

She used the Divine Luck Tree and Lu Changsheng's occasional luck flow to help her practice.

But even so, Lin Qingluan has only made some progress on the Smelting Avenue.

With just this improvement, we are still far away from the second realm.

You can't even see the end.

But what about Lu Changsheng?

Now they have actually been promoted to the second level.

The gap is so huge that it's hard to imagine.

"Yes, I have been promoted to the second level!"

Although Lu Changsheng's body is an incarnation.

However, the power he carries is indeed the power of the plane. Anyone who looks at it will think that he is a powerful person in the second realm.

Absolutely true!


"We, Feilong Mountain, have given birth to a second-level power."

"It's a pity that the Top of the Universe title has been banned. Once you are promoted to the second level, the Top of the Universe title will be automatically removed, and you will no longer be able to enjoy the luck brought by the Top of the Universe title..."

Fang Chuan was overjoyed.

But it's still a little pity.

What luck.

No one would mind having more luck.

However, no matter how much luck there is, cultivation is the foundation.

Fang Chuan still understands this.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng is now promoted to the second level, which is a great thing.

The sooner you advance to the second realm, the more likely you are to advance to the third realm.

Of course, if you want to be promoted to the third realm, it cannot be determined by talents, resources, etc.

Opportunity is also needed.

Without opportunity, it is almost impossible to become the master of the three realms.

However, Lu Changsheng has just been promoted to the second level.

We are still far away from the third realm, so there is no rush.

"Changsheng, congratulations on being promoted to the second realm, and now you have entered the ranks of the great powers of the universe!"

Fang Chuan said with a smile.

Cosmic Power, this is the honorific title given to those who are strong in the second realm.

Once you become a strong person in the second realm, you will be the most powerful person in the universe.

Across the universe, invincible.

Second only to the Lord of the Three Realms.

In the vast universe, the masters of the three realms are aloof and basically do not show their faces.

The person who presides over the specific affairs of the major forces is the powerful power of the second realm.

The strongest person that most people can come into contact with is actually the second level powerful person.

Once you are promoted to the second realm, you will be considered superior.

Every force in the universe belongs to the absolute top and core.

"If you are promoted to the second level, then I will go through the corresponding procedures for you and you will be considered as withdrawing from the top of the universe."

"This way you won't have to accept challenges anymore, so you won't have to admit defeat. It will also be good for your luck."

"The strong men at the top of the universe who are promoted to the second realm often even receive another wave of massive luck..."

Lu Changsheng nodded: "Then it's up to you, Senior Brother Lao."

So, Fang Chuan left the cave and quickly dealt with the matter regarding Lu Changsheng.

Otherwise, if Lu Changsheng fails to respond to the challenge, he may be judged as rejected, which is equivalent to admitting defeat.

That would be a big loss.

Fang Chuan left the cave, and Lu Changsheng said to Lin Qingluan: "Qingluan, there is something special about my promotion to the second level this time. Even senior brother Fang Chuan didn't tell me."

"Huh? What's the situation? Even Senior Brother Fang can't tell you?"

Lin Qingluan was very curious.

"You will know after you follow me."

After that, Lu Changsheng's incarnation took Lin Qingluan directly to the outside of the boundary sea.


"Why is there a small boundary sea outside the boundary sea?"

Lin Qingluan also discovered a clue.

"That is my true world..."

"What, your true world?"

Lin Qingluan was shocked.

Of course she understood that Lu Changsheng's true world was equivalent to Lu Changsheng's true body.

However, shouldn’t the real world be integrated into the world sea?

Why is it next to the boundary sea?

It looks more like a small boundary sea.

"It's a long story. In short, my true world has all the abilities that Jie Hai has. The difference is that Jie Hai's body is countless times larger than mine, but one day, my body will be able to grow to an extremely large size, even not inferior to mine. The point of the boundary sea.”

Lu Changsheng explained briefly.

Lin Qingluan is not an ignorant person.

She is also the detachment of the Smelting Avenue.

In fact, because she has been with Lu Changsheng all year round, Lin Qingluan has a deep understanding of the Realm Master.

Of course she understood what it meant for Lu Changsheng's true world to become a "small sea of ​​worlds".

It's unbelievable.

Can an ordinary realm master transform the world into a small realm sea?

You know, not even the master of the three realms can destroy the boundary sea.

In other words, the current size of Lu Changsheng’s true world is still very small.

But if the size is large, then its upper limit is higher than that of ordinary three-realm masters, and it can directly catch up with the boundary sea?

This is simply unimaginable.

But it is a fact, and it is very close.


Lu Changsheng took Lin Qingluan into the true plane.

Lin Qingluan looked at the true plane in front of him.


Even bigger than the Dark Realm.

It seems that the feeling is indeed different from before.

In fact, Lin Qingluan still felt restrained when entering Lu Changsheng's true world.

After all, the real world used to be just a world.

When a detached person enters, he will naturally feel restrained.

But it's different now.

Now that the true world is a plane, it is enough to accommodate a transcendent person. Even if they live for a long time, there will be no problem, and it will not even bring any burden to the true world plane.

Those who have transcended the realm will no longer feel bound.

"Qingluan, the realm masters can integrate their spiritual imprints into the realm sea. As long as the spiritual imprints are not broken, even if they fall in the big universe, they will not really die, but will be resurrected from the realm sea. '.

"Now you try to integrate the spiritual imprint into my true plane. Once you succeed, you will be equivalent to immortality in the universe."

Lu Changsheng's words made Lin Qingluan's eyes widen.

"Can I do it too? But I'm not the Realm Lord..."

"It doesn't matter, I am in the true plane. It's just a change of the rules. It's not a problem for me. You can try to integrate the spiritual imprint into my true plane first."

"Perhaps the only drawback is that once a mark is left on my true plane, life and death will be under my control..."

Lu Changsheng said calmly.

Lin Qingluan didn't hesitate after hearing this.

She smiled sweetly and immediately tried to imprint her spiritual mark on Lu Changsheng's true plane.

As for life and death being controlled by Lu Changsheng?

Perhaps to others, this is absolutely unacceptable.

But to Lin Qingluan, this was nothing at all.

She and Lu Changsheng are Taoist lovers and have been dependent on each other for life and death for a long time. Why would she care that her life and death are controlled by Lu Changsheng?

As Lin Qingluan began to imprint spiritual imprints, Lu Changsheng also clearly felt a familiar spiritual imprint.

This is Lin Qingluan's attempt to integrate into the true world.

This definitely requires Lu Changsheng's consent.

Even, Lu Changsheng needed to forcibly "modify" some rules.

But for Lu Changsheng, it was easy.

He quickly accommodated Lin Qingluan's spiritual imprint.


The true plane shook slightly, but soon returned to calm.

It was like a ripple in the void, without causing any waves.


Lin Qingluan opened her eyes suddenly.

"This feeling... is really magical!"

"Changsheng, you are right. Once the spiritual imprint is integrated into your true world plane, as long as my spiritual imprint is not destroyed, then in the big universe, even if my physical body is destroyed, I will not perish. I can Resurrection in your true realm..."

Lin Qingluan spoke slowly.

Her eyes were also full of surprise.

After all, who doesn’t want to have the “immortality” ability similar to that of a Realm Lord?

That is equivalent to a second life.

And now, Lin Qingluan has done it!

As long as Lu Changsheng's true realm is not destroyed, then she will not die!

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