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There are no classes on Saturday, and students who sign up have time to participate, so there is no need to ask for leave to coordinate.

There are many multimedia classrooms, and each teaching building has them.

There are enough computers for all students enrolled.

Coincidentally, Tan Mo and the others were all assigned to the same classroom.

Lin Fuxi also came with a book. Before the exam, he can read as much as he can.

Although not much time to see.

But this is her habit.

Habits from elementary school to the present.

There are still 3 minutes to take the exam, Lin Fuxi couldn't read the book anymore, and finally put it away.

Open the school's official website again, and the answer link has been hung in a particularly conspicuous position on the official website.

A large banner hangs at the top of the official website, allowing people to see it at a glance.

After clicking it, it was blank.

Because it's not time yet.

Lin Fuxi withdrew first.

Plan to click in as soon as the time comes.

It was all right now, so she turned to look for where Tan Mo was sitting.

As a result, Tan Mo was talking and laughing with the students around him.

It seemed that apart from her, the other students were talking and laughing, as if they didn't take this answer seriously at all.

At this time, Tan Mo suddenly said: "Sister Fuxi, don't be so serious! Just answer casually."

Lin Fuxi smiled slightly, pretending that he didn't work hard at all, and said, "I originally planned to do the same, anyway, I definitely won't get a good score. Just answer it casually."

I don't know which straight girl next to me, and said directly to Lin Fuxi: "Then you just read? So serious."

Lin Fuxi: "..."

She took a deep breath,

What's your business!

Manage so much!

"This is my habit. It's been like this since elementary school, and it's not necessarily that I read it. I just find a book and read it with peace of mind. It just so happens that I have this book in my bag." Lin Fuxi said softly.

Many people pouted.

What are you wearing!

Study hard and get good grades, yes!

But if you work hard, it's disgusting if you have to pretend that you didn't work hard at all.

Tan Mo held his chin and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I have several classmates who stay up late at night to study, but during the day I have to say that I usually either sleep or play, and I don't study at all, and then I get good grades in exams. "

"We also have classmates like this!" Everyone nodded with empathy.

Lin Fuxi: "..."

"I'm not like this!" Lin Fuxi said quickly.

"Of course I know that Sister Fuxi is not like this." Tan Mo smiled, "Sister Fuxi just likes to read books before exams."

Lin Fuxi: "..."

How did she feel that other people didn't believe her words at all!

At this time, two invigilators walked in.

Everyone did not expect that a selection with a bit of entertainment would actually have two invigilators.

so strict.

Of course, they don't cheat either.

Cheating at Beijing University has serious consequences.

"There is one more minute, everyone prepare, I will say start in a while, and everyone can click the link to enter." The invigilator said.

All students have already held the mouse and are ready to click in as quickly as possible.

It doesn't matter if it will be a problem, but it must not fall behind.

The point is slow, maybe even the first question is missed.

The teacher looked at the watch and said, "You can click in now. The answer page should be doing the countdown."

Lin Fuxi quickly clicked the link and jumped to a new page.

Blank pages start counting down from 10.

When the countdown reaches 1, the page changes.

The first question arose.

1. Which font does the word "和" belong to?

A, ancient script B, Qin seal C, Qi script D, none of the above

Then, the countdown starts in the upper right corner of the screen.

Many people were dumbfounded.

This is so...

They know how to archetypes, but it's too hard!

Tan Mo silently chose C.

Lin Fuxi was not sure.

But in her impression, Gu Li and Qin Zhuan were not Gu Li and Qin Zhuan, so she also chose C.

A question in 10 seconds is enough time for those who meet.

The answer can be selected in the first three seconds, but the next seven seconds are all waiting.

But for those who don't, these 10 seconds are too fast.

It's gone before I figure it out.

The further back the answer, the louder the gasp in the classroom.

The time to click the mouse gets closer to the bottom line of 10 seconds.

However, no one gave up.

No, just cover it up!

Might be right!

All the answers are actually over very quickly, a total of half an hour.

After all, 10 seconds is a question.

In this half-hour question, the students are the top of the test.

The students in this examination room are not from the Chinese department.

Naturally, there are not as many applicants from other departments as the Chinese department.

Therefore, other departments were disrupted and mixed in various examination rooms.

The Chinese department is concentrated in several examination rooms.

Unlike here, several examination rooms in the Chinese Department are relatively quiet.

Of course, only in relative terms.

From time to time, there will also be a little "hiss" inhalation.

Wang Yuemu and others were scattered in various examination rooms.

It's easier for them to answer the questions.

Thanks to this research, many questions that were not possible in the past are now available.

Finally, the exam is over.

In Tan Mo's exam room, the students didn't leave, but first clicked into their personal center to see the scores.

In the personal center, the score for this answer has been refreshed.

Name, Department, Class, Score, Rank.

There are five pieces of information.

After seeing their scores, many people showed toothache expressions.

They hit the leaderboard again.

"Huh? The ranking hasn't come out yet?" Someone asked.

"It's not so fast. You can refresh the ranking in about half an hour." The invigilator said, "You can watch it here, or you can go back and watch it on your own computer. The classroom will be closed after half an hour."

The invigilator left after speaking.

Everyone was in no hurry to leave, so they discussed it here.

"I really didn't expect the question to be so perverted."

"It's just the selection of official players now, which is actually equivalent to an audition. The questions are so perverted, wouldn't it be more perverted during the official competition?"

"Actually, it's not necessarily. It's almost as difficult as the official competition." Someone said, "In this way, the strength of the official team members is suitable for participating in the competition."

"How did you answer?"

"Don't ask me how I answered, you should ask me a few questions."

"I can't do any of them. I won't get 0 points. No, it's a shame to be number one."

"Do you think that the Chinese department is good at this question? They all study such difficult things in the Chinese department?"

"This... not necessarily. If they are all this powerful, then our school won't lose more and win less every time."

Yes, someone has inquired.

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