"Who is Monk Fan?"

The burly man asked the ugly woman.

The two people were naturally Lu Changsheng and Li Hongzhuang who came to Giant Monument City after changing their clothes.

"The monk is called Luo Tianshangren, one of the four worshipers of the Cui family."

"He is greedy for wine, lustful, and murderous. He is not at all like a monk."

"The Vajra Mudra is extremely powerful, and it can be considered a good hand in refining internal organs."

"Many things that are inconvenient for the Cui family are left to Master Luo Tian to do."

Li Hongzhuang gritted her teeth and said in a cold tone.

Obviously, when the Li family was destroyed, this Luo Tianshang probably also took action.

"Find a place to stay first."

Lu Changsheng said.

"I've bought a yard."

Li Hongzhuang had already made preparations, and the two of them went straight to a courtyard not far from Cui's house.

From outside the courtyard, you can even directly see the Cui family's mansion.

The two entered the courtyard and sat down to rest for a while. Lu Changsheng asked: "Miss Li, do you know what masters the Cui family has?"

"Of course, the Cui family has thirteen viscera-refining warriors, nine of whom are members of the Cui family, and the other four viscera-refining warriors are enshrined by the Cui family."

"Among them, there are three peak Zang-refining warriors from the Cui family, and two are worshippers."

Lu Changsheng nodded secretly.

The situation of the Cui family warriors that Li Hongzhuang said was similar to what he knew.

"How powerful are the top five Zang-refining warriors?"

Lu Changsheng said after careful consideration.

It's not that he isn't confident in his own strength, but he is very cautious.

After all, this is the Cui family's territory, and anything can happen.

"The two Cui family's top viscera refining priests, I learned from them last time, they should be worse than Zhao Qilei."

"As for the three peak Zang-refining warriors of the Cui family, I have never seen them, so I don't know what their strength is."

Li Hongzhuang said truthfully.

"Actually, no matter how strong the Zang-refining peak warrior is, he shouldn't be much stronger than Zhao Qilei."

"The most important thing for us now is to know where the Cui family has placed the Yimui Pill?"

"Last time I sneaked into Cui's house and planned to steal the Yimui Pill, but I was discovered. I already alerted the snake. Now if I want to sneak into Cui's house and steal the Yimui Pill, I'm afraid it will be very difficult..."

Li Hongzhuang hesitated.

After all, the Cui family suffered a loss last time, would they suffer a second time?

Once they really want to sneak into Cui's house, there may be some surprises.

"Sneaking into Cui's house? It's not necessary at all."

"The Yi Mui Pill is a secret of the Cui family. There should be very few people who know the Yi Marrow Pill. Even if you sneak into the Cui family, can you guarantee to find the Yi Marrow Pill? What's more, the Cui family will be prepared, searching aimlessly, without any purpose. It’s different from finding a needle in a haystack.”

"We just need to find someone who knows the Cui family's Yimui Pill and force them to find out the whereabouts of the Yimui Pill."

"I wonder if Miss Li has any candidates?"

Li Hongzhuang was thoughtful.

It's not like she hasn't thought about arresting people from the Cui family for questioning.

But the Yi Mui Pill is the core secret of the Cui family, and only the most core people can know it.

Most people don't know about Yisui Pill at all.

But the core people of the Cui family are basically the nine Zang-refining warriors.

"The Cui family knows that the people in Yi Marrow Pill are basically Zang Zang refining warriors. And they rarely go out and always stay in the Cui family."

"As for the head of the Cui family, although he often appears, there are many masters around him, so it is difficult to take action."

Li Hongzhuang said with a frown.

"You just said that Lord Luo Tian specializes in doing things that are inconvenient for the Cui family. Is it possible that he knows about Yi Mui Pill?"

Lu Changsheng suddenly asked.

"Master Luo Tian?"

Li Hongzhuang was slightly startled. She carefully sorted out the information about Master Luo Tian. For a moment, her eyes lit up slightly.

"Luo Tianshang is the earliest of the four worshipers of the Cui family, and has a very close relationship with the Cui family."

"Many matters that are inconvenient for the Cui family will be handed over to Master Luo Tian. For example, the acquisition of materials for Yi Marrow Pills. During my investigation, I often see Master Luo Tian. In other words, Master Luo Tian must be involved in Yi Mui Dan. If you collect the marrow materials, you will most likely know the marrow pill as well.”

"Master Luo Tian is greedy for wine and lust, and often goes out to have fun. His whereabouts are easy to find out. But Master Luo Tian is very cautious. Even if he is having fun, he will never go far from Cui Mansion."

"Moreover, Master Luo Tian is very powerful. It will be very difficult to defeat or even force him to speak..."

After Li Hongzhuang said this, she looked at Lu Changsheng.

She knew that the "Thirteen" in front of her was a top internal organs refining master who could kill Zhao Qilei.

Defeating Lord Luo Tian is definitely not a problem.

"Okay, the target is determined, it's Master Luo Tian."

"Miss Li, as long as you find out the whereabouts of Master Luo Tian, ​​you can leave it to me when the time comes."

"This is no problem. However, if Master Luo Tian doesn't know about Yi Marrow Pill..."

Li Hongzhuang stared at Lu Changsheng.

"Master Luo Tian doesn't know, so kill him and replace him with the next one. He doesn't know the second and third one, so kill them all!"

"There are so many people in the Cui family. If we search for them one by one, someone will always know the whereabouts of Yi Mui Pill."

Lu Changsheng said calmly.

But his tone revealed calmness, confidence and undoubted dominance!

Yes, that’s domineering!

It seems that in the eyes of "Thirteen", the Cui family is not worth mentioning.

If one doesn't work, then two, if two don't work, then three.

If three of them don't work, then they will all be killed. There will always be someone who knows the Yi Mui Pill.

How overbearing is this?

However, Li Hongzhuang was very happy.

If "Thirteen" is so domineering and confident, it will be easier for her to seize the Yi Marrow Pill.

"Okay, let's take a rest first, and I'll go out to find out the whereabouts of Master Luo Tian."

Lu Changsheng nodded.

So, he took a short rest, while Li Hongzhuang changed her appearance, changed her clothes, and quickly went out to find out the news.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

It was already night, and there was a crescent moon in the sky.

Li Hongzhuang and Lu Changsheng changed their appearance and clothes again, and were now standing outside "Yihong Building".

"Yihonglou is the largest brothel in Jubei City. The Cui family controls it, which is equivalent to the Cui family's industry."

"This is not far from Ji Mansion. Master Luo Tian likes to come to Yihong Mansion to have fun."

"Master Luo Tian comes here about once every three days, and he will probably come to Yihong Tower tonight."

Li Hongzhuang explained.

Lu Changsheng did not speak, but waited quietly.

After a while, I saw Master Luo Tian coming.

Luo Tianshang was a "regular customer" of Yihong Building. He walked straight into Yihong Building and asked for a private room and a familiar girl to serve him.

"Brother Thirteen, this place is too close to Cui Mansion. We must leave Yihong Tower in a quarter of an hour at most."

Li Hongzhuang reminded.

"It's just a monk, why does it take a quarter of an hour?"

"Let's go, it only takes a moment."

Lu Changsheng strode towards Yihong Building.

In the luxurious room in Yihong Building, Master Luo Tian called three girls to serve him at once.

The table was filled with fine wines and delicacies, and Master Luo Tian laughed repeatedly as he was being served. He was so happy.

However, no one noticed that a dark shadow appeared vaguely outside the room.

"Dong dong dong".

There was a knock on the door.


Master Luo Tian asked impatiently.

"Sending wine to distinguished guests."

"Go away, I need you, don't come in and disturb me."

Luo Tianshang was very dissatisfied.

After holding it in for three days, he could hardly hold it in any longer. How could he be in the mood to drink?


The next moment, the door was kicked open violently.

At the same time, a figure rushed towards Luo Tianshang, and there was even a faint flash of sharp sword light.

Master Luo Tianren responded very quickly.

Almost without thinking, he immediately picked up the two women beside him and threw them directly towards the assassin.

At the same time, Lord Luo Tianren did not retreat but advanced. He used the woman as a cover and slapped the assassin directly with his palm.


Master Luo Tian performed the Vajra Mudra.

Vaguely, it seemed that a huge bloody hand could be seen, covering the assassin.

The assassin is naturally Lu Changsheng.

He saw that Master Luo Tian was advancing instead of retreating, and the two women were about to collide with the edge of his sword, and Master Luo Tian's Vajra hand seal was even more fiercely photographed.

Lu Changsheng looked calm, sheathed his sword fiercely, and punched out with his left hand.


Fists and palms meet.

Luo Tianshang's face originally showed a ferocious look, but it suddenly changed drastically, and it became faintly painful.

With just this palm, Luo Tianshang felt a powerful force, like an overwhelming force, pouring into his palm from the opponent's fist.


Master Luo Tian was shocked and stared at the assassin with wide eyes.


Luo Tianshang's arm was instantly broken.

At the same time, his whole body was smashed away by the huge force, and he fell backwards with a scream.

"The peak of Zang refining!"

Lord Luo Tian shouted in shock and anger.

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