Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 80 Two-fist agreement, death without a complete body!


The two fists collided without any fanfare.

For a warrior in the divine power realm, his consciousness and body are integrated, and his speed and reaction are nothing to a warrior in the divine power realm.

Therefore, many divine power realm martial arts have abandoned feints, speed, etc., and do not have much effect.

No matter how fast the speed is, the nerves of a warrior in the divine power realm can react.

But below the realm of divine power, seeing this scene is quite shocking.

The sky was filled with dense fist shadows, but they all collided together, making a harsh collision sound.

There were even terrible aftermaths, centered around the collision between the two people and spreading in all directions.

Just like rolling waves.


Both Wang Feng and Luo Yun almost immediately retreated and stayed away from the two of them.

In this kind of battle between warriors in the divine power realm, even if they are warriors at the peak of Zang Refining, they are not even qualified to intervene.

"Huh? The power of forty cauldrons?"

Zhao Wuji's expression changed slightly.

The power of forty tripods!

The opponent actually has the power of forty cauldrons!

You know, he has been promoted to the realm of divine power for many years, but he still does not have the power of forty tripods.

Lu Changsheng also narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a calm tone: "You are not bad at all. You can block my power with only a slight disadvantage, at least thirty cauldrons of power!"

After just one collision, the two of them roughly understood each other's realm.

They are all in the Ten Cauldron Realm!

One has the power of thirty tripods, and the other has the power of forty tripods.

Although Zhao Wuji lacked the power of ten tripods, he was not afraid.

The battle between warriors is not about realm, nor is it about pure strength.

There are many secret techniques and martial arts that can increase strength.

"Zhuang Shisan, today I, the Wan Du Sect, will admit defeat and withdraw from Yancheng. How about you and I giving up?"

"If we continue to fight, it will be a life and death fight!"

Zhao Wuji's face was gloomy.

He still didn't want to fight to the death with Zhuang Shisan, it really didn't make much sense.


A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Changsheng's mouth.

But before Zhao Wuji could be happy, Lu Changsheng continued: "If you can take two of my punches, you can leave."

"Two punches?"

Zhao Wuji's eyes gradually darkened.

He knew very well that for people like Zhuang Shisan, what he said was two punches must be two punches.

Although Zhuang Shisan is stronger than him, he still has secret methods and powerful martial arts. How could he not be able to catch just two punches?

"Okay, just two punches!"

Zhao Wuji agreed.

There was even a flash of sternness in his eyes.

If there was a chance, and Zhuang Shisan was careless after two punches, he wouldn't mind taking the opportunity to kill Zhuang Shisan.

For people like Zao Wuji, all face is bullshit.

As long as you can kill your opponent, then do whatever it takes!

Lu Changsheng stood quietly, three feet away from Zhao Wuji.

The entire hall suddenly became extremely quiet.

Regardless of Luo Yun, Xia Yuanwai, or Wang Feng, their eyes fell on Zhuang Shisan and Zhao Wuji.


Chief Lu became animated.

When he moved, it was as if the waves were rolling, and it was as if everyone could hear the sound of the waves.

A heavy wave!

Lu Changsheng burst out with triple wave martial arts.

The triple wave is a combo that requires accumulation of one move after another before it can explode with terrifying power.

Although Yi Chuan Lang could only unleash the power of forty cauldrons with all his strength, Lu Changsheng still had the Divine Dragon Transformation.

When this punch was thrown, some special changes were going on in Lu Changsheng's body.

The dragon changes!

This is the secret method of the divine power realm. Once the divine dragon transforms, it can directly increase the physical body by 30%.

The power of forty cauldrons, with an increase of three, is the power of fifty-two cauldrons!

This is a sudden increase in the power of the twelve tripods.

Unfortunately, Zao Wou-Ki seems to be clueless.

He also punched, and it seemed that he had performed some kind of martial arts. There was also some increase, but the increase should not be too strong.


The two collided hard.

Zhao Wuji originally had a smile on his face.

He performed a martial art that increased his strength by 30%.

It is almost the power of thirty-nine cauldrons, which seems to be not much different from Zhuang Shisan's forty cauldrons.

This is his confidence!

However, when his fist collided with Zhuang Shisan's, Zhao Wuji's expression immediately changed.

From Zhuang Shisan's fist, an overwhelming force suddenly surged out.

The terrifying power swept over in mighty force.

This power definitely exceeds the power of fifty cauldrons!

With such terrifying power, even Zhao Wuji's arms seemed to have reached their limit.

When a warrior is promoted to the realm of divine power, every time he exchanges marrow for blood, he actually strengthens his physical fitness.

Zhao Wuji has the power of thirty cauldrons, which means he has undergone three marrow transfusions, and his physical fitness is already very good.

That's why he was able to withstand the power of Lu Changsheng's forty tripods before.

But things are different now.

Even though Zhao Wuji also exploded with power, which offset most of Lu Changsheng's power, what Lu Changsheng exploded at this moment was fifty cauldrons of power.

Such terrifying power has almost exceeded the limit of Zhao Wuji's body.

And, it's not over yet.

Lu Changsheng punched again.

The triple wave is originally one punch after another, a combo, and will not give the opponent a chance to breathe at all.

Watching Lu Changsheng throw another punch, it was as if it was a terrifying wave that covered the sky and the sun, sweeping towards him.

At this moment, Zhao Wuji seemed to feel the breath of death.

He might not be able to block this punch!

Zhao Wuji had almost no hesitation and immediately decided to fight to the death.

"Blood Spring Secret Method, Reverse Blood!"

Zhao Wuji used some secret method.

Suddenly, the blood and qi in his body surged a lot.

The momentum broke through the shackles.

He punched out, and the air around him seemed to be compressed to the extreme.

This is a secret method in the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra. Once it is used, it can increase the power by about 30%.

He now has the power of thirty-nine tripods. If he increases his power by another 30%, he can reach the power of about fifty tripods.

Once he reaches the power of fifty tripods, he will be no different from "Zhuang Shisan" and can withstand the punch of "Zhuang Shisan".

However, Zhao Wuji had not mastered this secret technique. Now he was forcing himself to use it. It was fine for a short period of time, but he would suffer a backlash when the secret technique ended.

This backlash would take at least a year and a half to recover.

Therefore, Zhao Wuji did not want to use the secret technique unless it was absolutely necessary.

But he had no choice now.

If he did not use the secret technique and fight desperately, he would die!

"Zhuang Shisan, you made me use the secret technique and suffer a backlash."

"I will remember you. Don't let me catch the opportunity in the future, otherwise..."

Zhao Wuji's mind flashed one thought after another.

He even secretly made up his mind to keep a close eye on Zhuang Shisan in the future and kill Zhuang Shisan as soon as he had the chance.

However, Zhao Wuji's eyes met Zhuang Shisan's eyes, which seemed to be an illusion, as if Zhuang Shisan's eyes were full of mockery.

What does it mean?

He has already used the power of fifty tripods and is fighting desperately. What else can Zhuang Shisan do?

Zhao Wuji certainly didn't know that Zhuang Shisan did not go all out.

Because, his triple wave is currently only the first wave.

The second wave that is being displayed now is Lu Changsheng's strongest power.


In a flash, Lu Changsheng fully displayed the second wave.

It was like a mighty wave, sweeping over in an instant.

The second wave, amplifying 50% of the power!

Now Lu Changsheng has displayed the transformation of the dragon, and his body has increased by 30%, which is the power of 52 tripods.

On this basis, the second wave is played, increasing the power by 50%, which is the power of 78 tripods.

Close to the power of 80 tripods!

Such a terrifying power is 30 more than the power of 50 tripods that Zhao Wuji has now exploded.

If the power of a few tripods may be able to withstand it.

Even the power of ten tripods can barely hold it.

But the power of thirty tripods, what a huge gap?

The moment Zhao Wuji's punch collided with Lu Changsheng's double wave, Zhao Wuji's eyes widened, his eyes were full of shock, confusion and fear!


Zhao Wuji's arm was broken instantly.

The terrifying force fell on him all of a sudden.

Instantly, Zhao Wuji was like a balloon, and exploded with a "bang".

There was a bloody rain all around.

Zhao Wuji didn't even scream, and the whole person was blown up, turning into countless small pieces of flesh and blood, falling to the ground.

This is the terrifying power close to eighty tripods!

There is no punching and kicking, only violent crushing!


The whole hall suddenly became quiet.

"The guardian elder... exploded?"

Wang Feng is the right envoy of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect. In fact, his status in the Ten Thousand Poison Sect is already very high, and he can rush into the realm of divine power at any time.

But what did he see now?

The guardian elder of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, who had been in the martial arts world for more than ten years and was a powerful man in the realm of divine power, was actually blown up by a punch!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe it.

At this moment, not only Wang Feng was stunned, but everyone present was stunned.

Although "Nanyang Village Thirteen" has become famous recently and even killed the leader of the Black Water Gang, Zhang Tianwu.

But how can Zhang Tianwu compare with the guardian elder of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, Zhao Wuji?

But now, Zhao Wuji is also dead.

He was beaten alive in a head-on battle, and even his body was not left behind. He was the kind of person who died without a complete body.

Lu Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

This was the time he almost went all out since he became a divine power realm.

And the result seemed to be pretty good.

"The Divine Dragon Transformation and the Triple Wave can indeed be superimposed. After all, the Divine Dragon Transformation is to amplify the physical body, which is an all-round amplification. It is different from the Triple Wave in terms of amplification power."

"Once the two are superimposed, the effect produced is very terrifying. I only have the power of forty Ding, and using the Divine Dragon Transformation plus the Second Wave, the power is almost doubled."

Lu Changsheng actually knew it very well.

The power of eighty Ding is close to the Hundred Ding Realm.

I'm afraid that ordinary warriors in the Divine Power Realm can't stand it!

Then, Lu Changsheng looked at Wang Feng and others, and said coldly: "You all heard and saw the two-fist agreement between Zhuang and Zhao Wuji."

"Zhao Wuji failed to block my second punch and was beaten to death by Zhuang."

"Eliminate all evil, and you should go with Zhao Wuji."

Lu Changsheng now has to maintain the persona of "Zhuang Shisan" as a hero, so no matter what he says or does, he is open and aboveboard.

Even when facing the people of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect.

"No, Zhuang, spare my life..."

Wang Feng wanted to beg for mercy.

However, Lu Changsheng did not give Wang Feng any chance.

He waved his hand, and the terrifying blood cloud instantly turned into silk swords.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish".

Each silk sword was more terrifying than a bow and crossbow.

Moreover, Lu Changsheng was performing the transformation of the dragon at this moment, and his physical body increased by 30%, which also increased his blood and qi by 30%.

Therefore, after a wave of silk swords, basically all the people of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect in the hall "lay down".

They turned into corpses.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yun, Xia Yuanwai and others took a breath of cold air.

With their status and position, they naturally heard of the strong in the divine power realm.

However, seeing a strong man in the divine power realm killing people with their own eyes still made them feel palpitating.

The dense silk swords, below the divine power realm, no matter how many people came, they would just die.

Even Luo Yun's three thousand elite soldiers would be in danger if they met "Zhuang Shisan" head-on.

The realm of divine power can no longer be speculated by common sense, and can't even be treated as an ordinary person.

"General Luo, Mr. Xia, there are still some fish that have escaped from the Ten Thousand Poison Sect in the stronghold, so I'll leave them to you."

Lu Changsheng put his hands behind his back, with the demeanor of a great hero.

However, he was really envious.

There were corpses everywhere below.

Ordinary corpses would be fine, but the corpse of Zhao Wuji...

Uh, Zhao Wuji has no corpse.

Died without a complete corpse.

Zhao Wuji's things were naturally not left behind, and were blown up by Lu Changsheng.

However, other corpses are also worth touching, after all, the Ten Thousand Poison Sect still has a lot of good things.

But he is now the character of "Zhuang Shisan", who hates evil and is upright, and he certainly disdains "touching corpses".

If he really wanted to touch the corpse, it would destroy the image of "Zhuang Shisan" and make him look inferior.

"Hero Zhuang, wait a minute."

At this time, Mr. Xia came to Zhuang Shisan immediately. He really didn't see that the Zhuang Shisan in front of him was actually Lu Changsheng.

After all, Lu Changsheng's disguise skills were no less than Li Hongzhuang's, and there were almost no flaws.

"Hero Zhuang, thank you for your righteous action to eliminate the Ten Thousand Poison Sect and save the people of Yancheng. Otherwise, if the Ten Thousand Poison Sect succeeded, it is unknown what Yancheng would become."

"Why don't you stay in my Xia Mansion for a few more days, and I will also show my hospitality as a host."

Mr. Xia wanted to invite Zhuang Shisan to visit the Xia family.

For a "hero" like Zhuang Shisan, who is also a hero at the level of divine power, Mr. Xia naturally wanted to make a good relationship with him.

"No, Zhuang was just passing by Yancheng and eradicated the Ten Thousand Poison Sect."

"If you really want to thank Zhuang, then use the proceeds from the Ten Thousand Poison Sect's stronghold to benefit the people of Yancheng, so that Zhuang's trip will not be in vain."

Lu Shisan said lightly.

"Zhuang Shisan is really kind-hearted and chivalrous. This is a blessing for the people of Yancheng. Zhuang Shisan, rest assured, my Xia family will use the ill-gotten gains from the Ten Thousand Poison Sect's stronghold in the name of Zhuang Shisan to build bridges and roads for the benefit of the people of Yancheng!"

Mr. Xia said in a firm tone.

"In this case, Zhuang is relieved."

After saying that, Lu Changsheng took a deep look at the corpses on the ground, with a trace of regret and reluctance in his eyes, and finally turned around and left. After a few ups and downs, he disappeared.

Seeing "Zhuang Shisan" disappear, Mr. Xia and Luo Yun also breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what, with such a terrifying God Realm strongman in front of them, they still felt a lot of pressure.

"Zhuang is a man of great reputation, he hates evil and is brave and chivalrous."

"Luckily we met Zhuang this time, otherwise, we would be in danger."

Mr. Xia and Luo Yun were both grateful.

I didn't expect that there would be a powerful person in the Divine Power Realm in the base of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect in Yancheng.

If it weren't for Zhuang Shisan, the consequences would be disastrous.

Some of the escaped members of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Zhuang Shisan leave.

"The body of the guardian elder must be taken back."

"But, Nanyang Zhuang Shisan..."

These escaped members of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect were still in fear, and they didn't know whether Zhuang Shisan had left or not, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

So, they could only pass the news back to the Ten Thousand Poison Sect and let the sect decide.

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