Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 538: Preaching the Great Universe, unprecedented grandeur! The first person under the master

Feilong Mountain is crowded with people, and many people gather there.

Most of them are those who have transcended the realm.

There are also many great powers in the second realm.

There are even a large number of third realm masters along with the flying dragon masters.

Lu Changsheng was "preaching" today, and even the masters came, which showed how much the entire universe paid attention to Lu Changsheng.

"Lu Changsheng's preaching about the universe is really an unprecedented event. I originally thought that the masters might not come, but I didn't expect that even the masters have arrived? This is really giving the Feilong master face."

"Give the Feilong Master face? I can't see it, it should be that he values ​​Lu Changsheng. The Feilong Master certainly has face, but other masters really come to participate in Lu Changsheng's preaching just because of the so-called face? I'm afraid this is Lu Changsheng's reason."

"Yes, Lu Changsheng is now invincible under the masters. He has also obtained a place to go to the Eternal Academy. His future achievements will be immeasurable. It is normal for these masters to come to form a good relationship now."

"Is there a possibility that the masters are actually looking forward to Lu Changsheng's preaching? After all, as a realm lord, Lu Changsheng's strength is a bit abnormal. The masters also want to understand the reason, so today's preaching is The best time to get to know Lu Changsheng.”

Although there are different opinions, no one can convince anyone.

But no matter what, there was a huge crowd of people up and down Feilong Mountain today.

Lu Changsheng's "preaching" was not aloof at all.

On the contrary, it was very lively.

From the gathering of luck, Lu Changsheng actually knew that today would be an unprecedented event.

Therefore, from the moment he appeared, luck continued to converge on him in waves.

The dojo is ready.

Lu Changsheng flew directly to the dojo and sat cross-legged.

Suddenly, all eyes fell on Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng could clearly sense that there must be a master in these eyes.

Not even a few.

But this time, the ones who came the most were actually the Realm Lords.

Yes, it’s the Realm Lord.

Lu Changsheng has never been to the Realm Sea since he ascended to the True Realm.

He doesn't know that he has now become a "legend" in the world.

After all, no one as powerful as Lu Changsheng has been born among the realm masters.


Now that Lu Changsheng wants to "preach the gospel," naturally these realm owners are the most active.

They urgently want to know how Lu Changsheng made the world inside his body so powerful?

Lu Changsheng did not delay and said directly: "As we all know, the inner world of the world body has shackles. It seems that the inner world cannot expand too much, nor can it grow too strong."

"But why is Jiehai so powerful?"

"If the world inside our body can be like the world sea, will it be possible to continuously increase the size of the world inside our body and thus have strong combat power?"

"And I transformed the world inside my body into a form similar to the Boundary Sea, which I call dimensionality."

"Once the world within the body ascends to a higher dimension, it can continue to grow like the Boundary Sea, swallowing up dead worlds and planes, and growing continuously. It can also give birth to life in the world within the body, and allow these lives to become world masters, integrating their worlds into the Boundary Sea. , integrate into our inner world, thereby forming an internal circulation, and can also continuously increase the size of the inner world, but this takes a long time, and also requires huge energy to support the practice of many lives in the inner world..."

Lu Changsheng's "sermon" explained the truth clearly and profoundly.

There is no such mysterious and mysterious speech.

Many people seemed to have their minds suddenly opened.

My heart suddenly became enlightened.

It turns out that cultivation can still be like this?

This time, many world owners caused an uproar deep in their hearts.

Lu Changsheng's words were shocking.

When they thought about it carefully, this was the truth.

What is the boundary sea?

It was the countless world masters who integrated the inner world into the world sea, which allowed the world sea to slowly grow to the point where it is so powerful and magical now.

Then try another way.

If the Realm Masters turn the world inside their bodies into a "Boundary Sea", wouldn't they be able to continue to grow?

The upper limit is so high that it’s unimaginable!




Follow Lu Changsheng's "preaching".

Countless people felt shocked.

They finally understood why Lu Changsheng was so powerful.

The world inside one's body is comparable to the world sea, so who else can resist it?

Even the masters were extremely shocked.

They know very well how terrifying the boundary sea is.

Even the Dominator cannot completely destroy the Boundary Sea.

The main reason is that the size of the boundary sea is too huge.

Even though the decomposition power of the Lord can decompose all things.

However, the volume of the boundary sea is too large, and the force of decomposition has not completely decomposed the boundary sea, and the boundary sea has "newly regenerated" its power.

No matter how much it consumes, the Lord can't defeat the Boundary Sea.

Therefore, although the power level of the Boundary Sea is lower than that of the Overlord, the Overlord is still unable to do anything about the Boundary Sea.

This is the fundamental reason!

Once Lu Changsheng raised the true world in his body to the same size as the world sea.

What happens?

The second realm reverses the third realm?

This does not seem to be a fantasy.

This is very likely to happen!

Of course, if you want to increase the world inside your body to a level comparable to the world sea.

That must be difficult.

However, that is a hope after all.

And there is hope that it might succeed.

"Amazing! Really amazing! Feilong, you have a good disciple!"

"Feilong, your disciple Lu Changsheng's inner world should be upgraded, right? Incredible, he actually imitated the way of the sea of ​​boundaries. In fact, it's not that no one has thought about it before, but basically failed. Unexpectedly, Lu Changsheng succeeded."

"According to Lu Changsheng's method, if the size of his inner world grows to the level comparable to the sea of ​​boundaries, it seems that it is really possible to kill the master of the third realm with the body of the second realm. At that time, it may shake the entire universe, no, it may shake the vast river of time and space..."

Countless people were shocked.

They were also looking forward to it.

Even if they were not the masters of the realm, it was the same.

This concept is actually helpful for the thinking of cultivators who practice the physical body and smelting the great way.

However, there is still the most critical step.

Someone asked: "Master Lu, how can I upgrade the dimension?"

Indeed, this is the most critical step.

Countless people's eyes were focused on Lu Changsheng.

No matter how exaggerated the words are.

But upgrading the dimension is the key.

If we can't upgrade, then nothing can be discussed.

"How to upgrade..."

Lu Changsheng smiled slightly.

He had known that someone would ask this question.

After all, this is the core!

"Lu has a method of upgrading. Anyone who practices this method will have a cause and effect with Lu and give Lu the gift of a disciple. Are you willing?"

Lu Changsheng's voice spread all over the world.

"Yes, we are willing."

"Thank you for the merit of the Lord of the Realm Lu's preaching!"

"This method that has opened up a new path for the Lord of the Realm should be appreciated by all the Lords of the Realm, and the Lord of the Realm Lu should be given the gift of a disciple!"

No one refuted.

Even the Lord is the same.

It's just the gift of a disciple.

These Lords don't practice.

As for the second realm power, what does it mean for the practitioners of the same level to give Lu Changsheng the gift of a disciple?

This is a method that will benefit future generations!

Lu Changsheng wants to preach publicly.

This is a supreme merit!

Of course, the universe does not care about merit.

However, there is luck.

The reason why Lu Changsheng said this was actually for luck.

In the future, anyone who practices the dimensional upgrade method.

Even learning from the dimensional upgrade method will inevitably contribute luck to Lu Changsheng.

Even people from other universes are the same.

In this way, Lu Changsheng will continuously obtain luck.

This is also what Lu Changsheng has planned long ago.

It is only whether someone succeeds in upgrading.

For Lu Changsheng, it is not important.

"Lu will publicly teach the dimensional upgrade method and teach here for three days."

"After three days, how much you can understand depends on your chance and luck..."

After that, Lu Changsheng began to teach the dimensional upgrade method.

He really taught the dimensional upgrade method without reservation.

Even the concept of dimensional upgrade was explained clearly.

If someone asked, he would answer them one by one.

It must be said that those who can become the master of the world and can transcend have extraordinary comprehension ability.

Many people have understood the dimensional upgrade method and understood the dimensional upgrade method.

But actual practice is another matter.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Lu Changsheng's preaching time was up.

"Three days have come, this preaching is over, everyone should leave Feilong Mountain."

After that, Lu Changsheng disappeared.

He directly "ascended" to the real world.

Other cultivators could not see where Lu Changsheng went.

But the masters were different.

The masters claimed to be omniscient and omnipotent, which might be a bit exaggerated, but they now knew the secret of Lu Changsheng's "ascending", so their perception followed Lu Changsheng all the time, and they really saw a very inconspicuous world next to the sea of ​​​​boundaries.

It was Lu Changsheng's real world!

"It actually escaped from the sea of ​​​​realm... The method of upgrading dimensions is really an incredible method. It has pushed the master of the realm to a very high level. Even in the long river of time and space, this method may be regarded as the top method!"

"Yes, in theory, practicing the method of upgrading dimensions can even defeat the master of the third realm in terms of combat power! Such a method is definitely one of the top methods in the long river of time and space."

"Such a method was not created by the master of the third realm, but by a great power of the second realm. It's really unbelievable."

"This is the fact... Lu Changsheng is actually the founder of the Tao. Compared with the masters of the third realm like us, his status is not much inferior."

"Now Lu Changsheng is almost invincible as a great power of the second realm. How different is he from the masters of the third realm like us? Not to mention that he has to go to the Eternal Academy, and there is a great possibility that he will be promoted to the third realm in the future."

"Hahaha, the great universe can give birth to the master of the realm Lu, this is the fortune of my great universe!"

These masters are knowledgeable.

Their horizons are not so narrow.

It is not that they will not be jealous or envious.

It is just that it is difficult for them to have such negative emotions.

In particular, their horizons are not limited to the universe.

Instead, they look at the entire long river of time and space.

Then Lu Changsheng is a hope.

Now the universe is not strong at all.

And it has just come into contact with the universe alliance and is forced to open up.

Who knows what will happen in the future?

They didn’t know the actual situation of Lu Changsheng before.

In order to get a place in the Eternal Academy, of course they have to work hard for their disciples and descendants.

But now it is different.

Now they understand how terrifying Lu Changsheng's potential is.

Understand that Lu Changsheng is now the "strongest man".

Then they will naturally not fight for the quota of the Eternal Academy.

The preaching conference is over.

The masters have also left.

Most of the cultivators have also left.

The biggest gain this time is undoubtedly the realm master.

Many realm masters began to try to "upgrade".

Unfortunately, none of them succeeded.

If "upgrading" is so simple, it is not "upgrading".

Lu Changsheng knows that "upgrading" is difficult.

After "upgrading", it is actually difficult to increase the size of the world.

Then you must go to the other universe to devour a large number of dead planes.

Even Lu Changsheng is not sure whether someone will use various methods to destroy some planes in the other universe after "upgrading" and causing these planes to fall into dead silence.

According to actual experience and human nature theory, this will most likely become a reality.

Not everyone has the same bottom line as Lu Changsheng.

Many cultivators are self-centered in order to practice.

For the sake of cultivation, at all costs.

"If the number of realm masters who "upgrade" increases in the future, or even overflows, it will probably have a huge impact on the alien universe of the entire time and space, and then affect the big universe..."

Lu Changsheng was in the cave, and one thought after another flashed through his mind.

"Dimension Upgrade Method" may be a Pandora's Box.

Whether it is right or wrong to open it, Lu Changsheng is not sure.

But for him personally, spreading the "Dimension Upgrade Method" must have huge benefits.

For example, now that Lu Changsheng has preached for three days, the golden soul has instantly increased by 1%, reaching 3%.

And this is not over yet.

As time goes by, Lu Changsheng has a lot of luck gathering on him all the time.

In just one month, the golden soul has increased by 1%, reaching 4%.

In a short period of time, the luck has no tendency to decline at all.

It even fell into a stable state.

There has always been so much luck gathering.

This is really incredible.

If this method spreads to the alien universe in the future.

Then he will definitely gain more luck.

"Forget it, even if it is Pandora's Box, there is a power that can contain it."

"The master of the third realm can decompose the world after the upgrade. No matter how huge the upgraded world is, its power is essentially not as good as the decomposition power of the master of the third realm."

"Therefore, the most urgent task is to give birth to the immortal true meaning as soon as possible and advance to the third realm!"

Lu Changsheng did not forget himself.

He knew the fundamentals of cultivation.

He would not always be obsessed with increasing the size of the true world.

The matter of the great universe was over, and Lu Changsheng still had great expectations for the Eternal Academy.

After all, there were countless top talents from the universe under the command of the Universe Alliance.

And there were endless resources.

It was even rumored that the Eternal Academy could also increase the probability of the universe's great powers giving birth to the immortal true meaning.

Lu Changsheng was really looking forward to it.

He was ready to go to the Eternal Academy.

So Lu Changsheng left the cave and once again met his master, the Feilong master.

"Master, how is the quota for the disciple's Eternal Academy?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

Theoretically, the competition for the Eternal Academy quota has not ended yet.

However, under the current circumstances, who can compete with Lu Changsheng?

Therefore, theory is theory.

The actual situation is that the quota of the Eternal Academy can only belong to Lu Changsheng.

The Flying Dragon Lord smiled and said: "Basically there is no problem. Other Lords have given up the competition for this quota. Basically, you have already got the quota. Why, do you want to go to the Eternal Academy?"

"Yes, I want to go to the Eternal Academy as soon as possible."

Lu Changsheng nodded.

"It's okay to go to the Eternal Academy earlier. After all, you also need to compete for the position of a true disciple. I heard that the competition for the position of a true disciple of the Eternal Academy is very fierce. You will face countless geniuses in the Universe Alliance at that time."

"However, with your current means, you should not be afraid of any competition at the same level."

"You are very strong now, almost invincible under the master. The size of the real world seems to continue to grow, but no matter what, you must remember that the foundation of cultivation is the realm. No matter what, your goal is to advance to the third realm. Even if you can defeat the third realm, what can you do? There are top masters in the third realm, and that is invincible. No matter how much your real world grows, it cannot compete with the top masters, who are strong people on another level.

"Disciple understands."

Lu Changsheng was very clear in his mind.

The realm is the root of everything.

And no matter how strong the real world is, it is just a means of protecting the way.

"It's good that you understand."

"This is the mark of the Eternal Academy. Put it into your body and go directly to the Eternal Academy. "

The Flying Dragon Lord waved his hand, and a golden light sank into Lu Changsheng's body.

Lu Changsheng sensed it a little bit, and it was indeed a mark, a token, and it would not have any effect on him.

Even with a little sense, the location of the Eternal Academy and so on all appeared in his mind, which was very convenient.

"Master, then I will take my leave!"

Lu Changsheng bowed respectfully to the Flying Dragon Lord.

In any case, with the Flying Dragon Lord, Lu Changsheng's cultivation path is indeed much more convenient.

He has avoided many detours.

Lu Changsheng is also sincerely grateful to his master.

"Go. "

"I hope you can give me a surprise the next time I see you."

The Flying Dragon Lord waved his hand, and Lu Changsheng also retreated respectfully.

Lu Changsheng went to see Brother Fang Chuan and Brother Zhao Yi again and told them his decision.

Both brothers could understand.

Go to the Eternal Academy as soon as possible, and be promoted to the third realm as soon as possible.

Now they have the greatest confidence in Lu Changsheng.

In their opinion, Lu Changsheng will definitely be promoted to the third realm.

If even Lu Changsheng can't be promoted to the third realm, who else can be promoted to the third realm?

"Brother Lu, have a good trip."

Lu Changsheng nodded.

He met Lin Qingluan again.

Lin Qingluan still didn't get promoted to the second realm.

However, this time Lu Changsheng already had a lot of luck.

He could help Lin Qingluan practice.

And it was a stable practice.

After all, after Lu Changsheng preached the universe, there would be a steady stream of luck in the future.

It would never stop.

At that time, I will use the incarnation to help Lin Qingluan practice.

At least, it should be no problem to help Lin Qingluan practice to the second realm.

"Qingluan, you stay in the big universe and practice to the second realm first. Once you have a certain degree of self-protection, I will take you to the Eternal Academy or other alien universes. After all, the first realm is still too dangerous. Once you fall, you can't recover. But the second realm is different. At that time, you can leave an incarnation, and even if your real body falls, you can slowly recover."

Lin Qingluan nodded.

She naturally knew what Lu Changsheng had reached now.

She, a first-realm transcendent, was too far away from Lu Changsheng.

At least she had to be in the second realm.

Otherwise, she would not even be qualified to accompany Lu Changsheng.

"You must be careful in the Eternal Academy. After all, there are too many geniuses in the vast universe. There are people beyond people, and there are heavens beyond heavens."

Lin Qingluan also reminded.

Lu Changsheng and Lin Qingluan were affectionate for a while.

Afterwards, Lu Changsheng said goodbye to everyone, quickly left the universe, and headed for the Eternal Academy.

The specific location of the Eternal Academy needs to be guided by the mark.

Under the guidance of the mark, Lu Changsheng kept shuttling along the long river of time and space.

Soon, Lu Changsheng came to the location of the mark.

This is a huge universe.

Yes, not a world, but a universe.

Even a universe that Lu Changsheng has never seen before.


Lu Changsheng took a step and entered this universe.

Suddenly, Lu Changsheng felt the suppression of the universe.

This suppression is very large.

It is much larger than any universe Lu Changsheng has been to.

Lu Changsheng suspected that even if a half-step master entered this universe, his strength would be suppressed by half.

This time Lu Changsheng did not dare to be careless, and brought a full 600 times the volume of the real world to condense into this incarnation.

Facing such a terrifying cosmic pressure.

Lu Changsheng's 600 times the volume of the real world was suppressed by almost 20% of his power.

That's 120 times the volume being suppressed.

The strength that Lu Changsheng can exert is only 480 times the size.

However, for Lu Changsheng, it has little impact.

The stronger the strength, the less suppressed.

Other universe powers are generally suppressed by more than half of their strength.

In comparison, Lu Changsheng has a greater advantage.

"I wonder if this place can be upgraded?"

Lu Changsheng thought about it and immediately began to try.

This is a backup plan he has to keep every time he arrives in a different universe.

No matter what, upgrade first.

After upgrading, it is too convenient to travel.

Moreover, it can also prevent some unexpected changes.

So, Lu Changsheng upgraded in the same way as before.

Lu Changsheng is not unfamiliar with upgrading.

It's just a breeze.

After just a few hours, Lu Changsheng successfully upgraded.

There is no difference from before.

The universe where the Eternal Academy is located can also be upgraded.

After upgrading, Lu Changsheng "sensed" the Eternal Academy at the first time.

It's impossible not to sense it.

The Eternal Academy is really too conspicuous.

Located at the center of this universe.

An incomparable huge plane appeared in the center of the universe.

Moreover, this plane is open.

Anyone can sense this plane in this universe.


The next moment, Lu Changsheng descended to the outside of the plane where the Eternal Academy was located.

As soon as he descended, Lu Changsheng saw countless cultivators coming and going.

Unexpectedly, without exception, they were all cosmic powers.

And each of them exuded a powerful aura.

Most of them were top cosmic powers!

And there was another feature.

There was not a single half-step master.

Everyone had the hope of impacting the third realm!


"New Eternal Academy peripheral student, come, I will guide you, count it as a guiding task for me."

At this time, a man in a blue robe came to Lu Changsheng with a smile on his face.

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