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After speaking, Principal Mu ran away as if he was afraid that someone would rob the document.

Everyone: "..."

The other principals also felt very empty, so they came here specially, but none of them got it, which was very boring.

They all left feeling lonely.

Until now, Wei Keli still looked at Principal Mu in a trance and could not see the direction of his back.

It took him a year to repeat his studies to reach the score line estimated by Beijing University. In fact, it is difficult to say how much the admission score will be this year.

He couldn't feel at ease when the score didn't come down.

When he was still so uneasy, Tan Mo had already been asked by the principal of Beijing University to admit her.

"Momo, you... Didn't you say that you were not satisfied with the exam?" Wei Keli's face turned pale, full of anger and disappointment from being deceived by Tan Mo.

"Yeah." Tan Mo nodded, "The topic is too simple and not challenging at all, so I'm not very satisfied."

Wei Keli: "..."

Qin Muxiao felt that this scene was too familiar.

Wasn't it the time when she was in the final exam of the first grade of elementary school that she was also talked about like this?

If Xin Tanmo said she did not do well in the test, then wait and cry!

"Didn't you say that you handed in the papers ahead of time, so you're not very sure about your answer?" Wei Keli asked again, "You're still crying. Could it be that you pretended this?"

"The saddest thing for me at the time was that Yuan Keqing used my uncle's safety to deceive me." Tan Mo said, "I couldn't help crying when I thought about my uncle's accident. In order to submit the papers in advance, I only checked them in a hurry, and it was hard to guarantee. There will be no omissions, so there is no 100% certainty.”

"You..." Wei Keli wanted to ask more.

"Enough." Wei Zhiqian interrupted him, "Aren't you happy that Mo Mo got such a good score?"

Facing Wei Zhiqian's questioning, Wei Keli suddenly came back to his senses: "No, I didn't..."

"From knowing to now,

You don't even have a word of congratulations. I think your mood is not good when you first persuaded Momo to read again. "Wei Zhiqian said sharply, "Can't you wish that Momo was not good enough? "

"I don't." Wei Keli lowered his head, "Of course I hope Momo's exam is good."

"Mo Mo just said that she wants to choose Beijing University, because you don't believe it." Tan Jinqi glanced at Wei Keli, Yuan Keqing, and Qin Muxiao with a cool look, "Now you're questioning her instead?"

Yuan Keqing kept pressing her fingernails, and she grinned out the row of big white teeth above: "In the face of absolute strength, any frame up is useless. Now I have finally witnessed this sentence with my own eyes. ."

How cool!

Isn't this sentence talking about her?

Yuan Keqing's back molars were biting so hard that she couldn't feel the pain anymore.

"Second brother, what do you feel when you say that you are busy for nothing?" Although Tan Jinyi asked Tan Jinsheng, but his eyes were looking at Yuan Keqing again, and his expression was still cheap.

Obviously, although the question was to talk about the end of the conversation, these words were aimed at Yuan Keqing.

"I don't know, our family has never done any harm to others, let alone the feeling of being a waste of time." Tan said with a sarcastic smile.

"Cousin, why didn't you just say how many points you got in the test?" After Yuan Keqing asked, she looked at Wei Keli.

Isn't this just waiting for her to make a fool of Wei Keli?

Wei Keli also reacted.

Yes, Yuan Keqing asked several times, but Tan Mo never said a word.

Isn't Tan Mo deliberately concealing it, just to make them say the wrong thing and make a big fool?

He was almost surrounded by Wei Zhiqian just now!

At this moment, when looking at Tan Mo again, Wei Keli's eyes full of disapproval also concealed a little bit of anger from being played with.

It's just that he hides deeply, Wei Zhiqian is there, Tan Mo's parents and brothers are all there, Wei Keli dare not show it.

But when looking at Tan Mo, his expression still showed a little disapproval.

Tan Mo blinked her innocent eyes and said inexplicably, "I want to give you a surprise."

"I did so well in the test, especially if there was such a big situation in the middle, I would fail the test if I changed the person. But even if I handed in the paper ahead of time, I still got full marks. What a joy this is, the family is all for I am happy."

Qin Muye shouted in her heart, here I come, Tan Mo is here with her Versailles!

Tan Mo tilted his head and said innocently, "I think, as long as they really want me to be good and are really close to me, they will be very happy for me."

"One of you is my cousin, and the other is a little friend who has been playing with me since I can remember, like a brother." Tan Mo was afraid that his own buddies would listen to him, so he specially omitted the word "pro".

Brother, and my brother, are not the same.

Just like she usually calls her brother, but she doesn't kiss.

As Tan Mo said, he turned around and winked at the three older brothers, saying that these are all casual words, and you must not take them to heart.

The three returned her a tacit look at each other.

Tan Mocai turned his head and continued: "I just saw that you were so worried about me. You were really worried about me. I couldn't be moved. I just thought I had to give you a surprise, so I didn't say anything."

"You don't know, in order to surprise you, I have been holding back, and I can't bear it." Tan Mo looked at Wei Keli and Yuan Keqing suspiciously, "But after knowing that I got full marks in the test, your reaction..."

Tan Mo asked hesitantly, "Aren't you guys happy for me?"

Yuan Ke's heart ached with emotion, but he couldn't describe the bitterness.

Anyone with long eyes can see that Tan Mo is here to surprise them?

In her opinion, Tan Mo was just holding back and making them look ugly on purpose!

But Tan Mo said so, but she couldn't say a word of denial.

Could she still say, I'm not happy for you, and I don't think of you as someone close to me?

"Of course we're happy for you." Yuan Keqing had to squeeze out a smile against his will, trying to make herself look extra happy for Tan Mo.

The happier the smile on her face, the more uncomfortable and angry she felt in her heart.

Yuan Keqing couldn't help feeling aggrieved. She obviously hated to death, but she still pretended to be happy with Tan Mo.

"Really?" Tan Mo asked again as if he didn't believe it.

"Of course." The more distorted Yuan Keqing's heart was, the warmer the smile on his face.

Tan Mo patted his heart and said with a sigh of relief: "Cousin, because you made me feel restless in my last exam, I almost didn't pass the exam. You always say sorry to me and feel very guilty. When I saw it, oh my, I actually took the exam. I got a perfect score. I just wanted to say that since I passed the exam ok, I wanted to give you a surprise so that you don’t feel guilty anymore. Even if you called me, I didn’t make a mistake in the exam.”

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