Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 110: It's just a parallel import

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Tan Mo agreed with a smile and watched everyone leave until he disappeared from sight.

She just went back with Ming Yeqing.


The next day, Tan Mo and others had to go to the class first. Before the military training, students in a class had to get to know each other.

Jin Yuelin and Meng Yuxi took the initiative to call Tan Mo together, and Lin Fuxi also followed.

Tan Mo entered the class, chose a place to sit down, and heard that everyone was already introducing each other.

"I heard that the top scholar in the liberal arts in city B also came to Beijing University this time. I don't know what major she chose."

"Should it be Chinese language and literature?" Some people speculated, "After all, her composition in classical Chinese is really amazing."

"I don't know what her name is? The news media only says she's a girl, but there's never been a name, not even a surname. This is so strange."

At this time, a boy saw Lin Fuxi, who seemed very shy and honest, and said, "Hello, my name is Guo Tailai and I come from Jiaoping."

"My name is Lin Fuxi, I'm a collagen person." Lin Fuxi whispered.

"Wow, then our two hometowns are very close to each other." Guo Tailai showed surprise, and said with some emotion, "Our place happens to be one of the few places with a particularly high college entrance examination score."

"Yeah." Lin Fuxi finally met his confidant, "We want to get in, it's too difficult. You don't know, I have a lot of classmates, and their scores are very good, in City B, one can be counted and one can be admitted. Beijing University. But it's because of collagen..."

"Hey, the educational resources in City B are good, and the score line is much lower than ours. It really can't be compared." Guo Tailai sighed.

When someone heard their chat, they naturally joined in: "This is really unfair."

As he said that, he turned his head to look: "There is no B city in our class, right?"

"Yes." Lin Fuxi pointed to Tan Mo quietly, "It's her, from City B."

"I'm so envious." Guo Tailai sighed.

"Be quiet,

Don't be heard by her. Lin Fuxi whispered, "She is my roommate. Yesterday, I said that I envy the candidates in City B, that is, I took the science exam. Otherwise, I would also like to try the liberal arts exam in City B to see what the level is. . She wasn't happy anymore, she just grabbed me and wrote it on the spot..."

"Yo." The person who joined later said, "So serious? Those who didn't know thought she was the perfect number one."

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Zhao Youze," said the person who joined later.

"Come on, it's definitely not the top scorer. Regardless of the difficulty of the test questions in City B this time, the full score top scorer's classical Chinese foundation is indeed powerful. With such strength, it is estimated that he will choose the Chinese department." The previous student turned back and said.

Everyone was chatting when a young female counselor walked in.

"Hello everyone, I'm your counselor, and my surname is Hong." The counselor wrote down his name and mobile phone number on the blackboard, "You can write down my mobile phone number, or you can add my WeChat through your mobile phone number. I will set up a WeChat group later."

"I think everyone should know each other. At least the same dormitory, and the classmates who are sitting closer now, have all known each other." Seeing everyone nodded, Mrs. Hong said, "Now let's get to know each other officially. .Starting from the first row and first column on my right, everyone formally introduces themselves."

"My name is Liu Tianxiang, I'm from Jiping, and I'm the third in the province's liberal arts."

"My name is Jiang Yishan, I'm from Liaoyuan, and the second in the province's science department."

The students introduced them one by one, and finally it was time to talk about ink.

"My name is Tan Mo, I'm from City B, and I'm the champion of liberal arts in City B this time." As for the perfect score, everyone knows it!

Tan Mo didn't emphasize it any more, otherwise it would be too ostentatious and easy to draw hatred.

Tan Mo didn't have the self-consciousness that she was enough to draw hatred, and she felt that she was low-key.

As soon as she said these words, someone in the class seemed to be choking and could not speak.

Someone's eyes widened, looking at Tan Mo in amazement.

Someone couldn't help but let out a surprised voice.

Lin Fuxi looked at Tan Mo with a constipated expression.

"The champion of liberal arts in city B?" Someone said in surprise, "I heard that the champion of liberal arts in city B is not yet an adult."

Teacher Hong said with a smile, "Yes, Tan Mo is only 15 years old this year."

At the age of 15, he entered Beijing University.

Even in Beijing University, which is full of academic bullies, it is amazing!

Jin Yuelin and Meng Yuxi glanced at each other, their faces a little red.

Yesterday, they introduced themselves in front of others and showed off themselves.

As a result, Tan Mo was the top scorer with full marks, and he was only 15 years old!

All of a sudden, they weren't that good anymore.

Lin Fu lowered his head unwillingly.

Looking at Tan Mo's family and what she wears, you can see that she has a good family background.

If she could be born in City B, with such a good family background and sufficient education, she would definitely be able to do it.

As long as you are not a fool, your grades will not be worse than the educational conditions that are piled up with money.

Besides, what we are talking about is the liberal arts.

Just memorize those knowledge points by rote.

Unlike science, it is more difficult!

The number one student in the college entrance examination in City B is nothing but parallel imports.

Lin Fuxi felt a little regretful. When Tan Mo and her friends asked her to write an essay on the spot yesterday, she should also let Tan Mo do her science exam paper.

That's only fair.

Moreover, it just so happens to be able to see what level Tan Mo can be after he leaves City B's bonus.

It can also make Tan Mo clearly realize what level he is, and don't show off with a perfect score in the college entrance examination of city B all day long.

"Look." Lin Fuxi said in a low voice with some dissatisfaction, "I admit that Tan Mo's classical Chinese level is high, and the composition he wrote is really excellent. It's just that City B is a separate test paper, even if it is judged, it is only In the small area of ​​city B, there is no candidate in the small area of ​​city B whose composition is better than hers, but it does not mean that there is no candidate in the whole country."

Lin Fuxi did not mention at all whether he could write better than Tan Mo: "Besides, because City B is a separate test paper, the difficulty of the test paper is also different from that of the national paper. Except for the composition, other topics, Tan Mo is replaced by a set of test papers. , the result is uncertain.”

"The composition can get full marks, but other questions are not necessarily." Although Lin Fuxi's voice was low, it could make the four or five people around her hear it clearly.

The small voice didn't sound offensive, as if it was just stating a fact.

And the classmates around who heard her talk also felt that Lin Fuxi's words made sense.

Tan Mo's position was not far from her, and he heard it too.

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