Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 97: A strange man delivers a coffin a thousand miles away, and suddenly realizes the great t

Wu Jing died.

He died peacefully, without any regrets.

His only wish was for Lu Changsheng to send him back to his hometown for burial, so that he could return to his roots.

Lu Changsheng had someone build a good coffin.

But it was not enough to just put the body in the coffin, because it would rot and stink in a few days.

Some medicinal herbs had to be placed to prevent the body from rotting and stinking so quickly.

Lu Changsheng himself was a doctor, so he naturally knew about these medicinal herbs.

And Miaoshou Garden also fully cooperated and was very active in dispatching medicinal herbs.

Moreover, more and more people learned about Wu Jing's death, and many people came to mourn Wu Jing spontaneously.

Some people even came from far away, and they were all people who had been treated by Wu Jing.

These people, from high-ranking officials to ordinary people, all cried bitterly.

After another ten days, Lu Changsheng decided to set off.

Lu Changsheng found a carriage, modified it slightly, and put the coffin in it to protect it from wind and rain.

After all, this trip is a long journey.

Wu Jing's hometown is in Qianjiang Prefecture, which is far away from Nanyang Prefecture.

Lu Changsheng is going to drive a carriage by himself to send his master Wu Jing back to Qianjiang Prefecture.

According to the speed of the carriage, it will take ten days and half a month on the road.

On the day Lu Changsheng set off, from Miaoshou Garden to the city gate, both sides were lined with people who saw Wu Jing off.

Although it did not stretch for several miles, it also showed Wu Jing's great influence in Nanyang Prefecture.

The carriage finally left the city.

After leaving Nanyang City, Lu Changsheng even felt a sense of peace in his heart.

Wen Lao died, and now his master Wu Jing is also dead.

The two people Lu Changsheng cared about the most are gone.

Now he has no worries, and he can gallop in the world.

But Lu Changsheng always keeps a calm mind.

Driving the carriage, Lu Changsheng walked very slowly.

In Nanyang Prefecture, because of the presence of "Zhuang Daxia", Nanyang Prefecture as a whole can be considered very safe.

Even though Lu Changsheng was driving the car alone, he did not encounter any bandits.

However, when Lu Changsheng walked out of the territory of Nanyang Prefecture, it was different.

He had just left the territory of Nanyang Prefecture for a few hours when he smelled a strong smell of blood in the air.

Then, Lu Changsheng saw many corpses lying on the road ahead.

There were also many injured people wailing in pain.

Lu Changsheng drove slowly forward and saw that it was a caravan with many guards.

Most of the people lying on the ground were bandits.

Obviously, this group of bandits wanted to rob people on the road, but they fought with the guards of the caravan and were repelled.

The guards in the caravan saw Lu Changsheng, driving a carriage alone.

From the back, there was a coffin in the carriage.

It looked really strange.

For a moment, the people in the caravan immediately became nervous and stared at Lu Changsheng closely.

However, Lu Changsheng did not care.

He ignored the corpses on the ground and walked straight past the path.

Looking at the carriage going farther and farther away, a burly man in the caravan suddenly said, "Miss, let the caravan set off quickly and catch up with the carriage in front."

"Hmm? Uncle Dong, this person's origin is unknown. Didn't you always say that you should be cautious in the martial arts world? Why do you want to follow a stranger with unknown origin?"

The woman called "Miss" asked in a puzzled voice with a veil.

Uncle Dong took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Miss, is the world in chaos?"

"Of course it is!"

The lady said.

She had seen no less than three waves of bandits along the way, so the world was already very chaotic.

"Yes, now there is chaos and many bandits. But this man dared to go on the road with a coffin and a car. Do you think he can be an ordinary person?"

"According to my experience in the martial arts world, such people are mostly masters. Following him, maybe we can avoid a lot of trouble. Even if there is trouble, he will solve it in front."

The lady's eyes lit up.

He understood. Uncle Dong thought that the driver was a "master". Only a skilled and courageous person dared to drive slowly and leisurely.

Following the "master" would definitely avoid a lot of trouble.

The lady made a prompt decision and said: "Set off immediately and follow the carriage in front. But don't follow too closely, just one or two miles away, so as not to make the master impatient."

"Yes, Miss."

So the caravan set off immediately.

In the next few days, the caravan really didn't encounter any trouble.

However, the caravan followed the "master" and always saw corpses lying on the roadside.

Uncle Dong guessed correctly, the person in front was really a master!

Even if there was trouble, the master solved it himself.

After walking for three days in a row, Uncle Dong looked ahead and his face changed slightly.

"Miss, the Eagle Mountain should be ahead."

"The Eagle Mountain is Liu Qi's territory. Liu Qi is said to have acquired a magical skill, cultivated to the peak of internal organ refining, and even had the good fortune to exchange blood once, almost half a foot into the divine power realm."

"Such a powerful warrior, we have to pay to buy safety every time we go there. Although the master is strong, if we meet Liu Qi, I'm afraid there will be trouble."

"I want to catch up with him and remind him."

The lady nodded and said, "Yes, go and remind the master and let him go with our caravan. At worst, we can pay to buy safety, and the master can pass through the Eagle Mountain smoothly. There is no need to take risks."

The caravan has "received" the benefits of the master these days.

They don't want to see the "master" in danger.

So, Uncle Dong rode forward and quickly caught up.

"Da Da Da".

Lu Changsheng heard a fast horse catching up behind him.

When the fast horse came forward, Lu Changsheng saw that it was the guards of the caravan behind him.

In fact, Lu Changsheng knew that there was a caravan "following" behind him.

But he ignored it.

The other party seemed to be very tactful and knew the limit. They didn't follow too closely, so Lu Changsheng let it go.

Uncle Dong stepped forward and said respectfully: "Ahead is the Old Eagle Mountain. The mountain bandits headed by 'Liu Qi' are particularly fierce, especially Liu Qi, who has half a foot in the realm of divine power and is very powerful."

"Why don't you join our caravan? Our caravan can spend money to buy safety and pass through the Old Eagle Mountain smoothly."

Uncle Dong said very politely.

In fact, he came to remind Lu Changsheng and even invited Lu Changsheng to go with him.

Lest Lu Changsheng be killed by the bandits from Old Eagle Mountain ahead.

Lu Changsheng smiled slightly, said nothing, and then drove the carriage forward.

Uncle Dong was in doubt, but finally returned to the caravan.

"Uncle Dong, how is it?"

The lady asked.

Uncle Dong shook his head and said, "The master seems to be skilled and bold, and he didn't take Liu Qi seriously, and continued to drive the car to Old Eagle Mountain."

"Let's take a break for a while, and we can't be too close, lest Liu Qi from Old Eagle Mountain go crazy and blame us."

Uncle Dong had already predicted that Liu Qi would have a violent conflict with the "master".

If the "master" died at that time, they were so close, and Liu Qi might vent his anger on the caravan.

There were so many of them, they couldn't afford to gamble!

They could only stop temporarily and wait quietly.

Lu Changsheng continued to drive the car and slowly came to Old Eagle Mountain.

Sure enough, there was a group of bandits in front, and when they saw Lu Changsheng, they immediately rushed up.


"How can a coffin be pulled by a carriage? It's really unlucky."

"It's not necessarily unlucky. In this world, who would put valuables on a carriage? Maybe they are in the coffin."

"Hurry up and open the coffin."

A group of bandits shouted at Lu Changsheng to open the coffin.

"Who is Liu Qi?"

Lu Changsheng suddenly asked.


At this time, a man in black walked out of the bandits and said coldly: "I am Liu Qi! Either pay the silver or die, choose for yourself."

Lu Changsheng smiled slightly.

He was too lazy to say anything else and drew his sword out of the sheath.


A blood-red light flashed, and many bandits didn't even come back to their senses before they heard a "puff".

Liu Qi's head was instantly chopped off by the blood-red knife light, and blood splattered, and Liu Qi's headless body immediately fell to the ground.

"The leader is dead?"

"Damn it, he killed the leader!"

"Kill him!"

These bandits are really fierce. Even though their leader Liu Qi is dead, they still dare to rush towards Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng was not polite either, and his blood and qi burst out instantly.

Suddenly, dense silk swords flew towards the bandits like raindrops.

In just one breath, the bodies of bandits were lying on the ground.

Lu Changsheng put his knife back into the sheath. From beginning to end, he didn't even get off the carriage.

So Lu Changsheng continued to drive the carriage and slowly moved forward.

The caravan waited for three hours.

It was not until the afternoon that the caravan set off.

Uncle Dong even prepared everything, but when they arrived at Old Eagle Mountain, the scene in front of them shocked them.

There were corpses all over the ground.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Uncle Dong took a closer look and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Liu Qi... Liu Qi is dead!"

Everyone also saw that there was a head in the corpse, which was Liu Qi.

It was obvious that someone had beheaded him with a knife.

The knife was clean and sharp, and Liu Qi didn't even have any power to resist.

Uncle Dong took a deep breath and said with doubt in his eyes: "The master is probably a warrior in the realm of divine power, otherwise it would be impossible to kill Liu Qi with a single knife."

"No wonder he dared to drive a car alone through the state and the prefecture..."

The lady also looked forward and couldn't help but exclaimed: "The master doesn't seem to be very old, but he is already a warrior in the realm of divine power. One man and one knife, sending coffins thousands of miles to travel the world, he is really a strange man!"

The caravan continued to set off.

They were not far from their destination. After passing the Eagle Mountain, they were basically safe.

It was just that Uncle Dong and the lady were a little regretful that they couldn't thank the "strange man" in person.

Lu Changsheng walked for half a month before finally arriving at Qianjiang City.

Along the way, Lu Changsheng climbed mountains, crossed rivers, and killed thieves. It seemed that he really had a feeling of "traveling the world with a sword".

The world is so big, let him gallop!

But the more so, the more peaceful Lu Changsheng's heart was.

The capital of Qianjiang Prefecture is called Qianjiang City. It is said that this is the place where "thousands of rivers converge".

Of course, thousands of rivers are of course an exaggerated metaphor.

But Qianjiang City is indeed the place where three rivers converge, and there are many rivers converging, with dense water networks.

Such a place, even if it is not a land of fish and rice, it should not be much different, and it must be quite rich.

But what Lu Changsheng saw was refugees everywhere, and refugees were everywhere along the way.

Even entering the city requires silver, and no silver is allowed to enter the city at all.

Those refugees basically have no money and can only live outside the city.

Lu Changsheng drove a carriage with a coffin on it, which was particularly conspicuous and attracted many people's attention.

Some of them had bad intentions and wanted to attack the carriage and fish in troubled waters.

In the end, it was Lu Changsheng who showed his hand and shocked everyone.

When entering the city, Lu Changsheng also gave him money, and he was able to enter the city smoothly.

However, Lu Changsheng saw thousands of refugees outside, naked and numb in their eyes.

And there are more and more of them.

If this goes on, something will happen sooner or later.

However, this has nothing to do with Lu Changsheng.

He followed his master Wu Jing's instructions and found Wu Jing's younger brother.

However, Wu Jing's younger brother died long ago, leaving only a few nephews.

Although these nephews knew that there was an uncle who was a "miraculous doctor", they had not been around the family for so many years, so they didn't care.

Unexpectedly, when we met again, we would see corpses.

At first, Lu Changsheng asked Wu Jing's nephew to choose a plot of land for burial, but the other party was still a little pushy.

But when Lu Changsheng took out a large sum of money, the other party immediately became enthusiastic.

Wu Jing was buried just three days later.

Wu Jing's tomb is very grand. In this regard, Lu Changsheng did not hesitate to spend money.

After burying his master Wu Jing, Lu Changsheng wanted to leave Qianjiang Mansion immediately.

But when he traveled to Qianjiang Mansion, he heard the saying "Qianjiang Tide".

That kind of tide is an annual event.

At that time, the tide is rolling and the waves are rolling into the sky. It will be a wonder in Qianjiang Mansion.

Lu Changsheng thought that his artistic conception of waves had not improved much recently.

This "Thousand Rivers Tide" may provide some insights.

So, Lu Changsheng simply stayed in Qianjiang Mansion temporarily and waited quietly.

Finally, the day came for the great tide of the Qianjiang River.

Lu Changsheng immediately rushed to the tide watching spot.

Qianjiang Datide is in Qianjiang Mansion, and countless people go to Qianjiang Datide.

Lu Changsheng spent his money to find an inn room where he could observe the Qianjiang Tide up close, and even have a panoramic view of the entire Qianjiang Tide period.


Finally, the Qianjiang tide came as expected.

The waves in the distance started from the line between the sea and the sky, rushing in mightily, making a thunderous sound.

Lu Changsheng, who witnessed the whole scene, had an understanding even if he didn't experience it personally.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, and the artistic conception of the waves spread out and gradually enveloped the entire inn room.

His artistic conception of waves seems to be affected by the tide of Qianjiang River, and is vaguely changing towards the tide of Qianjiang River.

The entire inn room seemed to have a clearer roar of big waves.

The waiters at the inn were all mumbling: "Why is the Qianjiang tide so loud this year? I can hear it so clearly across the room..."

The guests in the inn were also surprised.

However, no one doubted that what they heard was not the real sound of the tide of Qianjiang River, but Lu Changsheng's artistic conception of waves.

Lu Changsheng's artistic conception of waves finally improved, and it increased by 2% at once, reaching 10%.

The 10% wave artistic conception is undoubtedly more powerful. With just a slight display, it feels like you are really immersed in the scene, facing the huge waves.

Even any sword skills, sword skills, boxing skills, etc. performed by Lu Changsheng are more powerful under the blessing of the artistic conception of the waves.

However, when many people came to watch the tide of Qianjiang River, something unexpected happened.

Suddenly there were shouts of killing in the city, and then groups of soldiers actually entered Qianjiang City.

And some people shouted: "King Min Tian is here, he will only kill corrupt officials and gentry, not the common people!"

Waves of shouts spread throughout Qianjiang City.

"King Min Tian?"

Lu Changsheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

He quickly arrived not far from the city gate.

Sure enough, the soldiers of the brigade had already entered the city, all under the banner of "King Min Tian".

Obviously, Qianjiang Mansion has been defeated by "King Min Tian".

This "King Min Tian" is a rebel. It is said that he is a blacksmith who was forced by the government to have no way of living and revolted.

However, although King Min Tian was a rebel, he was actually a rogue bandit. He was like a locust wherever he went, and his reputation was very bad.

But no matter what, "King Min Tian" has captured Qianjiang Mansion, and now the city gate has been closed, and no one is allowed to leave the city.

Lu Changsheng looked at the large group of soldiers at the city gate. They were all equipped with armor. They were obviously the elite of King Min Tian.

Moreover, a military formation was formed, with hundreds of soldiers forming a military formation, which was very powerful.

Even if a divine power realm warrior is rushed by the military formation, he will be shot directly.

However, Lu Changsheng did not want to be trapped in Qianjiang City.

A bold idea flashed through his mind.

Otherwise, just rush into the military formation and see if you can break out of Qianjiang City?

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