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"Everyone is really busy doing research and didn't fully prepare for the competition. But think about it, when you usually do research, isn't it a kind of study?" Teacher Sun said, "So, it's not wrong to lose. Besides, Professor Gu is so Can people who love face admit that their students are inferior to others?"

Everyone: "..."

"Especially when the other party is Professor Liu, Professor Gu can't even admit it." Teacher Sun also went out of his way and said everything.

"So, that's what Professor Gu said." Teacher Sun winked, "It's good if you understand."

Everyone nodded, they understood.

Shen Hongshan asked Wang Yuemu honestly: "Senior sister, then you said just now that Professor Gu doesn't care about winning or losing?"

Obviously can't win!

Wang Yuemu: "..."

You talk too much!

What's wrong with me saving Professor Gu's face?

Because they were surrounded by BGI students, the discussion was all about this afternoon's game.

And they all look very confident, and they don't take Beijing University seriously at all.

Of course, it is also because of the strength of BGI's players this year.

People in Jingzhong listened, and even their meals were not fragrant.

After eating lunch one by one, they hurried back to the lounge.

BGI has done a good job in hospitality this time.

As soon as they returned, the staff prepared hot water and tea bags for them.

Also prepared some cookies and snacks.

Everyone was full, so I didn't eat snacks for a while, so I made tea to digest the food first.

After a while, Professor Gu returned.

Looking at his face, it is estimated that he did not eat a good meal.

"Today's lunch,

I actually heard the surnamed Liu show it off to me. "Professor Gu angrily took a sip of the tea that Teacher Sun made for him, like a cow drink," Saying how hard his students are for this competition, they are sorry for their efforts if they don't win. "

"Is this how it should be calculated?" Professor Gu said angrily, "Desperately working hard, there are many times when there is no reward! This world is cruel!"

Everyone: "..."

Is it okay for you to suddenly poison chicken soup here?

Professor Gu suddenly looked at everyone: "However, from what Professor Liu said, I don't think you are as hardworking as his students. Of course, except for Tan Mo."

Everyone: "..."

They really have nothing to say.

Tan Mo is taking into account the three major departments of the Department of Finance, the Department of Chinese and the Department of History.

They really don't work as hard as Tan Mo.

"Whether you win or lose this competition, you all work hard for me when you go back! I think the time you spend studying and researching is still not enough!" Professor Gu said, "I am too accommodating to you. After the competition, From tomorrow onwards, each of your time in the laboratory must not be less than four hours a day!"

Everyone: "..."

"Of course, you still have to win today's game!" Professor Gu didn't forget.

Everyone: "..."

Everyone looked at Tan Mo.

Whether we live or die today is up to you.

Professor Gu was about to ask, what do you all see Tan Mo do?

At this time, a staff member came over and said, "Everyone, please move to the field. All the contestants, I want to meet everyone. In addition, I want to listen to the rules of today's game."

The staff reminded: "The rules of this competition are not the same as before."

Professor Gu swallowed the words before he had time to speak, so he led someone to follow the staff first.

"Professor Gu, please go to the guest seat." The staff said, "Mr. Sun, you are on the team's coach seat. You should be in charge of the arrangement of the players at that time."

Teacher Sun nodded, this is indeed his call.

Other schools do the same.

Although the professors came with the team, they mostly played the role of a calming needle in their own team.

Let the players' hearts be more stable.

"Professor Gu, please come here." Another staff member came over and took Professor Gu to the guest seat.

And the staff member waited with everyone in the passage to the stage and said, "I heard the host call the name of Beijing University in a while, and everyone can go over."

At this time, Huada's team has also been waiting here.

Seeing the people from Beijing University, two people in the BGI team greeted Wang Yuemu and Ying Siyuan: "You two are old faces this year."

Everyone guessed that these two were probably Senior Brother Zhang and Senior Brother Lin who were listening to the discussion at the next table during lunch.

"Yeah, the brothers and sisters have all graduated, but aren't we the two old faces left?" Ying Siyuan laughed, with a bit of ruffianness.

"Let me introduce you." Wang Yuemu said to Tan Mo and the others beside him, "These two are Professor Liu's proud disciples. This is Senior Brother Zhang and this is Senior Brother Lin."

Everyone knew that it was said at the next table during lunch.

Then there is one sister Zhang who has worked hard to classify the test questions of the competition so that everyone can learn and remember.

"This is Senior Sister Zhang." Wang Yuemu introduced again, "I also participated in the competition last year."

Now, it's accepted.

"How did you prepare this time?" Brother Zhang asked.

"Very good." Ying Siyuan raised his chin, "I'm very confident to win you guys!"

Obviously, Ying Siyuan often does this.

So Brother Lin didn't believe it at all, and even smiled: "It's good to be confident."

"I'm telling the truth! We are very strong this year!" Ying Siyuan felt that he no longer had an honest person like himself, so he told his opponent the strength of his team.

An unknown boy in the Huada team said: "Last year you also said that you were the strongest team, and the result..."

Brother Zhang stopped the boy: "Don't be so rude!"

After speaking, he said to Siyuan: "Then I hope you can achieve a good result this year."

Ying Siyuan seemed anxious: "We are really strong this year, why don't you believe it!"

What he said is true, strong!

"Okay, okay, got it." Senior Brother Lin felt even more amused.

People like Beijing University have now been reduced to the point where they can only live by their mouths.

Ying Siyuan pouted, I'm telling the truth, if you lose for a while, don't say I'm cheating you.

"Senior brother, why are you always stopping me?" the boy who spoke just now mumbled.

The sound is not great though.

But because they were waiting, the teams of Beijing University and Huada were standing side by side.

The distance between the two teams was not even one person.

Therefore, his words can be heard.

"Look at their team this year, even children have come in." Obviously the opponent's grade is very young, "I came to participate in the competition, is it a count? The Chinese Department of Beijing University, has it been so declining this year?"

"Okay, don't pay too much attention to others. This is your first time participating in the competition, and you all performed well." Brother Zhang said, "If you win this time, the school will have a better reward."

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