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"Professor Gu said just now, let's all go. So Tan Mo, you must also follow." Ying Siyuan touched his chin, "The competition system is six schools, and each round sends a student to participate and win the promotion. But these It doesn't matter, you'll find out in time."

Tan Mo nodded, but everyone actually didn't take it to heart.

Or research is more important.

After that, the days of talking about Mo changed again. I went to the library to read books, came to the research room for research, took classes in the Finance Department, recited "Warring States Characters", and did Professor Tang's questions.

Every day is full of arrangements.

Rao is that she never forgets it, but does it take time to read a book?

Does research take time?

Therefore, these really took up all of her time except for eating and sleeping.

Man Tan Mo has no time to do anything else.

At this moment, Tan Mo finally realized what Tan Jinqi said before school started that she would be too busy to go home.

Really let talk about chess!

However, no matter how busy he is, Tan Mo still insists on going home on weekends to have a look.

Otherwise, her parents and brothers should miss her to death.

On this day, Tan Mo and others were in the research room.

Professor Gu suddenly rushed in.

Everyone: "..."

Professor Gu has been very angry recently, and it's easy to get angry.

"President Gang Mu discussed with me the candidates for this ancient Chinese competition. I said it was just a few of you, but he said that if he sent people without selection, other students would think it was unfair and there was an inside story." pain.

In particular, President Mu also said that Tan Mo was from the Finance Department and went to participate in the Chinese Department competition.

Let other students know that opinions are bigger.

Professor Gu was furious at the time,

It is said that even if the selection is made, the others will not play!

What level do you have, don't you have a bit of numbness?

Did you not go to the game before?

Freshmen don't know, sophomores don't know?

How difficult is the competition question, and how difficult is it to count?

But Principal Mu insisted that they knew that the strength of the students was one thing, but in the big picture, the school couldn't let it go.

I can't think about it, my tooth hurts just thinking about Professor Gu.

"So, I have already signed up for you all." Professor Gu said angrily, "Tan Mo, too, participate together. When the time comes, you will all go to the school for me to participate in the audition! Then you will get your spot."


Everyone quickly agreed, who would dare not agree.

Including Tan Mo, I now know that Professor Gu is so persistent in letting them participate, not others, precisely because they are his disciples, who can best represent him, and can give Professor Gu the best face after winning.

Tan Mo was stunned secretly, how could an old man who used to be quite gentle and elegant, was stimulated like this by Professor Liu.

"You are all selected by me into the team. I think the best seedlings in the Chinese Department." Professor Gu said, and saw Tan Mo who was staring at him with big eyes in the crowd.

Professor Gu was stagnant and added: "Of course, there are also good seedlings from the Department of Chinese that I selected from the Department of Finance."

Everyone: "..."

Professor Gu's words are really confusing!

"So, you must pass all of you in this school selection!" Professor Gu said with a serious face, "You are my students, and it turns out that some of you fail, then I am not ashamed!"

Professor Gu gave everyone a death order, which must be passed!

If someone does not pass, Professor Gu will not be able to have a good face for a long time.

Everyone shuddered, and they quickly raised their heads and stood upright: "Yes! Make sure that everyone passes!"

Only then did Professor Gu nodded with satisfaction, and then walked away.

Professor Gu was the first to know the news.

Therefore, Tan Mo and others were the first to know the news.

President Mu just talked to Professor Gu first.

For the rest, a set of specific and detailed plans have to be customized.

Therefore, it will be a week before each department knows it and communicates it to each class.

Mr. Hong conveyed the matter to the monitor, Lin Fuxi, and asked Lin Fuxi to hold a class meeting to convey it.

Anyway, although it is a school-wide application, the focus is on the Chinese department.

It is just a form of communication from other departments and classes, and I don't expect anyone to actually sign up.

It's just that the school has an event, and they have an obligation to communicate it to the students.

The event, I told you, whether to participate or not is up to you.

You can not participate, but you can't say I didn't tell you.

Lin Fuxi said on the podium, "So this time, in order to select the candidates for the ancient Chinese competition, there will be an audition at the school. In fact, it is very simple, just go to the multimedia classroom, and everyone will answer the questions online at the same time."

"The ancient Chinese competition is almost always rushing to answer questions, so time is tight. This time, each question will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. The computer will automatically judge the question, so after the answer, everyone can immediately know themselves. score." Lin Fuxi said, "and can review which question he did wrong."

"In addition, the ranking column of the page will update the score ranking in real time, all of which are open and transparent." Lin Fuxi paused and said, "Don't worry about black box operations."

People are not sure if they are dazzled.

But they always felt that Lin Fu liked to take a look at Tan Mo when he mentioned the sentence of black box operation later.

Everyone: "..."

Did you read it right?

Neighboring students look at each other.

Everyone thinks so?

Then you should be right.

This Lin Fuxi...

Are you okay?

Let's see what Tan Mo is doing!

Tan Mo didn't do anything about black box operations!

The crowd murmured.

"Everyone can see the final ranking." Lin Fuxi added, "If you want to participate, you can sign up with me, and you can register now. The registration deadline is this Wednesday, so there is not much time left for everyone to consider. ."

As soon as Lin Fuxi finished speaking, there was a buzzing discussion in the classroom.

"Are you going to participate?"

"Monitor, do you need a registration fee to participate?" someone asked.

"No need." Lin Fuxi said, "This is a matter of honoring the school as a representative of the school. There is no registration fee for registration. It seems that you will be rewarded if you win. I don't know exactly what the reward is. ."

"It doesn't matter what the reward is, it just looks very lively and wants to join in."

"But we can only join in the fun. The final candidate must be from the Chinese department. After all, people are professionals."

"Do you know what the ancient Chinese competitions were compared to in previous years?"

As soon as this question came up, a group of people shook their heads in confusion.

Lin Fuxi's eyes flashed and he said, "Maybe Tan Mo knows? Isn't Professor Gu always optimistic about Tan Mo?"

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