Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 90: Learn from nature and practice in the artistic conception!

Lu Changsheng himself didn't know that he had fallen into enlightenment.

He "stuck" to the bottom of the boat, letting the waves hit him, feeling the vast power of the waves.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Lu Changsheng was completely immersed in enlightenment and had lost his sense of time.

The wind and waves on the sea came quickly and went quickly.

In the blink of an eye, a night passed.

In the morning, the wind and waves had subsided.

Many people walked out of the cabin one after another, and the deck was in a mess.

"It's finally over."

"This wind and waves almost overturned the big ship."

"This time the wind and waves are really big, and we are really lucky."

"Hurry up and check and count the number of people and supplies."

People on the boat gave orders one after another.

They are all old sailors and are too familiar with this kind of wind and waves.

After the wind and waves, the first thing to do is to count the number of people and supplies.

After all, a wave of wind and waves will definitely cause losses.

"Five boxes of supplies are missing."

"Three people are missing."

"Three people are missing? Which three people?"

"Two porters, one is Miss Sophie's guest, and Mr. Dao is also missing."

Everyone was slightly shocked.

It's nothing if two porters are missing.

But "Mr. Dao" is Miss Sophie's guest, and it is said that he saved Miss Sophie's life.

Now he is missing too?

In the sea, there is often only one ending when encountering wind and waves and disappearing, that is, burying in the sea!

Longsha heard this and smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Dao is unlucky. I saw him on the deck yesterday. I guess he didn't leave when the wind and waves came, and was swept into the sea by the big waves."

"What a pity."

Longsha's tone seemed to be regretful, but in fact he didn't know how happy he was in his heart.

Originally, he wanted to deal with Dao Twelve, but because of Sophie, it was really difficult for him to deal with it.

I didn't expect that a wind and wave would make Dao Twelve buried in the sea.

However, Sophie shed tears, she was really sad.

At this time, Yun Haitang also came out of the cabin.

She looked at the sea silently.

A night passed, the wind was calm, and it seemed that nothing had happened.

However, the figure who jumped into the sea disappeared.

But Yun Haitang still didn't understand why Dao Twelve jumped into the sea?

"The storm has passed, and the ship can sail."

"Raise the sail!"

The captain began to command the sailors to sail.

When sailing in the sea, human life is the most fragile, and people will die if they are not careful.

Or get sick, or be swept away by the wind and waves.

This kind of thing is too common, so the crew naturally don't feel anything.

The big ship started slowly.


At this moment, a black shadow jumped up from the hull and actually jumped directly onto the deck.

"Who is it?"

Everyone was shocked.

However, when they saw the figure clearly, they opened their mouths wide.

"It's Mr. Dao!"

"Mr. Dao is not missing?"

"Wasn't Mr. Dao on the deck before? How did he jump up from under the ship?"

Many people were surprised.

Longsha's face sank, and his expression was not very good.

Sophie's face was full of surprise.

Only Yun Haitang showed a trace of surprise in her eyes, and her expression was quite complicated.

She saw it with her own eyes yesterday. Dao Twelve had clearly jumped into the sea, so how come he is safe and sound now?

"Mr. Dao, are you okay?"

Sophie ran over immediately, her face full of tension.

"I'm fine. I practiced martial arts in the wind and waves yesterday."

Lu Changsheng said lightly.

"Practice martial arts?"

Sophie didn't understand, but Yun Haitang was a martial artist, and she understood what "practice martial arts" meant.

But, practice martial arts in the wind and waves?

Even jump into the sea?

Even if Yun Haitang is knowledgeable, he doesn't know what kind of martial arts Dao Twelve practiced.

Lu Changsheng glanced at Yun Haitang and nodded slightly.

But he didn't explain, but went back to the cabin directly.

Lu Changsheng was wet, but it didn't matter. He immediately circulated his qi and blood to cover his whole body.

Qi and blood are inherently very hot.

After a while, the clothes were dried.

If other warriors knew that Lu Changsheng used Qi and blood to dry clothes, they would probably be in tears and laughter.

After all, who would consume precious Qi and blood to dry clothes?

Only Lu Changsheng, whose Qi and blood are so huge that it is unimaginable, can waste Qi and blood so "luxuriantly".

Lu Changsheng didn't care about the clothes, he immediately called up the attribute panel.

He wanted to see what he gained from "one night".

He vaguely felt that this night was more than the perfection of the "three waves".

Maybe, he had a bigger gain!

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 824 (Hidden Dragon in the Abyss)

Qi and Blood Sword Forging Secret Method: Sword Forging for 3 months and 18 days.

Sea Waves: 1% progress

Heavenly Treasures Secret Method: First Level

Triple Waves: Third Level (Perfect)

Nine Levels of Fish Leaping Over Dragon Gate: Second Level

Dragon Transformation: Three Transformations (Perfect)

Nine-Character Thunder Sound Secret Method: Perfect (Incomplete)

Lu Changsheng saw that Triple Waves and Dragon Transformation were both perfect on the attribute panel, which was expected.

And the Qi and Blood Sword Forging Secret Method actually accumulated 3 months and 18 days. In fact, if you count the time, it has only been more than two months since the first day of his sword forging.

This is all thanks to Lu Changsheng's active use of blood and qi to "forge the sword" in his spare time, so the progress of sword forging is much faster than the actual time.

3 months and 18 days, once the blood and qi sword bursts out, it can have almost 360 tripods of power.

Lu Changsheng has been paying attention to the secret method of blood and qi forging swords, so it is not very surprising.

What surprised Lu Changsheng the most was the "wave state of mind" that appeared on the attribute panel.

This just appeared.

"Wave state of mind..."

Lu Changsheng immediately thought of the "sudden enlightenment" in the sea last night.

What he "suddenly realized" was the wave state of mind!

The perfection of the three waves is actually just a small part of the wave state of mind.

In the sea, after Lu Changsheng's three waves were perfected, he fell into enlightenment, which was actually always comprehending the wave state of mind.

For a whole night, Lu Changsheng relied on more than 800 points of comprehension, and finally comprehended the wave state of mind.

Of course, now it is just an introduction, and the progress is only 1%.

There is still a long way to go to fully perfect the artistic conception of the sea waves.

Lu Changsheng has seen many martial arts in the realm of divine power, but without exception, none of them mention artistic conception.

Artistic conception is a kind of perception contained in martial arts.

As for what effect it has, Lu Changsheng is not clear.

Then, Lu Changsheng casually slapped his palm.

"Hua La La".

The whole cabin was like rolling waves.

Lu Changsheng blessed the artistic conception of the sea waves. Even if this palm did not use the triple waves, it could still greatly increase the power of this palm.

Even when Lu Changsheng slashed a knife with the artistic conception of the sea waves, it was also like a rolling wave, endless.

Lu Changsheng, who was blessed with the artistic conception of the sea waves, could actually exert the effect of "triple waves" regardless of palm, knife, sword, etc., and could be stronger than one knife!

Lu Changsheng's artistic conception of the sea waves can increase the combat effectiveness of the warriors in all directions, and it seems that it can also suppress the opponent from the spiritual level.

The aura of a warrior actually belongs to the spiritual level, but it is far from the level of artistic conception.

"Warriors cultivate their bodies and blood, while artistic conception seems to belong to the spiritual level."

Lu Changsheng thought.

However, it is easy for warriors to cultivate their bodies and blood, but it is not easy to cultivate the spiritual level.

Most warriors in the divine power realm have not actually entered the artistic conception for cultivation. At most, they have perfected some martial arts and slightly touched the "artistic conception".

For example, if the triple wave is perfected, you can actually slightly touch the artistic conception of the waves.

But just touching the artistic conception is useless. After all, if the comprehension is not high enough, you can't comprehend the artistic conception at all.

Only people with high comprehension like Lu Changsheng, by chance, go deep into the sea to experience the huge waves in person, and fall into enlightenment, and then comprehend the artistic conception, which can be regarded as entering the artistic conception practice.

However, Lu Changsheng is not sure how to practice the artistic conception.

But he thinks that if he wants to improve the artistic conception of the waves, he has to observe the real waves.

"Ding ding ding..."

Just then, a crisp alarm sounded outside the cabin.

Generally, when this sound sounded, the big ship was in danger.

Lu Changsheng immediately stood up and walked out of the cabin.

"Quick, turn quickly, there are pirates."

The captain's voice was a little anxious.

Lu Changsheng came to the deck, and when he looked up, he saw five large ships vaguely in front of him.

That was a pirate ship!

Sailors sailed in the sea, one fear of wind and waves, and two fear of pirates.

They had just experienced huge waves last night, and they didn't expect to encounter pirates now.

The captain tried his best to make people turn, but the ship was too big, and the wind direction was not right now, so it took some time to turn.

And during this time, the five pirate ships in the distance had already come up.

"Captain, can you buy safety with silver?"

At this time, Sophie said to the captain.

She was already panicking.

When encountering pirates in the sea, spending silver to buy safety is the most common way

The captain was a burly man with a red nose and a thick beard. He looked at the five approaching pirate ships and immediately shook his head and said, "Miss Sophie, if it were ordinary pirates, it would be no problem to buy safety with money."

"But it's not the same for this group of pirates. Looking at their flags, they should be 'Taotie' pirates."

"These damn 'Taotie' pirates will never let anyone go. They will take people and ships to their lair. They are extremely vicious."

"We must not stop. Once we stop, it's over..."

The captain knows the "Taotie" pirates very well.

Sophie's face became even paler.

Because the five pirate ships were already very close.

"Swish, swish, swish."

At this time, the pirate ship began to shoot arrows.

Wave after wave of arrows shot densely at the deck.

"Hide in the cabin quickly."

Everyone ran into the cabin again in a hurry.

But many people still failed to run in time and were shot to death by the rain of arrows.

Only a few people relied on martial arts to dodge on the deck, including Lu Changsheng and Yun Haitang.

Yun Haitang danced with a soft whip tightly, protecting his body, and the rain of arrows could not get close to him at all.

As for Lu Changsheng, it was even simpler. A layer of blood and qi wall blocked in front of him, and the rain of arrows fell on the blood and qi wall and bounced off and fell to the ground.

However, this kind of blood and qi wall requires very strong blood and qi, and only Lu Changsheng can be so "luxurious".

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh".

At this time, flying claws were thrown out from the pirate ship and directly thrown onto the big ship.

The flying claws hung firmly.

"We can't let their flying claws catch the big ship. Cut off the flying claws quickly."

The captain tried to get the escorts to rush out and cut off the flying claws.

Unfortunately, as soon as the escort team rushed out, they were killed by the pirate ship's arrows. They could only watch helplessly as dense flying claws grabbed the big ship.

"It's over, it's completely over."

"Once we are captured and taken to the lair of the 'Taotie' pirates, all of us will have to work for the pirates and become their slaves..."

The captain collapsed in the cabin.

If he were really captured and made a slave of a pirate, it would be better to die on the ship.

At this time, the pirates also started shouting.

"People on the boat in front of you, listen, from now on all of you are slaves of the 'Glutious' pirates. Stay in the cabin and don't move around."

"Anyone who stays on the deck or wants to resist will be killed with a ray of fire!"

The pirate's voice reached everyone's ears.

Everyone on board looked ashen.

Even Yun Haitang frowned.

It’s true that she has martial arts skills, and is even very strong.

However, no matter how strong she is, she is only one person, just a Zang-refining warrior. How can she deal with so many pirates?

Now the pirates are dragging the big ship away.

Once dragged to the pirate's lair, there is nothing you can do.

Yun Haitang has very important things to do on her trip to Fire Dragon Island. She cannot become a prisoner of pirates.

Moreover, with her beautiful appearance, once she goes to the pirate lair, her fate can be imagined.

"Brother Dao, do you have a way to escape?"

Yun Haitang couldn't help but asked Lu Changsheng.

The first time she saw Dao Twelve, she felt extraordinary.

Especially the wall of qi and blood that Dao Twelve had just displayed. Its qi and blood were extremely strong. Dao Twelve was definitely stronger than her.

Maybe Dao Twelve can escape.

It’s just a vast sea, what can Dao Twelve do?

Lu Changsheng's face was stern, and he glanced at the five pirate ships in the distance.

If these pirates were allowed to drag the ship to their lair, he would not be able to return to Zhanhai City.

This is not possible!

"I have no way of escape."

"However, it shouldn't be difficult if we just deal with this group of pirates."

Lu Changsheng said calmly.

"Isn't it difficult to deal with these pirates?"

Yun Haitang glanced at the five pirate ships.

There are probably thousands of pirates on the five pirate ships in total.

There must be many Zang-Refining Realm warriors among them. Isn’t this difficult?

It is again in the vast sea, no matter how high your martial arts skills are, it is difficult to fly with wings.

Lu Changsheng did not explain. He came to the edge of the ship step by step and jumped lightly.


Lu Changsheng jumped onto the flying claw.

There is a rope on the flying claw that is always connected to the pirate ship.

Lu Changsheng stepped on the rope and rushed towards the pirate ship after a few ups and downs.

"Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much."

Immediately a large number of arrows were fired at Lu Changsheng from the pirate ship.

However, they were all blocked by Lu Changsheng's wall of energy and blood.


Lu Changsheng gently landed on the pirate ship opposite.

Seeing this scene, Sophie, Yun Haitang and others were stunned.

"Mr. Knife, are you going to fight off those pirates alone?"

Sophie's eyes widened and she stared at the pirate ship in the distance.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng was surrounded by a large number of pirates on the pirate ship.

However, he had no interest in killing these pirates.

Because, it's not necessary.

In the vast sea, there is another most direct and effective way to repel pirates.

That is to sink this pirate ship!

The pirate ship is very strong and can sail in the sea, and the wood of the ship is naturally very tough.

Moreover, pirates can repair ordinary small holes quickly, and there is no way for the pirate ship to sink.

But Lu Changsheng never thought of making some small holes.

Lu Changsheng's whole body was covered with a wall of energy and blood, and he didn't care about the pirates around him at all.

Then, Lu Changsheng punched the deck of the pirate ship.


There was a huge roar.

With this punch, Lu Changsheng performed the Three Transformations of the Divine Dragon, and his power instantly reached one hundred and eighty cauldrons!

Moreover, he also exerted a special "vibration force", allowing the power of the punch to instantly penetrate the deck and extend to the bottom of the ship.


The bottom of the boat exploded instantly, and a big hole appeared.

A large amount of seawater rushed in quickly.


"The bottom of the boat is broken and the boat is sinking."

"Run quickly..."

A group of pirates were panicked, and looked at Lu Changsheng with extremely horrified eyes.

Punch through the bottom of the boat?

What kind of person can punch through such a big ship with one punch?

After Lu Changsheng smashed through the pirate ship, he didn't care about the pirates anymore.

He quickly jumped onto the other four pirate ships and did the same thing.

In just a few moments, Lu Changsheng returned to the ship of the Ocean Chamber of Commerce.

"Captain, cut off the flying claws and let those pirates go to the sea to feed the fish."

Lu Changsheng said calmly.

Everyone looked at the five pirate ships in the distance, and everyone was extremely shocked.

Those are five pirate ships.

As a result, one person was killed by "Sword Twelve".

Thousands of pirates had to die at sea.

For a moment, everyone looked at Lu Changsheng with a hint of respect.

Especially Longsha, he felt trembling all over, wishing he could bury his head in his crotch so as not to be seen by "Sword Twelve".

He was a ruthless man who could overturn five pirate ships and sink thousands of pirates in the sea. He actually dared to offend him before and even thought about finding an opportunity to "teach" Dao Twelve a lesson.

Is he too long?

"Divine power realm..."

Yun Haitang looked directly at Lu Changsheng, and there seemed to be a hint of strangeness in his eyes.

Only a strong man in the divine power realm has such great power to "overturn" five pirate ships.

Obviously, Yun Haitang has almost guessed that "Dao Twelve" is a strong man in the divine power realm!

ps: Recommend a friend's new book "Starry Talisman Cultivation" A patient with advanced radiation disease who was abandoned on the 3115 garbage planet woke up after being picked up by a little girl, carrying a complete system star card, and walked out of the 451 garbage dump step by step, shocking the entire interstellar. Interested friends can go and have a look!

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