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"I don't study much in class, but I have a lot of self-study after class. And there will be many topics for self-study. Are you sure you can skip grades like this?"

"It's not a big problem." Tan Mo said confidently.

Qin Murong raised her eyebrows and couldn't help sneering.

"Tan Mo, you haven't been exposed to university courses, so don't be blindly confident." Qin Murong smiled sarcastically, "A small part of the knowledge you learn in class, you have to study many topics independently after class, not the kind of cramming in elementary school and high school. The way to learn the method. What is taught to you, what you remember, and then use it in the exam.”

"Previously, it was all about exam-oriented education, just to prepare for the exam. As long as you can get a high score in the test, you are guaranteed to be admitted to the university. After entering the Beijing University, this set will not work." Qin Murong reminded superficially, but in fact laugh at.

"I advise you to take it one step at a time, work steadily, and don't rush to skip grades. Even if you jump, you may not be able to succeed." Qin Murong said softly, "I know you skip grades, otherwise you won't be able to get in at the age of 15. "

"But when you were in the first grade of elementary school, you skipped to the third grade." Qin Murong said it directly, "After that, you didn't skip the grade again. The first grade curriculum, to be honest, is really simple. Ordinary children, as long as they study hard and listen carefully, it is not a problem to get full marks in one or two subjects."

"You are smart and can skip to the third grade, but after that, you never skip it again." Qin Murong said as if talking about Mo, "So you should study the university courses well, step by step, steadily. Bar."

"After the third grade of elementary school, you won't be able to skip a grade. Now in Beijing University, do you still want to skip a grade?" Qin Murong shook his head, "Tan Mo, I know you want to prove that you are excellent. You are very proud, but don't be blind. Arrogant. It’s better to have a clear understanding of yourself. It’s better to be steady.”

But it's just one grade in elementary school, what a genius!

She just wanted to use exhortation, in fact, to tell everyone that Tan Mo's genius was fake!

After skipping grades in the first grade of elementary school, she couldn't dance anymore!

She has no such ability at all!

Lin Fuxi's eyes moved slightly, and it seemed that Tan Mo was not that strong.

It's actually quite general.

It's been an hour,

Big is not necessarily good.

It's just talking about ink.

"If I didn't want to be in the same class as your sister Qin Muxiao, would I need to skip grades?" Tan Mo said bluntly, "I have to sacrifice my spare time to skip grades, and I'm very tired."

"I didn't skip a grade later because Qin Muxiao couldn't bother me anymore." Tan Mo sighed, "Who knows, after getting rid of Qin Muxiao and entering Beijing University, you are here again."

Scholars: "..."

Tan Mo is so soft and cute, it's the first time he speaks so straightforwardly!

She was really annoyed by Qin Murong!

Looking at it this way, it is really difficult to talk about ink.

Before college, she was annoyed by Qin Murong's sister, and when she went to college, she was annoyed by Qin Murong again.

What did Tan Mo owe you two sisters when he fell to the ground!

Wang Yuemu patted Tanmo's hair distressedly: "I'm so annoying to skip grades on purpose, what a pity."

"Sister Wang!" Tan Mo looked at Wang Yuemu pitifully, as if he had found his relatives and backers, "Do you understand me that much?"

"Of course!" Understand if you don't understand!

But Professor Gu said, he must grab Tan Mo!

"Sister Wang?" Qin Murong looked at Wang Yuemu in disbelief, "Sister Wang, you must have met Tan Mo for the first time today, right? You must not know Tan Mo, she is a child, although I can't say anything about her. But Tan Mo does have some...dishonest qualities."

You don't even know it, so you just believe in talking about ink?

What are you doing!

"I only trust my teacher, Professor Gu!" Wang Yue took Tan Mo's shoulders, protecting her, and raised her eyebrows at Qin Murong, "My teacher said, Tan Mo is very good! Her knowledge and research on Chinese language , far from being an undergraduate student. Even a senior who has studied for four years can’t compare to her. Her understanding and mastery of classical Chinese surpasses that of many teachers!”

"With such a talent, you said that she couldn't skip grades after the third grade of elementary school because of mediocrity? Is it because she doesn't have the ability? Humph! Obviously because she doesn't want to dance!" Her personality is a little straight, but it doesn't mean she is stupid !

"Besides, I don't believe what my teacher said, do I believe you?" Although Wang Yuemu was seeing Qin Murong for the first time, Qin Murong didn't feel good about her.

Maybe it was her eyesight, she just didn't like Qin Murong very much.

Wang Yuemu took the opportunity to say to Tan Mo: "Tan Mo, my teacher... oh no, our teacher, Professor Gu, has a very high evaluation of you! There is never a problem with those whom the teacher values! The teacher believes in you, and I believe in you too! Go, go with senior sister, there are many senior sisters waiting for you to protect you!"

Qin Murong: "..."

what the hell!

Why did Tan Mo get involved with Professor Gu again!

Wu Xiaoye saw that Tan Mo was about to be abducted by Wang Yuemu.

He is a big man, and it is not easy to talk to Mura like Wang Yuemu.

Heart said that Professor Gu is very cunning, and he even sent a girl here, at least there are fewer obstacles in physical contact.

His teacher, Professor Tang, is still too upright!

Wu Xiaoye screamed and blocked Wang Yuemu and Tan Mo's way: "Tan Mo, our teacher, Professor Tang, also believes in you! He specially instructed me that you have made great contributions to our historical research! We proposed a new research idea and direction, saying that even I can't compare to you! Let me take care of you no matter what! You will be our dearest little sister in the future!"

Qin Murong: "..."

Wang Yuemu: "..."

Teacher, Wu Xiaoye is shameless!

Wu Xiaoye directly guarded Tan Mo's other side, but he was well behaved and did not dare to touch Tan Mo at all.

"What else did you say about Tan Mo's young age? It's hard to say anything about her. In the end, you didn't say a lot at all!" Wu Xiaoye said to Qin Murong, "On the contrary, they didn't say a word about you when they talked about Mo. Talking about Tan Mo's character is not good? I think Tan Mo's character is very good, and who is the bad character, I can see at a glance!"

"Besides, my teacher, Professor Tang. He has rich experience and a vicious vision. Wouldn't it be bad for him to be a good student? You don't think he is very optimistic about you!" Wu Xiaoye said loudly.

Tan Mo's mouth twitched.

This senior is talented.

When scolding Qin Murong, he didn't forget to pat Professor Tang's ass.

"What else did you say about studying with Professor Wu? I think you are lying, otherwise Wang Yuemu has never seen you? Don't say she has never seen you, I have never seen you." Wu Xiaoye despised Chao Qin Murong Glancing at it, his nostrils turned upside down.

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