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"Don't look so pitiful." Professor Gu said helplessly, "Yueyou's group does have more problems and bigger problems. One more person, more strength, not to mention Mo's mastery of the Warring States characters, obviously There are more than them, which is a great help, it is really a pity not to have this group."

"By the way, Tan Mo, how many can you recognize?" Shen Hongshan asked.

"I really haven't calculated this carefully." Tan Mo shook his head.

"Yeah." Shen Hongshan nodded, "Who can count this game?"

"Come on, let me tell you about the way we work here." Wang Yuemu didn't waste any time, he took Tan Mo and introduced it.

"We also share a part of the literature and cooperate with each other. Identify the words that you know first, and print out the words you don't understand and paste them on the whiteboard. If others know something, write it down. No If someone claims it, look it up in the dictionary again." Wang Yuemu introduced, "It's actually that simple, nothing else, I'll give you a copy later."

After Wang Yuemu's introduction, he went to find out a part.

A thin booklet.

"You try to do these first. Because the project on our side is relatively large and it is troublesome, so each person only does a small part at a time. If there is too much, it will cause a headache, and I am afraid that there will be no motivation." Wang Yuemu explained, " Tell me when you're done, and I'll give you another part. That's basically it."

"Because everyone's class time is not the same, they may not be able to get a fixed time. Just like today, you still have a few brothers and sisters who didn't come because they had classes." Wang Yuemu took Tan Mo to a wall again.

A small whiteboard hangs on the wall.

Write down a list of names on the whiteboard.

Wang Yuemu and others are all listed.

You know it should be a list of people from the entire team.

Each person's name is marked with a time period.

Sure enough, I listened to Wang Yuemu's introduction: "This is the list of our entire team, and the following time period is the time when they can come every day."

"So, we paste the unrecognizable words here first, we are not there, someone else came and saw it,

If you know it, write it next to it, and you can see it when we come back. "Wang Yuemu explained.

Tan Mo nodded and understood.

It's almost like a letter.

"Look at your class schedule. When it is appropriate to come, write the time after your name." Wang Yuemu said, and wrote Tan Mo's name in the last row first, "Don't force to come every day, Everyone has some things that they have to deal with, even if you can't come within the time period you wrote, just ask for a leave, it doesn't matter."

It doesn't seem to be mandatory.

It's just that they all took the initiative to seize this opportunity and devoted themselves to the research career from the bottom of their hearts.

I wish I could make full use of all my extra-curricular time, and I wish I could compress and compress my not much rest time.

Therefore, unless they have to take a leave of absence, everyone will not leave research to rest and have fun.

"That's about it, I can't think of any more for a while." Wang Yuemu thought about it, but didn't remember, "After you have been here for a long time, you will gradually become familiar with some of the more detailed things yourself. Just know."

Tan Mo nodded.

Seeing that she was still holding the documents, Wang Yuemu said: "This is your desk, and there is no computer yet. Let's go back and apply for one. When this research group was established, the school also allocated these equipment according to the number of people. Otherwise, It's a waste to leave a computer empty here."

"The computer is very fast." Wang Yuemu said, "Without a computer, it is inconvenient for you to work. You should familiarize yourself with our environment this afternoon."

Don't rush into work right away.

Tan Mo nodded and took out the timetable in his schoolbag: "Then I'll go and write down the time I'm here first."

According to the time he has spared, Tan Mo writes down the time he can come on the whiteboard.

After all, Wang Yuemu and others are all Chinese, so it is more convenient to arrange.

She is from the finance department, and she has to complete the homework from the finance department.

In addition, she had to go to Professor Tang's class.

It's not that she is overconfident, it is estimated that she will have to join Professor Tang's research team later.

Listening to Wu Xiaoye's meaning, it should be a matter of time.

So, her time is full.

However, before joining Professor Tang's place, Tan Mo arranged the length of time he was here to be the same as the others.

If Professor Tang asked her to join him later, she would come over and discuss with Professor Gu to shorten the time.

Anyway, it wasn't that she was lazy and didn't want to do it. It was Professor Tang who insisted on robbing Professor Gu, and it had nothing to do with her.

If Professor Gu has any opinions, he will go to Professor Tang.

However, Tan Mo felt that with his own work efficiency, even if he shortened the time here, he could be on par with others.

After everything was written, Tan Mo went around the research room and wandered there.

The research room is not big, and what she mainly looks at is how everyone works.

In this way, when she officially joins in, she will be able to cooperate better.

Wang Yuemu and others didn't even think about letting Tan Mo come to work immediately.

People just arrived today.

Moreover, Tan Mo's computer does not yet exist.

Wang Yuemu was not idle, so he hurriedly went to apply and asked Professor Gu to sign it.

"The computer should be delivered tomorrow." Wang Yuemu looked at Tan Mo with bright eyes.

So, just hang out today.

Hurry up and work for me tomorrow!

Tan Mo: "..."

During the conversation, several sheets of paper with words were pinned to the whiteboard by magnetic nails.

Tan Mo is familiar with the way of working here. Anyway, he is also idle now, so he will watch it together.

If you know a word, write it.

If you don't know it, just help to check it out.

Although there is no computer, it is still possible to look up a dictionary.

With the addition of Tan Mo, Wang Yuemu's team was pleasantly surprised to find that their efficiency became much faster!

Gotta be twice as much as usual!

Pu Xinyan stood up and twisted her neck: "How about we get here today? Otherwise, I feel that my cervical spine can't take it anymore."

"Me too." Ling Zimu also stood up.

"Okay, let's go here first today. We are very efficient today, and we have completed the previous daily workload ahead of time." Wang Yuemu kept it safe, regulated the data, and organized the labels to make it easier to find tomorrow.

"Although we didn't know many words before, but because we always got up and posted words, it was an opportunity to stretch out." Wang Yuemu stood up and said with a smile.

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