Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 73 Shocking divine power, destroying the mountain gate! (Additional chapter for Xiao Dixuan)

Chapter 73 Shocking divine power, crushing the mountain gate! (Additional chapter for Xiao Dixuan)


A loud noise suddenly sounded in the pit.

A figure flew out in an instant and pounced on Lu Changsheng.

"Sure enough, he is not dead yet."

"The vitality of a warrior in the divine power realm is amazing."

A strange color flashed in Lu Changsheng's eyes.

He remembered the punch just now very clearly. He had clearly hit the opponent's chest and collapsed it.

With such an injury, anyone else would have died.

But Yan Jiansheng did not die.

There was only one possibility, the opponent controlled the heart to move to other parts of the body, which barely avoided Lu Changsheng's terrifying punch.

As long as the vital organs are not damaged, the warrior in the divine power realm will naturally not die.

Such as bleeding, broken bones, etc., are actually only minor injuries. The muscles and bones in the body of the warrior in the divine power realm can be quickly restored.

Lu Changsheng even understood why Yan Jiansheng did not use a knife or sword.

Even many warriors in the Divine Power Realm don't know how to use swords.

The reason is very simple.

Even if a sword is cut or stabbed on the body, how much damage can it cause?

Even if it pierces the heart, as long as the heart is not blown to pieces, the warriors in the Divine Power Realm can control the heart to slowly recover.

To kill a warrior in the Divine Power Realm, you can only use absolute power to blow up the opponent's head, or destroy the vital organs of the warrior in the Divine Power Realm.

"Looking for death!"

A sharp light flashed in Lu Changsheng's eyes.

Now that you know how to kill a warrior in the Divine Power Realm, it's easy.

"Silk Sword!"

The blood in Lu Changsheng's body burst out, and the silk swords like raindrops flew towards Yan Jiansheng.

Although the power of the silk sword is not very strong, and even the wounds it creates are nothing to the strong men in the Divine Power Realm.

But the dense silk swords still affected Yan Jiansheng after all, causing Yan Jiansheng's figure to stagnate slightly.

At this moment of stagnation, Lu Changsheng seized the opportunity and kicked his feet hard.


The ground cracked, and a big pit was stepped on by Lu Changsheng, and cracks appeared all around like a spider web.

With the help of this kick, Lu Changsheng jumped away and instantly arrived in front of Yan Jiansheng like an arrow from a string.

"The dragon changes!"

The blood, muscles, and bones in Lu Changsheng's body all changed in this moment.

The terrifying power gathered in his arms.

The power of the twenty-six tripods broke out again.


This punch hit Yan Jiansheng's arm hard.

Yan Jiansheng was shocked, and the ground under his legs cracked instantly.

"Boom boom boom boom".

Lu Changsheng did not give Yan Jiansheng any chance to breathe.

He raised his fist and smashed it down from top to bottom like a giant hammer hitting an iron nail.

The power of the twenty-six tripods left Yan Jiansheng with no power to fight back, and he could only protect his head.

But, again and again.

The ground could not bear Lu Changsheng's terrifying power, and Yan Jiansheng was smashed into the ground by Lu Changsheng.


Finally, Yan Jiansheng's arm could not bear it and was broken by Lu Changsheng, and then the terrifying power finally fell on Yan Jiansheng's head.


Yan Jiansheng shouted in fear.

But it was useless, he could not block this punch.


Yan Jiansheng's head was instantly blown up like a watermelon.

Suddenly, red and white splashed out and scattered all over the ground.


The whole hall suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

Those elders who had not been affected by the aftermath were pale at this moment, with a trace of disbelief on their faces, staring at the headless body that was smashed into the ground like a nail.


Yan Jiansheng, the leader of the Blood Evil Sect, is dead.

And he was killed by someone who blew up his head alive.

The death was extremely tragic!

You know, Yan Jiansheng is a real warrior of the divine power realm.

The Blood Demon Sect will reach its peak under the leadership of Yan Jiansheng.

But now, Yan Jiansheng is dead?

The future of the Blood Demon Sect is gone...

"Zhuang Shisan, kill my Blood Demon Sect leader, and I will never stop fighting with you!"

One of the Lianzang elders had a fierce look in his eyes, full of murderous aura, and waited for Lu Changsheng fiercely.

Lu Changsheng just glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, and a wisp of blood flew out instantly, turning into a silk sword.


The silk sword instantly pierced the throat of the Lianzang elder. This dignified Lianzang elder didn't even have the slightest resistance and was shot to death by the silk sword on the spot.

There were other elders, all of them were trembling with fear.

"The Lianzang warriors... will be dealt with together!"

Although Lu Changsheng would not kill all the Blood Demon Sect, the Lianzang warriors must not be left.

Who knows if the Blood Demon Sect will give birth to another warrior of the divine power realm?

Lu Changsheng would not leave any trouble for himself.

So, Lu Changsheng waved his hand casually.

"Swish, swish, swish".

The blood-skin silk swords in the sky flew towards the remaining refining elders, killing them one by one.

The whole hall was full of corpses, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Lu Changsheng pulled up Yan Jiansheng's body and fumbled around on it.

There was nothing valuable.

Lu Changsheng fumbled around the corpses of other refining elders one by one, not letting any corpse go.

But there was still nothing valuable.

"Da Da Da".

Soon, a lot of footsteps sounded outside.

A large number of Blood Demon Sect disciples surrounded the hall.

In fact, these disciples had known about the big noise in the hall for a long time.

But the noise just now was too big. Lu Changsheng and Yan Jiansheng, two warriors in the divine power realm, fought with all their strength. The noise was earth-shaking and frightening.

Even if they knew someone had broken in, these Blood Demon Sect disciples did not dare to approach.

Until now, the hall seemed to be quiet, and they dared to take people forward to check the situation.

Lu Changsheng stood up and walked outside step by step.

At this time, the dust in the hall gradually dispersed. The disciples of the Blood Demon Sect were finally able to see the situation in the hall clearly.

However, when they saw the scene in front of them, everyone couldn't help but change their faces.

"Elder Wen, Elder Liu, Elder Xia...are they all dead?"

"Eight elders, how could they all be dead?"

"Where is the Sect Master? Where is the Sect Master?"

"The headless corpse, the clothes on his body seem to be what the Sect Master usually wears, could it be..."

Many disciples couldn't help but turn pale, they didn't dare to think any further.

The Sect Master and the elders were all dead, and only one stranger was left alive in the hall.

Obviously, they had guessed the identity of this stranger.

Zhuang Shisan!

This look was too familiar, they posted Zhuang Shisan's portrait all day, how could they not recognize him?

Zhuang Shisan took a step forward, and many disciples of the Blood Demon Sect couldn't help but take a step back.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Finally, a disciple of the Blood Demon Sect roared: "Zhuang Shisan killed the Sect Master and the elders, so many of us are afraid of him alone?"

"Kill him, avenge the Sect Master and the elders!"


Instantly, many disciples were so excited that they actually rushed towards Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng's eyes turned cold.

He was too lazy to even do anything, and the blood in his body roared.


A cloud of blood hung above his head, and then countless blood silk swords poured down like raindrops towards the many disciples of the Blood Demon Sect.

In the blink of an eye, more than 90% of the disciples fell to the ground.

Only a few lucky ones stood alone, looking at their companions wailing around, and their whole bodies were trembling.


"Hero, please spare my life."

Many disciples of the Blood Demon Sect knelt down.

Facing such a terrifying "Zhuang Shisan", they no longer had the courage.

Lu Changsheng slowly walked up to a disciple of the Blood Demon Sect and asked calmly, "How many internal organs are there in the Blood Demon Sect?"

"There are a total of fifteen internal organs elders."

The Blood Demon Sect disciple answered tremblingly

"Fifteen? Where are the other seven internal organs elders?"

"At... guarding the mountain gate."

Lu Changsheng remembered that the Blood Demon Sect was originally a sect in Nanyang Prefecture and had a mountain gate, but it was very low-key before.

Later, it annexed Gaojiabao, which made people pay attention to the Blood Demon Sect.

"Lead the way, go to your mountain gate."

"Yes, hero."

The disciples of the Blood Demon Sect did not dare to disobey.

Look at the corpses on the ground.

In just one breath, "Zhuang Shisan" killed hundreds of Blood Demon Sect disciples.

This frightened everyone, how could they dare to disobey the orders of "Zhuang Shisan"?

So, Lu Changsheng, led by the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect, quickly rushed to the mountain gate of the Blood Demon Sect.

Lu Changsheng was not going to destroy the sect, he just believed in the idea of ​​eradicating all evil.

The only threat to the Blood Evil Sect was the Refining Zang Warriors.

To Lu Changsheng, this was "evil" and must be eradicated!

There were not many people left in the Blood Evil Sect.

Since the Blood Evil Sect annexed Gaojiabao, many disciples were transferred to Gaojiabao to work.

Less than half of the people remained in the mountain gate.

When Lu Changsheng came to the Blood Evil Sect, he didn't even meet the people guarding the mountain.

It was not until he came to the outside of the hall that he was discovered by the people of the Blood Evil Sect.

"Who is it?"

A team of patrolling disciples discovered Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng waved his hand casually, and the silk sword instantly killed the patrolling disciples.

"The seven elders are separated from each other, and it would be troublesome to kill them one by one."

Lu Changsheng thought about it and simply made some noise to lure the elders of the Blood Evil Sect out.

Now the people in the Blood Evil Sect's mountain gate probably don't know what he did in Gaojiabao.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng had an idea in his mind.

He looked around and found a huge stone.

So, Lu Changsheng lifted the huge stone and threw it directly towards the main hall of the Blood Evil Sect.

"Boom boom".

The huge stone fell and smashed through the main hall of the Blood Evil Sect.

At the same time, Lu Changsheng stood quietly in place and shouted loudly: "Nanyang Zhuang Shisan, come to pay respects to the mountain!"

The huge movement immediately attracted all the disciples and elders of the Blood Evil Sect.

"Paying respects to the mountain? It's so late, can you come to pay respects to the mountain?"

"What a Zhuang Shisan, the sect master was just looking for you, but you came to die."

"Humph, even without the sect master, several elders like me can kill Zhuang Shisan together!"

Many refining organ elders were delighted when they heard the name "Zhuang Shisan".

This is the person the sect master ordered to find, and now he has come to the door.

So, the seven refining organ elders of the Blood Evil Sect came to the outside of the main hall without missing a single one.

However, seeing the hall being smashed through by "Zhuang Shisan" with a huge rock, everyone's face turned gloomy.

"How dare you! Zhuang Shisan, you come to die so late."

"Zhuang Shisan, do you think you can take advantage of the fact that the master has gone down the mountain? Today you took the initiative to deliver yourself to the door, so don't leave!"

"Surround Zhuang Shisan."

Many disciples immediately stepped forward and surrounded Lu Changsheng.

However, Lu Changsheng's expression was always calm.

An elder had sharp eyes and saw the trembling Blood Demon Sect disciple next to Lu Changsheng.

"Are you Elder Liu's nephew? Tell me, why are you next to Zhuang Shisan?"

The Blood Demon Sect disciple glanced at Lu Changsheng, and then said tremblingly: "Elder, it's over, our Blood Demon Sect is over. The master and the eight refining elders are all dead..."

Suddenly, the faces of many elders and disciples of the Blood Demon Sect changed drastically.


"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"The sect master is a warrior in the divine power realm, who can kill him?"

Everyone was in an uproar.

They finally waited for the genius sect master to become a powerful warrior in the divine power realm, and was about to lead the Blood Evil Sect to rise. How could he die?

Besides, they couldn't figure out who else in Nanyang Prefecture could kill the sect master?

"Since you don't believe it, I will send you to reunite with Yan Jiansheng."

Lu Changsheng was too lazy to talk nonsense.

He waved his hand, and the terrifying blood and qi instantly filled the void.

Two times of marrow replacement and blood exchange made Lu Changsheng's blood and qi extremely huge.

Even a warrior who refines the internal organs can be shot and killed directly with the silk sword in front of him.

The terrifying blood and qi are suspended in the void, like a blood cloud.


Lu Changsheng pressed down with his empty hand.


The blood cloud exploded and instantly turned into strands of silk swords, falling like raindrops on the many disciples and elders below.

Especially Elder Lianzang, who was the target of Lu Changsheng's special greeting.


"How can there be such a terrifying blood?"

"Godly power realm, this is a warrior in the Godly power realm..."

For a while, the huge gate of the Blood Demon Sect was full of wailing.

There were dozens or hundreds of corpses on the ground, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

As for the seven elders Lianzang, none of them escaped and were shot to death by the silk swords.

Lu Changsheng searched the corpses one by one, but he didn't get anything.

He wanted to turn around and leave, but looking at the huge gate, Lu Changsheng suddenly thought of something.

"The Blood Demon Sect is a sect that has been passed down for two or three hundred years. There must be a lot of martial arts and skills collected in the sect."

"Without martial arts practice, I have gained very few enlightenment points during this period."

"I hope that the two or three hundred years of heritage of the Blood Demon Sect will not let me down."

Lu Changsheng grabbed an injured disciple and said, "Where is the place where your Blood Demon Sect collects martial arts? Take me there."

"Please, hero."

The disciple did not dare to refuse, so he took Lu Changsheng all the way to the Martial Pavilion.

In the Martial Pavilion, there were rows of bookshelves.

Lu Changsheng was too lazy to search one by one, and directly packed all the martial arts into several large packages.

Then he also found a secret method of the Divine Power Realm.

This is also the only secret method of the Divine Power Realm of the Blood Demon Sect.

"The Blood Crystal Secret Method? It can only refine a kind of secret treasure called Blood Crystal, thereby increasing the power of the Ten Cauldrons."

Lu Changsheng thought of Yan Jiansheng.

The other party also has the power of twenty tripods, and it is likely that he has refined the blood crystal, which is why he has the power of twenty tripods.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng directly grabbed the disciple of the Blood Evil Sect and asked: "Do you know the blood crystal that Yan Jiansheng used to practice martial arts?"

"Blood crystal? This is the secret treasure of our Blood Evil Sect, in the secret library."

The secret library is next to the arsenal. Lu Changsheng entered the secret library and successfully found five blood crystals.

Of course, the blood crystal secret method can only refine one blood crystal, even if it refines two or three pieces.

This is the foundation of a sect.

As long as you are promoted to the divine power realm, you can immediately refine the blood crystal and directly have the power of twenty tripods.

However, now it is a bargain for Lu Changsheng, he directly took away five blood crystals.

Then, Lu Changsheng came to the main hall outside the mountain gate with the package.

Many disciples of the Blood Evil Sect looked at Lu Changsheng tremblingly.

I don’t know if Lu Changsheng will start a massacre.

Lu Changsheng didn’t think about killing everyone in the Blood Evil Sect.

Anyway, the Blood Demon Sect has no more warriors who can cultivate internal organs, so it is no longer a force to be reckoned with.

Even without Lu Changsheng’s action, the Blood Demon Sect will probably fall apart after today and eventually cease to exist.

Lu Changsheng looked at the magnificent Blood Demon Sect Hall.

That is the symbol of the Blood Demon Sect, which has stood for two or three hundred years and can be regarded as the symbol of the Blood Demon Sect.

Lu Changsheng took a deep breath and walked to the outside of the hall step by step.

There was a gleam of sharpness in his eyes, and then he performed the transformation of the dragon, and all the strength of his body was gathered in his arms.

Lu Changsheng raised his hand and smashed it hard on the ground.


The terrifying power of the twenty-six tripods, with a special shock force, instantly smashed a big hole in the ground.

At the same time, the ground cracked, and spider-web-like cracks quickly extended to the hall.

"Boom boom".

The next moment, the magnificent Blood Demon Sect Hall began to shake violently, and then collapsed.

The disciples of the Blood Demon Sect who witnessed this scene were all filled with extreme fear.

Divine power!

This is the real divine power!

The sky collapsed and the earth sank under one blow, and the huge hall collapsed.

This is the symbol and emblem of the Blood Evil Sect, but now it was knocked down by "Zhuang Shisan" with a shocking divine power.

After the hall collapsed, the disciples of the Blood Evil Sect were a little confused.

The collapse of the hall seemed to foreshadow the destruction of the mountain gate.

Lu Changsheng was very happy.

He destroyed the mountain gate with his own strength!

The divine power realm is worthy of the word "divine power"!

"Let's go."

Lu Changsheng grabbed the package beside him and disappeared after a few ups and downs.

ps: Thank you Xiao Dixuan for the reward, but don't reward, the leader will add more. But brother keeps rewarding, so let's add more, just this time, thank you for your support! You only need to subscribe to the genuine version, no need to reward, do what you can, thank you!

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