Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 85: Inspiration strikes, the prototype of the secret method!

Lu Changsheng returned to Miaoshou Garden quietly.

He took out the porcelain bottle from the secret compartment and poured out the black strange insects in the porcelain bottle.

These were the insects that Lu Changsheng had caught from the corpse in the ditch on the roadside outside the city. Now it is confirmed that they are the black strange insects in the body of the demon warrior Wang Laotou.

He poured the black strange insects on the table and found that these black strange insects were indeed dead.

"The black strange insects are closely related to the demon warrior Wang Laotou. Once Wang Laotou dies, these black strange insects will also die."

Since these black strange insects and the demon warrior Wang Laotou share the same fate, it can also be detected from these black strange insects whether Wang Laotou is dead or not.

So, Lu Changsheng put the black strange insects back into the bottle.

If the black strange insects are resurrected again after a period of time, it means that Wang Laotou has also been resurrected.

For demon warriors, no matter how cautious you are, it is not too much.

Then, Lu Changsheng took out the harvest from the Lin family charity cemetery, the Blood Demon Sutra!

Anything that can be called a "scripture" is very extraordinary.

For example, the Ten Thousand Poisons Scripture.

Although Lu Changsheng and the Ten Thousand Poisons Sect were at odds, and he even killed Zhao Wuji head-on, he was still very sure about the Ten Thousand Poisons Scripture.

Now this Blood Demon Scripture is a treasured item for demon warriors, and it must be extraordinary.

So, Lu Changsheng opened the Blood Demon Scripture.

At the beginning, it was mentioned that in order to practice the Blood Demon Scripture, one must have the Blood Demon Essence Blood.

Even a trace of Blood Demon Essence Blood will do.

Without Blood Demon Essence Blood, it is impossible to practice the Blood Demon Scripture.

"Blood Demon Essence Blood?"

Lu Changsheng thought about it carefully. In the coffin, he really didn't see Blood Demon Essence Blood.

Maybe it was integrated into the body of the demon warrior Wang Laotou, but Wang Laotou was beaten to death, so the so-called Blood Demon Essence Blood naturally didn't know where it went.

Maybe it disappeared.

Although it is impossible to practice the Blood Demon Scripture without Blood Demon Essence Blood, Lu Changsheng has never thought about becoming a demon warrior, so he didn't care too much and continued to read the Blood Demon Scripture.

The Blood Demon Sutra mentions "blood-sucking worms", which seems to be the black strange worms.

Blood-sucking worms and blood demon warriors coexist and can assist blood demon warriors in their cultivation and can also help blood demon warriors eliminate enemies.

In addition to blood-sucking worms, there is also a kind of corpse worm.

Corpse worms are even more terrifying, and only demonized blood demon warriors can cultivate corpse worms.

Unfortunately, it seems that old man Wang has just become a demon, and he doesn't even have time to cultivate corpse worms.

If old man Wang is given a little more time and cultivates corpse worms, it will be even more terrifying.

And it's not just corpse worms.

The Blood Demon Sutra also records a secret method of blood demon warriors, called the Blood Pill Secret Method.

The so-called blood pill is not a pill, but a method of accumulating blood essence.

Accumulate blood essence in the body to a certain extent, and then detonate it when facing the enemy.

At that time, the power will be very terrifying.

The longer the accumulation time, the more terrifying the power.

However, it seems that there is also an upper limit.

The upper limit of accumulating blood pills is determined by the physical strength of the blood demon warrior himself.

But even so, the power limit of the blood pill can even reach more than ten times the blood demon warrior's own attack!

This is a very terrifying secret method.

Think about it, what does more than ten times mean?

For example, Lu Changsheng now has the power of sixty tripods, and ten times is the power of six hundred tripods.

Moreover, ten times is not the limit, but more than ten times.

More than ten times may be twenty times, thirty times, and so on.

It's just that it may be more difficult, and it's not easy to reach twenty times or thirty times.

After Lu Changsheng finished reading the Blood Demon Sutra, his heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

This time, he did kill the demon warrior Wang Laotou.

But the victory was very lucky.

If Wang Laotou was a demon warrior who had mastered the demonization for months or even years, could he still kill him this time?

Bloodthirsty worms plus corpse worms, plus blood pills.

It's really uncertain who will win in the end.

Even Lu Changsheng felt vaguely that if the other party really practiced the blood pill, I'm afraid he would be more likely to die!

"The physical fitness and secrets of demon warriors are better than those of warriors of the same realm."

"The only advantage of warriors may be their martial arts, especially their artistic conception..."

Lu Changsheng felt that the artistic conception of warriors was not simple.

However, he did not know much about artistic conception now.

But the secrets could be further explored.

For example, if the Divine Dragon Transformation could reach the third transformation, it could also double the physical body.

Lu Changsheng read the Blood Demon Sutra over and over again.

He could not cultivate blood-sucking insects and corpse insects.

After all, Lu Changsheng did not have the blood demon's blood essence, nor was he a blood demon warrior.

Blood-sucking insects and corpse insects were closely related to blood demon warriors.

As for the blood pill, it was actually closely related to blood demon warriors. The talent of blood demon warriors was to control blood and extract blood essence, but Lu Changsheng did not have this ability.

"Refine blood essence..."

"Blood demon warriors can refine blood essence, but what about human warriors?"

"The advantage of human warriors is not the physical body, but the blood essence. Demon warriors don't seem to have blood essence, and only focus on the physical body."

Lu Changsheng had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

He seemed to have some kind of inspiration.

Blood essence!

This is unique to human warriors.

Blood essence is not blood, but a unique energy generated by the energy of human warriors themselves.

It is between reality and illusion.

But blood essence has great power.

For example, Lu Changsheng's silk sword.

Lu Changsheng thought of the "Blood Pill Secret Method" of the Blood Demon Sutra.

This secret method is to accumulate blood essence, slowly accumulate it, and then release it all at once in battle.

Then what about blood and qi?

Can it be the same?

In fact, Lu Changsheng felt that blood and qi were more suitable for this method. Blood and qi could also be accumulated continuously, and blood and qi could be continuously compressed.

The more compressed, the more terrifying it would be once blood and qi burst out.

"I will make full use of the blood and qi lost in my body every day and compress it all. Maybe one month, maybe three months, maybe one year, ten years, once it is completely released one day, the blood and qi compressed countless times will burst out. What a terrifying power it is?"

Lu Changsheng had more and more inspiration in his mind.

He originally had the ability to create his own martial arts. After all, his comprehension was very terrifying, far beyond that of ordinary warriors.

Even the comprehension of a warrior in the divine power realm was rarely comparable to Lu Changsheng.

What Lu Changsheng lacked was inspiration.

With inspiration, it was no problem for him to create a powerful martial art.

However, Lu Changsheng is not creating his own martial arts now.

He has an inspiration, an inspiration for a secret method.

Once perfected, it will probably be a very terrifying secret method, not inferior to the blood pill secret method, or even better than the blood pill secret method!

Lu Changsheng realized the importance of this secret method, and he immediately devoted all his energy, with various inspirations colliding in his mind.

"Qi and blood compression is feasible."

"Moreover, there is no need to accumulate qi and blood specifically. Because qi and blood are limited by the body, there is actually an upper limit, but the human body produces qi and blood every day."

"Excess qi and blood will dissipate from the body on its own. However, if I can use a secret method to accumulate and compress the qi and blood that dissipate every day, it will definitely condense into a very terrifying force over time."

"Moreover, qi and blood are between reality and illusion. As long as the qi and blood can be stably compressed, then even if the qi and blood are compressed again, the volume will not be too large. It is completely possible to compress and accumulate qi and blood all the time. This will be a secret method with no upper limit!"

Lu Changsheng's secret method ideas gradually took shape, which were ideas generated by the sparks of instant inspiration collision.

It seems simple and even a little whimsical, but it is precisely this kind of whimsical thinking that has infinite possibilities.

Now Lu Changsheng's idea has unlimited potential.

A secret method with no upper limit! How terrible is this?

Of course, it is just an idea now, and it is still a long way from being formed.

Lu Changsheng did it as he thought.

He immediately began to mobilize a little bit of blood and qi.

This little bit of blood and qi began to compress in the body.

Well, no problem.

One, two, three...

There is no problem with compressing countless blood and qi.

However, Lu Changsheng needs to actively compress it, and there is no problem with blood and qi, but there is a problem with spirit.

It needs to consume Lu Changsheng's spirit.

Lu Changsheng can't do nothing all day and spend his spirit to compress blood and qi. That is not realistic at all.

And even if the blood and qi are compressed, how should they be released?

With swordsmanship? Knife skills?

These all need Lu Changsheng to figure out.

Now there is only an idea. With Lu Changsheng's comprehension of nearly 700 points, it may not be possible to completely perfect this secret method with no upper limit in a short time.

"Don't worry, as long as you have an idea and inspiration, you can naturally improve it slowly in the future."

Lu Changsheng then put the Blood Demon Sutra in the secret compartment, began to close his eyes and rest, and had a good rest.

In the following days, Nanyang City returned to its former tranquility.

But the discussion about the demon warriors and "Zhuang Daxia" was endless.

In the streets and alleys, people were talking about it, and the heat did not diminish at all.

"Zhuang Daxia" is really in the heyday in the entire Nanyang Prefecture, and his prestige is unimaginable.

However, until now, "Zhuang Daxia" has been seen from head to tail.

Even if it is known that Zhuang Shisan is somewhere in Nanyang Prefecture, or even somewhere in Nanyang City, no one knows where it is?

Lu Changsheng thought that it would be inconvenient for him to act in Nanyang Prefecture as "Zhuang Shisan" in the future.

Being too famous is not a good thing sometimes.

However, he can change his appearance. If "Zhuang Shisan" is really unable to move, it is not difficult to change his appearance into another "vest".

Without Zhuang Shisan, there may be Lu Shiba, Liu Twelve, Zhao Nineteen, etc.

By then, Nanyang Prefecture will be "lively", and there will be endless martial artists in the realm of divine power. In the martial arts world, Nanyang Prefecture may really become a den of dragons and tigers, and no one dares to act wild in Nanyang Prefecture.

Of course, there is no rush to "change vests" now, and it has not reached that stage yet.

For the time being, "Zhuang Shisan" is still very good.

During this period, Lu Changsheng has been seeing a doctor, practicing, and working hard to practice martial arts.

He spent most of his energy on martial arts.

Let the progress of martial arts practice greatly speed up.

Because he needs to quickly improve his understanding.

The secret method with no upper limit that Lu Changsheng has been thinking about always feels that something is missing.

He has never been able to "create" it.

Lu Changsheng thought that maybe his comprehension was still a little lacking.

Anyway, it’s always a good idea to improve your comprehension.

“Ding ding ding dang dang dang”.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng heard the sound of metal colliding.

Is this forging iron?

Lu Changsheng glanced at the street next to him.

There seems to be a blacksmith shop there.

There are usually not many people, why are there so many people around now?

So, Lu Changsheng also walked up curiously.

"Everyone, look, today is the last day agreed by Blacksmith Ou and Master Liu. Can he make a magic weapon?"

"Tsk tsk, this time Master Liu took out a piece of meteorite iron from outer space and gave it to Blacksmith Ou to make a handy magic sword. Master Liu is watching it every day. Once the magic sword is ruined, Master Liu will not let Blacksmith Ou off easily."

"Didn't Blacksmith Ou always brag that his ancestor was Master Craftsman Ou Yezi? Now it depends on how much skills he has inherited from his ancestor."

One by one, the neighbors gathered around to watch the excitement.

Lu Changsheng also squeezed up from the crowd.

He also heard the discussions of the people around him.

"Magic weapon?"

Lu Changsheng naturally knew the so-called magic weapon in the martial arts world. For many warriors, a magic weapon can enhance a lot of strength.

Of course, Lu Changsheng doesn't need magic weapons now.

The warriors in the divine power realm are the most terrifying magic weapons.

Ou the blacksmith is a famous blacksmith in Nanyang City. It is said that his ancestor is Ou Yezi. This is just hearsay. It is hard to say whether it is Ou Yezi.

But no matter what, Liu Daxia wants to forge a magic sword and even takes out the meteorite iron from outer space. This puts all hopes on Ou the blacksmith.

Ou the blacksmith is burly, with muscular body, and looks very rough.

He is shirtless and hammers down continuously.

Again and again.

After thousands of hammers, a long sword gradually takes shape.

"Liu Daxia, the blood refining method must be very cautious. One careless mistake will fail. Are you really determined to use the blood refining method to forge a magic weapon?"

Ou the blacksmith asked Liu Daxia.

"It's decided!"

"I almost spent all my money to get this piece of meteorite iron. If I can't cast a magic weapon, then my previous efforts will be in vain, right?"

"Blacksmith Ou, come on."

Hero Liu was also very determined.

Afterwards, Blacksmith Ou asked Hero Liu to come forward and gently cut his wrist.

Instantly, blood flowed.

Not drops of blood, but blood flowed into the magic weapon being cast.

Blacksmith Ou hammered quickly, hammering the blood into the magic weapon.

"Swish, swish, swish."

Finally, the magic sword was put into cold water to cool.

Soon, the magic sword was completely cast.

Blacksmith Ou was panting, but his expression was very excited.

"It's done. The magic weapon of blood refining method really works."

"Hahaha, who dares to say I can't cast a magic weapon in the future?"

Blacksmith Ou laughed excitedly.

Hero Liu also grasped the hilt of the sword, and then slashed it easily.

There seemed to be a sharp edge of enlightenment in the air, making people far away feel the sharp edge of the sword.

"What a magic sword!"

"Blacksmith Ou really made a magic sword."

"With this magic sword, it will be difficult for Liu Daxia to find an opponent in the internal organs."

Many people's eyes were shining.

However, no one wanted to forge a sword.

First, Blacksmith Ou asked for a high price, and second, meteorite iron from outer space is hard to come by.

It is as difficult as ascending to heaven to get a piece of meteorite iron from outer space.

Otherwise, there would be magic weapons everywhere in the world, so how could it be so rare?

Lu Changsheng, who witnessed all this, seemed to have a flash of inspiration in his mind.

He fell into deep contemplation.

In his mind, sparks of inspiration burst out one by one, and the secret method that seemed to have no progress in the past actually had a slight loosening at this time.

It seemed that there was a breakthrough.

"Forge a magic weapon..."

"A magic weapon can be forged through thousands of hammers and tempers. A small piece of stubborn iron can be forged into an extremely sharp magic weapon that can cut hair. So if I use blood as stubborn iron and use the method of forging a magic weapon to forge blood, can I get a terrible magic weapon after hammering blood for thousands of hammers?"

"In other words, it doesn't matter whether it is a magic weapon or not. What's important is that blood can be compressed through thousands of hammers and tempers. How terrible will it be after accumulating over time? At that time, there will be no need for any special means. Just release it and hit the opponent. The blood will automatically burst and cause unparalleled terrifying destructive power."

Lu Changsheng's eyes became brighter and brighter, and countless sparks of inspiration collided. In the end, a clearer and more intuitive idea appeared in his mind.

In fact, it was no longer an idea, but a brand new secret method!

It's just that this secret method has not been practiced yet.

"Go back."

The next moment, Lu Changsheng did not hesitate, and did not even go to Miaorentang, but returned directly to Miaoshou Garden.

He had to try this brand new secret method. Would it work?

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