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"Everyone doesn't have to work hard. If you want to come to the class, just come and listen." Another person said.

"Yeah, Senior Brother Wu, you may think that it's not a big deal to arrange for one person to sit in. What's the difference between giving a lecture to 20 people and giving a lecture to 21 people? It's not a big difference if you have one more person. But you Have you ever thought that one person came to audit and reminded others that even if they did not get a quota, they could still use the form of auditing to attend the class. Everyone else followed suit, so what is our effort? Everyone is here. Listen in, change to a big classroom, and have a big class."

"Yes!" said everyone.

Wu Xiaoye frowned, sighed, turned his head apologetically and said to Tan Mo, "I'm sorry, I didn't handle this matter well. I didn't expect that everyone would be so resistant to someone coming to watch."

"Senior brother doesn't seem to understand why they resist." Tan Mo said from the side.

"You understand?" Wu Xiaoye was very strange.

He did not underestimate Tan Mo.

However, Tan Mo is only 15 years old.

Even if the IQ is super high, they can't even understand the psychology of these people.

"Actually, it's easy to understand." Tan Mo said, "Brother Wu, do you think that learning knowledge is a good thing. The more people are willing to learn knowledge, the more they should be encouraged. You don't care if someone learns as much knowledge as you. You are used to doing research with Professor Tang, and you go all out towards academics with one mind, only the desire for knowledge, and only want to lift the veil of history a little bit more, understand a little bit more, and let the world know more about history A little bit, a little bit more transparent.”

"Like Professor Tang, you have surpassed the competition pattern, and your pattern is even bigger. What you are doing is not to know more about yourself, but to hope that more people will know more. You are knowledge. liberators, we are the learners of knowledge."

"Your heart is in the world, in the past, and in the future." It lies in the history of the past, and in leaving more for the future.

"But they are different." Although Tan Mo did not directly point to anyone.

But everyone present, from Wu Xiaoye to these 20 students, knew that Tan Mo was referring to the students present.

"Their pattern is still in competition, in being favored by Professor Tang, whether to join Professor Tang's team or be Professor Tang's disciple. No matter how bad it is,

In the future, I can get the recommendation of Professor Tang to enter some fields and some departments. In short, it is for the future of their own work and future. "

"The school has this kind of system to stimulate the students and to survive the fittest. It is not wrong to say that. After all, Professor Tang's age does not have much energy. The brothers and sisters studied hard and worked hard to get these places to join Professor Tang. This is the result of one's own efforts. Others want to take a share of the pie without trying hard? Naturally they don't want to. It's like the tour guide that I paid for myself, who is explaining it to me, and suddenly someone gathered around to listen to it, and even called you this If the person who actually spent the money is squeezed out, so that you can't see or hear clearly, the person who spent the money will probably be angry."

"I can't say that the brothers and sisters are wrong, but their minds are different from those of you." Tan Mo let go, and rarely spoke to Wu Xiaoye in a serious and a little serious manner.

There is not much time to talk about this attitude.

When she told her three brothers that she had to protect herself no matter what, she was rarely serious.

Pretty much the same as the attitude at this time.

Wu Xiaoye has a clear mind, and Tan Mo can feel the clean breath on his body.

This is because he has no distractions and no distractions.

Therefore, it was rare for Tan Mo to say these words to Wu Xiaoye so seriously.

Wu Xiaoye was stunned for a few seconds, then nodded.

He got it.

The 20 students in the classroom were silent at this time.

Their faces were a little red, as if they had been told by Tan Mo.

He blushed because his thoughts were not pure.

But a little embarrassed.

Although Tan Mo was right, are they wrong?


They worked so hard to get into Beijing University, why?

Isn't it just to give yourself a better future?

They continue to work hard at Beijing University, but also to have a good future after graduation!

What's wrong with trying?

Work hard for yourself, what's wrong!

They are lay people, and they can't dedicate themselves to academics. What's wrong?

Besides, if I can really be favored by Professor Tang, I will do academic research with Professor Tang.

Treating academic research as work and still working hard to complete it, is the mind pure and important?

They are embarrassed, they are dissatisfied.

More importantly, it was as if their clothes were peeled off together with their skins, leaving them undisguised as if only flesh and blood were left, embarrassing those who were much older than Tan Mo.

It was as if someone had seen through it.

"It's my fault." Wu Xiaoye nodded and understood, "I ignored it and didn't handle this matter well."

"It's okay." A voice sounded from the door.

Everyone looked over.

I saw Professor Tang walking in with teaching materials.

He first put the teaching materials on the podium and said to the crowd, "I asked Wu Xiaoye to arrange for Tan Mo to come in to watch. Because she has talent, I went to Tan Mo in person and asked her to come to my class."

At this time, some people made a big gasp.

Others hold their breath unconsciously.

But everyone is looking at Professor Tang.

Others couldn't help but look at Tan Mo.

They worked so hard to be selected by Professor Tang.

It is like crossing a single-plank bridge, first to become the top 20 in the department, and then to compete in this class.

As a result, Tan Mo was directly spotted by Professor Tang!

Isn't she a freshman?

The school has just officially started, and only a few classes have been taken, can Professor Tang see his talent?

Many people are jealous and dissatisfied.

"You don't need to care too much." Professor Tang said, "Tan Mo probably won't be here for a long time."

Professor Tang's original intention was indeed to select people from these top students.

Even if they are not strong enough to join his team as official personnel, they can still do some trivial collection and sorting work on the side.

Moreover, they are only sophomores, still early.

A few more years to watch.

But just after hearing what Tan Mo said, Professor Tang looked at the faces of these students again.

These students are children to Professor Tang.

No matter how much the child calculates, he still looks immature.

With those faces, Professor Tang could see their thoughts at a glance.

It was said by Tan Mo.

But Professor Tang just glanced at it lightly and didn't reveal anything.

They are all a group of children, as Tan Mo said, their ideas are not wrong.

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