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"Well." Wei Keli nodded with a smile, "I do know her very well."

"Why don't we wait until today's training is over, let's get to know each other?" He Weichen urged, "Since you have such a good relationship with Tan Mo and are at Beijing University, you can't help but say hello?"

"Yes. Such a beautiful little girl, even if she is a little sister, she is very happy." Zheng Haoxuan also said.

Wei Keli really wanted to see the expressions on their faces when they heard Tan Mo call him brother Keli, so he nodded and agreed, "Okay."

At the same time, several boys from Hao Lunxing who had failed to have dinner with Wei Zhiqian last time were walking past the playground.

Although they are already graduate students, they should also strive to achieve some outstanding results in their graduate studies.

It is not easy for graduate students of Beijing University to go out and find a job that matches their ideal.

Just keep trying and keep reading.

And at each stage, there are outstanding achievements.

Therefore, they also returned to school early.

"Huh? Look at that little girl." Feng Lizheng pointed in Tan Mo's direction, "Is it the one I just met when I had dinner with Zhiqian last time?"

When everyone heard the words, they looked over.

Freshmen are trained in military training on campus, and they are all distributed in different places.

Otherwise, the playground is so big, how can it accommodate the whole school?

The stadium is not open, and students train on smaller playgrounds and squares, as well as on wide roads.

The small playground where Tan Mo is located is usually where boys play football.

The playground is not very big, and there are not many high stands, and it is also close to the roadside.

And Tan Mo and the others just happened to be resting here by the roadside of the entrance examination.

So as long as they pass by, they can see Tan Mo clearly.

"It's really her, isn't she still very young?" Hu Wenchong wondered.

Although I don't know Tan Mo's specific age, I can confirm that she is not very old.

Otherwise, Wei Zhiqian would not be able to casually get close to a girl of the same age without any scruples.

"I heard...Our school has two 15-year-old candidates coming in this year, both from City B. The boys are the champions of science and the girls are the champions of liberal arts." Hao Lunxing prefers to expand his contacts.

Whether undergraduate from freshman to senior year, or from graduate to Ph.D.

Hu Wenchong and the others are graduate students, so naturally they seldom pay attention to undergraduates.

But Hao Lunxing likes to make friends everywhere, so he is much better informed than them.

"You mean, the top scholar in the liberal arts... is it Tan Mo?" Hu Wenchong said in surprise.

Is this little girl so amazing?

"I remember that the name of the liberal arts champion seems to be Tan Mo." Hao Lunxing looked at Tan Mo, "I don't remember very clearly, but I have such an impression vaguely."

Feng Lizheng shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Some people really have to be envied. Since Tan Mo can call Wei Zhiqian uncle, then her background must be the same. She has a good background and she is a genius. Such a person seems like a Born with everything. The gap is so big that people can't be jealous, and only envy is left."

"Remember when we had a dinner last time, we said that if Tan Mo came in, then Qin Murong's name would be lost." Hu Wenchong said with a smile, "Even though Tan Mo is still young, he can still make Qin Murong a schoolgirl. Compared with Murong, it is not difficult at all."

"Yeah, I remember it too." Feng Lizheng thought about it now, and he felt that it was too...

Tan Mo deliberately targeted Qin Murong!

Of course, she certainly didn't mean it.

But it's too targeted.

"We also said at the time that her grade was too young, even if she was admitted to Beijing University, Qin Murong would also graduate." Feng Lizheng wanted to laugh when he thought about it, "I didn't expect that she would actually be admitted in advance. "

"It's a pity, she's still young. If she were an adult, Qin Murong would probably be overshadowed by her and lose the limelight."

At this time, the freshmen's rest time has passed, and they have to continue training.

Fortunately, the instructors are not very strict.

Didn't train for too long.

At 11:00 noon, let them finish.

Considering that it is really too hot now, I will extend my lunch break as much as possible to avoid the hottest period.

Before disbanding, the instructor said: "Assemble at 2 pm."

After the dissolution, Wei Keli went to Tan Mo's side under the instigation and agitation of his roommate.

"Momo." Wei Keli, as usual, called out very affectionately.

When He Weicheng and the others heard it, Wei Keli really knew Tan Mo very well.

Tan Mo was carrying a bag and had to leave with Meng Yuxi and the others.

Since Meng Yuxi and Jin Yuelin were on her side yesterday and took the initiative to protect her, Tan Mo had a very good impression of them.

At least for now, it seems that I can be friends with them!

Hearing Wei Keli's voice, Tan Mo couldn't help showing a disgusted expression.

Fortunately, it was with his back to Wei Keli, he didn't see it.

When Meng Yuxi and Jin Yuelin heard the voice, they turned around to look, but they didn't see Tan Mo's expression either.

Seeing Wei Keli and the three of them, they were a little shy.

After all, he just entered the university, and he didn't know anyone except the people in his class.

And also want to talk about a sweet love in college.

Tan Mo turned around.

She forgot that Wei Keli also came to Beijing University.

Tan Mo didn't care about Wei Keli's situation, and he didn't bother to care, so he just forgot about Wei Keli.

It wasn't until Wei Keli called her that she remembered Wei Keli.

Turning around, Tan Mo showed a cute and cute smile: "Brother Keli! Have you always been in the class next to us?"

When He Weicheng and Zheng Haoxuan heard Tan Mo's soft and cute voice, their hearts melted.

Go to hell with your girlfriend.

What a blessing to have such a lovely sister!

"Yes, I'm in Finance Class 2." Wei Keli smiled.

Wei Keli is a dog-like person now, and to people who don't know him, the first impression of him is pretty good.

He is handsome and handsome in appearance, talented in appearance, tall and straight, and gentle.

Absolutely the lover of dreams, the level of the school grass of Beijing University.

In order to avoid Wei Keli asking first, Tan Mo decided to strike first: "Really? I don't even know. Brother Keli, why didn't you tell me?"

Wei Keli's suddenly guilty smile froze. He really forgot to ask Tan Mo why he hadn't contacted him. He explained shyly, "I just started school, there were too many things, so I forgot about it."

Wei Keli took advantage of the situation and said, "Let's go have a meal together? Today's lunch break is quite enough. The military training is too tiring, so let's not go far away, just in the school cafeteria. I heard that the restaurant on the second floor of the third cafeteria is still open. pretty good."

Tan Mo was thinking about how to refuse, but she didn't want to look at Wei Keli's face to eat.

affect appetite.

Who knows what a coincidence, just at this time, someone called her again: "Momo."

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